
Defines functions valueAttributesTable inputVariableTable variableSummary variableTypeConverter mergingSubtitle DataSetMergingByCaseWidget

Documented in DataSetMergingByCaseWidget

#' @title Widget Output for Data Set Merging By Case
#' @description Widget shown in output for \code{flipData::MergeDataSetsByCase}.
#' @param input.data.sets.metadata An object containing metadata for the
#'   input data set. See the function \code{metadataFromDataSets} in flipData
#'   for more information.
#' @param merged.data.set.metadata An object containing metadata for the
#'   merged data set. See the function \code{metadataFromDataSet} in flipData
#'   for more information.
#' @param matched.names A character matrix whose rows correspond to the
#'   variables in the merged data set. The elements in each row correspond to
#'   the input data sets and contain the names of the variables from the input
#'   data sets that have been combined together to create a merged variable.
#'   This matrix also has the attributes "is.fuzzy.match" and "matched.by".
#'   is.fuzzy.match is a logical matrix of the same size as matched.names
#'   indicating if an input variable was matched using fuzzy matching.
#'   matched.by is a character matrix of the same size as matched.names
#'   containing the strings "Variable name", "Variable label", "Value label"
#'   and "Manual" indicating what data was used to match an input variable or
#'   if the variable was matched manually.
#' @param merged.names A character vector of the names of the merged variables.
#'   Also contains the attribute "renamed.variables" which is a character
#'   matrix whose rows correspond to merged variables that have been renamed.
#'   Each row has two elements containing the original and new name for the
#'   variable.
#' @param omitted.variable.names.list A list whose elements correspond to the
#'   input data sets. Each element contains the names of variables from a data
#'   set that were omitted from the merged data set.
#' @param input.value.attributes.list A list whose elements correspond to the
#'   variables in the merged data set. Each element is another list whose
#'   elements correspond to the input data sets, which each of these elements
#'   containing a named numeric vector representing the values and value labels
#'   of a categorical input variable. This is NULL if the input variable is
#'   not categorical.
#' @param is.saved.to.cloud A logical scalar indicating whether the merged data
#'   set was saved to the Displayr cloud drive.
#' @param page A numeric scalar of the page number. If not specified, the first
#'   page is shown.
#' @param variables.per.page A numeric scalar of the number of variables per
#'   page.
#' @export
DataSetMergingByCaseWidget <- function(input.data.sets.metadata,
                                       page = NULL,
                                       variables.per.page = 1000)
    tfile <- createTempFile()
    cata <- createCata(tfile)

    addCss("datasetwidget.css", cata)
    addCss("datasetmerging.css", cata)

    is.fuzzy.match <- attr(matched.names, "is.fuzzy.match")
    vars.matched.by <- attr(matched.names, "matched.by")

    n.vars <- merged.data.set.metadata$n.variables

    page.var.ind <- variableIndicesInPage(n.vars, page, variables.per.page)

    html <- paste0("<div class=\"data-set-widget-main-container\">",
                   "<div class=\"data-set-widget-title\">",

    html <- paste0(html, mergingSubtitle(merged.data.set.metadata, vars.matched.by,
                                         is.saved.to.cloud, n.vars, page,
                                         variables.per.page, page.var.ind))

    # For each variable in the merged data set, create a collapsible container
    # labeled with the variable name and label. The label will be highlighted
    # if there are any irregularities with the merge (e.g. missing variables,
    # inexact matches, conflicting values, manually specified matches).
    # The container will have a table showing the names and labels of the
    # data sets and also a table showing the values and value labels of the
    # data sets (if categorical). Highlighting will be used to indicate
    # irregularities in the table.

