
Defines functions pls_algo pls

Documented in pls

pls_algo <- function(W, P, Q, A, M, C, h) {

  # Construction of w
  AA <- t(A) %*% A
  e <- eigen(AA)
  q <- e$vectors[,which.max(e$values)]
  w <- C %*% A %*% q
  w <- w / sqrt(sum(w^2))

  # Construction of p
  p <- M %*% w
  c <- as.numeric(t(w) %*% M %*% w)
  p <- p / c

  # Construction of q
  q <- t(A) %*% w / c

  # Assignment of w, p, q in their matrix
  W[,h] <- w
  P[,h] <- p
  Q[,h] <- q

  # Update of the first variables
  A <- A - (c * p %*% t(q))
  M <- M - (c * p %*% t(p))
  C <- C - (w %*% t(p))

  return(list(W=W, P=P, Q=Q, A=A, M=M, C=C))

#' Fonction pls
#' @description Generate a plsda model according to formula and data provided. This model can be cross-validated.
#' @param X The predictors must be a set of quantitative variables.
#' @param Y The response must be a qualitative variable.
#' @param nc The number of component to compute. If cross-validation is activated it will be used as the maximum number of component to return.
#' @param cv If TRUE a cross-validation will be done. Default is FALSE.
#' @param nfold If cv parameter is TRUE, nfold will specify the kind of cross-validation. Default is 0.
#'     A value of 0 will be equivalent to a "Leave One Out" cross-validation. If > 0 it will do a k-fold cross-validation with k = nfold.
#' @return A plsda object that contains the component matrix, the trained model as coefficients, the explained variance on X and Y, VIP values, quality of the model and cross-validation results if asked
#' @keywords fit, pls, plsda
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cor sd
pls <- function(X, Y, nc, cv, nfold) {

  X.init <- as.matrix(X)
  Y.init <- as.matrix(Y)

  # Scaling
  X <- scale(X.init)
  Y <- scale(Y.init)

  # Initialization of general variables
  n <- nrow(X)
  px <- ncol(X)
  qy <- ncol(Y)
  namesX <- colnames(X)
  namesY <- colnames(Y)

  # Initialization of matrices
  W <- matrix(0, px, nc)
  P <- matrix(0, px, nc)
  Q <- matrix(0, qy, nc)

  # Initialization of the first variables for the algo
  A <- t(X) %*% Y
  M <- t(X) %*% X
  C <- diag(nrow(A))

  # Initializing Cross Validation
  if (cv) {

    RESS <- NULL
    Q2 <- NULL

    # Leave one out if nfold is 0
    if (nfold == 0) {
      nfold <- nrow(X)

    # Shuffling data
    shuffle <- sample(nrow(X))
    X.cv <- X[shuffle,]
    Y.cv <- Y[shuffle,]

    # Creating folds
    folds <- cut(seq(1, nrow(X)), breaks = nfold, labels=FALSE)

    Xapp <- NULL
    Yapp <- NULL
    Xtest <- NULL
    Ytest <- NULL
    n.cv <- NULL
    W.cv <- NULL
    P.cv <- NULL
    Q.cv <- NULL
    A.cv <- NULL
    M.cv <- NULL
    C.cv <- NULL

    # Initializing variables for each fold
    for (i in 1:nfold) {

      # Segmenting
      indexes <- which(folds == i, arr.ind = TRUE)

      # Scaling
      Xapp[[i]] <- as.matrix(X.cv[-indexes,, drop=FALSE])
      Yapp[[i]] <- as.matrix(Y.cv[-indexes,, drop=FALSE])
      Xtest[[i]] <- as.matrix(X.cv[indexes,, drop=FALSE])
      Ytest[[i]] <- as.matrix(Y.cv[indexes,, drop=FALSE])

      # Initialization of general variables
      n.cv[[i]] <- nrow(Xapp[[i]])

      # Initialization of matrices
      W.cv[[i]] <- matrix(0, px, nc)
      P.cv[[i]] <- matrix(0, px, nc)
      Q.cv[[i]] <- matrix(0, qy, nc)

      # Initialization of the first variables for the algo
      A.cv[[i]] <- t(Xapp[[i]]) %*% Yapp[[i]]
      M.cv[[i]] <- t(Xapp[[i]]) %*% Xapp[[i]]
      C.cv[[i]] <- diag(nrow(A.cv[[i]]))

  # Loop : Algo PLS
  for (h in 1:nc) {

    # Cross validation
    if (cv) {

      # Evaluation of previous run
      Y.hat <- X %*% (W %*% t(Q))
      RESS[h] <- sum((Y.hat - Y)^2)

      press.cv <- NULL

      for (i in 1:nfold) {

        # Applying PLS algo on training set
        res <- pls_algo(W.cv[[i]], P.cv[[i]], Q.cv[[i]], A.cv[[i]], M.cv[[i]], C.cv[[i]], h)
        W.cv[[i]] <- res$W
        P.cv[[i]] <- res$P
        Q.cv[[i]] <- res$Q
        A.cv[[i]] <- res$A
        M.cv[[i]] <- res$M
        C.cv[[i]] <- res$C

