
Defines functions default_measure_helper getDefaultMeasure makeMarginMap real2userMargin user2realMargin print.CrunchCubeCalculation as.array.CrunchCubeCalculation makeCrunchCubeCalculation as.array.CrunchCube mr_items_margins check_margins cubeMarginTable keepWithNA evalUseNA subsetCubeArray takeSelectedDimensions cubeToArray cToA addCubeMeasureTypes setCubeNA

Documented in check_margins makeMarginMap real2userMargin user2realMargin

setMethod("initialize", "CrunchCube", function(.Object, ...) {
    .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
    ## Fill in with the measure types based on the result name
    .Object$result$measures <- addCubeMeasureTypes(.Object$result$measures)
    ## Fill in these reshaped values if loading an API response
    if (!length(.Object@dims)) .Object@dims <- cubeDims(.Object)
    if (!length(.Object@arrays)) {
        ## Get the "measures" from the response
        m <- .Object$result$measures
        ## Add the "bases", which aren't included in "measures"
        m[[".unweighted_counts"]] <- list(
            data = .Object$result$counts,
            measure_type = ".unweighted_counts"
        ## Transform the flat arrays into N-d arrays for easier use
        .Object@arrays <- lapply(m, cToA, dims = .Object@dims)

#' Modify cube missing behavior
#' By default, CrunchCubes do not show entries for missing categories. You can
#' include missing values in a `cube` with `showMissing(cube)` and hide them
#' again with `hideMissing(cube)`.
#' @param cube a CrunchCube
#' @name cube-missingness
#' @aliases showMissing hideMissing showIfAny

#' @rdname cube-missingness
#' @export
setMethod("showMissing", "CrunchCube", function(cube) setCubeNA(cube, "always"))

#' @rdname cube-missingness
#' @export
setMethod("hideMissing", "CrunchCube", function(cube) setCubeNA(cube, "no"))

#' @rdname cube-missingness
#' @export
setMethod("showIfAny", "CrunchCube", function(cube) setCubeNA(cube, "ifany"))

setCubeNA <- function(cube, value = c("always", "no", "ifany")) {
    value <- match.arg(value)
    cube@useNA <- value

#' @rdname cube-methods
#' @export
setMethod("dim", "CrunchCube", function(x) dim(as.array(x)))

#' Get measure type of cube result
#' Returns a string describing the measure type of the cube result,
#' such as "count", "mean", "sd", etc.
#' @param x A `CrunchCube`
#' @param measure Which measure in the cube to check, can index by position
#' with numbers or by name. NULL, the default, will select a "sum" type measure
#' first, "mean" if no sum is available, and will use the cube's names in alphabetic
#' order if there are no "sum" or "mean" measures (or if a tie breaker between two
#' measure types is needed).
#' @return A string describing the cube's measure type
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cube1 <- crtabs(~allpets, ds)
#' cubeMeasureType(cube1)
#' #> "count"
#' cube2 <- crtabs(list(a = n(), b = mean(age)) ~ allpets, ds)
#' cubeMeasureType(cube2)
#' #> "count"
#' cubeMeasureType(cube2, "b")
#' #> "mean"
#' }
setGeneric("cubeMeasureType", function(x, measure = NULL) standardGeneric("cubeMeasureType"))

#' @rdname cubeMeasureType
#' @export
setMethod("cubeMeasureType", "CrunchCube", function(x, measure = 1) {
    attr(x@arrays[[measure]], "measure_type") %||% "unknown"

# ---- Cube To Array ----

#' @rdname cube-methods
#' @export
setMethod("dimnames", "CrunchCube", function(x) dimnames(dimensions(x)))

addCubeMeasureTypes <- function(measures) {
    # Add cube measure type to object, which may be stored as an appended
    # "__<measure>" if user chose names
    out <- lapply(names(measures), function(measure_name) {
            list(measure_type = sub(".+__", "", measure_name))
    names(out) <- sub("(.+)__.+", "\\1", names(measures))

