# measure_column_name ####
measure_column_name <- function(df) {
measure_column_name <- colnames(df)[1]
# variable_column_names ####
variable_column_names <- function(df, start_position) {
variable_column_names <- colnames(df)[start_position:length(colnames(df))]
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names[!grepl("_l", variable_column_names) &
!grepl("_u", variable_column_names) &
!grepl("_sig", variable_column_names) &
!variable_column_names %in% c(measure_column_name, "Year", "Council")]
# main_table_string ####
main_table_string <- function(question_type, year_present, local_authority_present) {
if (question_type == "0" | year_present == FALSE | local_authority_present == FALSE) {
main_table_string <- "table_main <- NULL"
} else if (question_type %in% c("1", "4")) {
main_table_string <- "table_main <- table[table$Council == local_authority,]"
} else if(question_type %in% c("2", "3") & year_present == TRUE) {
main_table_string <- "table_main <- table[table$Council == local_authority & table$Year == year,]"
# print(paste0("main_table_string : ", main_table_string))
# main_table_output ####
main_table_output <- function(df, question, comparison_type) {
if (!is.null(df)) {
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names(df, 2)
df <- df[!grepl("_l", colnames(df)) & !grepl("_u", colnames(df))]
df <- eval(parse(text = round_string("df", variable_column_names, 0)))
if (question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
if (comparison_type != "No comparison") {
hide_columns <- grep("_sig", colnames(df))
start_of_hide <- hide_columns[1]
end_of_hide <- hide_columns[length(hide_columns)]
hide_columns <- paste0(start_of_hide, ":", end_of_hide)
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names(df, 2)
data_table <- eval(parse(text = data_table_string("df", variable_column_names, hide_columns, TRUE)))
} else {
data_table <- DT::datatable(df,
colnames = gsub("blank", "", colnames(df)),
options = list(
dom = "t",
digits = 1,
na = "-",
paging = FALSE,
ordering = FALSE,
info = FALSE,
searching = FALSE,
columnDefs = list(list(targets = c(0),
visible = FALSE),
list(className = 'dt-right', targets = 2:ncol(df)))))
} else if (question %in% type_4_questions) {
data_table <- DT::datatable(df,
colnames = gsub("blank", "", colnames(df)),
options = list(
dom = "t",
digits = 1,
na = "-",
paging = FALSE,
ordering = FALSE,
info = FALSE,
searching = FALSE,
columnDefs = list(list(targets = c(0),
visible = FALSE),
list(className = 'dt-right', targets = 2:ncol(df)))))
} else if (question %in% type_0_questions){
data_table <- NULL
# comparison_table_string ####
comparison_table_string <- function(comparison_type, question_type, column_variables) {
if (question_type %in% c("1", "4")) {
comparison_table_string <- "table_comparison <- table[table$Council == comparator,] %>% dplyr::rename(`Council_2` = `Council`, "
} else if(question_type %in% c("2", "3")) {
if (comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
comparison_table_string <- "table_comparison <- table[table$Council == comparator & table$Year == year,] %>% dplyr::rename(`Council_2` = `Council`, "
} else if (comparison_type == "Year") {
comparison_table_string <- "table_comparison <- table[table$Council == local_authority & table$Year == comparator,] %>% dplyr::rename(`Year_2` = `Year`, "
for (column_variable in column_variables) {
addition_string <- paste0("`", column_variable, "_2` = `", column_variable, "`, ")
comparison_table_string <- paste0(comparison_table_string, addition_string)
if (question_type %in% c("1", "2", "3")) {
for (column_variable in column_variables) {
if (!column_variable %in% c("All", "Base")) {
addition_string <- paste0("`", column_variable, "_l_2` = `", column_variable, "_l`, ")
comparison_table_string <- paste0(comparison_table_string, addition_string)
for (column_variable in column_variables) {
if (!column_variable %in% c("All", "Base")) {
addition_string <- paste0("`", column_variable, "_u_2` = `", column_variable, "_u`, ")
comparison_table_string <- paste0(comparison_table_string, addition_string)
comparison_table_string <- paste0(substr(comparison_table_string, 1, nchar(comparison_table_string) - 2), ")")
# print(paste0("comparison_table_string : ", comparison_table_string))
# comparison_table_output ####
comparison_table_output <- function(df, question, comparison_type) {
if (question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
if (comparison_type != "No comparison") {
df <- df[!grepl("_l", colnames(df)) & !grepl("_u", colnames(df))]
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names(df, 2)
df <- eval(parse(text = round_string("df", variable_column_names, 0)))
hide_columns <- grep("_sig", colnames(df))
start_of_hide <- hide_columns[1]
end_of_hide <- hide_columns[length(hide_columns)]
hide_columns <- paste0(start_of_hide, ":", end_of_hide)
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names(df, 2)
