PAC_norm: Generates normalized values from a PAC object

View source: R/PAC_norm.R

PAC_normR Documentation

Generates normalized values from a PAC object


PAC_norm generates normalized values from a PAC object


PAC_norm(PAC, norm = "cpm", merge_pac = TRUE)



PAC-list object containing an Anno data.frame with sequences as row names and a Count table with raw counts.


Character indicating what type of normalization method that should be applied to the counts(PAC). If norm="cpm", counts per million reads is returned. Each sequence is then divided against the total number of counts in a given sample. If norm="vst", counts(PAC) will be imported into the varianceStabilizingTransformation function in the DESeq2-package with the options blind=TRUE and fitType="mean". If norm="rlog", counts(PAC) will instead be imported into the rlog function also available in DESeq2-package (options blind=TRUE and fitType="mean") for a log2 transformed version of vst, and is more robust to varying library sizes.


logical whether the normalized table should be returned and stored in the norm(PAC) 'folder' of the provided PAC object (TRUE) or be returned as a data frame.


Using the counts in a PAC object to generate normalized values in a data.frame with the same rownames as in the original PAC object


A normalized count table, or if pac_merge=TRUE, a PAC object with normalized counts table added to the norm folder (norm(PAC)).

See Also for updates on the current package.

Other PAC analysis: PAC_covplot(), PAC_deseq(), PAC_filter(), PAC_filtsep(), PAC_gtf(), PAC_jitter(), PAC_mapper(), PAC_nbias(), PAC_pca(), PAC_pie(), PAC_saturation(), PAC_sizedist(), PAC_stackbar(), PAC_summary(), PAC_trna(), as.PAC(), filtsep_bin(), map_rangetype(), tRNA_class()


load(system.file("extdata", "drosophila_sRNA_pac_filt_anno.Rdata", 
                  package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE))
pac_norm  <- PAC_norm(pac, norm="cpm") 
df_norm <- PAC_norm(pac, norm = "vst", merge_pac = FALSE)

Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.