# Auxiliary functions to support main functions
# Author: Debora Zuanny & Domingos Cardoso
# Function to get genus URI
.getgenURI <- function(family = family,
genus = NULL,
hybrid = hybrid,
verbose = verbose) {
# Extract the uri of each plant family using associated data POWOcodes
utils::data("POWOcodes", package = "expowo")
powo_codes <- dplyr::filter(POWOcodes, family %in% .env$family)
powo_fams_uri <- list()
list_fams <- list()
for (i in seq_along(powo_codes$uri)) {
# Adding a counter to identify each running search
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("Searching... ",
powo_codes$family[i], " ", i, "/",
# Visiting the POWO source page for each entry family
powo_fams_uri[[i]] <- readLines(powo_codes$uri[i], encoding = "UTF-8",
warn = F)
# Find whether the family exists by searching a pattern for constituent
# accepted genera.
tt <- grepl("\\s{2,}This is a synonym of", powo_fams_uri[[i]])
temp <- powo_fams_uri[[i]][tt]
if (length(temp) != 0) {
tt <- grepl("><a href[=]\"[/]taxon[/]urn[:]lsid[:]ipni[.]org[:]names[:]",
powo_fams_uri[[i]][tt] <- gsub(".*org[:]names[:]", "",
new_powo_fam_uri <- gsub("\".*", "", powo_fams_uri[[i]][tt])
new_fam_name <- gsub(".*[=]", "", powo_fams_uri[[i]][tt])
new_fam_name <- gsub("<.*", "", new_fam_name)
new_fam_name <- gsub(".*>", "", new_fam_name)
message(paste(powo_codes$family[i], "is under synonym of", new_fam_name))
if (any(!new_fam_name %in% powo_codes$family)) {
message(paste("Searching genera now under",
paste0(new_fam_name, "...")))
new_powo_fam_uri <-
new_powo_fam_uri, sep = "")
# Visiting POWO source page again for the accepted family name of an
# originally entered family that is under synonym.
powo_fams_uri[[i]] <- readLines(new_powo_fam_uri, encoding = "UTF-8",
warn = F)
tt <- grepl("\\s{2,}This is a synonym of", powo_fams_uri[[i]])
temp <- powo_fams_uri[[i]][tt]
powo_codes$family[i] <- new_fam_name
} else {
powo_codes <- powo_codes[!powo_codes$family %in% powo_codes$family[i], ]
if (length(temp) == 0) {
# The temp vector get the URI for each genus within the family
url_xx <- "><a href[=]\"[/]taxon[/]urn[:]lsid[:]ipni[.]org[:]names[:]"
temp <- grepl(url_xx, powo_fams_uri[[i]])
powo_genus_uri <- powo_fams_uri[[i]][temp]
# The following subset within the retrieved genus uri within the temp
# vector is to exclude any possible IRI of family-level synonyms.
temp <- !grepl("aceae|oideae|meta\\sproperty|meta\\sname|Compositae|
Palmae|Umbelliferae", powo_genus_uri)
list_fams[[i]] <- data.frame(temp_genus_uri = powo_genus_uri[temp],
family = powo_codes$family[i],
genus = NA,
authors = NA,
scientific_name = NA,
hybrid = NA,
kew_id = NA,
powo_uri = NA)
# Filling retrieved information in each column
list_fams[[i]][["temp_genus_uri"]] <-
gsub(".*><a href[=]\"", "", list_fams[[i]][["temp_genus_uri"]])
list_fams[[i]][["powo_uri"]] <-
gsub("\".+", "", list_fams[[i]][["temp_genus_uri"]]), sep = "")
list_fams[[i]][["kew_id"]] <- gsub(".+[:]", "",
list_fams[[i]][["authors"]] <- gsub(".*em>", "",
list_fams[[i]][["authors"]] <- gsub("<.*", "",
list_fams[[i]][["authors"]] <- gsub("^\\s", "",
list_fams[[i]][["genus"]] <- gsub(".*\\slang[=]'la'>|<[/]em>.*", "",
list_fams[[i]][["scientific_name"]] <- paste(list_fams[[i]][["genus"]],
# Select specific columns of interest
list_fams[[i]] <- list_fams[[i]] %>% select("family", "genus", "authors",
"scientific_name", "hybrid",
"kew_id", "powo_uri")
# Identify hybrid taxon
tf <- grepl("\u00D7", list_fams[[i]]$genus)
list_fams[[i]]$hybrid[tf] <- "yes"
list_fams[[i]]$hybrid[!tf] <- "no"
