
Defines functions BatchKMeans print.KMeans multipleMeansTable KMeans

Documented in BatchKMeans KMeans print.KMeans

#' \code{KMeans}
#' KMeans Cluster Analysis.
#' @param data A \code{\link{data.frame}}.
#' @param centers Either the number of clusters (e.g., 2), or a set of initial
#'  cluster centers. Where the number of clusters is specified, or the
#'  algorithm is 'Bagging', a random selection of rows of data is chosen
#'  as the initial start points.
#' @param centers.names An optional comma-separated list that will be used
#'  to name the predicted clusters.
#' @param subset An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be
#'   used in the fitting process, or, the name of a variable in \code{data}. It
#'   may not be an expression. \code{subset} may not
#' @param weights An optional vector of sampling weights, or, the name or, the
#'   name of a variable in \code{data}. It may not be an expression.
#' @param missing How missing data is to be treated in the regression. Options:
#'   \code{"Error if missing data"},
#'   \code{"Exclude cases with missing data"},
#'   \code{"Use partial data"}. This is the default.
#'   \code{"Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)"}.
#' @param n.starts The number of times the algorithm should be run, each time with a different
#' number of start points.
#' @param iter.max The number of iterations of the algorithm to run.
#' @param algorithm One of \code{"Hartigan-Wong"}, \code{"Forgy"}, \code{"Lloyd"}, \code{"MacQueen"},\code{"Batch"}, or
#' \code{"Bagging"}.
#' @param output The defaults is \code{"Means"}. A table that is better for exporting is \code{"Means table"}.
#' @param seed The random number seed used in imputation.
#' @param show.labels Shows the variable labels, as opposed to the labels, in the outputs, where a
#' variables label is an attribute (e.g., attr(foo, "label")).
#' @param binary Makes categorical variables into indicator variables (otherwise their values are used).
#' @param verbose Whether or not to show the verbose outputs to \code{bclust}. Defaults to false.
#' @param profile.var An optional list of variables which will be compared against the KMeans predicted cluster.
#' @param max.nchar.subtitle Maximum number of characters in the subtitle.
#' This is used to determine the number of significant profiling variables to show.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{bclust} and \code{SegmentComparisonTable}.
#' @details \code{"Bagging"} uses bagging in an attempt to find replicable custers.
#' By default, 10 bootstrap samples are created (using weights if provided), and k-mean
#' cluster analysis is used to find 20 clusters in each of these samples, and the complete-link
#' hiearchical clustering algorithm is then used to form the final clusters (Leisch 1999).
#' See \code{\link{bclust}} to see the names and descriptions of additional parameters.
#' After running \code{\link{bclust}}, cases are assigned to the most similar cluster.

#' @references
#' Forgy, E. W. (1965) Cluster analysis of multivariate data: efficiency vs interpretability of classifications. Biometrics 21, 768-769.
#' Hartigan, J. A. and Wong, M. A. (1979). A K-means clustering algorithm. Applied Statistics 28, 100-108.
#' Leisch, Friedrich (1999)  Bagged clustering. Working Paper 51, SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modeling in Economics and Management Science", August 1999. http://epub.wu.ac.at/1272/ 1/document.pdf
#' Lloyd, S. P. (1957, 1982) Least squares quantization in PCM. Technical Note, Bell Laboratories. Published in 1982 in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28, 128-137.
#' MacQueen, J. (1967) Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations. In Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, eds L. M. Le Cam & J. Neyman, 1, pp. 281-297. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
#' @importFrom flipData CleanSubset CleanWeights EstimationData
#' @importFrom flipFormat Labels ExtractCommonPrefix Names FormatAsPercent
#' @importFrom flipTransformations CreatingFactorDependentVariableIfNecessary AsNumeric Factor AdjustDataToReflectWeights ProcessQVariables
#' @importFrom flipU OutcomeName ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector
#' @importFrom stats aggregate complete.cases as.formula kmeans
#' @importFrom flipRegression ConfusionMatrix
#' @importFrom e1071 bclust
#' @importFrom flipStatistics Mean MeanByGroup Frequency TotalSumOfSquares ResidualSumOfSquares
#' @importFrom flipAnalysisOfVariance SegmentComparisonTable
#' @importFrom flipData SplitFormQuestions
#' @export
KMeans <- function(data = NULL,
                   centers = 2,
                   centers.names = NULL,
                   subset = NULL,
                   weights = NULL,
                   missing = "Use partial data",
                   iter.max = 100,
                   n.starts = 10,
                   algorithm = "Batch",
                   output = "Means",
                   profile.var = NULL,
                   seed = 1223,
                   binary = FALSE,
                   show.labels = FALSE,
                   max.nchar.subtitle = 200,
                   verbose = FALSE, ...)
    ##### Reading in the data and doing some basic tidying        ######
    has.subset <- !is.null(subset) & length(subset) != 1
    partial <- missing == "Use partial data"

