Man pages for DepMap-Analytics/CoRe
CoRe R package

BAGEL_essentialReference Core fitness essential genes
BAGEL_nonEssentialReference set of non essential genes
CoRe.ADaMAdaptive Daisy Model to compute core fitness genes
CoRe.AssembleFPsAssembling expression-based false positives
CoRe.Binarize_MatrixBinarize Quantitative Dependency Matrix
CoRe.CF_BenchmarkRecall of known essential genes and ROC indicators
CoRe.coreFitnessGenesDetermining Core Fitness from a binary dependency matrix and...
CoRe.CS_ADaMExecute ADaM on a specific tissue/cancer type
CoRe.download_AnnotationModelDownload Cell Passport models annotation file
CoRe.download_BinaryDepMatrixDownload Binary Dependency Matrix
CoRe.download_DepMatrixDownload Quantitative Dependency Matrix
CoRe.empiricalOddsEmpirical odds of number of fitness genes per number of cell...
CoRe.extract_tissueType_SubMatrixSubset Dependency Matrix based on tissue/cancer type of...
CoRe.FiPerFitness Percentile method to estimate common essential genes
CoRe.generateNullModelNull model of number of fitness genes across numbers of cell...
CoRe.PanCancer_ADaMExecute ADaM at the Pan-cancer level
CoRe.panessprofileProfile of number of fitness genes across fixed numbers of...
CoRe.randomisedepMatColumn-wise matrix randomisation
CoRe.scale_to_essentialsScale matrix cell-wise using positive and negative reference...
CoRe.tradeoffEO_TPRCalculate ADaM threshold
CoRe.truePositiveRateProfile of True Positive Rates
CoRe.VisCFnessCommon-essentiality tendency visualisation
curated_BAGEL_essentialCurated Reference Core fitness essential genes
curated_BAGEL_nonEssentialCurated Reference Core fitness essential genes
EssGenes.DNA_REPLICATION_consCore Fitness essential genes involved in DNA replication
EssGenes.HISTONESCore Fitness essential histone genes
EssGenes.KEGG_rna_polymeraseCore Fitness essential rna polymerase genes
EssGenes.PROTEASOME_consCore Fitness essential proteasome genes
EssGenes.ribosomalProteinsCore Fitness essential genes coding for ribosomal proteins
EssGenes.SPLICEOSOME_consCore Fitness essential spliceosome genes
DepMap-Analytics/CoRe documentation built on July 6, 2022, 8:01 a.m.