
Defines functions .emptyProtDomIRanges pfeatures pranges pcols acols avarLabels pvarLabels aa

Documented in aa acols avarLabels pcols pfeatures pranges pvarLabels

setMethod("Proteins", c("missing", "missing"),
          function(file, uniprotIds, ...){
              aa <- new("AAStringSet")
              aa@elementMetadata <- DataFrame()
                  metadata = list(created = date()),
                  aa = aa)

          signature(file = "character", uniprotIds = "missing"),
          function(file, uniprotIds, ...) {
              aa <- .readAAStringSet(file, ...)
              metadata <- list(created = date())
              new("Proteins", metadata = metadata, aa = aa)

          signature(file = "missing", uniprotIds = "character"),
          function(file, uniprotIds, ...) {

## Proteins for EnsDb, character, use uniprotIds in an UniprotidFilter.
## Proteins for EnsDb, missing, ... -> check if we've got filter specified,
##  otherwise just return everything.
## Add also an optional argument loadDomains = TRUE -> load the protein domains.

## Proteins, EnsDb, missing
##' @title Fetch a Proteins object from an EnsDb database
##' @description Fetch a \code{Proteins} object from an
##'     \code{\linkS4class[ensembldb]{EnsDb}} database.
##' @param file EnsDb database from which protein data should/can be
##'     retrieved.
##' @param uniprotIds missing.
##' @param loadProteinDomains \code{logical(1)} defining whether
##'     protein domains within the proteins' sequences should be
##'     loaded too. If \code{TRUE}, protein domains are loaded and
##'     added a \code{pranges} named \textit{ProteinDomains}.
##' @param filter An object extending
##'     \code{\linkS4Object[AnnotationFilter]{AnnotationFilter}} an
##'     \code{\link[AnnotationFilter]{AnnotationFilterList}} object combining
##'     such objects or a \code{formula} representing a filter expression. See
##'     documentation on \code{\link[ensembldb]{proteins}} for more details and
##'     examples.
##' @param columns Character vector specifying the columns that should be
##'     returned from the database. By default, all columns from the
##'     \emph{protein} database table are returned. Use the
##'     \code{\link[ensembldb]{listColumns}} function to get a list of all
##'     supported columns. Note that exon-related columns are not supported for
##'     the \code{Proteins} method.
##' @param fetchLRG Logical indicating whether proteins for Locus Reference
##'     Genes (LRG) should be retrieved too. By default LRG genes will not be
##'     fetched as they do have a 1:n mapping between transcripts and proteins.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the
##'     \code{\link[ensembldb]{proteins}} method that is used to fetch the data.
##' @noRd
          signature(file = "EnsDb", uniprotIds = "missing"),
          function(file, uniprotIds, loadProteinDomains = TRUE,
                   filter = AnnotationFilterList(), columns = NULL,
                   fetchLRG = FALSE, ...) {
              ## Get the data from EnsDb.
              if (!hasProteinData(file))
                  stop("The provided 'EnsDb' does not contain protein annotations!")
              ## Check 'columns':
              ## o add all columns from the protein table.
              ## o ensure we have no column from the exon or tx2exon table.
              ## o load, if necessary, columns from the protein_domain table.
              columns <- unique(c(columns, listColumns(file, "protein")))
              not_allowed <- listColumns(file, c("exon", "tx2exon"))
              not_allowed <- not_allowed[not_allowed != "tx_id"]
              if (any(columns %in% not_allowed)) {
                  warning("For 'Proteins', fetching exon-related columns is not",
                          " allowed! Columns ",
