filtsep_bin: Binary converter for PAC_filtsep

View source: R/filtsep_bin.R

filtsep_binR Documentation

Binary converter for PAC_filtsep


filtsep_bin Converts PAC_filtsep data.frame output into a binary (hit-no-hit) data.frame





PAC_filtsep output data.frame, where each column contains the names of sequences that passed the filter for a specific group specified by a pheno_target object.


Given a PAC_filtsep output data.frame, where each column contains the sequences that passed the filter for a specific group specified in pheno_target, filtsep_bin converts this into a data.frame where sequences are reported as hit (=1) or no hit (=0). Such binary coded group occurrence can for example be used by UpSetR::upset to generate visualization of overlaps using UpSet plots.


data.frame where each uniques sequence (row names) in filtsep_out are reported as hit (=1) or no hit (=0) across samples or sample groups (column names).

See Also for updates on the current package.

Other PAC analysis: PAC_covplot(), PAC_deseq(), PAC_filter(), PAC_filtsep(), PAC_gtf(), PAC_jitter(), PAC_mapper(), PAC_nbias(), PAC_norm(), PAC_pca(), PAC_pie(), PAC_saturation(), PAC_sizedist(), PAC_stackbar(), PAC_summary(), PAC_trna(), as.PAC(), map_rangetype(), tRNA_class()


load(system.file("extdata", "drosophila_sRNA_pac_filt_anno.Rdata", 
                  package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE))

## Keep sequences with 5 counts (threshold) in 100% (coverage) of 
## samples in a group:
 # Use PAC_filtsep to find sequences 
 filtsep <- PAC_filtsep(pac, norm="counts", threshold=5, 
                        coverage=100, pheno_target= list("stage"))
 # Filter by unique sequences passing filtsep  
 filtsep <- unique("c", as.list(filtsep)))
 pac_filt <- PAC_filter(pac, subset_only = TRUE, anno_target= filtsep)
 # Find overlap
 olap <- reshape2::melt(filtsep, 
                        measure.vars = c("Stage1", "Stage3", "Stage5"), 
## Upset plot using the UpSetR package
 # (when output="binary" PAC_filtsep uses filtsep_bin for binary conversion
 # Use PAC_filtsep with binary output
 filtsep_bin <- PAC_filtsep(pac, norm="counts", threshold=5, 
                            coverage=100, pheno_target= list("stage"), 
# Plot Venn diagram or UpSetR
# plot(venneuler::venneuler(data.frame(olap[,2], olap[,1]))) 
# UpSetR::upset(filtsep_bin, sets = colnames(filtsep_bin), 
#              mb.ratio = c(0.55, 0.45), = "freq", keep.order=TRUE)

Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.