
A Framework for small RNA analysis in R using Sequence-Based Counts We are sad to inform that the main developer of Seqpac - Daniel Nätt - passed away in April of 2023. If any issues or questions regarding Seqpac has occured and remains unanswered, please contact Signe Skog ( for assistance. We are working on getting develpoment back on track and to go through issues.


In R: devtools::install_github("Danis102/seqpac", dependencies=TRUE)



How to use

A guide to sRNA analysis using sequence-based counts

How to cite

Seqpac: A Framework for small RNA analysis in R using Sequence-Based Counts Signe Skog, Lovisa Örkenby, Unn Kugelberg, Anita Öst, Daniel Nätt Bioinformatics, Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2023, btad144,

More information

Seqpac: A New Framework for small RNA analysis in R using Sequence-Based Counts

Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.