
Defines functions HideValuesWithSmallSampleSizes HideColumnsWithSmallSampleSizes HideRowsWithSmallSampleSizes HideOutputsWithSmallSampleSizes checkIsTable isTableWithStats matchNameOrIndex getMatchIndex SortColumns SortRows AutoOrderColumns AutoOrderRows indexSortedByValues indexSelected SelectEntry SelectColumns SelectRows ReverseColumns ReverseRows convertTo3dQTable convertToMatrix extractArray

Documented in AutoOrderColumns AutoOrderRows HideColumnsWithSmallSampleSizes HideOutputsWithSmallSampleSizes HideRowsWithSmallSampleSizes HideValuesWithSmallSampleSizes ReverseColumns ReverseRows SelectColumns SelectEntry SelectRows SortColumns SortRows

# Function to extract rows/columns from array
# It handles both 2d matrices and 3d arrays
# Will always try to copy attributes
#' @importFrom flipU IsQTable
extractArray <- function(x, row.index = 1:nrow(x), col.index = 1:ncol(x), keep.all.stats = TRUE)
    if (IsQTable(x) && is.null(attr(x, "statistic")) && length(dim(x)) == 2 && keep.all.stats)
        res <- x[row.index, , drop = FALSE]
    else if (isTableWithStats(x) && keep.all.stats)
        res <- x[row.index, col.index, , drop = FALSE]
    else if (isTableWithStats(x) && !keep.all.stats)
        warning("Only the first statistic '", dimnames(x)[[3]][1], "' used.")
        res <- x[row.index, col.index, 1, drop = FALSE]
        attr(res, "statistic") <- dimnames(x)[[3]][1]
        res <- x[row.index, col.index, drop = FALSE]
    # Subscripting QTables (verbs:::`[.QTable`) already updates attributes
    res <- copyAttributesIfNotQTable(res, x)


# Converts vector or 1-d array into matrix
# so that the other functions for tidying tables can be used
# note that no checking is done
convertToMatrix <- function(x)
    if (inherits(x, "QTable")) {
        x.is.array <- is.array(x)
        r.names <- if (x.is.array) dimnames(x)[[1L]] else names(x)
        attr(x, "dim") <- c(NROW(x), 1L)
        rownames(x) <- r.names
        class(x) <- c("QTable", "matrix", "array")
    CopyAttributes(as.matrix(x), x)

# Converts 1-d Q Table + statistics in to 3d array
#' @importFrom flipU IsQTable
convertTo3dQTable <- function(x)
    if (!IsQTable(x))           # ignore if not Q Table
    if (isTableWithStats(x))
        return(x)               # no further conversion for 2d table with stats
    # Tables here should be a matrix or 1d array
    dims <- dim(x)
    n.dim <- length(dims)
    dim.names <- dimnames(x)
    stat <- attr(x, "statistic")
    has.only.one.stat <- !is.null(stat)

    if (!has.only.one.stat && n.dim > 1) # Matrix case
        attr(x, "dim") <- c(dims[1L], 1L, dims[2L])
        attr(x, "dimnames") <- list(dim.names[[1L]], 1, dim.names[[2L]])
        names(attr(x, "dimnames")) <- c("Row", "Column", "Statistic")
        is.q.table.class <- inherits(x, "QTable")
        q.stat.info <- attr(x, "QStatisticsTestingInfo")
        if (is.q.table.class && !is.null(q.stat.info))
            q.stat.info[["Row"]] <- dim.names[[1L]]
            q.stat.info[["Column"]] <- 1
            attr(x, "QStatisticsTestingInfo") <- q.stat.info

#' Reverse rows of a table
#' @description Reverse order of rows in matrix, dataframe or array
#' @param x Input table which may be a matrix, dataframe or array.
#'    Vectors or 1-d arrays will be converted into a matrix with 1 column
#' @export
ReverseRows <- function(x)
    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)
        x <- convertToMatrix(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    extractArray(x, row.index = n:1)

#' Reverse columns of a table
#' @description Reverse order of columns in matrix, dataframe or array
#' @param x Input table which may be a matrix, dataframe or array.
#'    Vectors or 1-d arrays will be ignored
#' @export
ReverseColumns <- function(x)
    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)
        x <- return(x)
    n <- ncol(x)
    extractArray(x, col.index = n:1)

