## #' Run a single NUTS chain for an ADMB model
## #'
## #' A low level function to run a single chain. Unlikely to be used by a
## #' user, instead prefer \code{\link{sample_nuts}}
## #' @inheritParams wrappers
## #' @param chain Chain number, for printing purposes only.
## #' @param admb_args Character string of extra command line argument to
## #' pass to ADMB.
## #' @param extra.args Deprecated, use \code{admb_args} instead
## #' @param verbose Boolean for whether to print ADMB output to console.
## #' @seealso \code{\link{sample_nuts}}
sample_admb_nuts <- function(path, model, iter=2000,
init=NULL, chain=1,
thin=1, warmup=ceiling(iter/2),
seed=NULL, duration=NULL,
verbose=TRUE, admb_args=NULL,
wd.old <- getwd(); on.exit(setwd(wd.old))
## Now contains all required NUTS arguments
control <- .update_control(control)
eps <- control$stepsize
stopifnot(iter >= 1)
stopifnot(warmup <= iter)
stopifnot(duration > 0)
stopifnot(thin >=1)
if(is.null(warmup)) stop("Must provide warmup")
if(thin < 1 | thin > iter) stop("Thin must be >1 and < iter")
max_td <- control$max_treedepth
adapt_delta <- control$adapt_delta
## Build the command to run the model
model2 <- .update_model(model)
cmd <- paste(model2,"-nox -nohess -maxfn 0 -phase 1000 -nuts -mcmc ",iter)
} else {
cmd <- paste(model2,"-hbf -nuts -mcmc ",iter)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-warmup", warmup, "-chain", chain)
if(!is.null(seed)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-mcseed", seed)
if(!is.null(duration)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-duration", duration)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-max_treedepth", max_td, "-adapt_delta", adapt_delta)
if(!is.null(eps)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-hyeps", eps)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-adapt_init_buffer", control$adapt_init_buffer)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-adapt_term_buffer", control$adapt_term_buffer)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-adapt_window", control$adapt_window)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-refresh", control$refresh)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-adapt_mass")
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-adapt_mass_dense")
## Three options for metric. (1) 'mle' is to use the MLE estimates in
## admodel.cov without mass adaptation. (2) If a matrix is passed, this
## is written to file admodel.cov and no adaptation is done. (3) (default)
## Adaptation starting with diagonal. (4) Diagonal without mass adaptation.
metric <- control$metric
## User defined one will be writen to admodel.cov
if(!requireNamespace("matrixcalc", quietly = TRUE))
stop("Package 'matrixcalc' is required to pass a matrix.\n Install it and try again.")
cor.user <- metric/ sqrt(diag(metric) %o% diag(metric))
stop("Invalid mass matrix passed: it is not positive definite.\n Check 'metric' argument or use different option.")
.write.admb.cov(metric, hbf=1)
warning("admodel.cov overwritten, revert admodel_original.cov if needed")
} else if(is.character(metric) && metric == 'unit') {
## The default: Start from unit diag.
cmd <- paste(cmd, '-mcdiag')
} else if(is.character(metric) && metric=='mle') {
## ADMB default so do nothing special. No adaptation, will use
## estimated MLE covariance matrix in unbounded space (read from
## admodel.cov)
} else {
stop("Invalid metric option")
## Write the starting values to file. A NULL value means to use the MLE,
## so need to run model
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-mcpin init.pin")
write.table(file="init.pin", x=unlist(init), row.names=F, col.names=F)
} else {
## Use MLE values which are read in from the admodel.hes file
## which is the default behavior
if(!is.null(admb_args)) cmd <- paste(cmd, admb_args)
## Run it and get results
model2 <- .update_model(model)
console <- .check_console_printing(parallel)
progress <- NULL
## Normal case
time <- system.time(system2(model2, cmd, stdout=ifelse(verbose, '', FALSE)))[3]
} else {
## RStudio won't print output so capture it and print at
## end. Better than nothing
fn <- 'mcmc_progress.txt'
if(file.exists(fn)) file.remove(fn)
time <- system.time(system2(model2, cmd, stdout=ifelse(verbose, fn, FALSE)))[3]
progress <- readLines('mcmc_progress.txt')
## trash <- suppressWarnings(file.remove('mcmc_progress.txt'))
} else {
warning("Progress output file not found. Try troubleshooting in serial model")
if(!file.exists('adaptation.csv') | !file.exists('unbounded.csv'))
stop(paste0("NUTS failed to run. Command attempted was:\n", cmd))
sampler_params <- as.matrix(read.csv("adaptation.csv"))
unbounded <- as.matrix(read.csv("unbounded.csv", header=FALSE))
dimnames(unbounded) <- NULL
pars <- .get_psv(model)
par.names <- names(pars)
