#' SMED using Gaussian process models
#' @param f Function
#' @param p # of dimensions
#' @param n0 Number of initial points from LHS
#' @param n Number of points to select.
#' @param GP.package R package to use for GP
#' @param opt.method Optimization method, either 'genoud' or 'LHS
#' @param contour.fit How often to refit contour plot
#' @param continue.option Whether option to continue should be given
#' @return X design matrix and Y function values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SMED_GP(f=TestFunctions::banana, p=2, n0=20, n=10, GP.package='laGP')
SMED_GP <- function(f,p,n0=10,n=10,GP.package='',opt.method='genoud',contour.fit=0,continue.option=F) {
  # Function that implements SMED with GP in 2 dimensions. Using the GP means you
  #  only get the function value from points you have selected, selection is
  #  based on the GP model predictions
  # Input:
  #  f: function
  #  p: # of dimensions
  #  n0: # of pts to start with, selected with maximin LHS
  #  n: # of pts to select -> total pts is n0+n
  #  nc: grid size of contour plots are nc by nc
  #  GP.package: which R package to fit GP with. Current options are
  #    GPfit, laGP, and mlegp. Also exact will use exact function (for debugging)
  #  opt.method: optimization method. Current options are 'genoud', 'LHS'.
  #  contour.fit: # of iterations after which to plot model contour plot
  #  continue.option: If TRUE, you are given choice to continue sampling
  # Output:
  #  X: design matrix
  #  Y: function values at design points

  #p <- 2 # dimension, p is now input
  k <- 4 * p # MED distance power, k=4p is recommended by Roshan

  # source('TestFunctions.R') # Not sure if I should source test functions here or outside
  # source('myfilledcontour.R') # Source myfilledcontour.R to get contour plots
  # require('contourfilled') # Contour functions should come from package
  # require('lhs') # Use lhs to get initial points

  # Set GP functions for each package
  #  Need functions for init, update, predict, and delete
  if(GP.package=='GPfit') {
    # require('GPfit')
    predict.GP.SMED <- function(mod,xx){max(1e-16,GPfit::predict.GP(mod,matrix(xx,1,p))$Y_hat)}
    init.GP.SMED <- GPfit::GP_fit
    update.GP.SMED <- function(mod,X,Y){GPfit::GP_fit(X,Y)}
    delete.GP.SMED <- function(mod){}
  } else if(GP.package=='laGP') {
    # require('laGP')
    init.GP.SMED <- function(X,Y) {laGP::newGPsep(X=X,Z=Y,d=p,g=1e-8)}
    update.GP.SMED <- function(mod,X,Y) {laGP::updateGPsep(gpsepi=mod,X=X,Z=Y);return(mod)}
    predict.GP.SMED <- function(mod,xx){max(1e-16,laGP::predGPsep(mod,matrix(xx,1,p))$mean)}
    # Changed this predict, really bad now
    delete.GP.SMED <- laGP::deleteGPsep
  } else if(GP.package=='mlegp') {
    # require('mlegp')
    predict.GP.SMED <- function(mod,xx) {max(1e-16,mlegp::predict.gp(object=mod,newData=xx))}
    init.GP.SMED <- function(X,Y) {mlegp::mlegp(X=X,Z=Y,verbose=0)}
    update.GP.SMED <- function(mod,X,Y) {mlegp::mlegp(X=X,Z=Y,verbose=0)}
    delete.GP.SMED <- function(mod){}
  } else if (GP.package=='exact') {
    predict.GP.SMED <- function(mod,xx) {f(xx)}
    init.GP.SMED <- function(X,Y) {}
    update.GP.SMED <- function(mod,X,Y) {}
    delete.GP.SMED <- function(mod){}
  } else {
    stop('No GP.package specified Error # 579238572')

  # Charge function qq, no longer is actual function, now is based on predictions
  qq <- function(xx,mod){
    yy <- (predict.GP.SMED(mod=mod,xx=xx))^-(1/(2*p));
    } else {
      browser();stop(paste('NaN qq value Error 357923',predict.GP.SMED(mod=mod,xx=xx)))
  # Function we will optimize
  f_min <- function(xnew,xall,kk,mod,qq.scale=1) {
  # Log version
  log.f_min <- function(xnew,xall,kk,mod,qq.scale=1) {
    kk * log(qq(xnew,mod=mod)*qq.scale) + log(sum(apply(xall,1,function(xx){((qq(xx,mod=mod)*qq.scale)/(sqrt(sum((xx-xnew)^2))))^kk})))

  if (p==2) {
    # Get contour plot
    # contourfilled.func(fn=f,n=nc)
    reset.func <- ContourFunctions::cf_func(f, reset.par=F)

  # Initialize with LHS
  X <- lhs::maximinLHS(n=n0,k=p)
  Y <- apply(X,1,f)
  Delta <- .01 * max(Y)
  keep.Delta <- (Y > Delta)
  if (p==2) {
    # Plot where points are