#' Select rows from a table
#' @description Function to select row from a table, either by rownames
#'   or as range from the top or bottom.
#' @param x Matrix or dataframe from which rows will be extracted
#' @param select A string containing a comma seperated list of the
#'  names or indices of the rows to be selected. If an empty list is
#'  supplied, then the whole of \code{x} will be returned.
#' @param first.k If a number greater than zero is supplied,
#'   The first (or up to) \code{first.k} rows from \code{x[select,]} is returned.
#' @param last.k If a number greater than zero is supplied,
#'   The last (or up to) \code{last.k} rows from \code{x[select,]} is returned.
#' @importFrom flipTransformations TextAsVector
#' @importFrom flipU CopyAttributes
#' @export
SelectRows <- function(x, select = NULL, first.k = NA, last.k = NA)
    if (!any(c(nzchar(select), as.integer(first.k), as.integer(last.k)), na.rm = TRUE))
    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)
        x <- convertToMatrix(x)

    ind <- indexSelected(x, "row", select, first.k, last.k)
    extractArray(x, row.index = ind)

#' Select columns from a table
#' @description Function to select column from a table, either by colnames
#'   or as range from the top or bottom.
#' @param x Matrix or dataframe from which columns will be extracted
#' @param select A string containing a comma seperated list of the
#'  names or indices of the columns to be selected. If an empty list is
#'  supplied, then the whole of \code{x} will be selected.
#' @param first.k If a number greater than zero is supplied,
#'   The first (or up to) \code{first.k} columns of \code{x[,select]} will be returned.
#' @param last.k If a number greater than zero is supplied,
#'   The last (or up to) \code{last.k} columns of \code{x[,select]} will be returned.
#' @export
SelectColumns <- function(x, select = NULL, first.k = NA, last.k = NA)
    if (!any(c(nzchar(select), as.integer(first.k), as.integer(last.k)), na.rm = TRUE))
    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)

    ind <- indexSelected(x, "column", select, first.k, last.k)
    extractArray(x, col.index = ind)

#' Select entries from a table
#' @description Function to select entries from a table using
#' either the row/column name or indices
#' @param x Matrix or dataframe from which values will be extracted.
#' @param row A string containing a comma seperated list of the
#' name or indices of the rows to be selected
#' @param column A string containing a comma seperated list of the
#' name or indices of the column to be selected, If \code{x} is a vector
#' or 1-dimensional array, \code{column} will be ignored.
#' @param return.single.value Logical; If this true, the function will
#' always return a single numeric value. If multiple cells are selected,
#' the entries are summed. If no entries are selected a
#' value of zero is returned.for
#' @param use.statistic.attribute Logical; indicates whether the statistic
#' attribute is used to represent a percentage. For legacy reasons it is off by
#' default (i.e. 5\% is returned as 0.05)
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
#' @importFrom flipU IsQTable
#' @export
SelectEntry <- function(x, row, column = NULL, return.single.value = FALSE,
                        use.statistic.attribute = FALSE)
    indRow <- indexSelected(x, "row", as.character(row))

    stat <- attr(x, "statistic")
    is.qtable <- IsQTable(x)
    dnm <- dimnames(x)
    is.pct <- (!is.null(stat) && is.qtable && grepl("%)?$", stat)) ||
              (length(dnm) > 2 && grepl("%)?$", dnm[[3]][1]))

    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)
        col.requested <- length(column) > 0 && any(nzchar(column))
        if (col.requested && all(as.numeric(column) != 1L, na.rm = TRUE))
            warning("Column", ngettext(length(column), paste0(" ", column, collapse = ""),
                                       paste("s", paste0(column, collapse = ", "))),
                    " ignored for a 1-dimensional table")
        res <- x[indRow]

    } else
        indCol <- indexSelected(x, "column", as.character(column))
        if (!any(nzchar(column), na.rm = TRUE))
            warning("First column was returned as no column was specified")
            indCol <- 1
        res <- extractArray(x, row.index = indRow, col.index = indCol, keep.all.stats = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(attr(res, "statistic")) && grepl("%)?$", attr(res, "statistic")))
            is.pct <- TRUE
    if (return.single.value && is.numeric(res))
        res <- if (all(is.na(res))) NA else sum(res, na.rm = TRUE)
    res <- unlist(res)
    if (is.pct)
        if (use.statistic.attribute)
            attr(res, "statistic") <- "%"
            res <- res / 100
            attr(res, "statistic") <- NULL # set to null to indicate already converted to decimal
            attr(res, "format") <- "%"