cToA <- function(x, dims) {
    ## Just make an array from the cube "measure's" data. Nothing else.
    ## This function takes a flat array from the JSON response and shapes it
    ## into an N-dimensional `array` class object. It does not prune this array
    ## in any way--any extra values that don't ever get displayed to users, and
    ## any "missing" elements, which may or may not be displayed--remain.
    ## Those extra values are sometimes needed to compute the correct margins
    ## for percentaging, so they are kept at this point and removed before
    ## display. But having the data in an array shape now will make those later
    ## calculations more natural to do.
    d <- unlist(x$data)
    ## Identify missing values
    nas <- names(d) %in% "?"
    d[nas & d == -8] <- NaN
    d[nas & d != -8] <- NA
    names(d) <- NULL

    dimsizes <- dim(dims)
    ndims <- length(dims)
    if (ndims == 0) {
        ## It's a scalar. Just return it
        out <- d
    } else {
        if (ndims > 1) {
            ## Cube arrays come in row-col-etc. order, not column-major.
            ## Keep the labels right here, then aperm the array back to order
            dimsizes <- rev(dimsizes)
        out <- array(d, dim = dimsizes)
        if (ndims > 1) {
            ap <- seq_len(ndims)
            ap <- rev(ap)
            out <- aperm(out, ap)
        dimnames(out) <- dimnames(dims)
    ## Stick any variable metadata we have in here as an attribute so that
    ## `measures()` and `variables()` can access it
    attr(out, "variable") <- cubeVarReferences(x$metadata)
    ## Add measure_type (from original measure_name) to array attributes as well
    attr(out, "measure_type") <- x$measure_type

cubeToArray <- function(x, measure = NULL) {
    ## This is the function behind the "as.array" method, as well as what
    ## "bases" does with the ".unweighted_counts". It evaluates all of the logic
    ## that takes the array in the cube response and selects the slices of that
    ## that the human user thinks they're dealing with. This logic includes
    ## two main things:
    ## (1) Missingness can be optionally included/shown, based on the
    ## "useNA" slot/argument to `crtabs`. And since one value for "useNA" is
    ## "ifany", whether or not NAs are shown may depend on the values in the
    ## table, not just the category/element metadata.
    ## (2) Multiple response. This variable type is presented to users as if
    ## it were categorical, but its data structure isn't, and thus its
    ## representation in the cube response is more complex. We need that
    ## complexity so that we know how to compute percentages correctly, but
    ## here we need to dump it. MR variables return as two
    ## dimensions, like a categorical array. The "category" dimension has been
    ## reduced to special "Selected", "Other", and "No Data" categories.
    ## For reducing the display of the result back to the single dimension we
    ## think of the data, we take the "Selected" slice from the categories
    ## dimension.
    if (is.null(measure)) measure <- getDefaultMeasure(x)

    out <- x@arrays[[measure]]
    ## Remove the "variables" & "measure_type" metadata stuck in there
    attr(out, "variable") <- NULL
    attr(out, "measure_type") <- NULL
    ## If "out" is just a scalar, skip this
    if (is.array(out)) {
        ## First, take the "Selected" slices, if any
        out <- takeSelectedDimensions(out, x@dims)
        ## Then, figure out which NA values to keep/drop/etc.
        keep.these <- evalUseNA(out, dimensions(x), x@useNA)
        out <- subsetCubeArray(out, keep.these)
    } else if (length(x@dims) == 1) {
        missing <- x@dims[[1]]$missing
        if (x@useNA == "no") {
            out <- out[!missing]
        } else if (x@useNA == "ifany") {
            out <- out[out > 0 | !missing]

takeSelectedDimensions <- function(x, dims) {
    ## This function handles the "as_selected" multiple response feature,
    ## dropping the slices other than "Selected". If no "as_selected" MR
    ## variables are present in the cube dimensions, this function does nothing.
    selecteds <- is.selectedDimension(dims)
    if (any(selecteds)) {
        drops <- lapply(selecteds, function(s) {
            ## For "Selected" dimensions, we only want to return "Selected",
            ## the 1st element
            ## TODO: Don't assume "selected" is position 1; consider an
            ## is.selected attr/vector
            if (s) {
            } else {
                ## Otherwise keep all
        x <- subsetCubeArray(x, drops, selected_dims = selecteds)