    if (!is.null(data) && !is.data.frame(data) && is.list(data))
        data <- SplitFormQuestions(data, show.labels)

    n.total <- nrow(data)
    if (NCOL(data) < 2)
        stop("K-Means requires at least 2 variables as input data.")
    if (has.subset)
        subset <- eval(substitute(subset), data, parent.frame())
        subset.description <- if (is.null(substitute(subset))) NULL else deparse(substitute(subset))
        if (!is.null(subset.description))
            attr(subset, "description") <- subset.description
        if (length(subset) > 1 & length(subset) != nrow(data))
            stop("'subset' and 'data' are required to have the same number of observations. They do not.")
        if (partial)
            subset <- CleanSubset(subset, n.total)
    weighted <- !is.null(weights)
        if (is.null(attr(weights, "name")))
            attr(weights, "name") <- deparse(substitute(weights))
        weights <- eval(substitute(weights), data, parent.frame())
        if (length(weights) != nrow(data))
            stop("'weights' and 'data' are required to have the same number of observations. They do not.")
        if (partial)
            original.weights <- weights <- CleanWeights(weights)
        if (!algorithm %in% c("Batch", "Bagging"))
            warning("As your data is weighted, only the 'Batch' and 'Bagged' algorithms are appropriate. You have been automaticaly switched to the 'Batch' algorithm.")
    row.names <- rownames(data)
    ##### Data manipulation specific to kmeans                       #####
    # Making categorical variables numeric.
    data <- AsNumeric(ProcessQVariables(data), binary)
    orig.names <- names(data)
    names(data) <- make.names(orig.names)
    variable.labels <- Labels(data)
    # Treatment of missing values.
    if (missing == "Use partial data" && algorithm != "Batch" & any(!complete.cases(data)))
        stop(paste0("'Missing' has been set to 'Use partial data', but the algorithm has been set to '", algorithm, "'",
                    "you need need to change one of these settings."))
    input.formula <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste(names(data), collapse = "+")))
    processed.data <- EstimationData(input.formula, data, subset, weights, missing, seed = seed)
    unfiltered.weights <- processed.data$unfiltered.weights
    x <- processed.data$estimation.data
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (n < ncol(x))
        stop("The sample size is too small for it to be possible to conduct the analysis.")
    post.missing.data.estimation.sample <- processed.data$post.missing.data.estimation.sample
    .weights <- processed.data$weights
    ##### Fitting the model.                                       #####
    n.clusters <- if (length(centers) > 1) nrow(centers) else centers
    model <- if (algorithm == "Bagging")
            if (n < 100)
                warning(paste0("There are only ", n, " complete cases; a robust bagging model is highly unlikely."))
            b.base.clusters <- min(n.clusters * 10, n / 10)
            mod <- try(bclust(x, weights = .weights, centers = n.clusters, verbose = verbose, ...),
                       silent = TRUE)
            if (any("try-error" %in% class(mod)))
                stop("Bagged clustering algorithm has failed. This may mean that there is too little variation in your data for bagged clustering to be appropriate.")
            if (algorithm == "Batch")
                BatchKMeans(x, centers, .weights, iter.max, n.starts)
                kmeans(x, centers, iter.max, n.starts, algorithm)
    ##### Saving results, parameters, and tidying up               #####
    # Computing summary statistics and results
    cluster.a <- model$cluster
    centers <- model$centers

    # Replacing names with labels
    names(data) <- orig.names
    cluster.label <- paste0("K-Means: ", n.clusters, " clusters")
    if (show.labels)
        com <- ExtractCommonPrefix(Labels(data))
        variable.labels <- com$shortened.labels
        common <- if(is.na(com$common.prefix)) "" else paste0(" - ", com$common.prefix)
        cluster.label <- paste0(cluster.label, common)
        variable.labels <- Names(data)

    colnames(centers) <- variable.labels
    result <- list(#cluster = rep(NA, nrow(data)),
                   centers = t(centers),
                   cluster.label = cluster.label,
                   binary = binary)#,
    class(result) <- "KMeans"

    centers.names <- ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector(centers.names)
    if (length(centers.names) < n.clusters)
        centers.names <- c(centers.names, paste0("Cluster ",
            (length(centers.names) + 1):n.clusters))
    if (length(centers.names) > n.clusters)
        centers.names <- centers.names[1:n.clusters]