    n.data.sets <- input.data.sets.metadata$n.data.sets
    num.span.width <- variableIndexSpanWidth(page.var.ind)

    renamed.vars <- attr(merged.names, "renamed.variables")

    html.vars <- rep(NA_character_, length(page.var.ind))

    k <- 1
    for (i in page.var.ind)
        var.name <- merged.data.set.metadata$variable.names[i]
        var.label <- merged.data.set.metadata$variable.labels[i]
        var.type <- variableTypeConverter(merged.data.set.metadata$variable.types[i])
        merged.val.attr <- merged.data.set.metadata$variable.value.attributes[[i]]

        if (!identical(names(var.label), "mergesrc"))
            input.var.ind <- vapply(seq_len(n.data.sets), function(j) {
                match(matched.names[i, j], input.data.sets.metadata$variable.names[[j]])
            }, integer(1))

            input.var.names <- vapply(matched.names[i, ], function(nm) {
                if (!is.na(nm))
            }, character(1))

            input.var.labels <- vapply(seq_len(n.data.sets), function(j) {
                ind <- input.var.ind[j]
                if (!is.na(ind))
            }, character(1))

            input.var.types <- vapply(seq_len(n.data.sets), function(j) {
                ind <- input.var.ind[j]
                if (!is.na(ind))
            }, character(1))

            html.row <- ""

            renamed.ind <- match(var.name, renamed.vars[, 2])
            if (!is.na(renamed.ind))
                html.row <- paste0(html.row,
                                   "<span class=\"data-set-widget-subtitle\">Renamed from ",
                                   htmlText(renamed.vars[renamed.ind, 1]),

            variable.table.html <- inputVariableTable(var.name, var.label,
                                                      var.type, input.var.names,
                                                      is.fuzzy.match[i, ],
                                                      vars.matched.by[i, ],
            html.row <- paste0(html.row, variable.table.html)
            is.summary.highlighted <- attr(variable.table.html,
            if (!is.null(merged.val.attr))
                val.attr.table.html <- valueAttributesTable(merged.val.attr,
                html.row <- paste0(html.row, val.attr.table.html)
                is.summary.highlighted <- is.summary.highlighted ||

            # Only create details summary (expandable info) if highlighted
            # as it is not so interesting otherwise and this helps to reduce
            # the widget size for large data sets
            if (is.summary.highlighted)
                # Create details summary last since it is easier to determine if it
                # needs to be highlighted
                contains.fuzzy.match <- any(is.fuzzy.match[i, ])
                contains.manual.match <- any(!is.na(vars.matched.by[i, ]) &
                                             vars.matched.by[i, ] == "Manual")
                html.summary <- variableSummary(var.name, var.label,
                                                num.span.width, n.data.sets,
                                                input.var.names, i,
                html.vars[k] <- paste0("<details class=\"details data-set-merging-details\">",
                                       html.summary, html.row, "</details>")
                v.index.text <- variableIndexSpan(i, num.span.width)
                indicators <- dataSetIndicatorsSpan(input.var.names != "-")
                name.and.label <- variableNameAndLabelText(var.name, var.label)
                html.vars[k] <- paste0("<div class=\"data-set-widget-row\">",
                                       v.index.text, indicators,
                                       name.and.label, "</div>")
        else # mergesrc variable
            v.index.text <- variableIndexSpan(i, num.span.width)
            indicator.spacing <- paste0("<span class=\"data-set-merging-indicator-container\">",
                                        paste0(rep("<span class=\"data-set-merging-indicator-mergesrc\">&#8193;</span>",
                                               n.data.sets), collapse = ""), "</span>")
            html.vars[k] <- paste0("<div class=\"data-set-widget-row\">",
                                   v.index.text, indicator.spacing,
                                   variableNameAndLabelText(var.name, var.label),
        k <- k + 1

                paste0(html.vars, collapse = ""),
                mergingNote(omitted.variable.names.list, page, n.vars,
                "</div>")) # close data-set-merging-main-container


mergingSubtitle <- function(merged.data.set.metadata, vars.matched.by,
                            is.saved.to.cloud, n.vars, page, variables.per.page,
    html <- ""

    if (is.saved.to.cloud)
        html <- paste0(html, "<div class=\"data-set-widget-subtitle\">(saved to Displayr cloud drive)</div>")

