
Defines functions NWABatch GSCABatch

Documented in GSCABatch NWABatch

#' @include class_union.R utils.R
# GSCABatch ----------------------------------------------------------------
         slot = c(
         expInfor = "matrix",
         listOfGeneSetCollections = "list",
         phenotypeTS = "list",
         hitsTS = "list",
         listOfGSCA = "list"

          signature = "GSCABatch",
                   hitsTS = list() ) {
            ## check parameters
            paraCheck("GSCABatch", "expInfor", expInfor)
            paraCheck("GSCABatch", "phenotypeTS", phenotypeTS)
            paraCheck("GSCAClass", "gscs", listOfGeneSetCollections)
            ## phenotypeTS
            if(nrow(expInfor) != length(phenotypeTS)){
              stop("nrow of expInfor should equal to the length of 'phenotypeTS'!\n")
            names(phenotypeTS) <- expInfor[, "ID"]
            ## generate a list of GSCA object based on hitsTS
            if(length(hitsTS) > 0){
              paraCheck("GSCABatch", "hitsTS", hitsTS)
              if(nrow(expInfor) != length(hitsTS)){
                stop("nrow of expInfor should equal to the length of 'hitsTS'!\n")
              names(hitsTS) <- expInfor[, "ID"]
              listOfGSCA <- lapply(1:length(phenotypeTS), function(x) {
                methods::new("GSCA", listOfGeneSetCollections=listOfGeneSetCollections, geneList=phenotypeTS[[x]], hits=hitsTS[[x]])
            } else{
              listOfGSCA <-  lapply(phenotypeTS, function(x) {
                methods::new("GSCA", listOfGeneSetCollections=listOfGeneSetCollections, geneList=x)
               } ## hitsTS judge
            names(listOfGSCA) <- expInfor[, "ID"]
            ## update .Object
            .Object@expInfor <- expInfor
            .Object@listOfGeneSetCollections <- listOfGeneSetCollections
            .Object@phenotypeTS <- phenotypeTS
            .Object@hitsTS <- hitsTS
            .Object@listOfGSCA <- listOfGSCA

#' An S4 class for Time series data packaging in Gene Set Collection Analyses on high-throughput screens
#' This S4 class packages time-series data for further GSCA. To put it more clearly, it'll finally generate a list of
#' GSCA objects for further analyses.
#' @aliases GSCABatch
#' @param expInfor A character matrix contains experiment information with each experiment in row and information in column.
#' Should at least contain two columns named as 'ID' and 'Desription'.
#' @param listOfGeneSetCollections A list of gene set collections (a 'gene
#' set collection' is a list of gene sets).
#' @param phenotypeTS A list of phenotypes, each element of this list is a numeric vector phenotypes named by gene
#' identifiers for each time point. Note: the order of each element of this list must match the order of 'expInfor' ID.
#' @param hitsTS A list of hits, each element is a character vector of the gene identifiers (used as hits in
#' the hypergeometric tests). It's needed if you want do GSOA. Note: the order of each element of this list
#'  must match the order of 'expInfor' ID.
#' @slot listOfGSCA A list of initialized GSCA object for futher GSCA.
#' @usage GSCABatch(expInfor, listOfGeneSetCollections, phenotypeTS, hitsTS = list())
#' @seealso \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{GSCA-class}}
#' \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{preprocessGscaTS}},
#' \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{analyzeGscaTS}},
#' \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{appendGSTermsTS}}
#' @export
#' @return This function will create a new object class 'GSCABatch'.
#' @examples
#' data(d7, d13, d25)
#' ## generate expInfor to describe the information of time series data
#' expInfor <- matrix(c("d7", "d13", "d25"), nrow = 3, ncol = 2,
#'                    byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(NULL, c("ID", "Description")))
#' ## package phenotypeTS into a list of phenotypes
#' datalist <- list(d7, d13, d25)
#' phenotypeTS <- lapply(datalist, function(x) {
#'                       tmp <- as.vector(x$neg.lfc)
#'                       names(tmp) <- x$id
#'                       tmp})
#' ## set up a list of gene set collections
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' library(GO.db)
#' GO_BP <- GOGeneSets(species="Hs", ontologies=c("BP"))
#' ListGSC <- list(GO_BP=GO_BP)
#' ## package hitsTS if you also want to do GSOA, otherwise ignore it
#' hitsTS <- lapply(datalist, function(x){
#' tmp <- x[x$neg.p.value < 0.01, "id"]
#' tmp})
#' ## Example1: create an object of class GSCABatch with hitsTS
#' gscaTS <- GSCABatch(expInfor = expInfor, phenotypeTS = phenotypeTS,
#'                listOfGeneSetCollections = ListGSC, hitsTS = hitsTS)
#' gscaTS
#' ## Example2: create an object of class GSCABatch without hitsTS
#' gscaTS <- GSCABatch(expInfor = expInfor, phenotypeTS = phenotypeTS,
#'                  listOfGeneSetCollections = ListGSC)
#' gscaTS
GSCABatch <- function(expInfor, listOfGeneSetCollections, phenotypeTS,
                      hitsTS = list()) {

