
Defines functions calculateIfLongtable.ToplineCategoricalArray calculateIfLongtable.ToplineVar calculateIfLongtable.CrossTabVar calculateIfLongtable.default calculateIfLongtable makeLatexBanner longtableHeadFootMacros latexTableName toplineTableDef tableHeader.ToplineCategoricalArray tableHeader.ToplineVar tableHeader.CrossTabVar tableHeader.default tableHeader formatNum latexTableBody

Documented in calculateIfLongtable calculateIfLongtable.CrossTabVar calculateIfLongtable.default calculateIfLongtable.ToplineCategoricalArray calculateIfLongtable.ToplineVar formatNum latexTableBody latexTableName longtableHeadFootMacros makeLatexBanner tableHeader tableHeader.CrossTabVar tableHeader.default tableHeader.ToplineCategoricalArray tableHeader.ToplineVar toplineTableDef

#' Create Tex of Table Body
#' Prepare the TeX for the table body given initial
#' content and apply theme elements.
#' @param df An object from \link{reformatLatexResults}
#' @param theme A theme object from \link{themeNew}
#' @param question_alias The variable's alias
latexTableBody <- function(df, theme, question_alias = NULL) {
  # The input "df" object is shaped like this:
  # List of 9
  #  $ top            : NULL
  #  $ bottom         : Named chr "unweighted_n"
  #   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "unweighted_n"
  #  $ data_order     : Named chr [1:2] "body" "unweighted_n"
  #   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "" "unweighted_n"
  #  $ inserts        : NULL
  #  $ data_list      :List of 2
  #   ..$ body        :'data.frame':	3 obs. of  5 variables:
  #   .. ..$ Total   : num [1:3] 25 47 38
  #   .. ..$ 16 to 34: num [1:3] 0 31 44
  #   .. ..$ 35+     : num [1:3] 53 65 33
  #   .. ..$ Male    : num [1:3] 46 28 28
  #   .. ..$ Female  : num [1:3] 0 71 51
  #   ..$ unweighted_n:'data.frame':	1 obs. of  5 variables:
  #   .. ..$ Total   : num 17
  #   .. ..$ 16 to 34: num 6
  #   .. ..$ 35+     : num 11
  #   .. ..$ Male    : num 9
  #   .. ..$ Female  : num 8
  #  $ min_cell_top   : NULL
  #  $ min_cell_body  : logi [1:3, 1:5] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
  #  $ min_cell_bottom: NULL
  #  $ min_cell       : logi [1:5] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
  #  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "MultipleResponseCrossTabVar" "CrossTabVar"

  data <- df$data_list

  # So `data` is a list of data frames

  topline <- theme$topline
  topline_catarray <- inherits(df, "ToplineCategoricalArray")

  dfapply <- function(df, FUN, ..., Names = FALSE) {
    # lapply over columns to alter them and return the data.frame
    # yes yes, just use purrr instead.
    df[] <- lapply(df, FUN, ...)
    if (Names) {
      # Do it to the row and col names too
      names(df) <- FUN(names(df), ...)
      rownames(df) <- FUN(rownames(df), ...)

  for (nm in intersect(c("body", "totals_row"), names(data))) {
    # For each column in these data.frames, round and treat as percentages
    if (!is.null(df$type)) {
      if (df$type == "NumericVariable") {
        data[[nm]] <- dfapply(data[[nm]], formatNum, digits = theme$digits_numeric)
    } else {
      data[[nm]] <- dfapply(data[[nm]], formatNum, digits = theme$digits)

    if (theme$proportions) {
      # Add a percent sign
      if (!is.null(df$type)) {
        # No action becasue it is one of: Numeric, Datetime, or Text
      } else {
        data[[nm]] <- dfapply(data[[nm]], paste0, "%")
        if(any(data[[nm]] == "NA%"))
          data$body[which(data$body == "NA%", arr.ind = TRUE)] <- "-"
  # NPR: this one is doing some wacky things currently
  if (is.null(df$type)) {
    for (nm in intersect(c("unweighted_n", "weighted_n"), names(data))) {
      this_theme <- theme[[paste0("format_", nm)]]