data_table <- eval(parse(text = data_table_string("df", variable_column_names, hide_columns, FALSE)))
} else {
} else if (question %in% type_4_questions & comparison_type != "No comparison"){
options = list(
colnames = gsub("blank", "", colnames(main_df())),
dom = "t",
digits = 1,
na = "-",
paging = FALSE,
ordering = FALSE,
info = FALSE,
searching = FALSE,
columnDefs = list(list(targets = c(0),
visible = FALSE))))
} else {
# merge_string ####
merge_string <- function(question_type, merge_by, row_variable, column_variables) {
if (question_type %in% c("1", "2", "3")) {
merge_string <- paste0("table <- merge(table_main, table_comparison, by = ", merge_by, ") %>%
for (column_variable in column_variables) {
if (!column_variable %in% c("All", "Base")) {
addition_string <- paste0("`", column_variable, "_sig`= dplyr::case_when(
(`", column_variable, "_l` > `", column_variable, "_u_2` |
(as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`) > as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_2`)) &
as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`) - as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_2`) >
sqrt((as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`) - as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_l`))^2 + (as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_2`) - as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_l_2`))^2)) ~ 'HIGHER',
(`", column_variable, "_u` < `", column_variable, "_l_2` |
(as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_2`) > as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`)) &
as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_2`) - as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`) >
sqrt((as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`) - as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_l`))^2 + (as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_2`) - as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_l_2`))^2)) ~ 'LOWER',
TRUE ~ 'NO'),
merge_string <- paste0(merge_string, addition_string)
merge_string <- paste0(substr(merge_string, 1, nchar(merge_string) - 2), ")")
} else if (question_type == "4") {
merge_string <- paste0("table <- plyr::join(table_main, table_comparison, by = ", merge_by, ")")
# print(paste0("merge_string: ", merge_string))
# remove_significance_string ####
remove_significance_string <- function(row_variable) {
paste0("table[table$`", row_variable, "` == 'All' | table$`", row_variable, "` == 'Base', colnames(table)[grep('_sig', colnames(table))]] <- \"NO\"")
# arrange_row_variables_string ####
arrange_row_variables_string <- function(row_variable) {
paste0("table <- dplyr::arrange(table, `", row_variable, "`)")
# round_string ####
round_string <- function(table_name, column_variables, decimal_place) {
round_string <- paste0("if (length(colnames(", table_name, ")[grep(\"_2\", colnames(", table_name, "))]) > 0) {
", table_name, " <- dplyr::mutate(", table_name, ", ")
for (column_variable in column_variables) {
addition_string <- paste0("`", column_variable, "` = ifelse(`", column_variable, "` > 0, suppressWarnings(as.character(janitor::round_half_up(as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`), digits = ", decimal_place, "))), `", column_variable, "`), ")
round_string <- paste0(round_string, addition_string)
for (column_variable in column_variables) {
addition_string <- paste0("`", column_variable, "_2` = ifelse(`", column_variable, "_2` > 0, suppressWarnings(as.character(janitor::round_half_up(as.numeric(`", column_variable, "_2`), digits = ", decimal_place, "))), `", column_variable, "_2`), ")
round_string <- paste0(round_string, addition_string)
round_string <- paste0(substr(round_string, 1, nchar(round_string) - 2), ")
"} else {
", table_name, " <- dplyr::mutate(", table_name, ", ")
for (column_variable in column_variables) {
addition_string <- paste0("`", column_variable, "` = ifelse(`", column_variable, "` > 0, suppressWarnings(as.character(janitor::round_half_up(as.numeric(`", column_variable, "`), digits = ", decimal_place, "))), `", column_variable, "`), ")
round_string <- paste0(round_string, addition_string)
round_string <- paste0(substr(round_string, 1, nchar(round_string) - 2), ")
# print(paste0("round_string: ", round_string))
# data_table_string ####
data_table_string <- function(df_name, variable_column_names, hide_columns, main_table) {
data_table_string <- paste0("DT::datatable(", df_name, ", colnames = gsub(\"blank\", \"\", colnames(", df_name, ")), options = list(digits = 1, na = '-', paging = FALSE, ordering = FALSE, info = FALSE, searching = FALSE, columnDefs = list(list(targets = c(0, ", hide_columns, "), visible = FALSE), list(className = 'dt-right', targets = 2:ncol(", df_name, "))))) %>% formatStyle(c(")
variable_column_names_without_all_base <- variable_column_names[variable_column_names != "All" & variable_column_names != "Base"]
for (variable_column_name in variable_column_names_without_all_base) {
