#' Class: lookup_list
#' Constructor for a <lookup_list> object.
#' Inherits from <list>.
#' @param alleles A character vector of alleles.
#' @param eag EAG alleles <\code{\link{eag_tbl}}>.
#' @return
#' A list with the elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{e2_tbl}{A mapping of rep_allele <-> eag_alllele <-> eag_num for exon 2}
#' \item{e3_tbl}{A mapping of rep_allele <-> eag_alllele <-> eag_num for exon 2}
#' \item{jkr_tbl}{A table of exon 3 joker alleles}
#' \item{prt_tbl}{A mapping table with partials}
#' \item{ntbl2}{2-field NMDP-code lookup}
#' \item{ntbl4}{4-field NMDP-code lookup}
#' \item{gtbl}{G-code lookup}
#' }
#' and the attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{nextype_basis_id}
#' \item{gene}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("HLA")
#' ## get a vector of reported DPB1 alleles
#' dpb1 <- HLA::HLA("DPB1")
#' alleles <- HLA::get_table(dpb1)[, .(allele1, allele2)]
#' alleles <- sort(unique(c(alleles[, allele1], alleles[, allele2])))
#' alleles <- alleles[-grep("(:XXX|NEW)", alleles)]
#' ## get an EAG table for DPB1 and a NeXtype Basis ID
#' eag <- eag_table("DPB1", "1267")
#' lookup <- lookup_list(alleles, eag)
#' }
lookup_list <- function(alleles, eag) {
assertive::assert_is_any_of(eag, "eag_tbl")
stwf <- stringi::stri_startswith_fixed
`%do%` <- foreach::`%do%`
## load prepackaged NMDP codes or get them from the internet
if (!requireNamespace("HLAdata", quietly = TRUE) ||
(rs <- data(nmdp_codes, package = "HLAdata", envir = environment())) != "nmdp_codes") {
message("Fetching NMDP codes ...")
nmdp_codes <- nmdp_table()
## load prepackaged G codes or get them from the internet
if (!requireNamespace("HLAdata", quietly = TRUE) ||
(rs <- data(g_codes, package = "HLAdata", envir = environment())) != "g_codes") {
message("Fetching G-Codes ...")
g_codes <- g_table()
## generate lookup table for relevant nmdp codes
nmdp_lookup <- generate_nmdp_lookup(alleles, nmdp_codes)
## generate lookup table for relevant expanded nmdp codes
exp_nmdp_lookup <- expand_nmdp_lookup(exon = exon(eag, 2), ntbl = nmdp_lookup)
## generate lookup table for relevant g codes
g_lookup <- generate_g_lookup(alleles, eag, g_codes)
## The NMDP and G codes are kicked out of the allele list before
## constructing the exon-specific lookup table.
alleles <- alleles[!is_ambiguous(alleles)]
## Low resolution alleles not present in the EAG table are filtered
## out and preserved in the lookup list
low_res_alleles <- setdiff(alleles, strip_field_four(eag$eag_allele))
## Alleles reported as G codes are expanded into their subtypes.
## We check for the occurrence of these alleles in the EAG table
## and if alleles do not occur under the present NeXtype Basis
## we update the g_lookup table accordingly.
g_styp <- strip_field_four(unlist(lapply(g_lookup$subtype, burst_subtypes)))
missing_g_alleles <- Filter(function(x) !any(stwf(eag$eag_allele, x)), g_styp)
g_lookup <- update_g_lookup(g_lookup, missing_g_alleles)
g_styp <- g_styp[g_styp %ni% missing_g_alleles]
## Alleles reported as NMDP codes are expanded into their subtypes
all_eag_alleles <- eag$eag_allele
nmdp_styp <- strip_field_four(unlist(lapply(exp_nmdp_lookup$subtype, burst_subtypes)))
## Reported alleles and subtypes are merged.
alleles2 <- hla_sort(unique(c(alleles, nmdp_styp, g_styp)))
allele_tbl <- data.table(rep_allele = alleles2 , rep_allele_f3 = alleles2)
setkeyv(allele_tbl, "rep_allele_f3")
e2_tbl = lookup_table(allele_tbl, eagn = exon(eag, 2)),
e3_tbl = lookup_table(allele_tbl, eagn = exon(eag, 3)),
jkr_tbl = joker_table(eag),
prt_tbl = partials_table(eag),
ntbl2 = nmdp_lookup,
ntbl4 = exp_nmdp_lookup,
gtbl = g_lookup,
lra = low_res_alleles
nextype_basis_id = nextype_basis_id(eag),
gene = gene(eag),
class = c("lookup_list", "list"))
generate_nmdp_lookup <- function(alleles, nmdp_codes) {
x <- data.table(f1 = field1(alleles), f2 = field2(alleles))
x <- x[grepl("^[A-Z]", f2)]
if (is.null(key(nmdp_codes)) || key(nmdp_codes) != "code") {
setkeyv(nmdp_codes, "code")
setkeyv(x, "f2")
x <- nmdp_codes[x]
x[, subtype := unlist(purrr::map2(f1, subtype, function(a, b) {
if (!grepl(":", b, fixed = TRUE)) {
slash(paste0(a, ":", strsplit(b, split = "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]))
} else b
x[, f1 := NULL]
generate_g_lookup <- function(alleles, eag, g_codes) {
g_lookup <- g_codes[gene == gene(eag), .(code, subtype)]
setkeyv(g_lookup, "code")
update_g_lookup <- function(g_lookup, missing_g_alleles) {
lookup <- copy(g_lookup)
styp <- strsplit(lookup$subtype, split = "/", fixed = TRUE)
lookup[, subtype := unlist(Map(function(x) merge_subtypes(x[x %ni% missing_g_alleles]), styp))]
#' @describeIn lookup_list
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
print.lookup_list <- function(x, ..., n = 2) {
fmt1 <- "Lookup list [Gene: %s, BasisID: %s]\n"
fmt2 <- "Lookup table [Exon: %s] [%s x %s]\n"
cat(sprintf(fmt1, gene(x), nextype_basis_id(x)), sep = "")
cat(sprintf(fmt2, "2", nrow(exon(x, 2)), ncol(exon(x, 2))), sep = "")
print(head(exon(x, 2), n = n), ...)