      data[[nm]] <- dfapply(data[[nm]], formatNum)

      if (this_theme$latex_add_parenthesis) {
        data[[nm]] <- dfapply(data[[nm]], paste_around, "(", ")")
      alignment <- this_theme$latex_adjust
      if (!is.null(alignment) && !topline) {
        data[[nm]] <- dfapply(data[[nm]], function(x) {
          # Align these cells
          multicolumn(1, x, align = alignment)

  mask_vars <- c("totals_row", "means", "medians")
  if (!is.null(theme$format_min_base$min_base) && any(df$min_cell_body)) {
    # NPR: I'm not clear on what this does; something about hiding cells
    # with a base size below some threshold?
    if (!is.null(theme$format_min_base$mask)) {
      data$body[df$min_cell_body] <- theme$format_min_base$mask
      for (nm in intersect(mask_vars, names(data))) {
        data[[nm]][, df$min_cell] <- theme$format_min_base$mask
    for (i in which(colSums(df$min_cell_body) != 0)) {
      data$body[df$min_cell_body[, i], i] <- applyLatexStyle(
          data$body[df$min_cell_body[, i], i], theme$format_min_base)
      # nocov start
      for (nm in intersect(mask_vars, names(data))) {
        data[[nm]][, df$min_cell] <- applyLatexStyle(
          data[[nm]][, df$min_cell], theme$format_min_base)
      # nocov end

  # Add more formatting
  headers <- df$inserts %in% "Heading"
  subtotals <- df$inserts %in% "Subtotal"
  for (i in which(headers)) {
    # Apply style to the heading, then blank out the rest of the row
    data$body[i, ] <- ""
    rownames(data$body)[i] <- applyLatexStyle(rownames(data$body)[i], theme$format_headers)
  for (i in which(subtotals)) {
    # Apply subtotal style to the whole row
    data$body[i, ] <- applyLatexStyle(data$body[i, ], theme$format_subtotals)
    rownames(data$body)[i] <- applyLatexStyle(rownames(data$body)[i], theme$format_subtotals)

  # Escape everything
  data <- lapply(data, function(dt) dfapply(dt, texEscape, Names = TRUE))

  # Apply additional styles to whole table sections
  # TODO: add tests for this
  for (nm in intersect(gsub("format_", "", names(theme)), names(data))) {
    data[[nm]] <- dfapply(
      theme[[paste0("format_", nm)]],
      Names = TRUE

  # After that formatting has been applied, `data` looks like this:
  # List of 2
  #  $ body        :'data.frame':	3 obs. of  5 variables:
  #   ..$ Total   : chr [1:3] "25%" "47%" "38%"
  #   ..$ 16 to 34: chr [1:3] "0%" "31%" "44%"
  #   ..$ 35+     : chr [1:3] "53%" "65%" "33%"
  #   ..$ Male    : chr [1:3] "46%" "28%" "28%"
  #   ..$ Female  : chr [1:3] "0%" "71%" "51%"
  #  $ unweighted_n:'data.frame':	1 obs. of  5 variables:
  #   ..$ Total   : chr "\\multicolumn{1}{c}{17}"
  #   ..$ 16 to 34: chr "\\multicolumn{1}{c}{6}"
  #   ..$ 35+     : chr "\\multicolumn{1}{c}{11}"
  #   ..$ Male    : chr "\\multicolumn{1}{c}{9}"
  #   ..$ Female  : chr "\\multicolumn{1}{c}{8}"

  # Turn each table in `data` into a LaTeX table string
  if (topline_catarray) {
    if (theme$latex_flip_grids | question_alias %in% theme$latex_flip_specific_grids) {
      data$body <- as.data.frame(t(data$body), check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Apparently you can't have any extra table members for these, only "body"