if (hybrid == FALSE) {
list_fams[[i]] <- list_fams[[i]] %>%
filter(list_fams[[i]]$hybrid == "no") %>%
# Pause for 300 seconds right after every 500th search,
# because POWO website may crash when searching uninterruptedly.
if (i %% 500 == 0) {
# Ending the main for loop
names(list_fams) <- powo_codes$family
# Combining all dataframes from the list of each family search
# Each dataframe includes the retrieved genus URI for each searched family
df <- list_fams[[1]]
if (length(list_fams) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(list_fams)) {
df <- rbind(df, list_fams[[i]])
# If a vector of genus names is provided, then remove all other genera in the
# family during the subsequent search steps.
if (!is.null(genus)) {
temp <- df$genus %in% genus
if (length(which(temp == TRUE)) == length(genus)) {
df <- df[temp, ]
} else {
stop(paste("Any genus in the provided genus vector might have a typo or is
not present in POWO.\n",
"Please correct the following names in your genus vector
according to POWO:\n", "\n",
paste(genus[!genus %in% df$genus], collapse = ", "), "\n",
"Find help also at DBOSLab-UFBA:\n",
"Debora Zuanny, deborazuanny@gmail.com\n",
"Domingos Cardoso, cardosobot@gmail.com"))
# Function to get species URI
.getsppURI <- function(powo_codes,
splist = TRUE,
hybrid = hybrid,
verbose = verbose) {
powo_genus_uri <- list()
list_genus <- list()
for (i in seq_along(powo_codes$powo_uri)) {
# Adding a counter to identify each running search
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("Searching sp list of... ",
powo_codes$genus[i], " ",
powo_codes$family[i], " ",
i, "/", length(powo_codes$family)))
powo_genus_uri[[i]] <- readLines(powo_codes$powo_uri[i], encoding = "UTF-8",
warn = F)
temp <- grepl("><a href[=]\"/taxon/urn[:]lsid[:]ipni[.]org[:]names[:]",
powo_spp_uri <- powo_genus_uri[[i]][temp]
if (length(powo_spp_uri) == 0) {
powo_spp_uri = "unknown"
list_genus[[i]] <- data.frame(temp_spp_uri = powo_spp_uri,
family = powo_codes$family[i],
genus = powo_codes$genus[i],
species = NA,
taxon_name = NA,
authors = NA,
scientific_name = NA,
status = NA,
accepted_name = NA,
hybrid = NA,
kew_id = NA,
powo_uri = NA)
if (!"unknown" %in% powo_spp_uri) {
# Filling in each column
list_genus[[i]][["temp_spp_uri"]] <-
gsub(".*><a href[=]\"", "", list_genus[[i]][["temp_spp_uri"]])
list_genus[[i]][["powo_uri"]] <-
gsub("\".+", "", list_genus[[i]][["temp_spp_uri"]]), sep = "")
list_genus[[i]][["kew_id"]] <-
gsub(".+[:]", "", list_genus[[i]][["powo_uri"]])
list_genus[[i]][["species"]] <- gsub(".*\\slang[=]'la'>|<[/]em>.*", "",
list_genus[[i]][["species"]] <- gsub(".*\\s", "",
list_genus[[i]][["authors"]] <- gsub(".*em>", "",
list_genus[[i]][["authors"]] <- gsub("<.*", "",
list_genus[[i]][["authors"]] <- gsub("^\\s", "",
list_genus[[i]][["taxon_name"]] <- gsub(".*\\slang[=]'la'>|<[/]em>.*", "",
list_genus[[i]][["taxon_name"]] <- gsub(".*\\slang[=]'la'>|<[/]em>.*", "",
list_genus[[i]][["scientific_name"]] <-
paste(list_genus[[i]][["taxon_name"]], list_genus[[i]][["authors"]])
# Remove any possible generic synonym from the retrieved list
list_genus[[i]] <- list_genus[[i]][grepl("\\s",
list_genus[[i]]$taxon_name), ]
# Select specific columns of interest
list_genus[[i]] <- list_genus[[i]] %>% select("family", "genus", "species",
"taxon_name", "authors",
"scientific_name", "status",
"accepted_name", "hybrid",
"kew_id", "powo_uri")
if (splist) {
# Identify hybrid taxon
tf <- grepl("[+]|\u00D7", list_genus[[i]]$taxon_name)
list_genus[[i]]$hybrid[tf] <- "yes"
list_genus[[i]]$hybrid[!tf] <- "no"
