
# S3 Utility functions for RBOSON
# run: Rscript s3utils.R

#' Create a folder in S3
#' @param s3path path to an S3 directory
S3CreateFolder = function (s3path) {
  # create a tmplorary file
  # make an 'aws s3 cp' call
  system2('aws', c('s3', 'cp', '0', s3path))
  # delete the temporary file locally and on S3
  # system2('aws', c('s3', 'rm', paste0(s3path, '0')))
# S3CreateFolder(s3path = 's3://boson-base/rboson-test/')

#' List all files in an S3 directory
#' @param s3path path to an S3 directory
#' @param sanitize boolean, whether to exclude the temporary file '0' from returns; default is TRUE
#' @return a list of files at the s3path as a character vector
S3ListFiles = function (s3path, sanitize = TRUE) {
	# make an 'aws s3 ls' call and capture stdout
  out = system2('aws', c('s3', 'ls', s3path), stdout = TRUE)
  # parse filenames out of the output
  splits = strsplit(out, "\\s+")
  files = c()
  for (s in splits) {
    files = c(files, tail(s, 1))
  if (sanitize) {
    return (setdiff(files, '0'))
  } else {
    return (files)
#print(S3ListFiles(s3path = 's3://boson-base/rboson-test/'))

#' Copy files to / from S3
#' @param source path to source directory (local / S3)
#' @param destination path to destination diectory (local / S3)
#' @param files list of files to be copied as a character vector
S3CopyFiles = function (source = NULL, destination, files, supressWarnings = FALSE) {
  # append source path
  if (! is.null(source)) {
    files = paste0(source, files)
  for (f in files) {
    # make an 'aws s3 cp' call
    system2('aws', c('s3', 'cp', f, destination), stderr = supressWarnings)
# S3CopyFiles(destination = 's3://boson-base/rboson-test/', files = c('hello_world.R', 'rutils.R'))
# S3CopyFiles(
#   source = 's3://boson-base/rboson-test/',
#   destination = '/Users/mdeboleena/Google_Drive/boson/tmp/',
#   files = c('hello_world.R', 'rutils.R')
# )

#' Delete files from S3
#' @param s3path path to an S3 directory
#' @param files list of files to be deleetd as a character vector
S3DeleteFiles = function (s3path, files) {
  files = paste0(s3path, files)
  for (f in files) {
    # make an 'aws s3 rm' call
    system2('aws', c('s3', 'rm', f))
# S3DeleteFiles(s3path = 's3://boson-base/rboson-test/', files = c('hello_world.R', 'rutils.R'))

#' Delete a floder in S3 with all of its contents
#' @param s3path path to an S3 directory
S3DeleteFolder = function (s3path) {
  # delete all files in s3path
  S3DeleteFiles(s3path, S3ListFiles(s3path, sanitize = FALSE))
# S3DeleteFolder(s3path = 's3://boson-base/rboson-test/')

#' Create a bucket in S3
#' @param bucket name of the bucket to be created
S3CreateBucket = function (bucket) {
  # make an 'aws s3 mb' call
  out = system2('aws', c('s3', 'mb', bucket), stdout = TRUE)
  if (grepl('make_bucket', out)) {
    return ('success')
  } else {
# print(S3CreateBucket(bucket = 's3://cm-tmp-3186876'))

#' Delete a bucket in S3
#' @param bucket name of the bucket to be deleted
S3DeleteBucket = function (bucket) {
  # make an 'aws s3 rb' call
  out = system2('aws', c('s3', 'rb', bucket))
  if (grepl('remove_bucket', out)) {
    return ('success')
  } else {
# print(S3DeleteBucket(bucket = 's3://cm-tmp-3186876'))

#' Save R-objects as Rdata in an S3 folder
#' @param ... R objects to be saved
#' @param s3.path path to an S3 folder; required
#' @param key key to name the saved file; requied
SaveObjectesInS3 = function (..., s3.path, key) {
  robjs = list(...)
  if (length(robjs) == 1 && is.list(robjs[[1]])) {
    robjs = robjs[[1]]
  file.name = paste0(key, '.rdata')
  save(robjs, file = file.name)
  S3CopyFiles(destination = s3.path, files = file.name)
# SaveObjectesInS3(a = rnorm(100), s3.path = 's3://boson-base/rboson-test/', key = 'rnorm')

#' Load R-objects from Rdata in an S3 folder
#' @param s3.path path to an S3 folder; required
#' @param keys keys to find saved file; requied
#' @param supressWarnings boolean, suppress R warnings; default value is FALSE
LoadObjectsFromS3 = function (s3.path, keys, supressWarnings = FALSE) {
  out.all = list()
  tmp.env = new.env()
  for (k in keys) {
    file.name = paste0(k, '.rdata')
      S3CopyFiles(source = s3.path, destination = './', files = file.name, supressWarnings = supressWarnings)
      load(file.name, envir = tmp.env); robjs = get('robjs', envir = tmp.env)
    }, error = function(e) {
      robjs = NULL

    if (length(robjs) == 0) { next }
    for (i in 1:length(robjs)) {
        out.all[[length(out.all) + 1]] = robjs[[i]]
        names(out.all)[length(out.all)] = names(robjs)[i]
    rm(envir = tmp.env)

# print(LoadObjectsFromS3(s3.path = 's3://boson-base/batch_0/', keys = c('batch_0_jobids')))
Deboleena/RBoson documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:13 a.m.