  ## parameters check
  paraCheck("GSCABatch", "expInfor", expInfor)
  paraCheck("GSCABatch", "phenotypeTS", phenotypeTS)
  paraCheck("GSCAClass", "gscs", listOfGeneSetCollections)
  if(length(hitsTS) > 0)  paraCheck("GSCABatch", "hitsTS", hitsTS)

  ## initialize a new object
  object <- methods::new(
    Class = "GSCABatch",
    expInfor = expInfor,
    listOfGeneSetCollections = listOfGeneSetCollections,
    phenotypeTS = phenotypeTS,
    hitsTS = hitsTS

# show --------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("show", signature = "GSCABatch", function(object) {
  cat("A GSCABatch object:\n\n")
  ## experimentName
  print(object@expInfor, quote = FALSE)
  ## phenotypeTS
  phenotypeTSLength <- unlist(lapply(object@phenotypeTS, length))
  phenotypeTSLength <- matrix(phenotypeTSLength, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(c("length"), c(object@expInfor[, "ID"])))
  print(phenotypeTSLength, quote = FALSE)
  ## hitsTS
  if(length(object@hitsTS) == 0){
    cat("-hitsTS:", NA, "\n")
  } else{
    hitsTSLength <- unlist(lapply(object@hitsTS, length))
    print(matrix(hitsTSLength, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(c("length"), c(object@expInfor[, "ID"]))), quote = FALSE)


# NWABatch  ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @include class_union.R utils.R
  Class = "NWABatch",
  slots = c(
    expInfor = "matrix",
    pvalueTS = "list",
    phenotypeTS = "list",
    interactome = "igraph_or_logical",
    listOfNWA = "list"

#' @importFrom igraph vcount ecount
          signature = "NWABatch",
                   phenotypeTS = list(),
                   interactome = NA) {
            paraCheck("NWABatch", "expInfor", expInfor)
            paraCheck("NWABatch", "pvalueTS", pvalueTS)
            ## interactome
            if (any(!is.na(interactome)))
              paraCheck("NWAClass", "interactome", interactome)
            ## pvalueTS
            if(nrow(expInfor) != length(pvalueTS)){
              stop("nrow of expInfor should equal to the length of 'pvalueTS'!\n")
            names(pvalueTS) <- expInfor[, "ID"]
            ## phenotypeTS
            if (length(phenotypeTS) > 0){
              paraCheck("NWABatch", "phenotypeTS", phenotypeTS)
              if(nrow(expInfor) != length(phenotypeTS)){
                stop("nrow of expInfor should equal to the length of 'phenotypeTS'!\n")
              names(phenotypeTS) <- expInfor[, "ID"]
              listOfNWA <- lapply(1:length(pvalueTS), function(x) {
                methods::new("NWA", pvalues=pvalueTS[[x]], phenotypes=phenotypeTS[[x]], interactome = interactome)
              })} else{
                listOfNWA <- lapply(pvalueTS, function(x) {
                  methods::new("NWA", pvalues=x, interactome = interactome)
            names(listOfNWA) <- expInfor[, "ID"]
            ## update .Object
            .Object@expInfor <- expInfor
            .Object@pvalueTS <- pvalueTS
            .Object@phenotypeTS <- phenotypeTS
            .Object@interactome <- interactome
            .Object@listOfNWA <- listOfNWA

