#' statsTable1 outputs the summary table in the stats section of the dashboard, draws data from the census API
#' @param cty the County FIPS code, including the state value
#' @param place the Place FIPS Code, including the state value.
#' @param sYr Start Year
#' @param eYr End year
#' @param ACS American Cummunity Survey Data series
#' @param oType Controls the rendering of the table, HTML or Latex
#' @return kable formatted table
#' @export
statsTable1 <- function(cty,ctyname,place,placename,sYr,eYr,ACS,oType){
#outputs the top table in the dashboard
#Need to restructure this to support muni_est...
state <- "08"
ctyfips <- cty
ctyfips <- ctyfips[order(ctyfips)]
placefips <- ""
multic <- 0
if(length(ctyfips) > 1) {
multic <- 1
state <- unique(state)
if(nchar(unique(place)) != 0) {
placefips <- place
sqlStrPop1 <- paste0("SELECT placefips, municipalityname, year, totalpopulation FROM estimates.county_muni_timeseries WHERE placefips = ",as.numeric(placefips)," and year = ", sYr,";")
sqlStrPop2 <- paste0("SELECT placefips, municipalityname, year, totalpopulation FROM estimates.county_muni_timeseries WHERE placefips = ",as.numeric(placefips)," and year = ", eYr,";")
sqlStrJobs <- paste0("SELECT placefips, year, jobs FROM estimates.muni_jobs_long WHERE placefips = ",as.numeric(placefips)," and year = ", eYr,";")
# Postgres Call to gather municipal jobs numbers
pw <- {
# loads the PostgreSQL driver
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
# creates a connection to the postgres database
# note that "con" will be used later in each connection to the database
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "dola",
host = "", port = 5433,
user = "codemog", password = pw)
rm(pw) # removes the password
f.tPopyr1p <- dbGetQuery(con, sqlStrPop1)
f.tPopyr2p <- dbGetQuery(con, sqlStrPop2)
f.muniJobsp <- dbGetQuery(con, sqlStrJobs)
#closing the connections
#Removing "Total for munis in muliple counties
if(multic != 0) {
f.tPopyr1p <- f.tPopyr1p[which(!grepl("(Total)",f.tPopyr1p$municipalityname)), ]
f.tPopyr2p <- f.tPopyr2p[which(!grepl("(Total)",f.tPopyr2p$municipalityname)), ]
f.tPopyr1p$municipalityname <- substr(f.tPopyr1p$municipalityname,1,nchar(f.tPopyr1p$municipalityname)-7)
f.tPopyr2p$municipalityname <- substr(f.tPopyr2p$municipalityname,1,nchar(f.tPopyr2p$municipalityname)-7)
f.tpop1ps <- f.tPopyr1p %>% group_by(municipalityname,year) %>% summarize(tpop1 = sum(totalpopulation))
f.tpop2ps <- f.tPopyr2p %>% group_by(municipalityname,year) %>% summarize(tpop2 = sum(totalpopulation))
f.tpopp <- cbind(f.tpop1ps, f.tpop2ps)
f.tpopp$popchnp <- f.tpopp$tpop2 - f.tpopp$tpop1
hhincp <- codemog_api(data="b19013",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, placefips, sep=""), meta="no")
MedHHValuep <- codemog_api(data="b25077",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, placefips, sep=""), meta="no")
Povertyp <- codemog_api(data="b17001",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, placefips, sep=""), meta="no")
Povertyp$pctPovertyp <- percent(as.numeric(Povertyp$b17001002)/as.numeric(Povertyp$b17001001)*100)
Nativep <- codemog_api(data="b05002",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, placefips, sep=""), meta="no")
Nativep$pctNativep <- percent(as.numeric(Nativep$b05002003)/as.numeric(Nativep$b05002001)*100)
#Total Population
f.tPopyr1c <- county_profile(as.numeric(ctyfips), sYr,"totalpopulation")
f.tPopyr1c$tpop1 <- f.tPopyr1c$totalpopulation
f.tPopyr2c <- county_profile(as.numeric(ctyfips), eYr,"totalpopulation")
f.tPopyr2c$tpop2 <- f.tPopyr2c$totalpopulation
f.tpopc <- merge(f.tPopyr1c, f.tPopyr2c, by="countyfips")
f.tpopc$popchgc <- as.numeric(f.tpopc$tpop2) - as.numeric(f.tpopc$tpop1)
f.tpopc$county.x <- paste0(f.tpopc$county.x," County")
tJobsc <- county_jobs(fips=as.numeric(ctyfips), year = eYr) #County
#Prepping for mupliple countins
hhincc <- data.frame()
MedHHValuec <- data.frame()
Povertyc <- data.frame()
Nativec <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(ctyfips)) {
hhincc <- rbind(hhincc,codemog_api(data="b19013",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, ctyfips[i], sep=""), meta="no"))
