
#======== todo =================================================================
#t3 mean mit ... testen
#t3 examples for moments

#' @include pdmp_class.R pdmp_sim.R multSim.R

#' Remove not simulated seeds
#' If a simulation via \code{\link{multSim}} has been interrupted, slot 
#' \code{outputList} of the returned \code{multSim} object contains NAs. 
#' Method \code{removeSeeds} removes these NA entries and changes all other 
#' slots accordingly. This method is used internally for other calculation 
#' methods as e.g. \code{\link{mean}}.
#' @param ms object of class \code{\link{multSim}}
#' @examples
#' data(simplePdmp)
#' setTimeLimit(cpu = 2)
#' ms <- multSim(simplePdmp, seeds = 1:100)
#' removeSeeds(ms)
#' @return object of class \code{multSim} that does not contain NAs in slot 
#' \code{outputList}
#' @aliases removeseeds
#' @export
removeSeeds <- function(ms){
  bools <- !is.na(ms$outputList)
  if(sum(!bools) != 0) 
    message("For some seeds no simulations existed. They have been removed.")
  return(structure(list(seeds = ms$seeds[bools],
                        outputList = ms$outputList[bools],
                        timeList = ms$timeList[bools],
                        model = ms$model),
                   class = "multSim"))

#' Methods for function \code{mean} in Package \pkg{pdmpsim}
#' This method calculates the mean for every time value over all simulations.
#' @return data.frame with calculated mean values
#' @param x object of class \code{\link{multSim}} or \code{\link{multSimCsv}}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[base]{mean}}
#' @note Methods \code{mean.multSim} and \code{mean.multSimCsv} can lead to 
#' slightly different results. The reason for this is that the simulation results 
#' created by \code{\link{multSimCsv}} are stored with a fewer number of digits.
#' @example /inst/examples/ex_mean.R
#' @rdname mean
#' @name mean
#' @export
mean.multSim <- function(x, ...){

  if(class(x) == "pdmpBorder")
    stop("Method 'mean' is not implemented for objects of class 'pdmpBorder'.")
  ms <- removeSeeds(x)
  times <- fromtoby(x$model@times)
  means <- NULL
  for(j in seq_len(ncol(ms$outputList[[1]]))){
    h <- vapply(ms$outputList, function(out) out[,j], numeric(length(times)))
    means <- cbind(means, rowMeans(h, ...))
  colnames(means) <- colnames(ms$outputList[[1]])

#' Calculate raw moments
#' This method calculates the raw moment of a given order for every time 
#' over all simulations.
#' @param x object of class \code{\link{multSim}} or \code{\link{multSimCsv}}
#' @param order number that specifies the order of the moments
#' @return data.frame with calculated moments
#' @rdname moments
#' @export
moments <- function(x, order){
  UseMethod("moments", x)

#' @rdname moments
#' @export
moments.multSim <- function(x, order){
  if(class(x) == "pdmpBorder")
    stop("Method 'generator' is not implemented for objects of class 'pdmpBorder'.")

  x <- removeSeeds(x)
  times <- fromtoby(x$model@times)
  moments <- NULL
  for(j in 2:ncol(x$outputList[[1]])){
    h <- vapply(x$outputList, function(out) out[, j], numeric(length(times)))
    momentvector <- apply(h, 1, function(row) sum(row^order)/length(row))
    moments <- cbind(moments, momentvector)
  moments <- cbind(order, times, moments)
  colnames(moments) <- c("order", colnames(x$outputList[[1]]))

#' @rdname summarise_at
#' @export
summarise_at.multSim <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ...){
  x <- getMultSimData(.tbl)
  summarise_at(x, .vars, .funs, ...)
CharlotteJana/pdmpsim documentation built on July 2, 2019, 5:37 a.m.