
Defines functions post_var_D transform_D gensplit_uh_uf map_convert_quh convert_quh

Documented in convert_quh gensplit_uh_uf map_convert_quh post_var_D transform_D

#' Convert summary statistics to PC-space
#' @param uhat a vector of length `p` containing marginal association Z scores.  Alternatively, a  matrix with `p` rows, each column
#' representing marginal association with a different trait
#' @param Q A `q` by `p` matrix consisting of `q` eigenvectors of the LD matrix computed at p loci.
#' @export
convert_quh <- function(uhat,Q){

#' Convert chunks of summary statistics to PC-space
#' @param chunklist a vector or list specifying LD regions. each elemenent of chunklist will be passed to `uhat_uf` and `q_uf`
#' @param uhat_uf a function that takes a single element of `chunklist` and returns either a length p vector, or a matrix with p rows
#' @param Q_uf a function that takes a single element of `chunklist` and returns a `q` by `p` matrix
map_convert_quh <- function(chunklist,uhat_uf,q_uf,map_fun=purrr::map,...){
    pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(chunklist))
    map_fun(chunklist,~{ pb$tick()$print()

#' Function factory for obtaining PC-transformed summary statistics
#' @param uh uhat a vector of length `p` containing marginal association Z scores.  Alternatively, a  matrix with `p` rows, each column
#' representing marginal association with a different trait
#' @param chunklist a vector of length p indicating which chunk each locus is assigned to
#' @export
gensplit_uh_uf <- function(uh,region_id){

    sf <- ifelse(NCOL(uh)>1,split.data.frame,split)
    uhl <- sf(uh,region_id)

    retfun <- function(idx){

#' Internal helper function for components of the confounding model
#' @param i integer index for which term in the model to return.  Must be between 1 and length(cvec).
#' @param cvec inferred parameters for the model
#' @param D vector of eigenvalues of the LD matrix
#' @return a vector of length equal to `length(D)` where each element represents the estimated variance contributed by the indicated (i-th) component
transform_D <- function(cvec,D,i=1){

##' Estimate the variance of each eigensnp
##' @param cvec inferred parameters for the model
##' @param D vector of eigenvalues of the LD matrix
##' @param ind indices
##' @return
##' Nicholas Knoblauch \email{nwknoblauch@gmail.com}
post_var_D <- function(cvec, D, ind=seq_along(cvec)){

    purrr::imap(cvec,~transform_D(.x,D,.y)) %>% purrr::reduce(f=`+`,.init=D)

CreRecombinase/RSSp documentation built on April 10, 2021, 6:31 a.m.