
#' Get travel time and distance between two point using the Google API.
#' This function uses the Google Maps API to estimate travel time and distance between two physical addresses.
#' Optionally, one may use a (paid) \href{https://www.google.com/work/}{Google for Work} API key to sign the request with the \code{\link{hmac}} sha1 algorithm.
#' For smaller batch requests, it is also possible to access Google's "standard API"
#' with this function (see \href{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key#get-an-api-key}{this page} to obtain a free API key).

#' @param address A 1xN vector of locations. These may be either (1) latitude and longitude coordinates
#'        (formatted as "lat,long" with no spaces) or physical addresses that contain "url-safe" UTF-8 characters.
#'        Enabling the "clean" parameter (see below) attempts to strip or replace common character patterns
#'        from the input that are incompatible with the Google Maps API using the \code{\link{address_cleaner}} function.
#'        This vector becomes the starting point of the distance calculation.
#'        If the length of this parameter is 1 and destination's length is greater than 1, address is replicated to match the length of destination
#'        (e.g., when you are calculating distances between one specific location and two or more destinations).
#'        Note: addresses should be in raw form, \emph{not} URL encoded (e.g., of the form: 123 Main Street, Somewhere, NY 12345 USA)(country is optional but recommended).
#' @param dest A 1xN vector of destinations. These may be either (1) latitude and longitude coordinates
#'        (formatted as "lat,long" with no spaces) or physical addresses that contain "url-safe" UTF-8 characters.
#'        Enabling the "clean" parameter (see below) attempts to strip or replace common character patterns
#'        from the input that are incompatible with the Google Maps API using the \code{\link{address_cleaner}} function.
#' @param auth character string; one of: "work" (the default), or "standard_api".
#'        While you may specify an empty string for privkey when using the standard API, for some direction types (e.g., transit) a (free) API key from Google is required (see \href{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key#get-an-api-key}{this page}).
#'        Authentication via the "work" method requires the client ID and private API key associated with your (paid) \href{https://www.google.com/work/}{Google for Work/Premium} account.
#' @param privkey character string; your Google API key (whether of the "work" or "standard_api" variety).
#' @param clientid character string; your Google for Work client id (generally of the form 'gme-[company]')
#'        This parameter should not be set when authenticating through the standard API.
#' @param clean logical; when \code{TRUE}, applies \code{\link{address_cleaner}} to the address and destination vectors.
#' @param travel_mode character string; currently, valid values include (\href{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/distancematrix#distance_matrix_requests}{see this page for details}):
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item driving (the default): indicates standard driving directions using the road network.
#'   \item transit: requests directions via public transit routes (requires and API key).
#'   \item walking: requests walking directions via pedestrian paths & sidewalks (where available).
#'   \item bicycling: requests bicycling directions via bicycle paths & preferred streets (currently only available in the US and some Canadian cities).
#'         }
#' @param units character string; must be either "metric" (the default) or "imperial".
#' Specifying "metric" will return distance between origin and destination as kilometers,
#' whereas "imperial" returns distance in miles. For geocode requests this parameter
#' is ignorned if non-null.
#' @param verbose logical; when \code{TRUE}, displays additional progress output.
#' @param add_date character string; one of: "none" (the default), "today", or "fuzzy". When set to "today", a column with today's calendar date is added to the returned data frame.
#'        When set to "fuzzy", a random positive number of days between 1 and 30 is added to this date column. "Fuzzy" date values can be useful to avoid sending large batches of geocode requests on the same day if your scripts recertify/retry distance calculations after a fixed period of time.
#' @param language character string; localization of the returned object. By default, this parameter is set to "en-EN", but refer to
#' \href{https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#using-google-maps-apis}{this page}
#' for an up-to-date list of all supported languages.
#' @param messages logical; when \code{TRUE}, displays warning and error messages generated by the API calls within the \code{\link{pull_geo_data}} function (e.g. connection errors, malformed signatures, etc.)
#' @param small logical; when \code{TRUE}, only distance (as per \code{units}), travel time (in hours), and (optionally, via \code{add_date}) the calendar date are returned.
#' @return Drive_time returns a data frame (when all_vars is \code{TRUE}) with the following parameters stored from the response object:
#' \itemize{
#' 	 \item \strong{origin:} The starting address Google used for the distance estimation.
#' 	 \item \strong{destination:} The ending address Google used for the distance estimation.
#' 	 \item \strong{dist_num:} The distance between \code{address} and \code{dest}
#' 	 in miles or kilometers, as per the \code{units} parameter.
#' 	 \item \strong{dist_txt:} Google's textual description of the distance between \code{address} and \code{dest}.
#' 	 \item \strong{time_secs:} Estimated travel time in seconds given the specified mode of transportation.
#' 	 \item \strong{time_mins:} Estimated travel time in minutes given the specified mode of transportation.
#' 	 \item \strong{time_hours:} Estimated travel time in hours given the specified mode of transportation.
#' 	 \item \strong{time_txt:} Google's textual description of the travel time between \code{address} and \code{dest}
#'   \item \strong{return_stat:} Google's status for the travel estimation. This field is null when their are
#'   connection or signature issues. The most common values of \code{return_stat} are
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \emph{OK:} Generally indicates that no errors occurred; the addresses were successfully parsed and a distance/travel time estimate was returned.
#'   \item \emph{ZERO_RESULTS:} Generally indicates that the approximate locations were found but there were no distance/travel time estimations returned.
#'   \item \emph{ZERO_RESULTS:} Generally indicates that approximate locations could not be found and, thus, no distance/travel time estimations were returned. This may occur if you pass Google an empty address string.
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{status:} Overall status of the API request. Generally, this takes one of two values
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \emph{OK:} Generally indicates indicates that a connection was made; see return_stat for additional information about the returned parameter estimates.
#'   \item \emph{OVER_QUERY_LIMIT:} Indicates that you are over your quota.
#'   \item \emph{REQUEST_DENIED:} Indicates that your request was denied.
#'   \item \emph{INVALID_REQUEST:} Indicates that some part of the query (address, URL components, etc.) is missing.
#'   \item \emph{UNKNOWN_ERROR:} indicates that the request could not be processed due to a server error. The request may succeed if you try again.
#'   \item \emph{CONNECTION_ERROR:} This status is generated by error-handling within the \code{placement} package, and suggests a connection error orcurred
#'   while fetch the url(s) (e.g. due to intermittent internet connectivity, problems reaching the Google maps API, etc.).
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{input_url:} character; the full url associated with the response object.
#'   }