subsetCubeArray <- function(array, bools, drop = FALSE, selected_dims = FALSE) {
    ## This is a convenience method around "[" for subsetting arrays,
    ## given a named list of logicals corresponding to the dims.
    ## It has some special handling for "Selected" MR slicing, so that we can
    ## "drop" that dimension but not necessarily "drop" any other dimensions
    ## that are length-1.
    re_shape <- any(selected_dims) &&
        !drop && length(selected_dims) == length(dim(array))
    if (re_shape) {
        ## subset with drop=TRUE to just keep the selected slice(s), then wrap in
        ## array to set dims correctly (so that we don't accidentally drop some other
        ## true length-1 dimension)
        drop <- TRUE
        newdim <- dim(array)[!selected_dims]
        newdimnames <- dimnames(array)[!selected_dims]
    out <- do.call("[", c(list(x = array, drop = drop), bools))
    if (re_shape) {
        out <- array(out, dim = newdim, dimnames = newdimnames)
    attr(out, "measure_type") <- attr(array, "measure_type")

evalUseNA <- function(data, dims, useNA) {
    ## Return dimnames-shaped list of logical vectors indicating which
    ## values should be kept, according to the @useNA parameter

    if (length(dims) == 0) {
        # we got no dimensions, return TRUE for compatilbity (keep everything)

    if (is.vector(data)) {
        # if we have a vector, turn it into an array for compatibility below
        data <- as.array(data)

    ## Figure out which dims are non-zero
    margin.counts <- lapply(
        function(i) margin.table(data, i)

    keep.these <- mapply(keepWithNA,
        dimension = dims,
        marginal = margin.counts,
        MoreArgs = list(useNA = useNA),
    names(keep.these) <- names(dims)

keepWithNA <- function(dimension, marginal, useNA) {
    ## Returns logicals of which rows/cols/etc. should be kept
    if (useNA == "always") {
        out <- rep(TRUE, length(dimension$missing))
    } else {
        ## !always means either drop missing always, or only keep if there are any
        out <- !dimension$missing
        names(out) <- dimension$name
        if (useNA == "ifany") {
            ## Compare against "marginal", the counts, to know which missing
            ## elements have "any". We need to subset by name here because the
            ## margin might include insertions.
            ## Further: if any margin is NA, it means it wasn't passed in so we
            ## we should assume it's false.
            marg <- marginal[names(out)]
            include_by_margin <- is.na(marg) | marg > 0
            out <- out | include_by_margin
    # add names, so we know which categories are being kept
    names(out) <- dimension$name

cubeMarginTable <- function(x, margin = NULL, measure = NULL) {
    ## Given a CrunchCube, get the right margin table for percentaging
    ## This is the function that `margin.table` calls internally, and like
    ## `cubeToArray` (for `as.array`), it manages the complexity of how we
    ## handle missing data and especially multiple response.
    if (is.null(measure)) measure <- getDefaultMeasure(x)
    data <- x@arrays[[measure]]
    dims <- x@dims
    dimnames(data) <- dimnames(dims)
    missings <- is.na(dims)

    ## Check "margin" against number of (non-"selected" invisible MR) dims
    selecteds <- is.selectedDimension(dims)
    check_margins(margin, selecteds)

    which_selected <- which(selecteds)
    margin_map <- which(!selecteds)
    ## Caution: due to the "as_selected" MR behavior, our "real" cube may have
    ## higher dimensionality than the user thinks. E.g. if we have
    ## MR x categorical, the user thinks there are 2 dimensions in the cube,
    ## but there are 3 dimensions in the array we store (MR subvars,
    ## MR "categories" (selected/not/missing), and Cat var). So if the user
    ## says they want margin.table(cube, 2), we have to know that that "2"
    ## translates to dim 3 in the "real" array. The `margin_map` translates
    ## user dims to "real" dims.
    mapped_margins <- margin_map[margin]

    drop_na <- x@useNA == "no"