  # Initialize model
  mod <- init.GP.SMED(X,Y)

  # Get rest of points, while loop lets you add points in when prompted
  i <- 1
  while(i <= n) {
    # Plot contour of fit if iteration is multiple of contour.fit
    if(contour.fit>0 & i%%contour.fit==0) {
      if (p==2) {
        # contourfilled.func(function(xx)predict.GP.SMED(mod,xx))
        reset.func <- ContourFunctions::cf_func(function(xx)predict.GP.SMED(mod,xx), reset.par=F)
    # Perform optimzation to select next point, use log scale
    # Different options for optimization, genoud is default
    if (opt.method=='genoud') { # First optimization option is genoud
      opt.out <- rgenoud::genoud(fn=function(xx){if (p==2) {points(xx[1],xx[2],pch=19,cex=.1,col=3)};log(f_min(xx,X[keep.Delta,],kk=k,mod=mod))}
    } else if (opt.method == 'LHS') { # Optimization method: check a bunch of LHS points, NOT GOOD
      XX.LHS <- lhs::maximinLHS(n=1000,k=p)
      if (p==2) {
      log.f_min.LHS <- apply(XX.LHS,1,function(xx){log(f_min(xx,X[keep.Delta,],kk=k,mod=mod))})
      if (p==2) {
      min.ind.LHS <- which.min(log.f_min.LHS)[1]
      opt.out <- list(par=XX.LHS[min.ind.LHS,],value=log.f_min.LHS[min.ind.LHS])
    } else {
      stop('opt.method not specified. Error #32572938')
    # Add new point
    xnew <- opt.out$par
    ynew <- f(xnew)
    cat(n0+i,round(xnew,3),round(ynew,3),round(opt.out$val,3),round(log(f_min(xnew,X[keep.Delta,],kk=k,mod=mod)),3),round(log(f_min(runif(2),X[keep.Delta,],kk=k,mod=mod)),3),'\n',sep = '\t')
    X <- rbind(X,unname(xnew))
    Y <- c(Y,ynew)
    if (p==2) {
      text(x=xnew[1],y=xnew[2],labels=n0+i,col=1) # Plot it on contour

    # Delta is used to 'hide' points from the potential function that are not useful
    # Without this the points selected were terrible
    Delta <- .01 * (n0 / (n + i)) ^ (1 / p) * max(Y)
    keep.Delta <- (Y > Delta)

    # Update model
    mod <- update.GP.SMED(mod,X,Y)

    # If told to it will ask how many more points you want, negative integers are for debugging
    if(continue.option==T & i==n) {
      n.more <- as.integer(readline(prompt = 'How many more? '))
      if(n.more==-1) {browser();n.more <- as.integer(readline(prompt = 'How many more? '))}
      # if(n.more==-2) {browser();if (p==2) {my.filled.contour.func(function(xx){log(f_min(xx,X[keep.Delta,],kk=k,mod=mod))},n=30)};n.more <- as.integer(readline(prompt = 'How many more? '))}
      if(n.more==-2) {browser();if (p==2) {reset.func();reset.func <- ContourFunctions::cf(function(xx){log(f_min(xx,X[keep.Delta,],kk=k,mod=mod))},n=30)};n.more <- as.integer(readline(prompt = 'How many more? '))}
      if(is.integer(n.more) & length(n.more)==1 & !is.na(n.more)) {n <- n + n.more}
    i <- i + 1
  if (p==2) {
    # Print final contour of estimated surface
    # contourfilled.func(function(xx)predict.GP.SMED(mod,xx))
    reset.func <- ContourFunctions::cf_func(function(xx)predict.GP.SMED(mod,xx), reset.par=F)
  } else if (p > 2) {
  # Delete model if needed (only laGP)
  reset.func() # Reset plot
  # Return design matrix and outputs
if (F) {
  # source('TestFunctions.R')
  SMED_GP(f=function(x){(x[1]-.5)^2+(x[2]-.5)^2+(x[3]-.5)^2},p=3,n0=10,n=10,contour.fit=1,GP.package='laGP',continue.option=T,opt.method = 'LHS')
  SMED_GP(f=function(x){(x[1]-.5)^2+(x[2]-.5)^2+(x[3]-.5)^2+sin(2*pi*x[4])},p=4,n0=10,n=10,contour.fit=1,GP.package='laGP',continue.option=T,opt.method = 'LHS')

  # Comparing with seed, pick one point
  # 31 0.995832 0.9755436 9.061522e-41 18.48422 18.48422 22.16811
  # 31 0.9891865 0.986211 7.488378e-40 18.44477 18.44477 32.09332
  # 31 0.6320691 0.9985909 0.01649461 17.28631 17.28631 89.38975  Much worse fit though
  # 31 0.5693355 0.913252 0.6247042 20.49745 20.49745 118.301
CollinErickson/SMED-Code documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:27 p.m.