## 1. EM algorithm
EM.ARD<-function(X,Y,sigma.square.init = as.numeric(var(Y)),eta.init=rep(1,ncol(X)), maxstep=300,margin=0.001,verbosity=0,compute.likelihood = FALSE){
p = ncol(X)
# step 0: initialize eta
eta = eta.init
sigma.square = sigma.square.init
k = 1
#delta = Inf
likelihood.score <- c()
while(k < maxstep){
# step 1: E step, compute diag(Sigma) and mu
Rinv <- backsolve(chol(crossprod(X)/sigma.square + diag(c(eta))), diag(1, p))
diagSigma <- rowSums(Rinv^2)
mu_vec <- (Rinv %*% (crossprod(Rinv, crossprod(X,Y))))/sigma.square
# Compute likelihood
if (compute.likelihood == TRUE){
likelihood.score = c(likelihood.score,compute_likelihood(X,Y,eta,sigma.square))
if(k > 1){
if(sum(abs(mu_vec.old - mu_vec)) < margin ){
mu_vec.old <- mu_vec
# step 2: M step, update eta vector
eta = 1/(mu_vec^2 + diagSigma)
sigma.square = (sum((Y - X%*%mu_vec)^2) + sigma.square*sum(1-eta*diagSigma))/n
if(verbosity == 0){
print(paste("The ",k,"th iterations"))
k <- k+1
return(list(eta = eta,mu_vec = mu_vec,sigma.square = sigma.square,likelihood.score = likelihood.score,n_iter = k-1))
## 2. Fixed Point update algorithm
FixedPoint.ARD<-function(X,Y,sigma.square.init,eta.init,threshold_eta = 10000, maxstep=300,margin=0.001,verbosity=0,compute.likelihood = FALSE){
p = ncol(X)
# step 0: initialize eta
eta = eta.init
sigma.square = sigma.square.init
k = 1
likelihood.score <- c()
#delta = Inf
keep_eta <- 1:p
mu_vec = rep(0,p)
while(k < maxstep){
# compute diag(Sigma) and mu
Rinv <- backsolve(chol(crossprod(X[,keep_eta])/sigma.square + diag(c(eta[keep_eta]))), diag(1, ncol(X[,keep_eta])))
diagSigma <- rowSums(Rinv^2)
mu_vec[keep_eta] = (Rinv %*% (crossprod(Rinv, crossprod(X[,keep_eta],Y))))/sigma.square
# Compute likelihood
if (compute.likelihood == TRUE){
likelihood.score = c(likelihood.score,compute_likelihood(X,Y,eta,sigma.square))
if(k > 1){
if(sum(abs(mu_vec.old - mu_vec)) < margin ){
mu_vec.old <- mu_vec
# step 2: update eta vector
gamma = 1-eta[keep_eta]*diagSigma
eta[keep_eta] = gamma/mu_vec[keep_eta]^2
sigma.square = sum((Y - X%*%mu_vec)^2)/(n - sum(gamma))
# prune the coefficients with a precision over a threshold
keep_eta = which(eta < threshold_eta)
mu_vec[-keep_eta] <- 0
if(verbosity == 0){
print(paste("The ",k,"th iterations"))
k <- k+1
return(list(eta = eta,mu_vec = mu_vec,sigma.square=sigma.square,likelihood.score = likelihood.score,n_iter=k-1))
## 3. reweighted l1 algorithm
Reweighted_l1.ARD <- function(X,Y,sigma.square,gamma.init,maxstep,margin,verbosity,compute.likelihood){
n = nrow(X);p=ncol(X)
## Initialize
gamma.old = gamma.init
k = 1
likelihood.score <- c()
while(k < maxstep){
Sigma_y = sigma.square * diag(n) + X %*% diag(c(gamma.old)) %*% t(X)
theta = diag(t(X) %*% solve(Sigma_y,X))
## update gamma given theta
# deltaHat <- Variable(p)
# obj <- sum((Y - X %*% deltaHat)^2) + 2*sigma.square*p_norm(sqrt(theta)*deltaHat, 1)
# prob <- Problem(Minimize(obj))
# result <- solve(prob)
# delta.est <- result$getValue(deltaHat)
# gamma.new <- 1/sqrt(theta)*abs(delta.est)
coef(glmnet(X,Y,alpha = 1, lambda = sigma.square/n*sum(sqrt(theta))/p), penalty.factor = sqrt(theta))
delta.est <- coef(glmnet(X,Y,alpha = 1, lambda = sigma.square/n*sum(sqrt(theta))/p), penalty.factor = sqrt(theta),intercept = F)[-1]
gamma.new <- 1/sqrt(theta)*abs(delta.est)
if(sum(abs(gamma.new - gamma.old)) < margin ){
gamma.old <- gamma.new
# Compute likelihood
if (compute.likelihood == TRUE){
likelihood.score = c(likelihood.score,compute_likelihood(X,Y,1/gamma.old,sigma.square))
if(verbosity == 0){
print(paste("The ",k,"th iterations"))
k <- k+1
coef = diag(c(gamma.old))%*%t(X)%*%solve(Sigma_y,Y)
return(list(coef = coef,gamma = gamma.old,n_iter = k-1,likelihood.score = likelihood.score))
compute_likelihood <- function(X,Y,eta,sigma.square) {
eta[eta>1e5] <- 1e5
n = nrow(X)
K = sigma.square * diag(n) + X %*% diag(c(eta)) %*% t(X)
logdetK = determinant(K)$modulus[1]
part1 = t(Y) %*% solve(K,Y)
normapprox = 1/2 * (part1 + logdetK)
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