
Defines functions ANOVAsAsTable FormattableANOVAs MultipleANOVAs

Documented in ANOVAsAsTable FormattableANOVAs MultipleANOVAs

#' \code{MultipleANOVAs}
#' Computes multiple ANOVAs.
#' @param dependents The outcome variables.
#' @param independent The factor representing the groups.
#' @param subset An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be
#'   used in the fitting process, or, the name of a variable in \code{data}. It
#'   may not be an expression. \code{subset} may not
#' @param weights An optional vector of sampling weights, or, the name or, the
#'   name of a variable in \code{data}. It may not be an expression.
#' @param compare One of \code{"To mean", "Pairwise", "To first"} (which implement's Dunnett's C, when
#' combined with 'correction' == 'Tukey Range'), or \code{"All"}
#' @param correction The multiple comparison adjustment method: \code{"Table FDR", "Tukey Range", "None",
#' "False Discovery Rate", "Benjamini & Yekutieli", "Bonferroni",
#' "Free Combinations"}, \code{"Hochberg", "Holm",
#' "Hommel", "Single-step"} \code{"Shaffer"}, and \code{"Westfall"}.
#' @param robust.se Computes standard errors that are robust to violations of
#'   the assumption of constant variance. This parameter is ignored
#'   if weights are applied (as weights already employ a sandwich estimator).
#' @param alternative The alternative hypothesis: "Two sided", "Greater", or "Less". The main application of this is when
#' Compare us set 'To first' (e.g., if testing a new product, where the purpose is to work out of the new product is superior
#' to an existing product, "Greater" would be chosen).
#' @param missing How missing data is to be treated in the ANOVA. Options:
#'   \code{"Error if missing data"}.
#'   \code{"Exclude cases with missing data"}, and
#'   \code{"Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)"}.
#' @param show.labels Shows the variable labels, as opposed to the labels, in the outputs, where a
#' variables label is an attribute (e.g., attr(foo, "label")).
#' @param p.cutoff The alpha level to be used in testing.
#' @param seed The random number seed used when evaluating the multivariate t-distribution.
#' @param data An optional \code{data.frame} that can be used as alternative to specifying
#' \code{dependent}, \code{independent}, and \code{weights} for the case when the independent
#' variables are deferring lengths. Must have columns
#' \code{"dependent", "independent", "weights", and "dependent.names"}. The \code{"dependent.names"}
#' column contains the character name of the dependent variable for each observation. The \code{dependent},
#' \code{independent}, \code{weights}, and \code{subset} arguments are all ignored if \code{data}
#' is supplied.
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed to \code{OneWayANOVA}.
#' @details Conducts multiple \code{OneWayANOVA}s, and puts them in a list. If \code{correction} is
#'  \code{"Table FDR"}, the false discovery rate correction is applied across the entire table. All
#' other corrections are performed within rows. Additional detail about the other parameters can be found in \code{OneWayANOVA}.
#' @importFrom flipFormat Labels
#' @importFrom flipTransformations ProcessQVariables
#' @importFrom flipRegression PValueAdjustFDR
#' @export
MultipleANOVAs <- function(dependents,
                           subset = NULL,
                           weights = NULL,
                           compare = "To mean",
                           correction = "Table FDR",
                           robust.se = FALSE,
                           alternative = "Two-sided",
                           missing = "Exclude cases with missing data",
                           show.labels = FALSE,
                           seed = 1223,
                           p.cutoff = 0.05,
                           data = NULL,
    if (is.null(data))
        dependents <- ProcessQVariables(dependents)
        independent <- ProcessQVariables(independent)

        anovas <- suppressWarnings(lapply(dependents, function(x)
                aov <- try(OneWayANOVA(x,
                               compare = "To mean",
                                 subset = subset,
                               weights = weights,
                               correction = if(correction == "Table FDR") "None" else correction,
                               robust.se = robust.se,
                               #alternative = alternative,
                               #p.cutoff = p.cutoff,
                               #seed = seed,
                               return.all = TRUE#,
                , silent = TRUE)