data_table_string <- paste0(data_table_string, "'", variable_column_name, "',")
data_table_string <- (substr(data_table_string, 1, nchar(data_table_string) - 1))
data_table_string <- paste0(data_table_string, "), c(")
for (variable_column_name in variable_column_names_without_all_base ) {
data_table_string <- paste0(data_table_string, "'", variable_column_name, "_sig',")
data_table_string <- (substr(data_table_string, 1, nchar(data_table_string) - 1))
if (main_table == TRUE) {
data_table_string <- paste0(data_table_string, "), backgroundColor = styleEqual(c('NO', 'HIGHER', 'LOWER'),c('transparent', '#00A3A3', '#C3C3FF')))")
} else if (main_table == FALSE) {
data_table_string <- paste0(data_table_string, "), backgroundColor = styleEqual(c('NO', 'HIGHER', 'LOWER'),c('transparent', '#C3C3FF', '#00A3A3')))")
# print(paste0("data_table_string: ", data_table_string))
# chart_data_processing_string ####
chart_data_processing_string <- function(variable_column_names, measure_column_name, df_name) {
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0("as.data.frame(", df_name, ") %>% stats::reshape(v.names = c(\"Percent\", \"LowerConfidenceLimit\", \"UpperConfidenceLimit\"), idvar = \"ID\", direction = \"long\", times = c(")
for (variable_column_name in variable_column_names) {
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string, "\"", variable_column_name, "\", ")
chart_data_processing_string <- (substr(chart_data_processing_string, 1, nchar(chart_data_processing_string) - 2))
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string, "), varying = list(Percent = c(")
for (variable_column_name in variable_column_names) {
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string, "\"", variable_column_name, "\", ")
chart_data_processing_string <- (substr(chart_data_processing_string, 1, nchar(chart_data_processing_string) - 2))
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string, "), LowerConfidenceLimit = c(")
for (variable_column_name in variable_column_names) {
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string, "\"", variable_column_name, "_l\", ")
chart_data_processing_string <- (substr(chart_data_processing_string, 1, nchar(chart_data_processing_string) - 2))
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string, "), UpperConfidenceLimit = c(")
for (variable_column_name in variable_column_names) {
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string, "\"", variable_column_name, "_u\", ")
chart_data_processing_string <- (substr(chart_data_processing_string, 1, nchar(chart_data_processing_string) - 2))
chart_data_processing_string <- paste0(chart_data_processing_string,
"))) %>% dplyr::select(`", measure_column_name, "`, `time`, `Percent`, `LowerConfidenceLimit`, `UpperConfidenceLimit`) %>%",
"dplyr::mutate(`Percent`= as.numeric(`Percent`), `LowerConfidenceLimit`= as.numeric(`LowerConfidenceLimit`), `UpperConfidenceLimit`= as.numeric(`UpperConfidenceLimit`))")
# print(chart_data_processing_string)
# main_title ####
main_title <- function(question, local_authority, year, include_title = TRUE) {
if (include_title == TRUE) {
if (question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_4_questions)) {
paste0(question, ": ", question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Title, " (", local_authority, ")")
} else if (question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
paste0(question, ": ", question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Title, " (", local_authority, ", ", year, ")")
} else {
paste0(question, ": ", question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Title)
} else {
if (question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_4_questions)) {
paste0(question, " ", local_authority)
} else if (question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
paste0(question, " ", local_authority, " ", year)
} else {
# comparison_title ####
comparison_title <- function(question, local_authority, year, comparison_type, local_authority_comparator, year_comparator, include_title = TRUE) {
if (include_title == TRUE) {
if (!question %in% type_0_questions) {
if (question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_4_questions) & comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
paste0(question, ": ", question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Title, " (", local_authority_comparator, ")")
} else {
if (comparison_type == "Year") {
paste0(question, ": ", question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Title, " (", local_authority, ", ", year_comparator, ")")
} else if (comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
paste0(question, ": ", question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Title, " (", local_authority_comparator, ", ", year, ")")
} else {
if (!question %in% type_0_questions) {
if (question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_4_questions) & comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