#' @importFrom verbs First Last
indexSelected <- function(x, dim = "row", select = NULL, first.k = NA, last.k = NA)
    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)
        x <- convertToMatrix(x)
    if (!checkIsTable(x))

    sel.ind <- NULL
    dim.names <- if (dim == "column") colnames(x, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "")
                 else                 rownames(x, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "")
    max.dim <- if (dim == "column") ncol(x)
               else                 nrow(x)
    min.dim <- max(0, first.k, last.k, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (max.dim < min.dim)
        warning("Input table has less than ", min.dim, " ", dim, "s.")

    if (any(nzchar(select), na.rm = TRUE))
        sel.ind <- getMatchIndex(select, dim.names, dim = dim)
        sel.ind <- 1:max.dim

    # Do the union of the first and last k row/columns
    # e.g. if user wants to select first and last rows to create summary table
    if (any(as.integer(first.k), na.rm = TRUE) && any(as.integer(last.k), na.rm = TRUE))
        return(unique(c(First(sel.ind, first.k), Last(sel.ind, last.k))))

    # Otherwise use the intersection to restrict number of values
    # e.g. DS-2552
    if (any(as.integer(first.k), na.rm = TRUE))
        sel.ind <- First(sel.ind, first.k)
    if (any(as.integer(last.k), na.rm = TRUE))
        sel.ind <- Last(sel.ind, last.k)

indexSortedByValues <- function(x,
                         decreasing = FALSE,
                         exclude = "NET, SUM, Total",
                         dim = "row",
                         sort.by = "")
    max.dim <- if (dim == "column") ncol(x)
               else                 nrow(x)
    dim.names <- if (dim == "column") colnames(x, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "")
                 else                 rownames(x, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "")

    ind.excl <- getMatchIndex(exclude, dim.names, dim, warn = FALSE)
    ind.incl <- setdiff(1:max.dim, ind.excl)
    val.incl <- values[ind.incl]
    if (is.character(val.incl) &&
        val.incl <- as.numeric(val.incl)
    if (is.list(val.incl))
        val.incl <- unlist(val.incl)

    # Give warnings if appropriate
    is.na <- is.na(val.incl)
    is.dup <- duplicated(val.incl) & !is.na
    if (any(is.dup) || any(is.na)) {
        warn.details <- ""
        if (sum(is.na) == 1)
            warn.details <- "1 NA"
        else if (sum(is.na) > 1)
            warn.details <- sprintf("%d NAs", sum(is.na))
        if (nzchar(warn.details) && any(is.dup))
            warn.details <- paste0(warn.details, " and ")
        if (sum(is.dup) == 1)
            warn.details <- "1 duplicate"
        else if (sum(is.dup) > 1)
            warn.details <- sprintf("%d duplicates", sum(is.dup))
        warning(sprintf("Table has been sorted on %s containing %d values with %s. Note that the order of these values is not guaranteed.",
            sort.by, length(val.incl), warn.details))

    tmp.ord <- order(val.incl, decreasing = decreasing)
    ord.ind <- ind.incl[tmp.ord]
    return(c(ord.ind, ind.excl))

#' Automatically order the rows by correspondence analysis of the table
#' @description Rows of the table are ordered according to the row-coordinates
#'    given by correspondence analysis of the table (1st dimension)
#' @param x Input matrix
#' @importFrom ca ca
#' @export
AutoOrderRows <- function(x)
    if (!checkIsTable(x))
    tmp.dat <- if (isTableWithStats(x)) x[,,1] else x
    tmp.dat <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(tmp.dat)), NROW(x), NCOL(x))
    tmp <- ca(tmp.dat)
    ord <- order(tmp$rowcoord[,1])
    extractArray(x, row.index = ord)

#' Automatically order the columns by correspondence analysis of the table
#' @description Columns of the table are ordered according to the column-coordinates
#'    given by correspondence analysis of the table (1st dimension)
#' @param x Input matrix
#' @importFrom ca ca
#' @export
AutoOrderColumns <- function(x)
    if (!checkIsTable(x))
    tmp.dat <- if (isTableWithStats(x)) x[,,1] else x
    tmp.dat <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(tmp.dat)), NROW(x), NCOL(x))
    tmp <- ca(tmp.dat)
    ord <- order(tmp$colcoord[,1])
    extractArray(x, col.index = ord)