                          paste0("'", columns[columns %in% not_allowed], "'",
                                 collapse = ", "), " have been removed.")
                  columns <- columns[!(columns %in% not_allowed)]
              if (loadProteinDomains) {
                  columns <- unique(c(columns,
                                      listColumns(file, "protein_domain")))
              if (!fetchLRG) {
                  if (is(filter, "formula"))
                      filter <- AnnotationFilter(filter)
                  ## Add a filter to fetch only transcripts starting with ENS
                  filter <- AnnotationFilterList(
                      TxIdFilter("ENS", condition = "startsWith"),
              ## Now fetch the data:
              res <- ensembldb::proteins(file, filter = filter,
                                         columns = columns,
                                         return.type = "data.frame")
              if (nrow(res) == 0)
              ## Get the unique data for protein:
              ## For now we're removing the Uniprot IDs. Problem is the 1:n
              ## mapping from protein_id to uniprot_id. Solutions:
              ## 1) return a redundant list of proteins, i.e. replicate the
              ##    proteins, one for each Uniprot ID.
              ## 2) return a unique list of proteins adding the Uniprot IDs as
              ##    a list to the mcols of the AAStringSet (i.e. acols).
              pids <- unique(res$protein_id)
              prt_cn <- colnames(res)[!(colnames(res) %in%
                                        listColumns(file, c("protein_domain")))]
              prt <- unique(res[, c("protein_id", prt_cn)])
              aa <- AAStringSet(prt$protein_sequence)
              names(aa) <- prt$protein_id
              mcols(aa) <- prt[, !colnames(prt) %in% c("protein_id",
                               drop = FALSE]
              ## Create the Proteins object.
              pr <- new("Proteins",
                        aa = aa,
                        metadata = list(created = date(),
                                        ensembl_version = ensemblVersion(file)))
              ## Fetch protein domain data
              if (loadProteinDomains) {
                  prng <- IRangesList(list())
                  prt_dom_cols <- listColumns(file, "protein_domain")
                  prt_dom_mcols <- prt_dom_cols[!(prt_dom_cols %in%
                  prt_dom <- unique(res[, prt_dom_cols, drop = FALSE])
                  ## Remove empty ones
                  prt_dom <- prt_dom[!is.na(prt_dom$prot_dom_start), ,
                                     drop = FALSE]
                  if (nrow(prt_dom) > 0) {
                      prng <- IRanges(start = prt_dom$prot_dom_start,
                                      end = prt_dom$prot_dom_end)
                      names(prng) <- prt_dom$protein_domain_id
                      mcols(prng) <- prt_dom[, prt_dom_mcols]
                      prng <- split(prng,
                                    f = factor(prt_dom$protein_id,
                                               levels = unique(prt_dom$protein_id)))
                  ## Fill empty ones.
                  if (!all(pids %in% prt_dom$protein_id)) {
                      miss_prt <- pids[!(pids %in% prt_dom$protein_id)]
                      tmp <- replicate(length(miss_prt),
                                       .emptyProtDomIRanges(cols = prt_dom_mcols))
                      names(tmp) <- miss_prt
                      prng <- c(prng, IRangesList(tmp))
                  ## Ensure correct ordering and ensure correct mapping e.g.
                  ## if we have 1:n mapping for protein_id to uniprot_id.
                  ## issue #35
                  prng <- prng[names(aa)]
                  mcols(pr@aa)$ProteinDomains <- prng
              if (validObject(pr))

