
testthat::context("test OM_functions")

# testthat::test_that("ForceCor works ", {
#   OM <- DLMtool::testOM
#   OM@nsim <- 6
#   OM <- ForceCor(OM)
#   testthat::expect_error(runMSE(OM, silent=TRUE), NA)
# })

Stock <- Bluefin_tuna
Fleet <- DecE_NDom
Obs <- Imprecise_Biased
Imp <- Overages

types <- c("Stock", "Fleet", "Obs", "Imp")
for (type in types) {
  testthat::test_that(paste("Replace and SubOM work with ", type), {
    OM1 <- DLMtool::testOM
    OM2 <- new("OM", Stock, Fleet, Obs, Imp)
    OMnew <- Replace(OM1, OM2, type)

    newobj <- SubOM(OMnew, type)
    nms <- slotNames(newobj)
    nms <- nms[!nms %in% c("Name", "Species", "Region", "Agency", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Source")]
    for (nm in nms) {
      chk <- is.na(slot(OM2, nm))
      slot(OM2, nm)[chk] <- rep(0, length(chk))
      chk <- is.na(slot(newobj, nm))
      slot(newobj, nm)[chk] <- rep(0, length(chk))
      testthat::expect_equal(slot(newobj, nm), slot(OM2, nm))

OMs <- avail('OM')
for (om in OMs) {
  testthat::test_that(paste("LH2OM works with ", om), {
    OM <- get(om)
    testthat::expect_error(LH2OM(OM, 'norm'), NA)
    testthat::expect_error(LH2OM(OM, 'unif'), NA)

DLMtool/DLMtool documentation built on June 20, 2021, 5:20 p.m.