if(!"lp__" %in% dimnames(sampler_params)[[2]]){
## Previous version had a bug where energy__ was stored as
## the log-posterior. So energy is wrong, but log-posterior
## is right here.
## warning("ADMB version <= 12.0 has a bug where the energy statistic is wrong. Please consider updating")
pars[,'log-posterior'] <- sampler_params[,'energy__']
} else {
## Later versions has a 7th column containing the LP and 6 is
## the energy. Both enegy and lp are correct
pars[,'log-posterior'] <- sampler_params[,'lp__']
## Drop the lp__ here since not used and may cause issues
## downstream.
sampler_params <- sampler_params[,-7]
pars <- as.matrix(pars)
## Thin samples and adaptation post hoc for NUTS
pars <- pars[seq(1, nrow(pars), by=thin),]
unbounded <- unbounded[seq(1, nrow(unbounded), by=thin),]
sampler_params <- sampler_params[seq(1, nrow(sampler_params), by=thin),]
time.total <- time; time.warmup <- NA
warmup <- warmup/thin
return(list(samples=pars, sampler_params=sampler_params,
time.total=time.total, time.warmup=time.warmup,
warmup=warmup, max_treedepth=max_td,
model=model, par.names=par.names, cmd=cmd,
unbounded=unbounded, progress=progress))
## #' Run a single random walk Metropolis chain for an ADMB model
## #'
## #' A low level function to run a single chain. Unlikely to be used by a
## #' user, instead prefer \code{\link{sample_rwm}}
## #' @inheritParams wrappers
## #' @seealso \code{\link{sample_rwm}}
sample_admb_rwm <- function(path, model, iter=2000, thin=1, warmup=ceiling(iter/2),
init=NULL, chain=1, seed=NULL, control=NULL,
verbose=TRUE, duration=NULL,
wd.old <- getwd(); on.exit(setwd(wd.old))
## Only refresh is used by RWM
if(any(names(control) !='refresh'))
warning("Only refresh control argument is used with RWM, ignoring: ",
collapse=', '), call.=FALSE)
refresh <- control$refresh
if(!is.null(refresh) & !is.numeric(refresh))
stop("Invalid refresh value ", refresh)
metric <- 'mle' ## only one allowed
stopifnot(iter >= 1)
stopifnot(warmup <= iter)
stopifnot(duration > 0)
stopifnot(thin >=1)
if(is.null(warmup)) stop("Must provide warmup")
if(thin < 1 | thin > iter) stop("Thin must be >1 and < iter")
## Build the command to run the model
cmd <- paste("-nox -nohess -maxfn 0 -phase 1000 -rwm -mcmc ",iter)
} else {
cmd <- paste("-rwm -mcmc ",iter)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-mcscale", warmup, "-chain", chain)
if(!is.null(seed)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-mcseed", seed)
if(!is.null(duration)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-duration", duration)
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-mcsave", thin)
## Three options for metric. NULL (default) is to use the MLE estimates
## in admodel.cov. If a matrix is passed, this is written to file and
## no scaling is done. Option 'unit' means identity. Note: these are
## all in unbounded space.
## User defined one will be writen to admodel.cov
cor.user <- metric/ sqrt(diag(metric) %o% diag(metric))
stop("Invalid mass matrix, not positive definite")
} else if(is.null(metric)){
## NULL means default of MLE
} else if(metric=='mle'){
## also use mle (i.e., do nothing)
} else if(metric=='unit') {
## Identity in unbounded space
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-mcdiag")
} else {
stop("Invalid metric option")
## Write the starting values to file. A NULL value means to use the MLE,
## so need to run model
cmd <- paste(cmd, "-mcpin init.pin")
write.table(file="init.pin", x=unlist(init), row.names=F, col.names=F)
if(!is.null(refresh)) cmd <- paste(cmd, "-refresh", refresh)
if(!is.null(admb_args)) cmd <- paste(cmd, admb_args)
## Run it and get results
model2 <- .update_model(model)
console <- .check_console_printing(parallel)
progress <- NULL
## Normal case
time <- system.time(system2(model2, cmd, stdout=ifelse(verbose, '', FALSE)))[3]
} else {
## RStudio won't print output so capture it and print at
## end. Better than nothing
fn <- 'mcmc_progress.txt'
if(file.exists(fn)) file.remove(fn)
time <- system.time(system2(model2, cmd, stdout=ifelse(verbose, fn, FALSE)))[3]
progress <- readLines('mcmc_progress.txt')
## trash <- suppressWarnings(file.remove('mcmc_progress.txt'))
} else {
warning("Progress output file not found. Try troubleshooting in serial model")
stop(paste0("RWM failed to run. Command attempted was:\n", cmd))
unbounded <- as.matrix(read.csv("unbounded.csv", header=FALSE))
dimnames(unbounded) <- NULL
pars <- .get_psv(model)
par.names <- names(pars)
lp <- as.vector(read.table('rwm_lp.txt', header=TRUE)[,1])
pars[,'log-posterior'] <- lp
pars <- as.matrix(pars)
## Thinning is done interally for RWM (via -mcsave) so don't need to do
## it here
time.total <- time; time.warmup <- NA
warmup <- warmup/thin
return(list(samples=pars, sampler_params=NULL, time.total=time.total,
time.warmup=time.warmup, warmup=warmup, model=model,
par.names=par.names, cmd=cmd, unbounded=unbounded,
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