#' Sort rows of a table
#' @description Sorts the rows of the table based on the values in the specified column
#' @details This function differs from the QScript in a number of ways.
#' 1) Sorting does not respect spans.
#' 2) The default column in based on 'Column n' in 'Statistics - Below'. This is
#'    not available to R. Instead we pick the column with the largest sum. If there
#'    is a tie between columns, we will pick the rightmost column
#' 3) There is no parameter for 'Never exclude from sort'. This is because we require
#'    that entries in 'Exclude from sort' must match the rowname exactly, instead of
#'    a partial match used in the QScript
#' @param x Input matrix or dataframe which is being sorted. Values must be numeric.
#'  Vectors and 1-d arrays will be converted to a matrix.
#' @param decreasing Order to sort values.
#' @param column The column to sort by. If none is specified and the 'Column n'
#'  statistic is present in the table, it will use the column with the largest
#'  value of 'Column n'. Otherwise it will pick the right-most column.
#' @param exclude A string containing a comma-separated list of rows
#'    (either by name or index) which should not be sorted. These rows
#'    will remain at the bottom of the output table
#' @export
SortRows <- function(x,
                 decreasing = FALSE,
                 column = NULL, # integer, otherwise largest column
                 exclude = "NET, SUM, Total")
    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)
        x <- convertToMatrix(x)
    if (!checkIsTable(x))

    # Finding the column to sort on
    col.ind <- NULL
    if (!is.null(column))
        col.ind <- matchNameOrIndex(column[1], colnames(x, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = ""))
        if (length(col.ind) == 0)
            stop("Column '", column, "' was not found in the table.")
        if (length(column) > 1)
            warning("Only column '", column[1], "' was used to sort the table.")

    if (length(col.ind) != 1 || !is.finite(col.ind))
        col.ind <- ncol(x)
    ind <- indexSortedByValues(x,
                 values = if (isTableWithStats(x)) x[,col.ind,1] else x[,col.ind],
                 decreasing, exclude, "row", paste("column", col.ind))
    extractArray(x, row.index = ind)

#' Sort columns of a table
#' @description Sorts the columns of the table based on the values in the specified column
#' @param x Input matrix or dataframe which is being sorted. Values must be numeric.
#'      Vectors and 1-d arrays will be ignored.
#' @param decreasing Order to sort values.
#' @param row The row to sort by. If none is specified and the 'Row n'
#'  statistic is present in the table, it will use the row with the largest
#'  value of 'Row n'. Otherwise it will pick the bottom row.
#' @param exclude A string containing a comma-separated list of columns
#'    (either by name or index) which should not be sorted. These columns
#'    will remain at the end of the output table
#' @export
SortColumns <- function(x,
                 decreasing = FALSE,
                 row = NULL, # integer, otherwise largest column
                 exclude = "NET, SUM, Total")
    if (length(dim(x)) < 2)
    if (!checkIsTable(x))

    # Finding the row to sort on
    row.ind <- NULL
    if (!is.null(row))
        row.ind <- matchNameOrIndex(row[1],
            rownames(x, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = ""))
        if (length(row.ind) == 0)
            stop("Row '", row, "' was not found in the table.")
        if (length(row) > 1)
            warning("Only row '", row[1], "' was used to sort the table.")

    if (length(row.ind) != 1 || !is.finite(row.ind))
        row.ind <- nrow(x)

    ind <- indexSortedByValues(x,
                 values = if (isTableWithStats(x)) x[row.ind,,1] else x[row.ind,],
                 decreasing, exclude, "column", paste("row", row.ind))
    extractArray(x, col.index = ind)

# This is a wrapper for matchNameOrIndex
# It will break up the pattern from a commma-separated list to a vector
# It will also check for unmatched entries and give warnings
# warn = FALSE is used by indexSortedValues when no error/warning is required
getMatchIndex <- function(pattern, x, dim = "row", warn = TRUE)
    is.control <- attr(pattern, "is.control")
    pattern <- as.character(pattern)
    attr(pattern, "is.control") <- is.control
    sel.vec <- if (length(pattern) > 1) pattern else TextAsVector(pattern)
    sel.ind <- matchNameOrIndex(sel.vec, x, strip.zeros = FALSE)
    sel.na <- which(is.na(sel.ind))
    warning.msg <- ""
    if (length(sel.na) > 0)
        warning.msg <- paste0("Table does not contain ", dim, if (length(sel.na) > 1) "s" else "",  " '",
            paste(sel.vec[sel.na], collapse = "','"), "'.")