MedHHValuec <- rbind(MedHHValuec,codemog_api(data="b25077",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, ctyfips[i], sep=""), meta="no"))
Povertyc <- rbind(Povertyc,codemog_api(data="b17001",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, ctyfips[i], sep=""), meta="no"))
Nativec <- rbind(Nativec,codemog_api(data="b05002",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, ctyfips[i], sep=""), meta="no"))
Povertyc$pctPovertyc <- percent(as.numeric(Povertyc$b17001002)/as.numeric(Povertyc$b17001001)*100)
Nativec$pctNativec <- percent(as.numeric(Nativec$b05002003)/as.numeric(Nativec$b05002001)*100)
#state Values
tPopyr1ST <- county_profile(300, sYr,"totalpopulation")
f.tPopyr1ST <- tPopyr1ST %>% summarize(tpop1 = sum(as.numeric(totalpopulation)))
tPopyr2ST <- county_profile(300, eYr,"totalpopulation")
f.tPopyr2ST <- tPopyr2ST %>% summarize(tpop2 = sum(as.numeric(totalpopulation)))
f.tpopST <- cbind(f.tPopyr1ST, f.tPopyr2ST)
f.tpopST$popchgST <- as.numeric(f.tpopST$tpop2) - as.numeric(f.tpopST$tpop1)
plNameST <- "Colorado"
tJobsST <- county_jobs(fips=300, year = eYr)
f.tJobsST <- tJobsST %>% summarize(totalJobs = sum(as.numeric(totalJobs)))
hhincST <- codemog_api(data="b19013",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, sep=""), meta="no")
MedHHValueST <- codemog_api(data="b25077",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, sep=""), meta="no")
PovertyST <- codemog_api(data="b17001",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, sep=""), meta="no")
PovertyST$pctPovertyST <- percent(as.numeric(PovertyST$b17001002)/as.numeric(PovertyST$b17001001)*100)
NativeST <- codemog_api(data="b05002",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, sep=""), meta="no")
NativeST$pctNativeST <- percent(as.numeric(NativeST$b05002003)/as.numeric(NativeST$b05002001)*100)
#Median Household Income B18140 is the total median earnings... from the 2012-2016 ACS API
hhincST <- codemog_api(data="b19013",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, sep=""), meta="no")
#median Househld Value
MedHHValueST=codemog_api(data="b25077",db=ACS, geonum=paste("1", state, sep=""), meta="no")
#Preparing table
if(placefips != ""){
mcol <- length(ctyfips) + 3
} else {
mcol <- length(ctyfips) + 2
outTab <- matrix("",nrow=7,ncol=mcol)
nCol <- 1
outTab[1,nCol] <- paste0("Population (",eYr,")",footnote_marker_alphabet(1))
outTab[2,nCol] <- paste0("Population Change (",sYr," to ",eYr, ")",footnote_marker_alphabet(1))
outTab[3,nCol] <- paste0("Total Employment (",eYr,")",footnote_marker_alphabet(1))
outTab[4,nCol] <- paste0("Median Household Income",footnote_marker_alphabet(2))
outTab[5,nCol] <- paste0("Median House Value",footnote_marker_alphabet(2))
outTab[6,nCol] <- paste0("Percentage of Population with Incomes lower than the Poverty Line",footnote_marker_alphabet(2))
outTab[7,nCol] <- paste0("Percentage of Population Born in Colorado",footnote_marker_alphabet(2))
nCol <- nCol + 1
if(placefips != ""){
f.tpopp <- f.tpopp[1,]
outTab[1,nCol] <- format(as.numeric(f.tpopp$tpop2),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[2,nCol] <- format(as.numeric(f.tpopp$popchnp),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[3,nCol] <- format(round(as.numeric(f.muniJobsp$jobs),digits=0),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[4,nCol] <- paste0("$",format(as.numeric(hhincp$b19013001),nsmall=0, big.mark=","))
outTab[5,nCol] <- paste0("$",format(as.numeric(MedHHValuep$b25077001),nsmall=0, big.mark=","))
outTab[6,nCol] <- Povertyp$pctPovertyp
outTab[7,nCol] <- Nativep$pctNativep
nCol <- nCol + 1
for(i in 1:length(ctyfips)) {
outTab[1,nCol] <- format(as.numeric(f.tpopc[i,9]),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[2,nCol] <- format(as.numeric(f.tpopc[i,10]),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[3,nCol] <- format(round(as.numeric(tJobsc[i,3]),digits=0),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[4,nCol] <- paste0("$",format(as.numeric(hhincc[i,8]),nsmall=0, big.mark=","))
outTab[5,nCol] <- paste0("$",format(as.numeric(MedHHValuec[i,8]),nsmall=0, big.mark=","))
outTab[6,nCol] <- Povertyc[i,67]
outTab[7,nCol] <- Nativec[i,35]
nCol <- nCol + 1