    html <- paste0(html, "<div class=\"data-set-widget-subtitle\">",
                   merged.data.set.metadata$n.variables, " variables, ",
                   merged.data.set.metadata$n.cases, " cases</div>")

    unique.matched.by <- unique(c(vars.matched.by))

    matched.by <- c()
    if ("Variable name" %in% unique.matched.by)
        matched.by <- c(matched.by, "variable names")
    if ("Variable label" %in% unique.matched.by)
        matched.by <- c(matched.by, "variable labels")
    if ("Value label" %in% unique.matched.by)
        matched.by <- c(matched.by, "value labels")

    if (length(matched.by) == 0)
        matched.by.msg <- if ("Manual" %in% unique.matched.by)
            "Matched manually"
            "No matching performed"
        matched.by.msg <- if ("Manual" %in% unique.matched.by)
            "Matched manually and by "
            "Matched by "

        matched.by.msg <- if (length(matched.by) == 1)
            paste0(matched.by.msg, matched.by)
            paste0(matched.by.msg, paste0(matched.by[-length(matched.by)], collapse = ", "),
                   " and ", matched.by[length(matched.by)])

    html <- paste0(html, "<div class=\"data-set-widget-subtitle\">",
                   matched.by.msg, "</div>")

    html <- paste0(html, "<div class=\"data-set-widget-subtitle\">",
                   "Legend: ",
                   "<span class=\"data-set-widget-manual-shade\">",
                   "<span class=\"data-set-widget-fuzzy-shade\">",
                   "<span class=\"data-set-widget-highlight-shade\">",

    if (!is.null(page) && n.vars > variables.per.page) {
        page.subtitle <- pageSubtitle(n.vars, page, variables.per.page,
        html <- paste0(html, "<div class=\"data-set-widget-subtitle\">",
                       page.subtitle, "</div>")


# Convert from internal types to user-facing types
variableTypeConverter <- function(variable.type)
    if (variable.type == "Categorical with string values")
    else if (variable.type == "Duration")

variableSummary <- function(var.name, var.label, num.span.width, n.data.sets,
                            input.var.names, variable.index,
                            contains.fuzzy.match, contains.manual.match)
    summary.classes <- if (contains.manual.match)
        "summary data-set-merging-summary data-set-merging-summary-manual"
    else if (contains.fuzzy.match)
        "summary data-set-merging-summary data-set-merging-summary-fuzzy"
        "summary data-set-merging-summary data-set-merging-summary-highlight"

    name.and.label <- variableNameAndLabelText(var.name, var.label)

    v.index.text <- variableIndexSpan(variable.index, num.span.width)

    indicators <- dataSetIndicatorsSpan(input.var.names != "-")

    paste0("<summary class=\"", summary.classes, "\">", v.index.text,
           indicators, name.and.label, "</summary>")

inputVariableTable <- function(var.name, var.label, var.type, input.var.names,
                               input.var.labels, input.var.types,
                               is.fuzzy.input.var, input.var.matched.by,
    result <- paste0("<table class=\"data-set-merging-table data-set-merging-variable-table\"><thead>",
                     "<th>Data set</th><th>Variable name</th>",
                     "<th>Variable label</th><th>Variable type</th>",
                     "<th>Matched by</th></thead><tbody>")

    result <- paste0(result,
                     "<tr><td>Merged data set",
                     "</td><td>", htmlText(var.name),
                     "</td><td>", htmlText(var.label),
                     "</td><td>", htmlText(var.type),

    is.summary.highlighted <- FALSE
    for (j in seq_len(n.data.sets))
        is.manual <- !is.na(input.var.matched.by[j]) &&
                     input.var.matched.by[j] == "Manual"

        name.cell.class <- ""
        if (is.manual)
            name.cell.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-manual"
            is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE
        else if (is.fuzzy.input.var[j] &&
                 input.var.matched.by[j] == "Variable name")
            name.cell.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-fuzzy"
            is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE
        else if (input.var.names[j] != "-" &&
                 input.var.names[j] != var.name)
            name.cell.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-highlight"
            is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE

