
#' Calculate the performances of a DT
#' This function allows to quantify the performances of a DT model built using
#' the  [build_DT][build_DT] function, ideally using a different data set than
#' the one used to train the DT.
#' The function will calculate the ROC curves (smoothed or not depending on
#' argument `smoothROC`) and the corresponding Area Under the Curve (AUC) for
#' each of the DT models using (i) the test data set stored with the models
#' and (ii) a different test data set (provided using `testPressures` and
#' `testMetrics`).
#' @inheritParams build_DT
#' @param smoothROC if TRUE, the ROC curve is passed to [smooth][pROC::smooth]
#'   to be smoothed.
#' @return a list with two elements:
#'     - `AUC`: a data frame with the calculated AUC in both the training and
#'     test data sets;
#'     - `ROC`: a list of ggplot objects (one per DT model) containing the ROC
#'     curves
#' @seealso [roc][pROC::roc] [build_DT][build_DT]
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @export
calculate_DT_performance <- function(pathDT,
                                     testMetrics   = NULL,
                                     testPressures = NULL,
                                     low           = "low",
                                     impaired      = "impaired",
                                     smoothROC     = TRUE) {

  . <- NULL

  modelList <- list.files(path       = pathDT,
                          pattern    = "model_*",
                          full.names = TRUE)

  pressureList <- list.files(path       = pathDT,
                             pattern    = "model_*",
                             full.names = FALSE) %>%
    gsub(., pattern     = "model_",
         replacement = "")                       %>%
    gsub(pattern     = ".rda",
         replacement = "")

  if (! is.null(testMetrics) & ! is.null(testPressures)) {
    calc_model_performance <- function(i, low, impaired) {
      cat("\n", pressureList[i], "\n")

      DTunit <- NULL


      calc_roc <- function(pressures, metrics, p, low, impaired, smoothROC) {
        pressure <- NULL

        subData <- data.frame(pressure = pressures[[p]],
                              metrics)                           %>%
            pressure = dplyr::case_when(pressure %in% low      ~ "low",
                                        pressure %in% impaired ~ "impaired",
                                        TRUE                   ~ NA_character_) %>%
              factor(x = ., levels = c("low", "impaired"))) %>%

        preds <- predict_DT(object      = DTunit,
                            newdata     = subData,
                            pred.all    = TRUE)$IP_all

              MARGIN = 2,
              function(j) {
                pROC::roc(response  = subData$pressure,
                          predictor = j,
                          smooth    = smoothROC)

      testRocs <- calc_roc(pressures = testPressures,
                           metrics   = testMetrics,
                           p         = pressureList[i],
                           low       = low,
                           impaired  = impaired,
                           smoothROC = smoothROC)

      set <- NULL

      trainRocs <- dplyr::filter(DTunit$pred$data,
                                 set == "test") %>%
        split(x = ., f = as.factor(.$iter))     %>%
        lapply(function(df) {
          pROC::roc(response  = df$truth,
                    predictor = df$prob.impaired,
                    smooth    = smoothROC)

      summarise_auc <- function(x) {
        paste0(round(mean(x), 3),
               " (+/- ",
               round(stats::sd(x), 3),

      aucs <- sapply(testRocs, '[[', "auc") %>%
        summarise_auc()                     %>%
        t()                                 %>%
                   summarise_auc(DTunit$measures.test$auc) %>%
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      colnames(aucs) <- c("pressure",
                          "AUC training",
                          "AUC test")

      ROCurves <- plot_roc(rocobj = trainRocs, rocobj2 = testRocs,
                           rocNames = c("training", "test")) +
        ggplot2::scale_colour_discrete(name   = "Data sets") +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_discrete(name = "Data sets")     +

      return(list(AUC = aucs, ROC = ROCurves))

  } else {
    calc_model_performance <- function(i, ...) {
      cat("\n", pressureList[i], "\n")

      DTunit <- testData <- NULL


      calc_roc <- function(data, smoothROC) {

        preds <- predict_DT(object      = DTunit,
                            newdata     = data,
                            pred.all    = TRUE)$IP_all

              MARGIN = 2,
              function(j) {
                pROC::roc(response  = data$pressure,
                          predictor = j,
                          smooth    = smoothROC)

      if (! exists("testData") |  nrow(testData) == 0)
        stop(paste0("No test data provided for driver ", i))

      testRocs <- calc_roc(data      = testData,
                           smoothROC = smoothROC)

      set <- NULL

      trainRocs <- dplyr::filter(DTunit$pred$data,
                                 set == "test") %>%
        split(x = ., f = as.factor(.$iter))     %>%
        lapply(function(df) {
          pROC::roc(response  = df$truth,
                    predictor = df$prob.impaired,
                    smooth    = smoothROC)

      summarise_auc <- function(x) {
        paste0(round(mean(x), 3),
               " (+/- ",
               round(stats::sd(x), 3),

      aucs <- sapply(testRocs, '[[', "auc") %>%
        summarise_auc()                     %>%
        t()                                 %>%
                   summarise_auc(DTunit$measures.test$auc) %>%
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      colnames(aucs) <- c("pressure",
                          "AUC training",
                          "AUC test")

      ROCurves <- plot_roc(rocobj = trainRocs, rocobj2 = testRocs,
                           rocNames = c("training", "test")) +
        ggplot2::scale_colour_discrete(name   = "Data sets") +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_discrete(name = "Data sets")     +

      return(list(AUC = aucs, ROC = ROCurves))


    modelPerformances <- lapply(1:length(modelList),
                                low      = low,
                                impaired = impaired)

    AUC <- lapply(modelPerformances,
                  "[[", "AUC") %>%

    ROC <- lapply(modelPerformances,
                  "[[", "ROC")

    performances <- list(AUC = AUC, ROC = ROC)

CedricMondy/ecodiag documentation built on May 10, 2019, 3:14 a.m.