outTab[1,nCol] <- format(as.numeric(f.tpopST$tpop2),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[2,nCol] <- format(as.numeric(f.tpopST$popchgST),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[3,nCol] <- format(round(as.numeric(f.tJobsST$totalJobs),digits=0),nsmall=0, big.mark=",")
outTab[4,nCol] <- paste0("$",format(as.numeric(hhincST$b19013001),nsmall=0, big.mark=","))
outTab[5,nCol] <- paste0("$",format(as.numeric(MedHHValueST$b25077001),nsmall=0, big.mark=","))
outTab[6,nCol] <- PovertyST$pctPovertyST
outTab[7,nCol] <- NativeST$pctNativeST
# Create Column headings
names_spaced <- matrix("",ncol=nCol)
nPos <- 2
if(placefips != "") {
names_spaced[nPos] <- placename
nPos <- nPos + 1
for(i in 1:length(ctyfips)) {
names_spaced[nPos] <- ctyname
nPos <- nPos + 1
names_spaced[nPos] <- "Colorado"
if(oType == "html") {
if(nPos == 3) {
outKable <- kable(outTab, format='html', table.attr='class="cleanTab"',
col.names = names_spaced,
caption="Community Quick Facts",
escape = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling() %>%
column_spec(1, width = "4in") %>%
column_spec(2, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(3, width = "0.4in") %>%
footnote(alphabet=c("Source: State Demography Office",captionSrc("ACS",ACS)))
if(nPos == 4) {
outKable <- kable(outTab, format='html', table.attr='class="cleanTab"',
col.names = names_spaced,
caption="Community Quick Facts",
escape = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling() %>%
column_spec(1, width = "4in") %>%
column_spec(2, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(3, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(4, width = "0.4in") %>%
footnote(alphabet=c("Source: State Demography Office",captionSrc("ACS",ACS)))
if(nPos == 5){
outKable <- kable(outTab, format='html', table.attr='class="cleanTab"',
col.names = names_spaced,
caption="Community Quick Facts",
escape = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling() %>%
column_spec(1, width = "4in") %>%
column_spec(2, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(3, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(4, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(5, width = "0.4in") %>%
footnote(alphabet=c("Source: State Demography Office",captionSrc("ACS",ACS)))
if(oType == "latex") {
#Revising Rows and Footnotes
outTab[1,1] <- paste0("Population (",eYr,")*")
outTab[2,1] <- paste0("Population Change (",sYr," to ",eYr, ")*")
outTab[3,1] <- paste0("Total Employment (",eYr,")*")
outTab[4,1] <- paste0("Median Household Income+")
outTab[5,1] <- paste0("Median House Value+")
outTab[6,1] <- paste0("Percentage of Population with Incomes lower than the Poverty Line+")
outTab[7,1] <- paste0("Percentage of Population Born in Colorado+")
add_mat <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=nPos)
add_mat[1,1] <- "*Source: State demography Office"
add_mat[2,1] <- paste0("+",captionSrc("ACS",ACS))
outTab <- rbind(outTab,add_mat)
if(nPos == 3) {
outKable <- outTab %>%
kable(caption="Community Quick Facts",align="lrr",
col.names = names_spaced,
format ="latex", booktabs=TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options="HOLD_position") %>%
column_spec(1, width = "4in") %>%
column_spec(2, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(3, width = "0.4in")
if(nPos == 4) {
outKable <- outTab %>%
kable(caption="Community Quick Facts",align="lrrr",
col.names = names_spaced,
format ="latex", booktabs=TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options="HOLD_position") %>%
column_spec(1, width = "4in") %>%
column_spec(2, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(3, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(4, width = "0.4in")
if(nPos==5 ){
outKable <- outTab %>%
kable(caption="Community Quick Facts",align="lrrrr",
col.names = names_spaced,
format ="latex", booktabs=TRUE) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options="HOLD_position") %>%
column_spec(1, width = "4in") %>%
column_spec(2, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(3, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(4, width = "0.4in") %>%
column_spec(5, width = "0.4in")
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