        label.cell.class <- ""
        if (is.fuzzy.input.var[j] &&
            input.var.matched.by[j] == "Variable label")
            label.cell.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-fuzzy"
            is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE
        else if (input.var.labels[j] != "-" &&
                 input.var.labels[j] != var.label)
            label.cell.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-highlight"
            is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE

        type.cell.class <- ""
        if (input.var.types[j] != "-" &&
            input.var.types[j] != var.type)
            is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE
            type.cell.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-highlight"

        matched.by <- "-"
        matched.by.class <- ""
        if (!is.na(input.var.matched.by[j]))
            if (is.manual)
                matched.by <- "Variable name (manual match)"
                matched.by.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-manual"
            else if (is.fuzzy.input.var[j])
                matched.by <- paste0(input.var.matched.by[j], " (fuzzy match)")
                matched.by.class <- "data-set-merging-cell-fuzzy"
                matched.by <- paste0(input.var.matched.by[j], " (exact match)")

        result <- paste0(result,
                         "<tr><td>Input data set ", j,
                         "</td><td class=\"", name.cell.class,"\">",
                         "</td><td class=\"", label.cell.class,"\">",
                         "</td><td class=\"", type.cell.class,"\">",
                         "</td><td class=\"", matched.by.class,"\">",

    result <- paste0(result, "</tbody></table>")
    result <- gsub(" class=\"\"", "", result, fixed = TRUE) # do this to reduce size of widget
    attr(result, "is.summary.highlighted") <- is.summary.highlighted

valueAttributesTable <- function(merged.val.attr, input.data.sets.metadata,
                                 input.val.attr.list, input.var.ind)
    cat.types <- c("Categorical", "Categorical with string values")
    input.var.types <- input.data.sets.metadata$variable.types
    input.var.val.attr <- input.data.sets.metadata$variable.value.attributes
    n.data.sets <- input.data.sets.metadata$n.data.sets

    result <- paste0("<table class=\"data-set-merging-table data-set-merging-val-attr-table\">",
                     "<thead><th colspan=2 style=\"text-align:center\">Merged data set</th>",
                     paste0(paste0("<th>Input data set ", seq_len(n.data.sets),
                                   "</th>"), collapse = ""), "</thead><tbody>")

    is.summary.highlighted <- FALSE
    for (j in seq_len(length(merged.val.attr)))
        result <- paste0(result, "<tr><td>",
                         "</td><td>", htmlText(merged.val.attr[j]), "</td>")
        missing.from.all.data.sets <- TRUE
        for (k in seq_len(n.data.sets))
            result <- if (!is.na(input.val.attr.list[[k]][j]))
                missing.from.all.data.sets <- FALSE
                val <- input.val.attr.list[[k]][j]

                if (input.var.types[[k]][input.var.ind[k]] %in% cat.types)
                    val.attr <- input.var.val.attr[[k]][[input.var.ind[k]]]
                    lbl <- names(val.attr)[which(val.attr == input.val.attr.list[[k]][j])]
                    cell.class <- if (is.na(merged.val.attr[j]) ||
                                      input.val.attr.list[[k]][j] != merged.val.attr[j] ||
                                      lbl != names(merged.val.attr)[j])
                        is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE

                    paste0(result, "<td title=\"", htmlText(val),
                           ": ", htmlText(lbl), "\" class=\"", cell.class, "\">",
                           htmlText(val), "</td>")
                else # Numeric or Text variable
                    is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE
                    paste0(result, "<td title=\"From ",
                           " variable\" class=\"data-set-merging-cell-highlight\">",
                           htmlText(val), "</td>")
            else # Missing value
                if (!missing.from.all.data.sets)
                    is.summary.highlighted <- TRUE
                paste0(result, "<td>-</td>")
        result <- paste0(result, "</tr>")
    result <- paste0(result, "</tbody></table>")
    result <- gsub(" class=\"\"", "", result, fixed = TRUE) # do this to reduce size of widget
    attr(result, "is.summary.highlighted") <- is.summary.highlighted
Displayr/flipFormat documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:37 a.m.