# show --------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("show", signature = "NWABatch", function(object) {
  cat("A NWABatch object:\n\n")
  ## experimentName
  print(object@expInfor, quote = FALSE)
  ## phenotypeTS
  phenotypeTSLength <- unlist(lapply(object@phenotypeTS, length))
  phenotypeTSLength <- matrix(phenotypeTSLength, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(c("length"), c(object@expInfor[, "ID"])))
  print(phenotypeTSLength, quote = FALSE)
  ## pvalueTS
  if(length(object@pvalueTS) == 0){
    cat("-pvalueTS:", NA, "\n")
  } else{
    pvalueTSLength <- unlist(lapply(object@pvalueTS, length))
    print(matrix(pvalueTSLength, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(c("length"), c(object@expInfor[, "ID"]))), quote = FALSE)

#' An S4 class for Time series data package in NetWork Analysis on high-throughput screens
#' This S4 class packages time-series data for further time series analysis. To put it more clearly,
#' it'll finally initialize a list of NWA objects for further analyses.
#' @param expInfor A character matrix contains experiment information with each experiment in row and information in column.
#' Should at least contain two columns named as 'ID' and 'Desription'.
#' @param phenotypeTS A list of phenotypes, each element of this list is a numeric vector phenotypes named by gene
#' identifiers for each time point. Note: the order of each element of this list must match the order of 'expInfor' ID.
#' When it is available, nodes in identified subnetworks would be coloured by it
#' (red:+, blue:- as default). Otherwise, all nodes in the subnetworks would have no difference.
#' @param pvalueTS  A list of pvalues, each element of this list is a numeric vector pvalues named by gene
#' identifiers for each time point. Note: the order of each element of this list must match the order of 'expInfor' ID.
#' @param interactome An object of class igraph.
#' @slot listOfNWA A list of 'NWA' object.
#' @usage NWABatch(expInfor, pvalueTS, phenotypeTS = list(), interactome = NA)
#' @return This function will create a new object class 'NWABatch'.
#' @seealso \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{NWA-class}},
#' \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{preprocessNwaTS}},
#' \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{interactomeNwaTS}},
#' \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR2]{analyzeNwaTS}}
#' @examples
#' data(d7, d13, d25)
#' ## generate expInfor to describe the information of time series data
#' expInfor <- matrix(c("d7", "d13", "d25"), nrow = 3, ncol = 2,
#'                    byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(NULL, c("ID", "Description")))
#' ## package pvalueTS into a list of pvalues
#' datalist <- list(d7, d13, d25)
#' pvalueTS <- lapply(datalist, function(x){
#'                    tmp <- as.vector(x$neg.p.value)
#'                    names(tmp) <- x$id
#'                    tmp})
#' ## package phenotypeTS into a list of phenotypes if you want to color nodes by it,
#' ## otherwise ignore it!
#' phenotypeTS <- lapply(datalist, function(x) {
#'                       tmp <- as.vector(x$neg.lfc)
#'                       names(tmp) <- x$id
#'                       tmp})
#' ## Example1: create an object of class 'NWABatch' with phenotypes
#' nwaTS <- NWABatch(expInfor = expInfor, pvalueTS = pvalueTS, phenotypeTS = phenotypeTS)
#' ## Example2: create an object of class 'NWABatch' without phenotypes
#' nwaTS <- NWABatch(expInfor = expInfor, pvalueTS = pvalueTS)
#' @export
#' @aliases NWABatch
NWABatch <- function(expInfor, pvalueTS , phenotypeTS = list(), interactome = NA) {
  ## check input arguments
  paraCheck("NWABatch", "expInfor", expInfor)
  paraCheck("NWABatch", "pvalueTS", pvalueTS)
  if (length(phenotypeTS) > 0){
    paraCheck("NWABatch", "phenotypeTS", phenotypeTS)
  if (!is.na(interactome))
    paraCheck("NWABatch", "interactome", interactome)

  ## initialize a new object
  object <- methods::new(
    Class = "NWABatch",
    expInfor = expInfor,
    pvalueTS = pvalueTS,
    phenotypeTS = phenotypeTS,
    interactome = interactome
CityUHK-CompBio/HTSanalyzeR2 documentation built on Dec. 3, 2020, 2:35 a.m.