if (hybrid == FALSE) {
list_genus[[i]] <- list_genus[[i]] %>%
filter(list_genus[[i]]$hybrid == "no") %>%
# Pause for 300 seconds right after every 500th search,
# because POWO website may crash when searching uninterruptedly.
if (i %% 500 == 0) {
names(list_genus) <- powo_codes$genus
# Combining all data frames from the list of each family/genus search
df <- list_genus[[1]]
if (length(list_genus) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(list_genus)) {
df <- rbind(df, list_genus[[i]])
# Function to get species number and reopen connection for lost query
.getsppNumb <- function(df,
verbose = verbose) {
# Extract number of species in each genus of the queried families
df <- .getNumb(df,
verbose = verbose)
# Try open a new connection for those lost during the first search
df <- .reopen_query(df,
verbose = verbose)
# Function to get species number
.getNumb <- function(df,
verbose = verbose) {
l_uri <- length(df$powo_uri)
# Creating empty lists to save data of interest during all search
list_spp <- list_html <- list_grepl <- vector("list", length = l_uri)
for (i in seq_along(df$powo_uri)) {
# The tryCatch function helps skipping error in for-loop.
list_html[[i]] <- readLines(paste(df$powo_uri[i]), warn = F)
# Adding a counter to identify each running search
tf <- df$powo_uri == df$powo_uri[i]
if (verbose) {
gen <- df$genus[tf]
fam <- df$family[tf]
message(paste0("Searching sp number of... ",
gen, " ",
fam, " ", i, "/",
list_grepl[[i]] <- grepl(">Includes\\s", list_html[[i]])
list_spp[[i]] <- gsub(".*>Includes\\s", "",
list_spp[[i]] <- gsub("\\sAccepted.+", "",
# The function below will print any search error (e.g. site address of a
# specific genus is not opening for some reason).
}, error = function(e) {cat(paste("ERROR:", df$genus[tf], df$family[tf]),
conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
# Pause for 300 seconds right after every 500th search,
# because POWO website may crash when searching uninterruptedly.
if (i %% 500 == 0) {
# Filling in with "NA" those genera for which the search failed to open the
# POWO site.
temp <- lapply(list_spp, is.null)
list_spp[unlist(temp)] <- NA
temp <- lapply(list_spp, function(x) length(x) == 0)
list_spp[unlist(temp)] <- NA
# Extracting the number of species from the list during the POWO searching.
df$species_number <- unlist(list_spp, use.names = F)
df$species_number <- as.numeric(df$species_number)
# Function reopen a new connection for those lost during the first search
.reopen_query <- function(df, verbose = verbose) {
tf <- is.na(df$species_number)
if (any(tf)) {
df_temp <- .getNumb(df[tf, ],
verbose = verbose)
for (i in seq_along(df_temp$kew_id)) {
tf <- df$kew_id %in% df_temp$kew_id[i]
df$species_number[tf] <- df_temp$species_number[i]
# Function to apply a continuation search from the last searched taxon
.powo_rerun <- function (df, sp_uri = FALSE, dir, filename) {
csv_file <- paste0(paste0(dir, "/", format(Sys.time(), "%d%b%Y")),
"/", filename, ".csv")
# Read headers only
column_names <- as.vector(t(utils::read.csv(csv_file, header=FALSE,
colClasses='character', nrows=1)))
# Then read last n lines
ltokeep <- 100
nL <- R.utils::countLines(csv_file)
df_temp <- read.csv(csv_file, header=FALSE, col.names=column_names,
status <- df_temp$status
if (any(names(df_temp) %in% "status")) {
df_temp <- df_temp %>% filter(status == "Accepted")
l_row <- nrow(df_temp)
last_gen <- df_temp$genus[l_row]
} else {
l_row <- nrow(df_temp)
last_gen <- df_temp$genus[l_row]
if (sp_uri) {
pos <- (which(df$kew_id %in% df_temp$kew_id[l_row])+1):nrow(df)
df <- df[pos, ]
} else {
df <- df[df$genus %in% last_gen, ]
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