    # Saving data - generally applicable.
    if (missing == "Imputation (replace missing values with estimates)")
        data <- processed.data$data
    result$subset <- subset <- row.names %in% rownames(x)
    result$weights <- unfiltered.weights
    result$model <- data
    result$cluster <- cluster <- predict.KMeans(centers, data)
    weights.a <- weights[subset]
    data.a <- data[subset, , drop = FALSE]
    result$sizes <- sizes <- Frequency(cluster.a, weights = weights.a)
    sizes <- as.numeric(prop.table(sizes))
    rownames(centers) <- centers.names
    centers.names.and.desc <- paste0(centers.names, "\n", FormatAsPercent(sizes, 2))
    rownames(centers) <- centers.names.and.desc
    result$centers <- centers
    if (output == "Means table")
    if (missing == "Assign partial data to clusters" | weighted)
        result$centers <- MeanByGroup(data.a, cluster.a, weights.a)
    if (weighted)
    {   # Essentially an extra iteration
        result$cluster[subset] <- clusters.a <- predict.KMeans(result$centers, data.a)
        result$centers <- MeanByGroup(data.a, clusters.a, weights.a)
    result$cluster <- factor(cluster, levels = 1:n.clusters, labels = centers.names)
    # Goodness-of-fit
    tss <- TotalSumOfSquares(data.a, weights.a)
    rss <- ResidualSumOfSquares(data.a, cluster.a, weights.a)
    ess <- tss - rss
    result$variance.explained = ess/tss
    result$calinski.harabasz = (ess/(n.clusters - 1)/(rss/(n - n.clusters)))
    # Saving descriptive information.
    result$sample.description <- processed.data$description
    result$n.observations <- n
    result$n.clusters <- n.clusters
    result$cluster.names <- centers.names
    result$estimation.data <- x
    # Saving parameters
    result$show.labels <- show.labels
    result$output <- output
    result$missing <- missing
    result$variable.labels <- variable.labels
    result$max.nchar.subtitle <- max.nchar.subtitle

    if (!is.null(profile.var))
        result$segment.profile.table <- SegmentComparisonTable(profile.var, result$cluster,
                                            font.color.set.if.nonsignificant = TRUE,
                                            subset = subset, weights = weights, ...)

    # Output 'Means table' has already been returned as a matrix
    if (output == "Segment profiling table")
        attr(result, "ChartData") <- attr(result$segment.profile.table, "ChartData")
        attr(result, "ChartData") <- multipleMeansTable(result, return.data.frame = TRUE)

multipleMeansTable <- function(x, return.data.frame = FALSE)
    subset <- x$subset
    variables <- x$model[subset, ]
    if (x$show.labels)
        for (i in 1:ncol(variables))
            attr(variables[, i], "label") <- x$variable.labels[i]
    cluster <- x$cluster[subset]
    levels(cluster) <- rownames(x$centers)

    subtitle <- paste0("Variance explained: ", FormatAsPercent(x$variance.explained), "; Calinski-Harabasz: ", FormatAsReal(x$calinski.harabasz, 2))
    if (!is.null(x$segment.profile.table))
        num.sig <- 0
        var.sig <- NULL
        prof.info <- attr(x$segment.profile.table, "question.labels")
        prof.signif <- attr(x$segment.profile.table, "p-values")
        pthres <- 1 - attr(x$segment.profile.table, "confidence")
        row.offset <- 2
        for (i in 2:length(prof.info))
            if (any(prof.signif[row.offset + (1:prof.info[[i]]$height), ] < pthres, na.rm = TRUE))
                num.sig <- num.sig + 1
                var.sig <- c(var.sig, prof.info[[i]]$label)
            row.offset <- row.offset + prof.info[[i]]$height
        if (num.sig == 0)
            subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, "; Profiling: none significant")
            tmp.nchar <- cumsum(nchar(var.sig)) + nchar(subtitle)
            tmp.maxind <- max(which(tmp.nchar < x$max.nchar.subtitle))
            tmp.var.list <- paste(var.sig[1:tmp.maxind], collapse = "; ")
            if (tmp.maxind == length(var.sig))
                tmp.var.list <- paste0("(", tmp.var.list, ")")
                tmp.var.list <- paste0("(", tmp.var.list, "; ...)")
            subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, "; Profiling: ", num.sig, " significant ", tmp.var.list)

                  weights = x$weights[subset],
                  show.labels = x$show.labels,
                  title = x$cluster.label,
                  subtitle = subtitle,
                  footer = x$sample.description,
                  return.data.frame = return.data.frame)

