
Defines functions autoRLearn_

Documented in autoRLearn_

#' @title Advanced version of autoRLearn.
#' @description Tunes the hyperparameters of the desired algorithm/s using either hyperband or BOHB.
#' @param df_train Dataframe of the training dataset. Assumes it is in perfect shape with all numeric variables and factor response variable named "class".
#' @param df_test Dataframe of the test dataset. Assumes it is in perfect shape with all numeric variables and factor response variable named "class".
#' @param maxTime Float representing the maximum time the algorithm should be run (in minutes).
#' @param models List of strings denoting which algorithms to use for the process:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "randomForest" - Random forests using the randomForest package
#' \item "ranger - Random forests using the ranger package (unstable)
#' \item "naiveBayes" - Naive bayes using the fastNaiveBayes package
#' \item "boosting" - Gradient boosting using xgboost
#' \item "l2-linear-classifier" - Linear primal Support vector machine from LibLinear
#' \item "svm" - RBF kernel svm from e1071
#' }
#' @param optimizationAlgorithm - String of which hyperparameter tuning algorithm to use:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "hyperband" - Hyperband with uniformly initiated parameters
#' \item "bohb" - Hyperband with bayesian optimization as described on F. Hutter et al 2018 paper BOHB. Has extra parameters bw and kde_type
#' }
#' @param bw - (only applies to BOHB) Double representing how much should the KDE bandwidth be widened. Higher values allow the algorithm to explore more hyperparameter combinations
#' @param max_iter - (affects both hyperband and BOHB) Integer representing the maximum number of iterations that one successive halving run can have
#' @param kde_type - (only applies to BOHB) String representing whether a model's hyperparameters should be tuned individually of each other or have their probability densities multiplied:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "single" - each hyperparameter has its own expected improvement calculated
#' \item "mixed" - all hyperparameters' probabilty densities are multiplied and only one mixed expected improvement is calculated
#' }
#' @param metric String of the evaluation metric to be used in the model performance optimization:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "acc" - Accuracy,
#' \item "avg-fscore" - Average of F-Score of each label,
#' \item "avg-recall" - Average of Recall of each label,
#' \item "avg-precision" - Average of Precision of each label,
#' \item "fscore" - Micro-Average of F-Score of each label,
#' \item "recall" - Micro-Average of Recall of each label,
#' \item "precision" - Micro-Average of Precision of each label.
#' }
#' @return List of Results
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{perf} - Evaluated metric of the best performing model on the test data
#' \item \code{pred} - prediction on the test data using the best model
#' \item \code{model} - best model object
#' \item \code{best_models} - table with the best hyperparameters found for the selected models.
#' }

#' @importFrom R.utils withTimeout
#' @importFrom tictoc tic toc
#' @importFrom stats na.omit runif
#' @importFrom utils head

#' @export autoRLearn_
autoRLearn_ <- function(df_train, df_test, maxTime = 10,
                        models = c("randomForest", "naiveBayes", "boosting", "l2-linear-classifier", "svm"),
                        optimizationAlgorithm = "hyperband", bw = 3, kde_type = "single",
                        max_iter = 81, metric = "acc") {

  total_time <- maxTime * 60
  parameters_per_model <- map_int(models, .f = ~ length(jsons[[.x]]$params))
  times <- (parameters_per_model * total_time) / (sum(parameters_per_model))

  print("Time distribution:")
  print("Models selected:")

  run_optimization <- function(model, time) {
  results <- NULL
  priors <- data.frame()

  tic(model, "optimization time:")

    if(optimizationAlgorithm == "hyperband") {
      current <- Sys.time() %>% as.integer()
      end <- (Sys.time() %>% as.integer()) + time
      repeat {
        gc(verbose = F)
        tic("current hyperband runtime")
        print(paste("started", model))
        time_left <- max(end - (Sys.time() %>% as.integer()), 1)
        print(paste("There are:", time_left, "seconds left for this hyperband run"))
        res <- hyperband(df = df_train, model = model, max_iter = max_iter, maxtime = time_left)
        if(is_empty(flatten(res)) == F) {
          res <- res %>%
            map_dfr(.f = ~ .x[["answer"]]) %>%
            arrange(desc(acc)) %>%
          results <- c(list(res), results)
          print(paste('Best accuracy from hyperband this round: ', res$acc))
        elapsed <- (Sys.time() %>% as.integer()) - current
        if(elapsed >= time) {

    else if(optimizationAlgorithm == "bohb") {
        current <- Sys.time() %>% as.integer()
        end <- (Sys.time() %>% as.integer()) + time
        repeat {
          gc(verbose = F)
          tic("current bohb time")
          print(paste("started", model))
          time_left <- max(end - (Sys.time() %>% as.integer()), 1)
          print(paste("There are:", time_left, "seconds left for this bohb run"))
          res <- bohb(df = df_train, model = model, bw = bw, max_iter = max_iter, maxtime = time_left,
                      priors = priors, kde_type = kde_type)
          if(is_empty(flatten(res)) == F) {
            priors <- res %>%
                map_dfr(.f = ~ .x[["sh_runs"]])
            res <- res %>%
                map_dfr(.f = ~ .x[["answer"]]) %>%
                arrange(desc(acc)) %>%
              results <- c(list(res), results)
              print(paste('Best accuracy from hyperband this round: ', res$acc))
          elapsed <- (Sys.time() %>% as.integer()) - current
          if(elapsed >= time) {

    else {
      errorCondition(message = "Only hyperband and bohb are valid optimization algorithms at this moment.")


  print("Finished all optimizations.")
  ans <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(models))

  for(i in 1:length(models)) {
    flag <- TRUE
    #tryCatch(expr = {
    ans[[i]] <- run_optimization(models[[i]], times[[i]])
    #}, error = function(e) {
    #  print("Error spotted, going to the next model!")
    #  flag <<- FALSE
    if (!flag) next

  ans <- ans %>%
    map(.f = ~ map_dfr(.x = .x, .f = ~ .x %>% select(model, params, acc))) %>%
    map_dfr(.f = ~ .x %>% arrange(desc(acc)) %>% head(1)) %>%
  best_model <- ans %>% head(1)
  final_evaluation <- eval_loss(model = best_model[["model"]], train_df = df_train, test_df = df_test,
                                params = best_model[["params"]])
  final_evaluation$best_models <- ans
  print(paste("Winner:", best_model$model, "test accuracy:", final_evaluation$perf))

DataSystemsGroupUT/SmartML documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 1:31 p.m.