
Defines functions appendObs

Documented in appendObs

#' Appends two CRHM obs data frames
#' @description This function joins two data frames of CRHM obs. The data frames must
#' have the same number of columns, and the variables must be in the same order. The
#' usual reason is for joining two data frames of differing periods. The primary
#' and secondary data frames may be of any time periods. Where there are two values
#' for a given datetime, the primary values are used. Rows of missing values at the
#' beginning and end of the time series are deleted.
#' @param primaryObs Required. The primary \pkg{CRHMr} data frame of obs values.
#' @param secondaryObs Required. The secondary obs data frame. Note that both data
#' frames must have the same time intervals.
#' @param trim Optional. If set to \code{TRUE} (the default) then rows missing all
#' values at the beginnings and/or ends of the obs data frames will be omitted.
#' @param quiet Optional. Suppresses display of messages, except for errors. If you
#' are calling this function in an \R script, you will usually leave \code{quiet=TRUE}
#' (i.e. the default). If you are working interactively, you will probably want to set
#' \code{quiet=FALSE}.
#' @param logfile Optional. Name of the file to be used for logging the action. Normally not used.
#' @return If successful, returns a data frame of values combined from the \code{primaryObs}
#' and \code{secondaryObs} data frames. If unsuccessful, returns an error.
#' @author Kevin Shook
#' @note In addition to the usual notation in the logfile, this function also writes a separate
#' file which summarises the new data frame. The summaries are also printed to the screen,
#' if \code{quiet=FALSE}, the \code{logfile} also contains a complete listing of the source
#' of each value in the infilled data frame. Each value is listed as being \option{primary}
#' (from the \code{primaryObs} data frame), \option{secondary} (derived from the
#' \code{secondaryObs} data frame) or \option{NA} (missing).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' broadview <- appendObs(broad2855, broad2856)
#' }
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_lower str_c
#' @export
appendObs <- function(primaryObs, secondaryObs, trim = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, logfile = "") {
  if (nrow(primaryObs) == 0) {
    stop("Missing primary obs values")

  if (nrow(secondaryObs) == 0) {
    stop("Error: missing secondary obs values")

  primaryName <- deparse(substitute(primaryObs))
  secondaryName <- deparse(substitute(secondaryObs))

  primaryObs.names <- names(primaryObs)
  secondaryObs.names <- names(secondaryObs)

  # check to see if files are daily or sub-daily
  dateNamePrim <- primaryObs.names[1]
  dateNameSec <- secondaryObs.names[1]

  if (str_to_lower(dateNamePrim) != str_to_lower(dateNameSec)) {
    stop("primary and secondary obs have different date/datetime names")

  # find timesteps
  ts1 <- timestep.hours(primaryObs$datetime[1], primaryObs$datetime[2])
  ts2 <- timestep.hours(secondaryObs$datetime[1], secondaryObs$datetime[2])

  if (ts1 != ts2) {
    stop("obs data frames must have the same time step")

  # check for required parameters
  primaryObs.cols <- ncol(primaryObs)
  secondaryObs.cols <- ncol(secondaryObs)

  if (primaryObs.cols != secondaryObs.cols) {
    stop("Different numbers of columns in data frames")

  # check for repeated datetimes
  if (anyDuplicated(primaryObs$datetime)) {
    primary.dupes <- duplicated(primaryObs$datetime)
    primary <- primary[!primary.dupes, ]

  if (anyDuplicated(secondaryObs$datetime)) {
    secondary.dupes <- duplicated(secondaryObs$datetime)
    secondary <- secondary[!secondary.dupes, ]

  # find first and last values

  if (trim) {
    primary.first.datetime <- max(primaryObs$datetime)
    primary.last.datetime <- min(primaryObs$datetime)
    secondary.first.datetime <- max(secondaryObs$datetime)
    secondary.last.datetime <- min(secondaryObs$datetime)

    for (colnum in 2:primaryObs.cols) {
      selected.primary <- primaryObs[, c(1, colnum)]
      selected.primary.clean <- na.omit(selected.primary)
      if (nrow(selected.primary.clean > 0)) {
        primary.first.datetime <- min(primary.first.datetime, selected.primary.clean$datetime)
        primary.last.datetime <- max(primary.last.datetime, selected.primary.clean$datetime)

      selected.secondary <- secondaryObs[, c(1, colnum)]
      selected.secondary.clean <- na.omit(selected.secondary)

      if (nrow(selected.secondary.clean) > 0) {
        secondary.first.datetime <- min(secondary.first.datetime, selected.secondary.clean$datetime)
        secondary.last.datetime <- max(secondary.last.datetime, selected.secondary.clean$datetime)

    # now have max and min datetimes
    first.datetime <- min(primary.first.datetime, secondary.first.datetime)
    last.datetime <- max(primary.last.datetime, secondary.last.datetime)
  else {
    first.datetime <- min(primaryObs$datetime[1], secondaryObs$datetime[1])
    last.datetime <- max(primaryObs$datetime, secondaryObs$datetime)

  # now generate a time sequence from first to last
  time.seq <- seq(from = first.datetime, to = last.datetime, by = (ts1 * 3600))
  times <- as.data.frame(time.seq)
  names(times) <- "datetime"

  # merge data frames together

  merged1 <- merge(times, primaryObs, by = "datetime", all.x = TRUE)
  merged2 <- merge(times, secondaryObs, by = "datetime", all.x = TRUE)
  output.data <- merged1
  output.type <- matrix(data = "", nrow = nrow(merged1), ncol = ncol(merged1))
  output.type <- as.data.frame(output.type, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  output.type[, 1] <- times[1]
  output.type[, -1] <- "primary"

  # figure out data type
  for (i in 2:primaryObs.cols) {
    merged1.na <- is.na(merged1[, i])
    output.data[merged1.na, i] <- merged2[merged1.na, i]
    output.type[merged1.na, i] <- "secondary"

  # now output to logfiles
  original.data.info <- CRHM_summary(output.data)
  new.data.info <- CRHM_summary(output.data)
  if (!quiet) {

  comment <- paste("append primaryObs:", primaryName,
    " primary_variables:", str_c(primaryObs.names,
      collapse = ","
    " secondaryObs:", secondaryName,
    " secondary_variables:", str_c(secondaryObs.names,
      collapse = ","
    sep = ""

  result <- logAction(comment, logfile)

  # write to ChangeLogFile
  comment1 <- paste("primary data :", primaryName, sep = "	")
  comment2 <- paste("secondary data: ", secondaryName, sep = "	")

  action <- "appendObs"
  result <- writeChangeLogFile(action, original.data.info, new.data.info,
    output.type, comment1, comment2,
    quiet = TRUE
  if (result) {
  } else {
CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.