    # Check for consecutive matches - these are probably incorrectly split up patterns
    runs <- rle(sel.ind)
    r.ind <- which(runs$length > 1)
    if (any(runs$length))
        for (rri in r.ind)
            r.pos <- (sum(runs$lengths[1:rri]) - runs$lengths[rri]) + (1:runs$lengths[rri])
            merged.patt <- paste(sel.vec[r.pos], collapse = ",")
            if (any(grepl(gsub(" ", "", merged.patt), gsub(" ", "", x))))
                sel.ind[r.pos[-1]] <- NA

    sel.ind[sel.ind == 0] <- NA
    sel.ind <- sel.ind[which(!is.na(sel.ind))]
    if (warn && nchar(warning.msg) > 0 && length(sel.ind) == 0)
    else if (warn && nchar(warning.msg))

#' @param p.list Vector of patterns to match
#' @param x Vector of names
#' @param strip.zeros If false, then zero-values in the return vector indicate that
#'    some entries in \code{p.list} ambiguously match multiple names. This information
#'    is useful for writing warning messages (e.g. in \code{getMatchIndex}.
#'    If true, the zeros are converted to NAs.
#' @return list of indices mapping p.list to x.
#'      Unmatched entries in p.list are set to NA
#'		Ambiguous patterns are preferentially treated as indices
#' @importFrom flipU TrimWhitespace
#' @importFrom stringi stri_reverse
#' @noRd
matchNameOrIndex <- function(p.list, x, strip.zeros = TRUE)
    # Looking for string-to-string match
    p.list <- TrimWhitespace(p.list)
    x <- TrimWhitespace(x)
    ind.as.name <- match(p.list, x)
    exact.matches <- unique(ind.as.name[!is.na(ind.as.name)])

    # Check for partial matches in unmatched rownames
    .partialmatches <- function(p, x, exact.ind)
        m <- charmatch(p, x)
        m[which(m %in% exact.ind)] <- NA
    retry <- which(!is.finite(ind.as.name))
    ind.as.name[retry] <- .partialmatches(p.list[retry], x, exact.matches)
    retry <- which(!is.finite(ind.as.name))
    ind.as.name[retry] <- .partialmatches(stri_reverse(p.list[retry]),
            stri_reverse(x), exact.matches)

    # Give warnings if pattern can be used as both an index (numeric) or a name
    ind <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(p.list))
    ind[ind < 1 | ind > length(x)] <- NA
    ambig.pos <- which(!is.na(ind) & !is.na(ind.as.name) & ind != ind.as.name)
    for (ii in ambig.pos)
        # Check for an exact match
        if (p.list[ii] %in% x)
            warning("'", p.list[ii], "' treated as an index. ",
             "To select entry with name '", p.list[ii], "' use index ", ind.as.name[ii], "\n")

	# Patterns are treated as indices where possible
	pos.as.name <- is.na(ind)
	ind[pos.as.name] <- ind.as.name[pos.as.name]

    # Give warnings from duplicate matches in charmatch if relevant
    dup.match <- which(ind.as.name == 0 & pos.as.name & nchar(p.list) > 0)
    if (length(dup.match) > 0)
        warning.msg <- ""
        for (ii in dup.match)
            tmp.match <- grep(p.list[ii], x, value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
            warning.msg <- paste0(warning.msg, "'", p.list[ii], "' matched multiple values ambiguously: '",
                paste(tmp.match, collapse = "', '"), "'.\n")
        if (any(is.finite(ind) & ind > 0))
    if (strip.zeros)
        ind[ind == 0] <- NA

isTableWithStats <- function(x)
    inherits(x, "array") && length(dim(x)) == 3

checkIsTable <- function(x)
    if (isTableWithStats(x))

    res <- length(dim(x)) == 2
    if (!res)
        warning("Input data should be a 2-dimensional matrix or dataframe.")

#' Throws error if table has small sample size
#' @description Throws an error if any of the 'Base n' values in the table are too small
#' @param x Input table, which must contain the 'Base n' statistic.
#' @param min.size Minimum sample size required.
#' @export
HideOutputsWithSmallSampleSizes <- function(x, min.size = 30)
    x <- convertTo3dQTable(x)
    if (!isTableWithStats(x) || !any(c("Base n", "Sample Size") %in% dimnames(x)[[3]]))
        stop("Table does not have 'Sample Size' or 'Base n'")

    d.ind <- which(dimnames(x)[[3]] %in% c("Base n", "Sample Size"))
    if (any(as.numeric(x[, , d.ind[1]]) < min.size, na.rm = TRUE))
        stop("Output not shown because it is based on less than ", min.size, " observations.")