    ## This is the core of the function, in which we select the subset of the
    ## "real" cube that we want to aggregate to generate the margin table.
    ## The result of this lapply is a dimnames-shaped list of logical vectors
    ## (like what `evalUseNA` returns).
    args <- lapply(seq_along(missings), function(i) {
        ## Iterating over each dimension i,
        m <- missings[[i]]
        ## Start with all TRUE
        out <- rep(TRUE, length(m))
        ## First, check whether "i" is a "Selection" (pseudo-)dimension
        if (i %in% which_selected) {
            ## If so, switch behavior based on whether the user has requested
            ## a margin.table on the MR variable "margin" that corresponds to
            ## this "selection" dim. "Selections" are always immediately
            ## following the MR variable, so see if i - 1 is in the requested
            ## "margin":
            if ((i - 1) %in% mapped_margins) {
                ## This is the "Selection" dimension that corresponds to the
                ## previous "real" dim
                ## TODO: Don't assume "selected" is position 1; consider an
                ## is.selected attr/vector
                out <- 1 ## Just keep "Selected"
            } else if (drop_na) {
                ## Otherwise, check if we're only keeping non-missing entries,
                ## and filter them accordingly.
                out <- !m
            ## Next, for non-selection dimensions, it matters if "i" is in the
            ## user's margin selection. The default, as we said up front, is keep
            ## all, but not if we're sweeping this margin.
        } else if (drop_na && !(i %in% mapped_margins)) {
            ## Not multiple response. Exclude missings if we should
            out <- !m

    names(args) <- names(missings)
    data <- subsetCubeArray(data, args)
    ## Now we have data in a reasonable shape that R's native methods can
    ## handle.

    ## One last MR trick. We have to figure out which margins to actually keep.
    ## Because the "as_selected" MR variables are essentially stacked individual
    ## variables, with independent "base sizes", if they're present in the cube,
    ## they're always present (each subvariable) in the resulting margin table.
    ## That is, a MR x Cat cube, requesting margin 2, actually returns a 2-D
    ## margin table, and not a 1-D margin table like you might expect, because
    ## each subvariable in the MR has a separate "valid" count associated.
    ## It's mind-bending, I know. But we bend our minds so our users don't have
    ## to as much.
    mt_margins <- mr_items_margins(margin, cube = x)
    ## OK. Now we have an array of data and translated margins. We can call the
    ## base `margin.table` method with those.
    mt <- margin.table(data, mt_margins)

    # apply possible transforms, but don't use the full cube dimentions, rather
    # use subset transforms lists, dims, etc. because we have fewer dimensions
    # than the full cube. This will also drop missings from the result, so we
    # don't need to do that explicitly
    out <- applyTransforms(
        array = mt,
        transforms_list = transforms(x)[mt_margins],
        dims_list = dims[mt_margins],
        useNA = x@useNA


#' Check validity of margins
#' A helper function to check if margins supplied are compatible with the
#' dimensions
#' @param selecteds which dimensions are selected
#' @param margin the margin(s) being specified
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal
check_margins <- function(margin, selecteds) {
    if (!is.null(margin) && max(margin) > sum(!selecteds)) {
        ## Validate the input and give a useful error message.
        ## base::margin.table says:
        ## "Error in if (d2 == 0L) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
        ## which is terrible.
            "Margin ", max(margin), " exceeds Cube's number of dimensions (",
            sum(!selecteds), ")"

mr_items_margins <- function(margin,
                             dimTypes = getDimTypes(cube),
                             user_dims = FALSE) {
    margin_out <- user2realMargin(margin, dimTypes = dimTypes)
    # remove the selections dimension, if it was asked for
    margin_out <- margin_out[dimTypes[margin_out] != "mr_selections"]

    # add MR items dimensions
    mr_items <- which(dimTypes == "mr_items")
    margin_out <- sort(unique(c(margin_out, mr_items)))

    if (user_dims) {
        margin_out <- real2userMargin(margin_out, dimTypes = dimTypes)

    if (length(margin_out) == 0) {


#' @export
as.array.CrunchCube <- function(x, ...) cubeToArray(x, ...)