cat(sprintf(fmt2, "3", nrow(exon(x, 3)), ncol(exon(x, 3))), sep = "")
print(head(exon(x, 3), n = n), ...)
cat("Joker lookup: [", nrow(x$jkr_tbl), " x ", ncol(x$jkr_tbl) ,"]\n", sep = "")
print(head(x$jkr_tbl, n = n), ...)
cat("Partials lookup: [", nrow(x$prt_tbl), " x ", ncol(x$prt_tbl) ,"]\n", sep = "")
print(head(x$prt_tbl, n = n), ...)
cat("NMDP code lookup: [", nrow(x$ntbl2), " x ", ncol(x$ntbl2) ,"]\n", sep = "")
print(head(x$ntbl2, n = n), ...)
cat("Expanded NMDP code lookup: [", nrow(x$ntbl4), " x ", ncol(x$ntbl4) ,"]\n", sep = "")
print(head(x$ntbl4, n = n), ...)
cat("G code lookup: [", nrow(x$gtbl), " x ", ncol(x$gtbl) ,"]\n", sep = "")
print(head(x$gtbl, n = n), ...)
#' @describeIn lookup_list
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
gene.lookup_list <- function(x) {
attr(x, "gene")
#' @describeIn lookup_list
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
nextype_basis_id.lookup_list <- function(x) {
attr(x, "nextype_basis_id")
#' @describeIn lookup_list
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
exon.lookup_list <- function(x, n) {
n <- match.arg(as.character(n), c("2", "3"))
if (n == "2") x$e2_tbl else x$e3_tbl
#' Class: lookup_table
#' Constructor for a <\code{lookup_table}>.
#' Inherits from <\code{data.table}>
#' @param allele_tbl
#' @param eagn An \code{\link{eag_tbl}} for either Exon 2 or 3 .
#' @return
#' A table with the fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{rep_allele}{The reported allele codes (including NMDP and G codes)}
#' \item{eag_allele}{The fully resolved HLA allele codes}
#' \item{eag_num}{Unique numeric code for an Exon Allele Group.}
#' }
#' and the attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{nextype_basis_id}
#' \item{gene}
#' \item{exon}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{lookup_list}}
#' @export
lookup_table <- function(allele_tbl, eagn) {
stwf <- stringi::stri_startswith_fixed
setkeyv(eagn, "eag_allele")
## cut off the fourth field (intronic differences)
## from the eag_alleles to generate three-field alleles
eag_allele_full <- hla_sort(eagn$eag_allele)
eag_allele_f3 <- strip_field_four(eag_allele_full, unique = FALSE)
rp1 <- unique(data.table(eag_allele_f3, eag_allele_full, key = "eag_allele_f3,eag_allele_full"))
setkeyv(rp1, "eag_allele_f3")
rp2 <- rp1[allele_tbl, allow.cartesian = TRUE][, .(rep_allele, eag_allele_full)]
setkeyv(rp2, "eag_allele_full")
# eagn[rp2][, .(rep_allele, eag_allele, eag_num)]
## generate lookup table
tbl <- na.omit(eagn[rp2][, .(rep_allele, eag_allele, eag_num)])
eag_nums <- unique(tbl$eag_num)
setkeyv(eagn, "eag_num")
eagn2 <- eagn[eag_nums, .(eag_allele, eag_num, allele_num)]
setkeyv(eagn2, c("eag_num", "eag_allele"))
setkeyv(tbl, c("eag_num", "eag_allele"))
tbl <- tbl[eagn2]
tbl[, rep_allele := ifelse(is.na(rep_allele), strip_field_four(eag_allele), rep_allele)]
lookup <- structure(
nextype_basis_id = nextype_basis_id(eagn),
gene = gene(eagn),
exon = eagn[, unique(exon)],
class = c("lookup_table", "data.table", "data.frame")
setkeyv(lookup, c("rep_allele", "eag_allele"))
#' @describeIn lookup_table
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
print.lookup_table <- function(x, ..., n = 3) {
fmt <- "Lookup table [Exon: %s, Gene: %s, BasisID: %s] [%s x %s]\n"
cat(sprintf(fmt, exon(x), gene(x), nextype_basis_id(x), nrow(x), ncol(x)), sep = "")
NextMethod(topn = n)
#' @describeIn lookup_table
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
exon.lookup_table <- function(x) {
attr(x, "exon")
#' @describeIn lookup_table
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
gene.lookup_table <- function(x) {
attr(x, "gene")
#' @describeIn lookup_table
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
nextype_basis_id.lookup_table <- function(x) {
attr(x, "nextype_basis_id")
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