    # Also, IMPORTANT: cat arrays get displayed transposed. First, paste
    # by column to generate the table rows
    rows <- lapply(data$body, paste, collapse = " & ")
    # Add to each row an empty cell (idk why), the row name (from the df
    # column names), and a newline, and collapse them into a single string
      collapse = "\n"

  data <- lapply(data, function(dt) {
    if (topline) {
      # tables have a single column, and we use a dotfill to connect them
      # to the label. Plus there's a leading empty cell, for some reason
      rows <- paste(
        "\\hspace*{0.15em} \\dotfill",
    } else {
      rows <- apply(cbind(rownames(dt), dt), 1, paste, collapse = " & ")
    # Add a newline to each row, then join in a single string
    if(!theme$pagebreak_in_banner) {
      return(paste(rows, "\\\\*", collapse = "\n"))
    } else {
      return(paste(rows, newline, collapse = "\n"))

  # Assemble the components of the table, based on "data_order"
  main_table <- data[intersect(c("body", "medians", "means"), df$data_order)]
  footer <- data[intersect(c("totals_row", "weighted_n", "unweighted_n"), df$data_order)]
  if (topline) {
    # Just join them
    out <- paste(c(main_table, footer), collapse = "\n")
  } else {
    # For crosstabs, there should be a separator between the table and the N rows
    out <- paste(c(main_table, "\\midrule", footer), collapse = "\n")


#' Format Number
#' Round and format a number, removing what space.
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @param digits The number of digits
#' @param ... Furth arguments, unused.
formatNum <- function(x, digits = 0, ...) {
      round(x, digits),
      nsmall = digits,
      big.mark = ","

#' Generate a tableHeader
#' A passthrough function that creates a table header appropriate to the class
#' of the data object being passed. Expected classes are:
#' * CrossTabVar
#' * ToplineVar
#' * ToplineCategoricalArray
#' Importantly, this also controls the relative widths of the columns.
#' @md
#' @param var An object of one of the types listed
#' @param theme A theme object from \link{themeNew}
tableHeader <- function(var, theme) {
  UseMethod("tableHeader", var)

#' @rdname tableHeader
#' @export
tableHeader.default <- function(var, theme) {
  wrong_class_error(var, c("CrossTabVar", "ToplineVar", "ToplineCategoricalArray"), "tableHeader")

#' Header for LongTable with Banner.
#' Title indicates whether the title should be displayed, or not (as in the
#' case of multiple banners displayed underneath each other, the title only
#' appears on the top one).
#' Assumes that `\\banner[a-z]{}` macros are defined in the preamble
#' @param var An object of class CrossTabVar
#' @param theme A theme object from \link{themeNew}
#' @rdname tableHeader
#' @export
tableHeader.CrossTabVar <- function(var, theme) {
  label_width <- ifelse(
    is.na(theme$format_label_column$col_width), "1.5in",
    paste0(theme$format_label_column$col_width, "in"))

  check <- theme$format_label_column_exceptions[var$alias]
  check <- ifelse(is.null(check), NA_real_, check)

  if (!is.na(check)) {
    label_width <- paste0(theme$format_label_column_exceptions[var$alias], "in")

  nopagebreak <- NULL
  # if (!theme$pagebreak_in_banner) {
  #   nopagebreak <- "\\begin{absolutelynopagebreak}"
  # }

  header <- paste(
    paste0("\\tbltopa[", label_width, "]"),
    latexTableName(var, theme),
    sep = "\n"
  ntabs <- length(var$crosstabs)
  if (ntabs > 1) {
    # Subsequent banners don't get the same table name at the top, and the
    # negative vspace squeezes them closer to the one above
    next_headers <- paste(
      paste0("\\tbltop", letters[2:ntabs], "[", label_width, "]"),
      paste0("\\banner", letters[2:ntabs], "{}"),
      sep = "\n"
    header <- c(header, next_headers)

#' @rdname tableHeader
#' @param var An object of class ToplineVar
#' @param theme A theme object from \link{themeNew}
#' @export
tableHeader.ToplineVar <- function(var, theme) {
    paste0("\\begin{", ifelse(var$longtable, "longtable", "tabular"), "}{p{0.3in}p{5.5in}}"),
    header_row = if (var$longtable) "\\longtablesep",
    theme = theme

