
#' Get clusters which reach max consensus
#' Computes the consensus between Ward's minimum variance and
#' Complete-linkage (or Single-linkage) algorithms (i.e., the number of
#' elements classified together by both algorithms).
#' @param k [int] a vector containing the number of clusters for Ward and
#'        for Complete-linkage (or Single-linkage) algorithms, respectively
#' @param cluster_ward an object of class hclust for the Ward algorithm
#' @param cluster_other an object of class hclust for the
#'        Complete-linkage (or Single-linkage) algorithm
#' @return an object of class \code{consensus_cluster} with the following
#'         elements:
#'           \item{elements}{
#'             list of the elements belonging to each cluster
#'           };
#'           \item{A_star}{contingency table of the clustering};
#'           \item{max_consensus}{maximum clustering consensus}.
#' @examples
#' library(CrossClustering)
#' data(toy)
#' ### toy is transposed as we want to cluster samples (columns of the
#' ### original matrix)
#' toy_dist <- t(toy) %>% dist(method = "euclidean")
#' ### Hierarchical clustering
#' cluster_ward    <- toy_dist %>% hclust(method = "ward.D")
#' cluster_other <- toy_dist %>% hclust(method = "complete")
#' ### consensus_cluster
#' CrossClustering:::consensus_cluster(c(3, 4),
#'   cluster_ward,
#'   cluster_other
#' )
#' @author
#' Paola Tellaroli, <paola [dot] tellaroli [at] unipd [dot] it>;;
#' Marco Bazzi, <bazzi [at] stat [dot] unipd [dot] it>;
#' Michele Donato, <mdonato [at] stanford [dot] edu>.
#' @references
#' Tellaroli P, Bazzi M., Donato M., Brazzale A. R., Draghici S. (2016).
#' Cross-Clustering: A Partial Clustering Algorithm with Automatic
#' Estimation of the Number of Clusters. PLoS ONE 11(3):   e0152333.
#' doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152333

consensus_cluster <- function(k,
) {
  assertive::assert_is_of_length(k, 2)
  assertive::assert_is_any_of(cluster_ward,  'hclust')
  assertive::assert_is_any_of(cluster_other, 'hclust')

  k_w = k[1]
  k_c = k[2]
  tree_ward     <- cutree(cluster_ward    , k = k_w)
  tree.complete <- cutree(cluster_other , k = k_c)
  N <- sum(tree_ward * 0 + 1)
  A <- table(tree_ward, tree.complete)
  A_star <- diag(0, k_w)

  elements <- vector('list', length = length(k_w))

  for(i in seq_len(k_w)) {
    A_star[i, i] <- max(A)
    A_max        <- which(A == max(A), arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
    r_max        <- A_max[1]
    c_max        <- A_max[2]

    elements[[i]] <- (seq_len(N))[
      (tree_ward     == r_max) & (tree.complete == c_max)

    A[r_max,      ] <- 0
    A[     , c_max] <- 0

  A_star <- prune_zero_tail(A_star)

  n_clusters   <- length(diag(A_star))
  elements <- elements[seq_len(n_clusters)]
  elements <- stats::setNames(elements,
    paste("cluster", seq_along(elements), sep = "_")

    "elements"      = elements,
    "A_star"        = A_star,
    "max_consensus" = as.integer(sum(A_star))
CorradoLanera/CrossClustering documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:33 a.m.