PAC_gtf: Annotate against a GTF file

View source: R/PAC_gtf.R

PAC_gtfR Documentation

Annotate against a GTF file


This function will annotate a PAC object using input from a GTF/GFF file.


  genome = NULL,
  mismatches = 3,
  return = "simplify",
  stranded = FALSE,
  gtf = NULL,
  targets = NULL,
  threads = 1



PAC-list object. The Anno object needs to contain genome coordinates in the following columns: "chr","start","end", and "strand". These coordinates are eaisly obtained by using PAC_genome


Character indicating the path to a reference genome file in fasta format. Note that a bowtie index, created by for example Rbowtie::bowtie-build, must be contained in the same folder and having the same basename as the fasta.


Integer indicating the number of allowed mismatches for the genome mapping.


Character indicating what information to return.

If return="simplify" (default), a table with one unique sequence per row will be returned. Multiple hits between genomic coordinates and gtf coordinates will be merged and only unique annotations will be reported.

If return="full", a list will be returned containing 1 table reporting all annotations for each genomic coordinate of each unique sequence.

If return="all", both a simplified table and a full annotation list will be returned as a list.

If return="merge", a simplified table will be merged with the Anno table of the provided PAC object, and the updated PAC object containing the new annotations will be returned.


Logical whether mapping should be strand specific. If stranded=TRUE, then hits between feature and PAC read sequence will not be reported if the feature is located on opposite strand. If stranded=FALSE (default), then both sense and anti-sense overlaps will be reported. Note, stranded=FALSE is recommended since PAC_gtf will report on which strand each feature/sequence is mapping. Thus, strand specific analysis can be done in hindsight.


Named list of characters, indicating file path(s) to other gtf files with differing formats. Can also directly be provided as a tibble dataframe in a named list.


Named list of character vectors indicating target columns in the listed gtf files in gtf_other. Important, the listed objects must have the same length and names as in gtf. The vector indicates the column names as if imported by rtracklayer::readGFF.


Integer indicating the number of parallel processes.


Given a PAC object and a gtf formatted annotation file(s), this function will attempt to annotate sequences mapped to a reference genome against genomic coordinates in the gtf file(s). In case no genomic mapping coordinates are available in the PAC object, the function provides a backdoor into the PAC reannotation workflow, where genome mapping is performed using Bowtie.


List, tibble dataframe or updated PAC object. See option return for more information.

See Also for updates.

Other PAC analysis: PAC_covplot(), PAC_deseq(), PAC_filter(), PAC_filtsep(), PAC_jitter(), PAC_mapper(), PAC_nbias(), PAC_norm(), PAC_pca(), PAC_pie(), PAC_saturation(), PAC_sizedist(), PAC_stackbar(), PAC_summary(), PAC_trna(), as.PAC(), filtsep_bin(), map_rangetype(), tRNA_class()


# Load PAC
load(system.file("extdata", "drosophila_sRNA_pac_filt_anno.Rdata", 
                 package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE))

# Create a gtf file from PAC coordinates
anno <- anno(pac)
anno <- anno[!grepl("Warning", anno$mis0_chromosomes_genome),]
anno <- anno[!$mis0_chromosomes_genome),]
coord <- anno$mis0_chromosomes_genome
coord <- suppressWarnings("rbind", strsplit(coord, "\\|"))[,1])
coord <- suppressWarnings("rbind", strsplit(coord, "\\;start=|;")))
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames=coord[,1], 
                                              anno$Size ), 

GenomicRanges::mcols(gr) <- data.frame(biotype=anno$Biotypes_mis3, 
spl <- sample(1:length(gr), round(length(gr)*0.3), replace=FALSE)
gr1 <- gr[spl]
gr2 <- gr[!1:length(gr) %in% spl]

# Prepare temp folder and save artifical gtf
out1 <- paste0(tempdir(), "/temp1.gtf")
out2 <- paste0(tempdir(), "/temp2.gtf")

rtracklayer::export(gr1, out1, format="gtf")
rtracklayer::export(gr2, out2, format="gtf")

# Make sure PAC contains full genome coordinates
# (In the add_reanno function you may choose how many coordinates to report)
# (If there are more, a 'Warning' will be added to the annotation)
# (Here we remove those to avoid problems)

new_anno <-  anno(pac) [, grepl("chromosomes_genome|Size", 
test <- new_anno[, 3:ncol(new_anno)]
test <- apply(test, 2, function(x){substr(x, 1, 7)})
test <- apply(test, 1, function(x){paste(x, collapse = "")})
new_anno$temp <- ifelse(grepl("Warning",  test), "rm", "keep")
anno(pac) <- new_anno
pac_small <- PAC_filter(pac, subset_only=TRUE, size = c(20,22),
                  anno_target=list("temp", "keep"))

#  Run PAC_gtf
gtf <- list(gtf1=out1, gtf2=out2)
target <- list(gtf1=c("biotype","bio_zero"), gtf2=c("biotype","bio_zero"))

pac_merge <- PAC_gtf(pac_small, mismatches=0, return="merge", 
                    gtf=gtf, target=target, threads=2)

Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.