## Simple helper function to create an IRanges with mcols.
.emptyProtDomIRanges <- function(cols) {
    res <- IRanges()
    tmp <- DataFrame(matrix(ncol = length(cols), nrow = 0))
    colnames(tmp) <- cols
    mcols(res) <- tmp

setMethod("[", "Proteins",
          function(x, i, j = "missing", ..., drop) {
              if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0L)
                  stop("invalid subsetting")
              if (missing(i) || (is.logical(i) && all(i)))
              if (is.logical(i))
                  i <- which(i)
              if (is.character(i))
                  i <- match(i, seqnames(x))
              if (!is.numeric(i) || any(is.na(i)))
                  stop("invalid subsetting")
              if (any(i < 1) || any(i > length(x)))
                  stop("subscript out of bounds")
              x@aa <- x@aa[i]

## accessors
## setMethod("pfeatures", "Proteins",
##           function(x) extractAt(aa(x), unname(pranges(x))))

pfeatures <- function(x, pcol) {
    pcol <- .checkPcol(x, pcol)
    ## stopifnot(pcol %in% pvarLabels(x))
    extractAt(aa(x), unname(pranges(x)[[pcol]]))

## setMethod("pranges", "Proteins", function(x) x@pranges)
pranges <- function(x) {
    i <- .get_pranges_indices(x)

## setReplaceMethod("pranges",
##                  c("Proteins", "CompressedIRangesList"),
##                  function(object, value)
##                      replacePranges(object, value))

                 c("Proteins", "DataFrame"),
                 function(object, value)
                     replaceAcols(object, value))

setMethod("length", "Proteins",
          function(x) length(x@aa))

setMethod("metadata", "Proteins",
          function(x) x@metadata)

## signature is (x, ..., value)
setReplaceMethod("metadata", "Proteins",
                 function(x, name, value) {
                     if (name == "created")
                         stop("Creation date can't be modified.")
                   x@metadata[[name]] <- value

pcols <- function(x) {
    i <- .get_pranges_indices(x)

acols <- function(x) {
    i <- .get_pranges_indices(x)

          function(x) names(aa(x)))

          function(x) seqnames(x))

avarLabels <- function(x) {
    i <- .get_pranges_indices(x)

pvarLabels <- function(x) {
    i <- .get_pranges_indices(x)

setMethod("[[", "Proteins",
          function(x, i, j = missing, ..., drop = TRUE) x@aa[[i]])

aa <- function(x) x@aa

## Methods
          c("Proteins", "character"),
          function(object, id, rmEmptyRanges = TRUE, par = Pparams()) {
              if ("Peptides" %in% names(object@aa@elementMetadata)) {
                  warning("Peptides pranges already present. Keeping as is.")
              .addIdentificationDataProteins(object, filenames = id,
                                             rmEmptyRanges = rmEmptyRanges,
                                             par = par)

          c("Proteins", "character"),
          function(object, filenames, rmEmptyRanges = TRUE, par = Pparams()) {
              .addPeptideFragmentsProteins(object, filenames = filenames,
                                           rmEmptyRanges = rmEmptyRanges,
                                           par = par)

setMethod("cleave", "Proteins",
          function(x, enzym = "trypsin", missedCleavages = 0, ...) {
              nm <- paste0(enzym, "Cleaved")
              if (nm %in% avarLabels(x)) {
                  message(nm, " already exists. Leaving object as is.")
              } else {
                  rng <- cleavageRanges(x = x@aa, enzym = enzym,
                                        missedCleavages = missedCleavages,
                  mcols(x@aa)[, nm] <- IRangesList(lapply(rng, function(r) {
                      mc <- missedCleavages[cumsum(start(r) == 1L)]
                      mcols(r) <- DataFrame(MissedCleavages = Rle(mc))

          signature(x = "Proteins", y = "missing"),
          function(x, y, ...) .plotProteins(x, ...))

          function(x, mass = NULL, len = NULL, ...) {
              .pfilterProteins(x, mass = mass, len = len, ...)

setMethod("show", "Proteins",
          function (object) {
              topics <- c("S4 class type", "Class version", "Created",
                          "Number of Proteins")
              topics <- format(topics, justify = "left")
              n <- length(object)
              values <- c(class(object),
                          tail(as(classVersion(object), "character"), 1L),
                          object@metadata$created, n)
              cat(paste0(topics, ": ", values, collapse = "\n"), sep = "\n")
              if (length(object) > 0) {
                  sn <- seqnames(object)
                  ln <- length(object)
                  cat("Sequences:\n  ")
                  htcat(seqnames(object), n = 2)
                  cat("Protein ranges:")
                  pvl <- pvarLabels(object)
                  if (length(pvl)) {
                      cat("\n  ")
                      htcat(pvarLabels(object), n = 2)
                  } else cat(" None\n")

## New suggested methods:
## + width: return the width(x@aa)
## + names,Proteins: returns seqnames,Proteins
ComputationalProteomicsUnit/Pbase documentation built on Aug. 10, 2019, 1:25 a.m.