#' print.KMeans
#' @param x The \link{KMeans} object.
#' @param ... Generic print arguments.
#' @importFrom flipFormat Labels FormatAsPercent FormatAsReal
#' @importFrom flipAnalysisOfVariance MultipleMeans
#' @export
print.KMeans <- function(x, ...)
    if (x$output == "Segment profiling table")

#' BatchKMeans
#' Uses the batch method k-means method for forming clusters.
#' @param x A \code{\link{data.frame}}.
#' @param centers Either the number of clusters (e.g., 2), or a set of initial cluster
#' centers.
#' @param weights An optional vector of sampling weights, or, the name or, the
#'   name of a variable in \code{data}. It may not be an expression.
#' @param iter.max The number of iterations of the algorithm.
#' @param n.starts The number of times to run the whole algorihtm.
#' @param seed The seed for the random number generator.
#' @details The batch method works by selecting initial cluster centers, allocating each observation
#' to the closest cluster, recomputing the cluster centers, and repeating these steps until the either the
#' residual sum of squares stops reducing, or, \code{iter.max} is exceeded.
#' The two novel features of this algorithm, relative to traditional k-means algorithms such as Hartigan and Wong (1979) are:
#' (1) The algorithms addresses weights. (2) The algorithm classifies cases that have incomplete data.
#' The algorithm starts by initially assigning cases to clusters as follows:
#' (1) Cases with missing values are removed.
#' (2) If the data is weighted, a new 'bootstrapped' sample is created via resampling.
#' (3) The Hartigan-Wong algorithm is applied to the bootstrapped sample.
#' (4) Each of the cases in the data set (including those with partially missing data) are assigned to the closest cluster center.
#' The algorithm then repeatedly:
#' (1) Recomputes the clustered center as the weighted mean of the data for the cases assigned to the cluster.
#' (2) Assigns cases to the closest cluster.
#' This proceeds until the cluster membership stabilizes or the number of iterations is exceeded.
#' Where \code{n.starts} is greater than 1, or, there are less than 100 cases left after removing cases with
#' incomplete data, the remaining start points are selected by: (1) identifying unique cases, and (2) sampling
#' without replacement from amongst the unique cases.
#' @importFrom stats aggregate complete.cases kmeans
#' @importFrom flipTransformations AdjustDataToReflectWeights
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
#' @export
BatchKMeans <- function(x, centers, weights, iter.max, n.starts, seed = 1223)
    best.centers <- centers
    global.lowest.rss <- Inf
    unique.cases <- unique(x)
    n.clusters <- if(length(centers) == 1) centers else nrow(centers)
    for (start in 1:n.starts)
        iteration <- 0
        lowest.rss <- Inf
        complete.c <- complete.cases(x)
        centers <- if (start == 1 & Sum(complete.c, remove.missing = FALSE) > 100)
            complete.x <- x[complete.c, ]
            if (!is.null(weights))
                complete.weights <- weights[complete.c]
                complete.weights <- complete.weights / Sum(complete.weights, remove.missing = FALSE) * length(complete.weights)
                complete.x <- flipTransformations::AdjustDataToReflectWeights(complete.x, complete.weights, seed = seed, silent = TRUE)
            kmeans(complete.x, centers, iter.max = 10, nstart = 1, algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong")$centers
            unique.cases[sample.int(nrow(unique.cases), n.clusters, replace = FALSE), ]
        cluster <- predict.KMeans(centers, x)
        while (iter.max >= (iteration <- iteration + 1) &
               lowest.rss > (rss <- ResidualSumOfSquares(x, cluster, weights)))
            lowest.rss <- rss
            centers <- MeanByGroup(x, cluster, weights)
            cluster <- predict.KMeans(centers, x)
        if (global.lowest.rss >= lowest.rss)
            global.lowest.rss <- lowest.rss
            best.centers <- centers

    list(cluster = predict.KMeans(best.centers, x), centers = best.centers)
Displayr/flipCluster documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:35 a.m.