#' @rdname tableHeader
#' @param var An object of class ToplineCategoricalArray
#' @param theme A theme object from \link{themeNew}
#' @export
tableHeader.ToplineCategoricalArray <- function(var, theme) { # nolint
  header_row <- newline

  if (theme$latex_flip_grids | var$alias %in% theme$latex_flip_specific_grids) {
    col_names <- var$subnames
  } else {
    col_names <- sapply(var$inserts_obj, name)
    if (length(col_names) == 0) {
      col_names <- var$rownames
    if (length(var$rownames) > length(col_names))
      col_names <- var$rownames

  col_names_len <- length(col_names)
  col_width <- paste(round(1 / col_names_len, digits = 2), "\\mywidth", sep = "")

  # use heuristic for scale questions
  if (col_names_len >= 10) { # nocov start
    # NPR: Trying to interpret what this code does, it's looking for
    # something like a 0-10 scale where the endpoints are labeled like
    # "0 - Not at all likely" and "10 - Extremely likely" and the middle
    # labels are just the integer scale values. The goal is to create a
    # two-row table header: top row has the prose labels, second row has
    # just the numbers.
    which.split <- grep("^[0-9]+ - ", col_names)
    if (length(which.split) == 2) {
      # Extract the two string labels
      labs <- texEscape(sub("^[0-9]+ - (.*)$", "\\1", col_names[which.split]))
      # Note that this allows for values outside the scale, such as
      # "Don't know". We'll label the scale range within just the part
      # that is the scale, and the DK or other categories on the end will
      # be formatted as appropriate.
      scale_range <- max(which.split) - min(which.split)
      # We're going to divide this range into two multicolumns
      mcwidth <- (scale_range + 1) / 2
      # If there is an odd number, we may have to have a gap cell between
      # the multicolumns
      midgaps <- 1 + ceiling(mcwidth)
      mcwidth <- floor(mcwidth)
      midgaps <- midgaps - mcwidth
      # Left align the the low end label and right align the high end
      labs[1] <- multicolumn(mcwidth, labs[1], align = "l")
      labs[2] <- multicolumn(mcwidth, labs[2], align = "r")
      # Construct the table row for these labels
      scalestart <- paste(rep(" &", min(which.split)), collapse = "")
      scalemid <- paste(rep(" &", midgaps), collapse = "")
      scaleend <- paste(rep(" &", length(col_names) - max(which.split)), collapse = "")
      thisrow <- paste(
      # Append that to the "header_row" we've started collecting
      header_row <- paste(header_row, thisrow, sep = "\n")
      # Now strip those string labels from the column names, and we'll
      # pass those along to the "normal" code path
      col_names <- sub("^([0-9]+) - .*$", "\\1", col_names)
      # I have no idea why col_width is changed here, what this math
      # entails, or why theme$format_label_column$col_width is invoked
      # here but not earlier where col_width is previously defined
      col_width <- paste(round((5.5 - theme$format_label_column$col_width) /
        col_names_len - 0.11, 3), "in", sep = "")

      # nocov end

  if (var$longtable) {
    header_row <- paste(
      # Make a table row of column names (hence joined by &), with some empty
      # cells at the beginning (for row labels?) and end (why?)
      # PT: end has extra column so it remains centered under the question wording.
      paste(c("", "", texEscape(col_names), ""), collapse = " & "),
      paste(multicolumn(col_names_len + 2, italics(theme$latex_headtext)), newline),
      paste(multicolumn(col_names_len + 2, italics(theme$latex_foottext)), newline),
      sep = "\n"
  } else {
    header_row <- paste0(
      paste(c("", "", texEscape(col_names), ""), collapse = " & "),

  # Issue # 67: Add smart widths
  if (is.na(theme$format_label_column$col_width)) {
    # \\mywidth == 3.5in
    # page width topline = 6.5in
    # spacing between response column 0.1in
    # minimum width of stub = 1.5in, leaving 5.5in to work with
    # 10 or more response category case, dealt with above

    col_names_adj <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 9)[col_names_len]

    col_width_factor <- seq(0.75, 0.55, length.out = 9)[col_names_len]
    col_width_perc <- round(col_width_factor / 3.5, 2)
    first_col_width <- 6.5 - # page width
      (col_width_factor * col_names_len) - # subtract real col widths
      (0.1 * (col_names_len + col_names_adj)) - # spacing 0.1in per name
      col_width_factor / (9 - col_names_len) - # scaled column_width_factor
      0.275 # match left indent (~1em)