#' Work with CrunchCubes, MultitableResults, and TabBookResults
#' These functions provide an interface like \code{\link[base:marginSums]{base::margin.table()}} and
#' \code{\link[base:proportions]{base::prop.table()}} for the CrunchCube object. CrunchCubes
#' contain richer metadata than standard R `array` objects, and they also conceal certain
#' complexity in the data structures from the user. In particular,
#' multiple-response variables are generally represented as single dimensions in
#' result tables, but in the actual data, they may comprise two dimensions.
#' These methods understand the subtleties in the Crunch data types and
#' correctly compute margins and percentages off of them.
#' These functions also generalize to MultitableResults and TabBookResults,
#' which are returned from a [tabBook()] request. When called on one of those
#' objects, they effectively apply over each CrunchCube contained in them.
#' `bases` is an additional method for CrunchCubes. When making weighted
#' requests, `bases` allows you to access the unweighted counts for every cell
#' in the resulting table (array). The `bases` function takes a "margin"
#' argument to work like `margin.table`, or with `margin=0` gives all cell
#' counts.
#' @param x a CrunchCube
#' @param margin index, or vector of indices to generate margin for. See
#'   \code{\link[base:proportions]{base::prop.table()}}. `bases()` accepts `0` as an additional
#'   valid value for `margin`, which yields the unweighted counts for the query.
#' @param digits For `round`, the number of decimal places to round to. See
#'   \code{\link[base:Round]{base::round()}}
#' @return When called on CrunchCubes, these functions return an `array`.
#'   Calling prop.table on a MultitableResult returns a list of prop.tables of
#'   the CrunchCubes it contains. Likewise, prop.table on a TabBookResult
#'   returns a list of lists of prop.tables.
#' @name cube-computing
#' @aliases cube-computing margin.table prop.table bases round
#' @seealso [`margin.table()`] [`prop.table()`]
#' @rdname cube-computing
#' @rdname cube-computing
setGeneric("bases", function(x, margin = NULL) standardGeneric("bases"))

#' @rdname cube-computing
#' @export
setMethod("prop.table", "CrunchCube", function(x, margin = NULL) {
    if (cubeMeasureType(x) != "count") {
        halt("Cannot calculate `prop.table()` on non-count measure: ", cubeMeasureType(x))
    out <- applyTransforms(x)
    marg <- margin.table(x, margin)
    actual_margin <- mr_items_margins(margin, cube = x, user_dims = TRUE)
    # Check if there are any actual_margins and if the dims are identical, we
    # don't need to sweep, and if we are MRxMR we can't sweep.
    if (!is.null(actual_margin) & !identical(dim(out), dim(marg))) {
        out <- sweep(out, actual_margin, marg, "/", check.margin = FALSE)
    } else {
        ## Don't just divide by sum(out) like the default does.
        ## cubeMarginTable handles missingness, any/none, etc.
        out <- out / marg
    class(out) <- c("CrunchCubeCalculation", "array")
    attr(out, "dims") <- x@dims[!is.selectedDimension(x)]
    attr(out, "type") <- "proportion"

#' @rdname cube-computing
#' @export
setMethod("round", "CrunchCube", function(x, digits = 0) {
    return(round(applyTransforms(x), digits))

#' @rdname cube-computing
#' @export
setMethod("bases", "CrunchCube", function(x, margin = NULL) {
    if (cubeMeasureType(x) != "count") {
        halt("Cannot calculate `bases()` on non-count measure: ", cubeMeasureType(x))
    if (length(margin) == 1 && margin == 0) {
        ## Unlike margin.table. This just returns the "bases", without reducing
        return(applyTransforms(x, array = cubeToArray(x, ".unweighted_counts")))
    } else if (length(dimensions(x)) == 0) {
        ## N dims == 0 is for univariate stats
        if (!is.null(margin)) {
                "Margin ", max(margin),
                " exceeds Cube's number of dimensions (0)"
        return(applyTransforms(x, array = cubeToArray(x, ".unweighted_counts")))
    } else {
        return(cubeMarginTable(x, margin, measure = ".unweighted_counts"))

