
Defines functions pairs_admb

Documented in pairs_admb

#' Plot pairwise parameter posteriors and optionally the MLE points and
#' confidence ellipses.
#' @param fit A list as returned by \code{sample_admb}.
#' @param pars A vector of parameter names or integers
#'   representing which parameters to subset. Useful if the model
#'   has a larger number of parameters and you just want to show
#'   a few key ones.
#' @param label.cex Control size of outer and diagonal labels (default 1)
#' @param order The order to consider the parameters. Options are
#'   NULL (default) to use the order declared in the model, or
#'   'slow' and 'fast' which are based on the effective sample
#'   sizes ordered by slowest or fastest mixing respectively. See
#'   example for usage.
#' @param diag What type of plot to include on the diagonal,
#'   options are 'acf' which plots the autocorrelation function
#'   \code{acf}, 'hist' shows marginal posterior histograms, and
#'   'trace' the trace plot.
#' @param acf.ylim If using the acf function on the diagonal,
#'   specify the y limit. The default is c(-1,1).
#' @param ymult A vector of length ncol(posterior) specifying how
#'   much room to give when using the hist option for the
#'   diagonal. For use if the label is blocking part of the
#'   plot. The default is 1.3 for all parameters.
#' @param axis.col Color of axes
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to plot call in lower
#'   diagonal panels
#' @param limits A list containing the ranges for each parameter
#'   to use in plotting.
#' @param add.monitor Boolean whether to print effective sample
#' @param add.mle Boolean whether to add 95\% confidence ellipses
#' @param unbounded Whether to use the bounded or unbounded
#'   version of the parameters.
#'   size (ESS) and Rhat values on the diagonal.
#' @return Produces a plot, and returns nothing.
#' @details This function is modified from the base \code{pairs}
#'   code to work specifically with fits from the
#'   'adnuts' package using either the NUTS or RWM MCMC
#'   algorithms. If an invertible Hessian was found (in
#'   \code{fit$mle}) then estimated covariances are available to
#'   compare and added automatically (red ellipses). Likewise, a
#'   "monitor" object from \code{rstan::monitor} is attached as
#'   \code{fit$monitor} and provides effective sample sizes (ESS)
#'   and Rhat values. The ESS are used to potentially order the
#'   parameters via argument \code{order}, but also printed on
#'   the diagonal.
#' @export
#' @author Cole Monnahan
#' @examples
#' fit <- readRDS(system.file('examples', 'fit.RDS', package='adnuts'))
#' pairs_admb(fit)
#' pairs_admb(fit, pars=1:2)
#' pairs_admb(fit, pars=c('b', 'a'))
#' pairs_admb(fit, pars=1:2, order='slow')
#' pairs_admb(fit, pars=1:2, order='fast')
pairs_admb <- function(fit, order=NULL,
                       acf.ylim=c(-1,1), ymult=NULL, axis.col=gray(.5),
                       pars=NULL, label.cex=.8, limits=NULL,
                       add.mle=TRUE, add.monitor=TRUE, unbounded=FALSE,
    stop("Argument 'fit' is not a valid object returned by 'sample_admb'")
  if(unbounded | !add.mle){
    mle <- NULL
  } else {
    mle <- fit$mle
  posterior <- extract_samples(fit, inc_lp=TRUE, unbounded=unbounded)
  chains <- rep(1:dim(fit$samples)[2], each=dim(fit$samples)[1]-fit$warmup)
  divs <- if(fit$algorithm=="NUTS")
            extract_sampler_params(fit)$divergent__ else NULL
  ptcex <- .2
  divcex <- .75
  chaincols <- 1:length(unique(chains))
  ## reset to old par when exiting
  old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  diag <- match.arg(diag)
  par.names <- names(posterior)
  ess <- fit$monitor$n_eff
  Rhat <- fit$monitor$Rhat
    warning("No monitor information found in fitted object so ESS and Rhat not available. See details of help.")
    if(! order %in% c('slow', 'fast')){
      stop("Invalid 'order' argument, should be 'slow', 'fast', or NULL")
      stop("No effective sample sizes found so cannot order by slow/fast.")
      warning("Ignoring 'order' argument because parameter names supplied in 'pars'")
    } else {
      ## Get slowest or fastest parameter names
      ind <- order(ess, decreasing=(order=='fast'))
      par.names <- par.names[ind]
  ## if(!(NCOL(posterior) %in% c(mle$nopar, mle$nopar+1)))
  ##   stop("Number of parameters in posterior and mle not the same")
  ## pars will either be NULL, so use all parameters. OR a vector of
  ## indices OR a vector of characters. Want to force lp__ to be the very
  ## last one stylistically, and b/c there is no ellipse for it.
    ## Use all or first 10
      warning("Only showing first 10 parameters, use 'pars' argument to adjust")
      pars <- par.names[1:10]
    } else {
      pars <- par.names[1:NCOL(posterior)]
  } else if(is.numeric(pars[1])){
    ## Index can be used instead of character names. Note this
    ## can be sorted from above
    pars <- par.names[pars]
  ## Now pars is character and possibly sorted by fast/slow
  pars.bad <- match(x=pars, table=names(posterior))
    warning("Some par names did not match -- dropped")
    pars <- pars[!is.na(pars.bad)]
  ## Converts character to index which is used throughout to
  ## subset when looping
  pars.ind <- match(x=pars, table=names(posterior))
  n <- length(pars.ind)
  n.mle <- ifelse(is.null(mle), 0, nrow(mle$cor))
  if(n==1) stop("This function is only meaningful for >1 parameter")
  if(is.null(ymult)) ymult <- rep(1.3, n)
  ## If no limits given, calculate the max range of the posterior samples and
  ## parameter confidence interval.
    limits <- list()
    for(i in 1:n){
        limit.temp <- mle$est[pars.ind[i]] +
      } else {
        limit.temp <- c(NA,NA)
      ## multiplier for the ranges, adjusts the whitespace around the
      ## plots
      min.temp <- min(posterior[,pars.ind[i]], limit.temp[1], na.rm=TRUE)
      max.temp <- max(posterior[,pars.ind[i]], limit.temp[2], na.rm=TRUE)
      margin <- .15*(max.temp-min.temp)
      limits[[i]] <- c(min.temp-margin, max.temp+margin)
