plot_indel_contexts: Plot the indel contexts

View source: R/plot_indel_contexts.R

plot_indel_contextsR Documentation

Plot the indel contexts


Plot the indel contexts


  same_y = FALSE,
  extra_labels = FALSE,
  condensed = FALSE



A tibble containing the number of indels per COSMIC context.


A boolean describing whether the same y axis should be used for all samples.


A boolean describing whether extra labels should be added. These can clarify the plot, but will shift when different plot widths are used. We recommend saving a plot with a width of 12, when using this argument.


More condensed plotting format. Default = F.


Plots the number of indels COSMIC context per sample. It takes a tibble with counts as its input. This tibble can be generated by 'count_indel_contexts()'. Each sample is plotted in a separate facet. The same y axis can be used for all samples or a separate y axis can be used. The facets at the top show the indel types. First the C and T deletions Then the C and T insertions. Next are the multi base deletions and insertions. Finally the deletions with microhomology (mh) are shown. The x-axis at the bottom shows the number of repeat units. For mh deletions the microhomology length is shown.


A ggplot figure.

See Also

count_indel_contexts, plot_main_indel_contexts

Other Indels: count_indel_contexts(), get_indel_context(), plot_compare_indels(), plot_main_indel_contexts()


## Get The indel counts
## See 'count_indel_contexts()' for more info on how to do this.
indel_counts <- readRDS(system.file("states/blood_indel_counts.rds",
  package = "MutationalPatterns"

## Plot contexts

## Use the same y axis for all samples.
plot_indel_contexts(indel_counts, same_y = TRUE)

## Add extra labels to make plot clearer
plot_indel_contexts(indel_counts, extra_labels = TRUE)

## Create a more condensed plot
plot_indel_contexts(indel_counts, condensed = TRUE)

CuppenResearch/MutationalPatterns documentation built on Nov. 23, 2022, 4:13 a.m.