
Defines functions EventRelatedObservations Observations checkObservations

Documented in EventRelatedObservations Observations

#----                     observations class                                ----

checkObservations <- function(object) {
  check1 <- expectOneOrMore(object, "times")
  check2 <- expectPositiveValues(object, "times")
  check3 <- expectOne(object, "compartment")
  check4 <- character()
  if (object@dv %>% length() > 0 && object@dv %>% length() != object@times %>% length()) {
    check4 <- "Slots 'times' and dv' don't have the same length"
  return(c(check1, check2, check3, check4))

#' Observations class.
#' @slot times observation times, numeric vector
#' @slot compartment compartment index, integer
#' @slot dv observed values, numeric vector (FOR EXTERNAL USE)
#' @export
    times = "numeric",
    compartment = "integer",
  contains = "pmx_element",
  prototype = prototype(compartment=as.integer(NA), dv=numeric(0)),
  validity = checkObservations

#' Create an observations list. Please note that the provided 'times' will 
#' automatically be sorted. Duplicated times will be removed.
#' @param times observation times, numeric vector
#' @param compartment compartment index, integer
#' @return an observations list
#' @export
Observations <- function(times, compartment=NA) {
  return(new("observations", times=base::sort(unique(times)), compartment=as.integer(compartment)))

setMethod("getName", signature = c("observations"), definition = function(x) {
  return(paste0("OBS [", "TIMES=c(", paste0(x@times, collapse=","), "), ", "CMT=", x@compartment, "]"))

#----                     event_related_observations class                  ----

  contains = "observations"

#' Create an event-related observations list. Please note that the provided 'times' will 
#' automatically be sorted. Duplicated times will be removed.
#' @param times observation times, numeric vector
#' @param compartment compartment index, integer
#' @return observations
#' @keywords internal
EventRelatedObservations <- function(times, compartment=NA) {
  return(new("event_related_observations", times=base::sort(unique(times)), compartment=as.integer(compartment)))

#----                             sample                                    ----

#' @rdname sample
setMethod("sample", signature = c("observations", "integer"), definition = function(object, n, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  config <- processExtraArg(args, name="config", mandatory=TRUE, default=DatasetConfig())
  ids <- processExtraArg(args, name="ids", mandatory=TRUE, default=seq_len(n))
  armID <- processExtraArg(args, name="armID", mandatory=TRUE, default=as.integer(0))
  needsDV <- processExtraArg(args, name="needsDV", mandatory=TRUE, default=FALSE)
  if (is.na(object@compartment)) {
    obsCmt <- config@def_obs_cmt
  } else {
    obsCmt <- object@compartment
  isEventRelated <- is(object, "event_related_observations")
  retValue <- tibble::tibble(
    ID=rep(ids, each=length(object@times)), ARM=as.integer(armID), TIME=rep(object@times, n),
    EVID=as.integer(0), MDV=as.integer(0), AMT=as.numeric(NA), CMT=obsCmt, RATE=as.numeric(0), DOSENO=as.integer(NA),
    INFUSION_TYPE=as.integer(NA), EVENT_RELATED=as.integer(isEventRelated)
  if (needsDV) {
    if (object@dv %>% length() > 0) {
      dv <- object@dv
    } else {
      dv <- rep(as.numeric(0), object@times %>% length())
    retValue <- retValue %>% tibble::add_column(DV=rep(dv, n), .before="INFUSION_TYPE")
Calvagone/campsis documentation built on Sept. 6, 2024, 9:04 p.m.