  ## Change posterior point look depending on how many samples. Makes
  ## easier to read.
  N <- NROW(posterior)
  mypch <- 16; mycol <- 1
    mycol <- rgb(0,0,0,.5)
  } else if(N>=10000){
    mycol <- rgb(0,0,0,.05)
  if(is.null(divs)) divs <- rep(0, N)
  par(mfrow=c(n,n), mar=0*c(.1,.1,.1,.1), yaxs="i", xaxs="i", mgp=c(.25, .25,0),
      tck=-.02, cex.axis=.65, col.axis=axis.col, oma=c(2, 2, 2,2))
  temp.box <- function() box(col=axis.col, lwd=.5)
  ## Row and col here are not the posterior, but the matrix of pairwise
  ## combinations
  for(row in 1:n){
    for(col in 1:n){
      ii <- pars.ind[row]
      jj <- pars.ind[col]
      ## Diagonal, so add user choice
          h <- hist(posterior[,ii], plot=F)
          ## Annoyingling you can't pass NULL to xlim in hist. So
          ## have to split up for two cases depending on limits.
            hist(posterior[,ii], axes=F, freq=FALSE, ann=F,
                 ylim=c(0, ymult[row]*max(h$density)),
                 col=gray(.8), border=gray(.5))
          } else {
            ## Else use the user provided limits
            hist(posterior[,ii], axes=F, freq=FALSE, ann=F,
                 ylim=c(0, ymult[row]*max(h$density)),
                 col=gray(.8), border=gray(.5), xlim=limits[[row]])
        } else if(diag=="acf") {
          acf(posterior[,ii], axes=F, ann=F, ylim=acf.ylim)
        } else if(diag=="trace") {
          ## Trace plots for each chain separately
          xlim <- c(1, length(chains[chains==1]))
          plot(x=0, y=0,  type="n", axes=FALSE,
               ann=FALSE, ylim=limits[[row]], xlim=xlim)
          for(ll in unique(chains)){
            lines(posterior[chains==ll,ii], col=chaincols[ll], lwd=.1)
        ## Add ESS and Rhat info to diagonal
        if(!is.null(ess) & !is.null(Rhat) & add.monitor)
          mtext(paste0('ESS=', round(ess[ii], 0), " Rhat=", format(round(Rhat[ii],2),nsmall=2)),
                cex=.8*label.cex, line=-1)
      ## If lower triangle and covariance known, add scatterplot
        par(xaxs="r", yaxs="r")
        plot(x=posterior[,jj], y=posterior[,ii], axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE,
             pch=mypch, cex=ptcex, col=mycol, xlim=limits[[col]],
             ylim=limits[[row]], ...)
        ## replot divegences on top so they are always visible
        points(x=posterior[which(divs==1),jj], y=posterior[which(divs==1),ii],
               pch=mypch, cex=divcex, col='green')
        ## can only add MLE stuff if not lp__ parameter which
        ## doesn'th ave one
        if(ii<=n.mle & jj <=n.mle){
          ## Add bivariate 95% normal levels from MLE
          points(x=mle$est[jj], y=mle$est[ii],
                 pch=16, cex=.5, col='red')
          ## Get points of a bivariate normal 95% confidence contour
          if(!requireNamespace("ellipse", quietly=TRUE)){
            warning("ellipse package needs to be installed to show ellipses")
          } else {
            ellipse.temp <- ellipse(x=mle$cor[jj, ii],
                                    scale=mle$se[c(jj, ii)],
                                    centre= mle$est[c(jj, ii)], npoints=1000,
            lines(ellipse.temp , lwd=.5, lty=1, col="red")
        par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
        ## If upper triangle add text showing the empirical correlation
        plot(0,0,type="n", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes=F,ann=F)
        temp.cor <- round(cor(posterior[,c(ii,jj)])[1,2],2)
        ## Set a minimum limit for this, so they're still
        ## visible, but still a function of correlation. This
        ## might need to be dynamic with n.
        legend("center", legend=NA, title=temp.cor,
               cex=(3*abs(temp.cor)+.25)*.5, bty='n')
        ## text(.5,.5, labels=temp.cor, cex=(3*abs(temp.cor)+.5)*.9,
        ##      col=1)
      ## Add special cases of axes on the ends
      if(row==n) {
        par( mgp=c(.05, ifelse(col %% 2 ==0, 0, .5),0) )
        axis(1, col=axis.col, lwd=.5)
      if(col==1 & row >1) {
        par( mgp=c(.05, ifelse(row %% 2 ==1, .15, .65),0) )
        axis(2, col=axis.col, lwd=.5)
      if(col==1 & row ==1){
        par( mgp=c(.05, ifelse(row %% 2 ==1, .15, .65),0) )
        axis(2, col=axis.col, lwd=.5)
      if(row==1) mtext(pars[col], line=ifelse(col %% 2 ==1, .1, 1.1),
        mtext(pars[ii], side=4, line=ifelse(row %% 2 ==1, 0, 1), cex=label.cex)
Cole-Monnahan-NOAA/adnuts documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 6:41 a.m.