    # Never go below 1.5in
    first_col_width <- ifelse(first_col_width < 1.5, 1.5, first_col_width)

    col_width <- paste(round(col_width_perc, digits = 2), "\\mywidth", sep = "")

    col.header <- paste0("B{\\centering}{", col_width, "}")
    col.header <- paste0(
      paste(rep(col.header, col_names_len + 1), collapse = "")

    tab_definition <- paste0(
      "\\begin{", ifelse(var$longtable, "longtable", "tabular"), "}",
      "B{\\raggedright}{", first_col_width, "in}",
  } else {
    if (is.na(theme$format_label_column$col_width)) {
      label_width <- 1.5
    } else {
      # Global override, exception overrules
      label_width <- theme$format_label_column$col_width

    check <- theme$format_label_column_exceptions[var$alias]

    if (!is.na(check) & !is.null(check)) {
      label_width <- theme$format_label_column_exceptions[var$alias]

    col_width <- paste(round(1 / col_names_len, digits = 2), "\\mywidth", sep = "")
    col.header <- paste0("B{\\centering}{", col_width, "}")
    col.header <- paste(rep(col.header, col_names_len + 1), collapse = "")

    tab_definition <- paste0(
      "\\begin{", ifelse(var$longtable, "longtable", "tabular"), "}",
      "B{\\raggedright}{", label_width, "in}",


#' Combine topline data
#' Combines topline data to create the Tex
#' @param var TODO: Identify where this comes from?
#' @param tab_definition Defines a longtable or tabular
#' @param header_row A different header row depending on if its longtable or tabular
#' @param theme A theme object from \link{themeNew}
toplineTableDef <- function(var, tab_definition, header_row, theme) {
  paste(tab_definition, latexTableName(var, theme), header_row, "", sep = "\n")

#' Question Text
#' Creates the question text that leads a topline or crosstab
#' @param var A crunch variable
#' @param theme An object created by \link{themeNew}
latexTableName <- function(var, theme) {
  var_info <- getVarInfo(var, theme)
  if (length(var_info) > 0) {
    bg_color <- theme[[names(var_info)[1]]]$background_color
  } else {
    bg_color <- NULL

  if (inherits(var, "ToplineVar")) {
    page_width <- 6.5
  } else {
    page_width <- 9

  # Munge var_info names to match the macros defined in the .tex file
  names(var_info) <- gsub("_", "", names(var_info))
  if (!is.null(var_info$formatvarsubname) && names(var_info)[1] != "formatvarsubname") {
    # That's an em-dash
    var_info[[1]] <- paste0(var_info[[1]], " \u2014 ", var_info$formatvarsubname)
    var_info$formatvarsubname <- NULL
  # if (length(var_info) == 0) {
  #   # TODO: This shouldn't ever happen. User should be warned
  #   warning("Missing variable: ", var$alias)
  #   if(!is.null(bg_color)) {
  #     var_info <- list(formatvarname = paste0("\\color{", bg_color, "}{404}"))
  #   }
  # }
  out <- paste0(
    "\\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{ ", texEscape(var_info[[1]]), "}\n",
    "\\hangindent=0em \\parbox{", page_width, "in}{\n",
      "\\", names(var_info), "{", texEscape(var_info), "}",
      collapse = "\\\\ \n"
  if (!is.null(bg_color)) {
    # Wrap it in a colorbox
    out <- paste0(
      "\\colorbox{", bg_color, "}{\n",
      "\\hspace*{1ex}}" # Adding horizontal space to match left padding
  return(paste(out, newline))