#' Removes rows with small sample sizes
#' @description Using the 'Column n' (preferred) or 'Base n' statistic
#'   this funcion will remove any rows from \code{x}, where all
#'   are smaller than \code{min.size}. If any rows/columns are removed
#'   then warnings will be given.
#' @param x Input table, which must contain the 'Column n' or 'Base n' statistic.
#' @param min.size Minimum sample size required.
#' @export
HideRowsWithSmallSampleSizes <- function(x, min.size = 30)
    x <- convertTo3dQTable(x)
    size.names <- c("Column Sample Size", "Column n", "Sample Size", "Base n")
    if (!isTableWithStats(x) || !any(size.names %in% dimnames(x)[[3]]))
        stop("Table must have at least one of the following statistics: '",
             paste(size.names, collapse = "', '", sep=""), "'.")

    j <- 1
    d.ind <- NULL
    while (length(d.ind) == 0)
        d.ind <- which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == size.names[j])
        j <- j + 1

    # Search rows
    row.rm <- c()
    for (i in 1:nrow(x))
        if (all(as.numeric(x[i, ,d.ind]) < min.size))
            row.rm <- c(row.rm, i)
    if (all(dim(x) > 0) && length(row.rm) > 0)
        warning("Rows ", paste(row.rm, collapse=","), " have sample size less than ", min.size, " and have been removed.")
        x <- extractArray(x, row.index = -row.rm)

#' Removes columns with small sample sizes
#' @description Using the 'Column n' (preferred) or 'Base n' statistic
#'   this funcion will remove any rows from \code{x}, where all
#'   are smaller than \code{min.size}. If any rows/columns are removed
#'   then warnings will be given.
#' @param x Input table, which must contain the 'Column n' or 'Base n' statistic.
#' @param min.size Minimum sample size required.
#' @export
HideColumnsWithSmallSampleSizes <- function(x, min.size = 30)
    x <- convertTo3dQTable(x)
    size.names <- c("Column Sample Size", "Column n", "Sample Size", "Base n")
    if (!isTableWithStats(x) || !any(size.names %in% dimnames(x)[[3]]))
        stop("Table must have at least one of the following statistics: '",
             paste(size.names, collapse = "', '", sep=""), "'.")

    j <- 1
    d.ind <- NULL
    while (length(d.ind) == 0)
        d.ind <- which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == size.names[j])
        j <- j + 1

    # Search rows and columns
    col.rm <- c()
    for (i in 1:ncol(x))
        if (all(as.numeric(x[,i,d.ind]) < min.size))
            col.rm <- c(col.rm, i)
    if (length(col.rm) > 0)
        warning("Columns ", paste(col.rm, collapse=","), " have sample size less than ", min.size, " and have been removed.")
        x <- extractArray(x, col.index = -col.rm)

#' Removes values with small sample sizes
#' @description Using the 'Column n' (preferred) or 'Base n' statistic
#'   this funcion will remove any values from \code{x}, where all
#'   are smaller than \code{min.size}. They will be replaced with \code{NA}.
#' @param x Input table, which must contain the 'Column n' or 'Base n' statistic.
#' @param min.size Minimum sample size required.
#' @export
HideValuesWithSmallSampleSizes <- function(x, min.size = 30)
    x <- convertTo3dQTable(x)
    size.names <- c("Column Sample Size", "Column n", "Sample Size", "Base n")
    if (!isTableWithStats(x) || !any(size.names %in% dimnames(x)[[3]]))
        stop("Table must have at least one of the following statistics: '",
             paste(size.names, collapse = "', '", sep=""), "'.")

    j <- 1
    d.ind <- NULL
    while (length(d.ind) == 0)
        d.ind <- which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == size.names[j])
        j <- j + 1

    sz.dat <- matrix(as.numeric(x[,,d.ind]), nrow(x), ncol(x))
    ind <- which(sz.dat < min.size, arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (NROW(ind) > 0)
        for (ii in 1:NROW(ind))
            x[ind[ii,1], ind[ii,2], 1] <- NA
Displayr/flipTables documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:45 a.m.