
Defines functions DoseAdaptation checkDoseAdaptation

Documented in DoseAdaptation

#----                        dose_adaptation class                          ----

checkDoseAdaptation <- function(object) {
  check1 <- expectOne(object, "formula")
  check2 <- expectZeroOrMore(object, "compartments")
  check3 <- expectPositiveValues(object, "compartments")
  return(c(check1, check2, check3))

#' Dose adaptation class.
#' @slot formula formula to apply, single character string, e.g. "AMT*WT"
#' @slot compartments compartment numbers where the formula needs to be applied
#' @export
    formula = "character",
    compartments = "integer"

setMethod("getName", signature = c("dose_adaptation"), definition = function(x) {
  return(paste0("DOSE ADAPTATION [", "CMTS=c(", paste0(x@compartments, collapse=","), ")]"))

#' Create a dose adaptation.
#' @param formula formula to apply, single character string, e.g. "AMT*WT"
#' @param compartments compartment numbers where the formula needs to be applied,
#'  integer vector. Default is integer(0) (formula applied on all compartments)
#' @return a fixed covariate
#' @export
DoseAdaptation <- function(formula, compartments=integer(0)) {
  return(new("dose_adaptation", formula=formula, compartments=as.integer(compartments)))

#----                                  show                                 ----

setMethod("show", signature=c("dose_adaptation"), definition=function(object) {
  str <- "-> Dose adaptation (CMT="
  if (object@compartments %>% length() == 0) {
    str <- paste0(str, "ALL): ")
  } else {
    str <- paste0(str, paste0(object@compartments, collapse=","), "): ")
  cat(paste0(str, object@formula))
Calvagone/campsis documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 9:04 p.m.