# " Long table header and footer creation.
#'  Generates two macros for the preamble
#'  \\bannera{} that takes one argument (first column label)
#'  \\tbltopa that takes no arguments
#'  If given multiple banners, \\bannerb \\tbltopb, etc are created
#' @param banner A banner object from \link{banner}
#' @param num An integer that later specifies a letter based on the integers intrinsic position
#' @param page_width The width of the page in inches (typically 9 landscape or 6.5 portrait)
#' @param theme A theme object from \link{themeNew}
longtableHeadFootMacros <- function(banner, num, page_width = 9, theme) {
  binfo <- getBannerInfo(banner, theme)
  col_num_sum <- length(unlist(binfo$multicols))

  if (is.na(theme$format_label_column$col_width)) {
    default_width <- 1.5
  } else {
    default_width <- theme$format_label_column$col_width
  banner_width <- round((page_width - default_width) / col_num_sum - .1, 2)
  banner_def_body1 <- makeLatexBanner(binfo, width = banner_width)
  banner_def_body2 <- paste(
    multicolumn(col_num_sum, theme$latex_headtext),

    # Here is \bannera{}
    # Note that \bannera is never called with an argument, even though it
    # takes one (see below for what would happen if you did give an arg)
      paste0("banner", letters[num]),
      args = 1, paste(
        paste("&", multicolumn(col_num_sum, theme$latex_foottext), newline, ""),
        sep = "\n"
    # Here is \tbltopa
      paste0("tbltop", letters[num], "[1]"), # Issue 77
        ">{\\hangindent=1em \\PBS \\raggedright \\hspace{0pt}}",
        "b{#1}", # Issue #77
        "*{", col_num_sum, "}",
        "{", theme$latex_table_align, "}",

#' Make Banner
#' Provides spacing and additional formatting for
#' LaTeX banners.
#' @param binfo banner info from \link{getBannerInfo}
#' @param width Unused argument
makeLatexBanner <- function(binfo, width = NULL) {
  # NPR: This is not used in the function, but maybe it should be, given
  # vague bug reports. Keep it here until we sort that out.
  # m_split <- paste0("}{m{", width, "in}}{\\centering ")

  # The top row are the variable names
  first_row <- paste(
    " &",
    multicolumn(binfo$len, "\\bf ", texEscape(binfo$names)),
    collapse = ""
  # Add a newline
  first_row <- paste(first_row, newline)
  # Now add a bunch of horizontal rules underneath the headers, grouping the
  # category names in the second row under the variable names in the first
  start_cols <- binfo$multicols_csum[2:(length(binfo$multicols_csum) - 1)]
  end_cols <- binfo$multicols_csum[3:length(binfo$multicols_csum)] - 1
  # cmidrule() is vectorized over those integers, so we need to paste(collapse)
  first_row <- paste(
    c(first_row, cmidrule(start_cols, end_cols)),
    collapse = " "

  # The second row has the category names
  second_row <- paste(
    " &",
    multicolumn(1, texEscape(unlist(binfo$multicols))),
    collapse = ""
  # Add a variable anchor to the beginning of the second row (this is where
  # the argument to \bannera{} would go, if anyone supplied it)
  # and end with a newline
  second_row <- paste("{\\bf #1}", second_row, newline)

  # Assemble the full "banner"
    sep = "\n"

#' Calculate number of lines
#' Calculates the length of the table depending on
#' the type of data provided as well as some theme
#' information
#' @param x An object of type: CrossTabVar, ToplineVar, or ToplineCategoricalArray
#' @param theme An object created by \link{themeNew}
calculateIfLongtable <- function(x, theme) {
  UseMethod("calculateIfLongtable", x)

#' @rdname calculateIfLongtable
#' @export
calculateIfLongtable.default <- function(x, theme) {
    c("CrossTabVar", "ToplineVar", "ToplineCategoricalArray"), "calculateIfLongtable")

#' @rdname calculateIfLongtable
#' @export
calculateIfLongtable.CrossTabVar <- function(x, theme) { # nolint
  return(sum(ceiling(nchar(x$rownames) / 25)) >

#' @rdname calculateIfLongtable
#' @export
calculateIfLongtable.ToplineVar <- function(x, theme) { # nolint
  return(sum(ceiling(nchar(x$rownames) / 90)) >

#' @rdname calculateIfLongtable
#' @export
calculateIfLongtable.ToplineCategoricalArray <- function(x, theme) { # nolint
  return(sum(ceiling(nchar(x$rownames) / 25)) >
Crunch-io/crunchtabs documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 12:14 p.m.