        names(anovas) <- flipFormat::Labels(dependents)
        if (!all(c("dependent.name", "dependent", "independent") %in% colnames(data)))
            stop(sQuote("data"), " must contain columns named \"dependent\", ",
                 "\"independent\", and \"dependent.name\".")
        weighted <- "weights" %in% colnames(data)
        dep.names <- data[, "dependent.name"]
        dep.names.unique <- unique(dep.names)
        anovas <- vector("list", length(dep.names.unique))
        for (i in seq_along(dep.names.unique))
            ## aov <- try(suppressWarnings(OneWayANOVA(data[, "dependent"], data[, "independent"],
            ##                    compare = "To mean", weights = data[, "weights"],
            ##                    subset = dep.names == dep.names.unique[i],
            ##                    correction = if(correction == "Table FDR") "None" else correction,
            ##                    robust.se = robust.se,
            ##                    return.all = TRUE)),
            ##            TRUE)
            idx <- dep.names == dep.names.unique[i]
            weights <- if (weighted)
                           data[idx, "weights"]

            aov <- try(suppressWarnings(OneWayANOVA(data[idx, "dependent"], data[idx, "independent"],
                               compare = "To mean", weights = weights, subset = NULL,
                               correction = if(correction == "Table FDR") "None" else correction,
                               robust.se = robust.se,
                               return.all = TRUE)),
            if (!inherits(aov, "try-error"))
                anovas[[i]] <- aov
        names(anovas) <- dep.names.unique
    # Performing FDR correction.
    ps <- unlist(lapply(anovas, function(x) x$coefs[, 4]))
   # print(ps)
    if (correction == "Table FDR")
        n.anovas <- length(anovas)
        ps <- PValueAdjustFDR(ps)
        counter <- 1
        for (a in 1:n.anovas)
            aov <- anovas[[a]]
            if (!is.null(aov))
                anovas[[a]]$posthoc <- gsub("None", "False Discovery Rate correction applied simultaneously to the entire table", aov$posthoc)
                k <- nrow(aov$coefs)
                var.ps <- ps[counter:(counter + k - 1)]
                anovas[[a]]$coefs[, 4] <- var.ps
                anovas[[a]]$p <- min(var.ps)
                counter <- counter + k

    attr(anovas, "ps") <- ps

#' FormattableANOVAs
#' @param anovas List of OneWayANOVA objects.
#' @param title String showing the title of the table.
#' @param subtitle String showing the subtitle of the table.
#' @param footer The footer, other than the posthoc testing information, which is added in this function.
#' @importFrom flipFormat MeanComparisonsTable
#' @export
FormattableANOVAs <- function(anovas, title, subtitle, footer)
    mt <- ANOVAsAsTable(anovas)
    mct <- MeanComparisonsTable(
        means = mt$means,
        zs = mt$zs,
        ps = mt$ps,
        r.squared = mt$r.squared,
        overall.p = mt$overall.p,
        column.names = mt$column.names,
        title = title,
        subtitle = subtitle,
        footer = paste(footer, mt$posthoc),
        p.cutoff = mt$p.cutoff)

#' \code{ANOVAsAsTable}
#' Converts a list of ANOVAs into a format that can be prettily formatted.
#' @param x The list of ANOVAs.
#' @importFrom flipTables Rbind
#' @export
ANOVAsAsTable <- function(x)
    if (all(vapply(x, is.null, logical(1L))))
        stop("All ANOVAs in 'x' have errored/are NULL. No table can be created.")  
    for (i in x)
        if (!is.null(i))
            n <- i$n
            group.names <- i$column.names
            p.cutoff <- i$p.cutoff
            posthoc <- i$posthoc

    means <- NULL
    zs <- NULL
    ps <- NULL
    r.squared <- NULL
    overall.p <- NULL
    for (i in x)
        coefs <- if (is.null(i)) matrix(NA, nrow = length(group.names), ncol = 4, dimnames = list(group.names, 1:4)) else i$coefs
        means <- Rbind(means, coefs[, 1])
        zs <- Rbind(zs, coefs[, 3])
        ps <- Rbind(ps, coefs[, 4])
        r.squared <- c(r.squared, if (is.null(i$r.squared)) NA else i$r.squared)
        overall.p <- c(overall.p, if (is.null(i$p)) NA else i$p)
    if (!is.matrix(means))
        if (is.null(means))
            stop("Unable to estimate anova. Possibly due to insufficient sample sizes.")
        means <- t(as.matrix(means))
        zs <- t(as.matrix(zs))
        ps <- t(as.matrix(ps))

    rownames(means) <- names(x)
    column.names <- paste0(group.names, "<br>","n: ", n)
    return(list(means = means,
                zs = zs,
                ps = ps,
                r.squared = r.squared,
                overall.p = overall.p,
                column.names = column.names,
                p.cutoff = p.cutoff,
                posthoc = posthoc))
Displayr/flipAnalysisOfVariance documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:35 a.m.