        # Evaluation on testing set
        Y.hat.cv <- Xtest[[i]] %*% (W.cv[[i]] %*% t(Q.cv[[i]]))
        press.cv[i] <- sum((Y.hat.cv - Ytest[[i]])^2)

      PRESS[h] <- sum(press.cv)

      if (h > 1) {
        Q2[h-1] <- 1 - (PRESS[h] / RESS[h-1])
        if (Q2[h-1] < 0) {

    # Launching PLS algorithm
    res <- pls_algo(W, P, Q, A, M, C, h)
    W <- res$W
    P <- res$P
    Q <- res$Q
    A <- res$A
    M <- res$M
    C <- res$C

  # If Cross Validation, adaptation of results to the real number of components
  if (cv) {
    nc <- h - 1
    W <- W[, 1:nc, drop=FALSE]
    P <- P[, 1:nc, drop=FALSE]
    Q <- Q[, 1:nc, drop=FALSE]

  # Calculation of standards beta coefficients
  B <- W %*% t(Q)

  # Calculation of PLS regression coefficients
  Br <- diag(1/apply(X.init, 2, sd)) %*% B %*% diag(apply(Y.init, 2, sd))

  # Constant calculation
  Ct <- as.vector(apply(Y.init,2,mean) - apply(X.init,2,mean) %*% Br)

  # Calculation of matrix of components
  Th <- X %*% W
  colnames(Th) <- paste(rep("Comp", nc), 1:nc ,sep=" ")

  # Final matrix of the coefficients
  dimnames(Br)=list(namesX, namesY)
  coeffs <- rbind(Constant = Ct, Br)

  # Cross validation results
  CV <- NULL
  if (cv) {
    CV <- cbind(PRESS[1:nc], RESS[1:nc], Q2[1:nc])
    colnames(CV) <- c("PRESS", "RESS", "Q2")

  # Detail of R2 and redundancy
  # For X (not cumulative and cumulative)
  Rx <- cor(X.init,Th)^2
  colnames(Rx) <- paste(rep("Comp",nc), 1:nc, sep=" ")
  if (nc == 1) {
    Var.Explained.X <- rbind(Rx,Redundancy=mean(Rx))
    Rx.cum <- as.matrix(apply(Rx,1,cumsum))
    Var.Explained.X.Cum <- rbind(Rx.cum,Redundancy=mean(Rx.cum))
  } else {
    Var.Explained.X <- rbind(Rx,Redundancy=colMeans(Rx))
    Rx.cum <- t(apply(Rx,1,cumsum))
    Var.Explained.X.Cum <- rbind(Rx.cum,Redundancy=colMeans(Rx.cum))

  # For Y (not cumulative and cumulated)
  Ry <- cor(Y.init,Th)^2
  colnames(Ry) <- paste(rep("Comp",nc), 1:nc, sep=" ")
  if (nc == 1) {
    Var.Explained.Y <- rbind(Ry, Redundancy=mean(Ry))
    Ry.cum <- as.matrix(apply(Ry, 1, cumsum))
    Var.Explained.Y.Cum <- rbind(Ry.cum, Redundancy=mean(Ry.cum))
  } else {
    Var.Explained.Y <- rbind(Ry, Redundancy=colMeans(Ry))
    Ry.cum <- t(apply(Ry, 1, cumsum))
    Var.Explained.Y.Cum <- rbind(Ry.cum, Redundancy=colMeans(Ry.cum))

  # Quality of the overall model
  quality <- rbind(Var.Explained.X.Cum[nrow(Var.Explained.X.Cum),], Var.Explained.Y.Cum[nrow(Var.Explained.Y.Cum),])
  rownames(quality) <- c("R2Xcum","R2Ycum")

  # Variable Importance in the Projection (VIP)
  VIP <- matrix(0,ncol(X.init), nc)
  for (i in 1:ncol(X.init)) {
    for(j in 1:nc) {
      VIP[i,j] <- sqrt(px/sum(Ry[,1:j]) * sum(as.matrix(Ry[,1:j]) %*% (W[i,1:j]^2)))
  dimnames(VIP) <- list(namesX, paste(rep("Comp", nc), 1:nc, sep=" "))

  # Variables returned
  result <- structure(list(Comp.Matrix = Th,
              Coeffs = coeffs,
              Var.Explained.X = Var.Explained.X,
              Var.Explained.X.Cum = Var.Explained.X.Cum,
              Var.Explained.Y = Var.Explained.Y,
              Var.Explained.Y.Cum = Var.Explained.Y.Cum,
              Quality = quality,
              VIP = VIP,
              CV = CV))
  class(result) <- "plsda"
Dampeel/plsda documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:19 p.m.