
Defines functions createObsDataframe

Documented in createObsDataframe

#' Creates an empty data fame for CRHM obs
#' @description Creates a data fame to hold observations. All values are initially
#' set to \code{NA_real_}. Once the data fame has been created, it may be filled
#' from other data fames by imputation.
#' @param start.date Required. Starting date, in the format \option{Y-m-d},
#' \option{d/m/Y}, \option{d-m-Y}, \option{d B Y}, \option{d b Y}, \option{d-B-Y},
#' \option{d-b-Y}, \option{B d, Y}, or \option{b d, Y}, where \option{Y} = year,
#' \option{m} = month number, \option{B} = capitalized month name,
#' \option{b} = lower case month name, \option{d} = day number.
#' @param end.date Required. Ending date,, in the format \option{d/m/Y},
#' \option{d-m-Y}, \option{d B Y}, \option{d b Y}, \option{d-B-Y},
#' \option{d-b-Y}, \option{B d, Y}, or \option{b d, Y}, where \option{Y} = year,
#' \option{m} = month number, \option{B} = capitalized month name,
#' \option{b} = lower case month name, \option{d} = day number.
#' @param timestep Optional. Time interval between values in hours. The default value
#' is 1 hour. The interval can be less than 1 hour.
#' @param variables Optional. vector containing the names of variables to be created.
#' The default values are \option{t}, \option{rh}, \option{u}, and \option{p}.
#' @param reps Optional. The number of repetitions for each value. The default is 1.
#' @param timezone Required. The name of the timezone of the data as a character string.
#' This should be the timezone of your data, but omitting daylight savings time. Note
#' that the timezone code is specific to your OS. To avoid problems, you should use a
#' timezone without daylight savings time. Under Linux, you can use \option{CST} and
#'  \option{MST} for Central Standard or Mountain Standard time, respectively. Under
#'  Windows or OSX, you can use \option{etc/GMT+6} or \option{etc/GMT+7} for Central
#'  Standard and Mountain Standard time. DO NOT use \option{America/Regina} as the
#'  time zone, as it includes historical changes between standard and daylight savings time.
#' @param logfile Optional. Name of the file to be used for logging the action.
#' Normally not used.
#' @details The names for the variables in the data fame are derived from the specified
#' variables, and the number of reps. For example if the default variable names are
#' used, with 2 reps, then the variables created will be \code{t.1}, \code{t.2},
#' \code{rh.1}, \code{rh.2}, \code{u.1}, \code{u.2}, \code{p.1}, and \code{p.2}.
#' @return If successful, the function returns a CRHM data fame with the specified
#' number of each variable, with values set to be \code{NA}. If unsuccessful, returns
#' the value \code{FALSE}.
#' @author Kevin Shook
#' @seealso  \code{\link{impute}}
#' @examples
#'vars <- c('t','rh','u')
#'stoon <- createObsDataframe('1/1/1960', '31/12/1960', variables=vars, reps=2, timezone='etc/GMT+6')
#' @importFrom lubridate guess_formats
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @export

createObsDataframe <-
function(start.date, end.date, timestep = 1,
                               variables = c('t','rh','u','p'),
                               reps = 1, timezone = "", logfile = ""){

  if (start.date == '' | is.null(start.date)){
    stop("Must specify a start date")

  if (end.date == '' | is.null(end.date)){
    stop("Must specify an end date")

  if (timezone == ''){
    stop("Must specify a timezone")

  if (reps <= 0){
    stop("Must specify a number of reps >= 1")

  date.formats <- c('Y-m-d', 'd/m/Y','d-m-Y','d B Y','d b Y','d-B-Y','d-b-Y' ,
                    'B d, Y', 'b d, Y')
  start.date.format <- guess_formats(start.date, date.formats)[1]
  end.date.format <- guess_formats(end.date, date.formats)[1]

  # check timestep
  if ((timestep==24) | (timestep=='daily') | (timestep=='daily')){
    start.date <- as.Date(start.date, format=start.date.format)
    end.date <- as.Date(end.date, format=end.date.format)
    time.seq <- seq(from=start.date, to=end.date, by=1)
    # create date/time sequence
    start.time.format <- paste(start.date.format, ' %H:%M', sep='')
    end.time.format <- paste(end.date.format, ' %H:%M', sep='')
    if (timestep == 1){
      start.time.string <- paste(start.date, ' 01:00', sep='')
    else if(timestep < 1){
      mins <- floor(timestep * 60)
      start.time.string <- paste(start.date, ' 00:',mins, sep='')
      hours <- formatC(floor(timestep),width=2,format="d",flag="0")
      start.time.string <- paste(start.date, hours, ':00', sep='')
    end.time.string <- paste(end.date, ' 00:00', sep='')
    start.time <- as.POSIXct(start.time.string, format=start.time.format, tz=timezone)
    end.time <- as.POSIXct(end.time.string, format=end.time.format, tz=timezone)
    time.seq <- seq(from=start.time, to=end.time, by=(3600*timestep))

  obs.dataframe <- as.data.frame(time.seq)
  names(obs.dataframe) <- 'datetime'
  rows <- nrow(obs.dataframe)

  # create variable names
  variables.names.reps <- rep(variables, each=reps)
  variables.count <- length(variables)
  rep.seq <- seq(1:reps)
  variables.nums.reps <- rep(rep.seq, variables.count)
  variables.names <- paste(variables.names.reps, variables.nums.reps, sep='.')
  cols <- length(variables.names)

  # create values
  values <- matrix(data=NA_real_, nrow=rows, ncol=cols)
  values.dataframe <- as.data.frame(values)
  names(values.dataframe) <- variables.names
  obs.dataframe <- cbind(obs.dataframe, values.dataframe)
  variables.names <- str_c(variables.names, collapse=',')

  comment <- paste('createObsDataframe variables:', variables.names, sep='')
  result <- logAction(comment, logfile)
  if (result)
CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.