Man pages for Coayala/MetaboTandem
Pipeline for the analysis of LC-MS/MS data

alignSpectraUIAlign spectra UI
annotate_CAMERAAdduct annotation with CAMERA
annotate_SIRIUSAnnotate MS2 using SIRIUS
annotationappUISolo annotation UI '
apply_alignmentApply Peak alignment
apply_correspondenceApply Peak Correspondence
apply_gap_fillingApply Gap Filling
apply_peak_pickingApply Peak Picking
apply_peak_refinementApply Peak Refinement
autotunerUIAutotuner UI '
calculate_bpcCalculate BPC
calculate_ticCalculate TIC
centroid_checkCheck centroided
create_col_vectorCreate color vectors
create_gnps_dbCreate GNPS annotation database
create_massbank_dbCreate massbank annotation database
create_mona_dbCreate MoNA annotation database
cycloess.normCyclic LOESS normalization
dbAnnotationServerDatabase annotation server
dbAnnotationUIAnnotation UI '
diffExpressionUIUi for differential expression analysis
download_ResultspreprocUIDownload results (preprocessing) UI
extract_autotunerExtract parameters AutoTuner
extract_feature_definitionExtract feature definitions
extract_featuresExtract features
extract_MS2_consensusExtract MS2 data
extract_number_peaksExtract number of peaks
extract_spectra_tableExtract spectra table
fix_entriesRearrange entries in annotation table
gapFillingUIGap fill UI
global.normGlobal are under the curve normalization
home_uiHomepage UI
identify_peakIdentify metabolites based on MS1 or MS/MS database
load_dataServerLoad data server-side processing
load_dataUILoad data UI
load_spectra_dataLoad Spectra data
max.normMax normalization
mean.normMean Normalzation Function to apply global mean normalization...
median.normMedian Normalization
merge_SIRIUS_filesMerge SIRIUS annotation
MetaboTandemAppMetaboTandem UI
metadataServerMetadata uploading server-side processing
metadataUIMetadata uploading UI
mod_get_identification_tableModified - Get identification table
mod_identify_allModified - Identify metabolites using multiple databases
mod_metIdentifyModified - Identify metabolites using
multivariateUIPerform multivariate Analysis
nmds_ordinationFunction to calculate NMDS
normalize_by_allTest normalization methods
norm_methods_allFunction to apply any normalization method required
old_MetaboTandemAppMetaboTandem UI
parse_ms2_for_SIRIUSFunction to parse ms2 data to work with SIRIUS
peakPickingServerPeak picking server-side processing
peakPickingUIPeak picking spectra UI '
pipePipe operator
read_mgfRead mgf data
read_mspRead msp data
rp_dataSpectra data for RP LC-MS/MS experiment
separate_MS2Separate MGF into groups
siriusAnnotationServerDatabase annotation server
siriusAnnotationUIAnnotation using SIRIUS UI '
spectraServerSpectra uploading server-side processing
spectraUISpectra uploading UI
start_autotunerStart autotuner
statsSetupUISet options for statistical analysis
test_peak_pickingTest peak picking
ui_mainMetaboTandem UI
vsn.normVariance stabilization normalization Function to apply...
Coayala/MetaboTandem documentation built on April 7, 2024, 3:39 a.m.