#' @examples
#' # Bike from the NYC to Google!
#' address <- c("350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, USA",
#' 			 "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA")
#' coordset <- geocode_url(address, auth="standard_api", privkey="",
#'             clean=TRUE, add_date='today', verbose=TRUE)
#' # Save coordinates. Google requires a format of: "lat,lng" (with no spaces)
#' start <- paste(coordset$lat[1],coordset$lng[1], sep=",")
#' end <- paste(coordset$lat[2],coordset$lng[2], sep=",")
#' # Get the travel time by bike (a mere 264 hours!) and distance in miles:
#' howfar_miles <- drive_time(address=start, dest=end, auth="standard_api",
#' 						   privkey="", clean=FALSE, add_date='today',
#' 						   verbose=FALSE, travel_mode="bicycling",
#' 						   units="imperial")
#' # Get the distance in kilometers using physical addresses instead of lat/lng:
#' howfar_kms <- drive_time(
#'      address="350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, USA",
#' 		dest="1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043",
#' 		auth="standard_api", privkey="", clean=FALSE,
#' 		add_date='today', verbose=FALSE, travel_mode="bicycling",
#' 		units="imperial"
#' 		)
#' with(howfar_kms, cat("Cycling from NYC to ", destination,
#' 					 ":\n", dist_txt, "\n", time_txt, sep=""))

#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom RCurl getURL
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export

drive_time <- function(address, dest, auth="standard_api", privkey=NULL,
					   clientid=NULL, clean="TRUE", travel_mode="driving",
					   units="metric", verbose=FALSE, add_date="none",
					   language="en-EN", messages=FALSE, small=FALSE) {


	# Input validation
	if(!grepl("standard_api|work", auth))
		stop("Invalid auth paramater. Must be 'standard_api' or 'work'.")
		stop("You must specify a valid API key or an empty string (''). To request a key, see:\n\t https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key#get-an-api-key")
	if(auth=="work" & is.null(clientid))
		stop("You must specify a client ID with the work authentication method!")
	if(!grepl("driving|bicycling|transit|walking", travel_mode, ignore.case=TRUE))
		stop("You must specify a valid travel mode.")
	if(!grepl("metric|imperial", units))
		stop("Invalid units paramater. Must be 'metric' or 'imperial'")
	if(length(address)>1 & length(address)!=length(dest))
		stop("Address must be singular or the same length as destination!")
	if(!is.vector(c(address, dest), mode="character"))
		stop("Address and destination must be character vectors!")
	if(!grepl("today|fuzzy|none", add_date))
		stop("Invalid add_date paramater. Must be 'today', 'fuzzy', or 'none'")
	if(privkey=="" & travel_mode=="transit")
		stop("You must specify a valid API key to use the transit mode!")
		stop("messages must be logical! Please choose TRUE or FALSE.")