paste0(question, " ", local_authority_comparator)
} else {
if (comparison_type == "Year") {
paste0(question, " ", local_authority, " ", year_comparator)
} else if (comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
paste0(question, " ", local_authority_comparator, " ", year)
# table_processing ####
table_processing <- function(question, local_authority, year, comparison_type, comparator) {
year_present <- TRUE
comparison_year_present <- TRUE
local_authority_present <- TRUE
local_authority_comparison_present <- TRUE
question_type <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Type
scotland_only <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$ScotlandOnly
if (question_type != "0") {
table <- readRDS(paste0("data/dataset/", question, ".Rds"))
if (is.na(scotland_only)) {scotland_only <- "N"}
if (scotland_only == "Y") {
if (local_authority == "Scotland") {
local_authority_present <- TRUE
if (comparison_type == "Year" & length(table$Year[table$Year == comparator]) > 0) {
comparison_year_present <- TRUE
} else {
local_authority_comparison_present <- FALSE
} else {
local_authority_present <- FALSE
local_authority_comparison_present <- FALSE
if (question_type %in% c("1", "4")) {
row_variable <- colnames(table)[2]
column_variables <- colnames(table)[!grepl("_l", colnames(table)) & !grepl("_u", colnames(table)) & !colnames(table) %in% c(row_variable, "Year", "Council", "All", "Base")]
merge_by <- paste0("\"", row_variable, "\"")
} else if(question_type %in% c("2", "3")) {
if (length(table$Year[table$Year == year]) == 0) {
year_present <- FALSE
if (comparison_type == "Year" & length(table$Year[table$Year == comparator]) == 0) {
comparison_year_present <- FALSE
if (year_present == TRUE) {
row_variable <- colnames(table)[3]
column_variables <- colnames(table)[!grepl("_l", colnames(table)) & !grepl("_u", colnames(table)) & !colnames(table) %in% c(row_variable, "Year", "Council")]
if (comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
merge_by <- paste0("c(\"Year\", \"", row_variable, "\")")
} else if (comparison_type == "Year" & comparison_year_present == TRUE) {
merge_by <- paste0("c(\"Council\", \"", row_variable, "\")")
eval(parse(text = main_table_string(question_type = question_type, year_present = year_present, local_authority_present = local_authority_present)))
if (comparison_type == "No comparison" | (question_type %in% c("1", "4") & comparison_type == "Year") | (question_type %in% c("2", "3") & comparison_year_present == FALSE) | local_authority_comparison_present == FALSE) {
table <- table_main
} else if ((question_type %in% c("2", "3") & comparison_type != "No comparison" & year_present == TRUE & comparison_year_present == TRUE) | (question_type %in% c("1", "4") & !comparison_type %in% c("Year", "No comparison"))) {
eval(parse(text = comparison_table_string(comparison_type = comparison_type, question_type = question_type, column_variables = column_variables)))
eval(parse(text = merge_string(question_type = question_type, merge_by = merge_by, row_variable = row_variable, column_variables = column_variables)))
eval(parse(text = remove_significance_string(row_variable = row_variable)))
if (question_type == "0" | year_present == FALSE) {
table <- NULL
} else if (question_type %in% c("1", "2", "3") & year_present == TRUE & local_authority_present == TRUE ) {
eval(parse(text = arrange_row_variables_string(row_variable = row_variable)))
table <- table[!grepl("Year", colnames(table)) & !grepl("Council", colnames(table))]
} else if (question_type == "4") {
table <- table[!grepl("Year", colnames(table)) & !grepl("Council", colnames(table))]
if (!is.null(table)) {
if (nrow(table) == 0) {
table <- NULL
# report_data_processing ####
report_data_processing <- function(topic, local_authority, year, comparison_type, comparator) {
report_data_string <- "report_data <- list("
question_list <- question_titles[question_titles$Topic == topic,]$ID
for (question in question_list) {
table <- table_processing(question, local_authority, year, comparison_type, comparator)
if (!is.null(table)) {
variable_column_names <- colnames(table)[2:length(colnames(table))]
measure_column_name <- colnames(table)[1]
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names[!grepl("_l", variable_column_names) & !grepl("_u", variable_column_names) & !grepl("_sig", variable_column_names) & !grepl("_2", variable_column_names) & !variable_column_names %in% c(measure_column_name, "Year", "Council", "All", "Base")]
table <- eval(parse(text = round_string("table", variable_column_names, 0)))
table <- table[!grepl("_l", colnames(table)) & !grepl("_u", colnames(table))]
assign(question, table)
report_data_string <- paste0(report_data_string, "`", question, "`, ")
report_data_string <- paste0(substr(report_data_string, 1, nchar(report_data_string) - 2), ")")
eval(parse(text = report_data_string))
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