#' @rdname cube-computing
#' @export
setMethod("margin.table", "CrunchCube", function(x, margin = NULL) {
    if (cubeMeasureType(x) != "count") {
        halt("Cannot calculate `margin.table()` on non-count measure: ", cubeMeasureType(x))
    # This selects the margins while skipping over the MR selected dimension
    # See comments in cubeToArray for more detail.
    mt_margins <- mr_items_margins(margin, cube = x)
    out <- cubeMarginTable(x, margin)
    if (is.array(out)) {
        out <- makeCrunchCubeCalculation(out, x@dims[mt_margins], "margin")

makeCrunchCubeCalculation <- function(x, dims, type) {
    class(x) <- c("CrunchCubeCalculation", "array")
    attr(x, "dims") <- dims
    attr(x, "type") <- type

#' @export
as.array.CrunchCubeCalculation <- function(x, ...) {
    attr(x, "dims") <- NULL
    attr(x, "type") <- NULL
    class(x) <- "array"

#' @export
print.CrunchCubeCalculation <- function(x, ...) print(as.array(x))

#' Convert from user margins to real cube margins or vice versa
#' It is helpful to programmatically move from user-specified margins to real
#' cube margins that apply to the higher-dimensional real cube (with
#' `user2realMargin`). Or to move from the higher-dimensional real cube to user cube
#' (with `real2userMargin`).
#' @param margin the margin or margins for the user cube to be translated
#' @param dimTypes dimension types from `getDimTypes()` (by default:
#'   `getDimTypes(cube)`)
#' @param cube the cube to translate the margin for (optional if `dimTypes` is
#'   explicitly supplied)
#' @param dedupe logical, should the user dimensions in the result be
#'   deduplicated (for `real2userMargin` only)
#' @return margin or margins in the higher-dimension real cube
#' @keywords internal
#' @name margin-translation

#' @rdname margin-translation
user2realMargin <- function(margin, dimTypes = getDimTypes(cube), cube) {
    if (is.null(margin)) {
        # If margin is null, return null
    margin_map <- makeMarginMap(dimTypes)

    return(which(margin_map %in% margin))

#' @rdname margin-translation
real2userMargin <- function(margin, dimTypes = getDimTypes(cube), cube, dedupe = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(margin)) {
        # If margin is null, return null

    margin_map <- makeMarginMap(dimTypes)

    if (dedupe) {
        margin_out <- unique(margin_map[margin])
    } else {
        margin_out <- margin_map[margin]


#' Make a map of margins
#' Useful when converting to and from user and real cube dimension indexes.
#' @param dimTypes dimension types from `getDimTypes()`
#' @return a vector of margins, the length of which is the length of the real
#'   cube, the values are the user cube dimensions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' makeMarginMap(getDimTypes(cat_by_cat_cube))
#' # 1 2
#' makeMarginMap(getDimTypes(MR_by_cat_cube))
#' # 1 1 2
#' makeMarginMap(getDimTypes(cat_by_MR_cube))
#' # 1 2 2
#' makeMarginMap(getDimTypes(MR_by_MR_cube))
#' # 1 1 2 2
#' }
#' @keywords internal
makeMarginMap <- function(dimTypes) {
    non_mr_margins <- seq_along(dimTypes[dimTypes != "mr_selections"])

    # adjust multiple response margins
    which_selected <- which(dimTypes == "mr_selections")
    mr_margins <- which_selected - seq_along(which_selected)
    margin_map <- sort(c(non_mr_margins, mr_margins))

    # we don't need names on the margin map, so remove them.
    names(margin_map) <- NULL


getDefaultMeasure <- function(cube) {
    measure_types <- vapply(
        function(x) attr(x, "measure_type") %||% "unknown",
    measure_names <- names(cube@arrays)
    default_measure_helper(measure_types, measure_names)

default_measure_helper <- function(types, names) {
    # If any are count, use first alphabetically by name (in case there are 2+ counts)
    # Next use "mean" (again alphabetically)
    # Finally use alphabetically (avoiding unweighted counts if possible)
    if (any(types == "count")) {
        return(sort(names[types == "count"])[1])
    } else if (any(types == "mean")) {
        return(sort(names[types == "mean"])[1])
    } else if (any(types != ".unweighted_counts")) { # Try not unweighted counts
        return(sort(names[types != ".unweighted_counts"])[1])
    } else { # shouldn't be possible, but just in case:
Crunch-io/rcrunch documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 11:13 p.m.