		if(verbose) cat("Cleaning origin addresses...\n")
		address <- placement::address_cleaner(address, verbose=verbose)
		if(verbose) cat("Cleaning destination addresses...\n")
		dest    <- placement::address_cleaner(dest, verbose=verbose)

	#Recode NA's to avoid coding Nambia.
	not_nambia <- function(x){
		x[is.na(x)] <- ""
	address <- not_nambia(address)
	dest    <- not_nambia(dest)

	# Encode the URLs
	enc  <- urltools::url_encode(address)
	dest <- urltools::url_encode(dest)

	if(auth=="standard_api") {
		inbound <- data.frame(address=enc, dest=dest)
		baserl <- "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?origins="
		inbound$full_url <- paste0(baserl, inbound$address,
								  "&key=", privkey)
		togoogle <- inbound$full_url

		togoogle <- placement::google_encode64(enc, dest=dest, gmode="dtime",
											privkey=privkey, clientid=clientid,
											verbose = verbose, units=units)

	if(verbose) cat("Sending locations (n=", length(togoogle),
					") to Google for distance calculation...\n", sep="")

	json <- placement::pull_geo_data(togoogle, tmout=10, messages=messages)
	#raise error if response is denied
	if (json[[1]]$status == 'REQUEST_DENIED') {
          		"Request sent to Google, but response returned REQUEST_DENIED.  Error details:\n", 
	coord <- t(vapply(json, function(x) {
						origin      <- as.character(x$origin_addresses)
						destination <- as.character(x$destination_addresses)
						# Distance *value* is returned as meters, regardless of the API call "unit" specified.
						dist_num    <- as.character(x$rows$elements[[1]]$distance$value / 1000)
						if(units=="imperial") dist_num <- as.character(as.numeric(dist_num) * 0.621371)
						dist_txt    <- as.character(x$rows$elements[[1]]$distance$text)
						time_secs   <- as.character(x$rows$elements[[1]]$duration$value)
						time_mins   <- as.character(as.numeric(time_secs) * 0.0166667)
						time_hours  <- as.character(as.numeric(time_secs) * 0.000277778)
						time_txt    <- as.character(x$rows$elements[[1]]$duration$text)
						return_stat <- as.character(x$rows$elements[[1]]$status)
						status      <- as.character(x$status)
						error_message <- ""
						return(c(origin, destination, dist_num, dist_txt, time_secs,
								 time_mins, time_hours, time_txt, return_stat, status, error_message))
					} else {
								 rep(NA, 6), x$rows$elements[[1]]$status,
								 x$status, ""))
			} else if(x$status=="CONNECTION_ERROR" & !is.null(x$error_message)){
				return(c(rep(NA, 9), x$status, x$error_message))
		} else {
			return(c(rep(NA, 10), "Non-conforming response object: check source data/url for this record"))
	}, character(11)))

		out <- as.data.frame(coord)
	} else if(length(coord)==11) {
		out <- data.frame(t(unlist(coord)))

	colnames(out) <- c("origin", "destination", "dist_num", "dist_txt",
					   "time_secs", "time_mins", "time_hours", "time_txt",
					   "return_stat", "status", "error_message")

	nums <- c("dist_num", "time_secs", "time_mins", "time_hours")
	out[, nums] <- vapply(out[, nums], function(x) {
		x <- round(as.numeric(x), digits=2)
		}, numeric(nrow(out)))

	out$input_url <- togoogle

	if(small) out <- out[ , c("dist_num", "time_hours")]

	# Optionally add the date parameter
		out$geocode_dt <- Sys.Date()
		if(add_date=="fuzzy") out$geocode_dt <- out$geocode_dt + stats::runif(nrow(out), 1, 30)

		cat("Finished.",nrow(out[out$return_stat=="OK", ]), "of", nrow(out),
					"distance calculations were successful.\n")
			len <- "miles"
			len <- "kilometers"
		message("Note: numeric distances in the 'dist_num' column are expressed in ", len, ".\n")
DerekYves/placement documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:10 p.m.