
Defines functions tidyIntervalLabel getValuesInInterval tidyIntervalLabels NiceNumericCuts

Documented in NiceNumericCuts

#' Create factor variables from numeric variables using one of a variety of
#' methods.
#' @param input.data The \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{\link{vector}} 
#'      containing the data to be categorized. Data should be numeric.
#' @param method A string describing which method is to be used to categorize
#'      the data. Options are \code{tidy.intervals}, \code{percentiles},
#'      \code{equal.width}, and \code{custom}.
#' @param num.categories An integer sepcifying the number of categories for
#'      the new factor. This does not apply for \code{percentiles} or for
#'      \code{custom} because in those cases the number of categories is
#'      implied by the \code{percents} and \code{custom.breaks} arguments
#'      respectively.
#' @param right A boolean value specifying that when determining breaks
#'      in the data, the close side of the inerval should be on the right 
#'      (i.e on the larger end of the interval).
#' @param round.input.data A boolean value specifying whether the input
#'      data should be rounded before categorization.
#' @param decimals An integer which determines to how many decimals the
#       data should be rounded when \code{round.input.data} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param label.decimals An integer value which determines how many
#'      decimal places should be included in formatted labels.
#' @param open.ends A boolean value which determines if labels at the upper
#'      and lower ends of the range should be open-ended or should contain
#'      both end points of the interval. E.g. if \code{TRUE} then interval
#'      (0, 17] would be "Less than 18", otherwise it would be "0 to 17".
#' @param label.style A character indicating the style of labels to use
#'      for the new factor levels. Options are \code{tidy.labels}, 
#'      \code{inequality.notation}, \code{interval.notation}, and
#'      \code{percentiles}, with the latter option only being applicable
#'      if \code{method} is also \code{percentiles}.
#' @param number.prefix A character to be appended before numbers in new
#'      factor labels.
#' @param number.suffix A character to be after before numbers in new
#'      factor labels.
#' @param open.bottom.string A character indicating text to be placed at the
#'      beginning of open-ended labels at the start of the range for open
#'      intervals.
#' @param closed.bottom.string A character indicating text to be placed at the
#'      end of open-ended labels at the start of the range for closed
#'      intervals.
#' @param open.top.string A character indicating text to be placed at the
#'      beginning of open-ended labels at the end of the range for open
#'      intervals.
#' @param closed.top.string A character indicating text to be placed at the
#'      end of open-ended labels at the end of the range for closed
#'      intervals.
#' @param equal.intervals.start A numeric value indicating the start of the
#'      range when using \code{method} of \code{equal.width}.
#' @param equal.intervals.end A numeric value indicating the end of the
#'      range when using \code{method} of \code{equal.width}.
#' @param equal.intervals.increment A numeric value specifying the width of
#'      the increments when using \code{method} of \code{equal.width}. This
#'      value is optional, and overrides \code{num.categories} as the number
#'      of categories is determined using the start, end, and increment.
#' @param custom.breaks A character containing a comma-seprated list of 
#'      numeric values to be used as custom break points when the 
#'      \code{method} is \code{custom}.
#' @param custom.always.includes.endpoints A logical value indicating whether,
#'      when \code{method} is \code{custom}, the endpoints are always included.
#'      If \code{FALSE}, the endpoints for the cuts are determined by the
#'      \code{custom.breaks} only. 
#' @param percents A single numeric value, or a character containing a comma
#'      -separated list of numeric values to be used when the \code{method}
#'      of \code{percentiles} is used. Values should be between 0 and 100.
#' @param quantile.type An interger between 1 and 9 to be passed to
#'      \code{quantile} which determines the algorithm for creating quantiles.
#' @param factors.use.labels A logical value indicating whether numeric
#'      information should be extracted from factor labels. If \code{FALSE}
#'      the function will instead try to extract the underlying numerice
#'      values from Q/Displayr.
#' @param grouping.mark A character to be used as the thousands-grouping
#'      mark when inferring numeric information from factor labels. 
#' @param decimals.mark A character to be used as the decimals-grouping
#'      mark when inferring numeric information from factor labels. 
#' @return A data frame containing the new factor variables as columns.
#' @importFrom flipU ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector
#' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
#' @importFrom stats var quantile
#' @export
NiceNumericCuts <- function(input.data,
                           method = c("tidy.intervals", "percentiles", "equal.width", "custom"),
                           num.categories = 2,
                           right = TRUE,
                           round.input.data = FALSE,
                           decimals = 1,
                           label.decimals = 1,
                           open.ends = TRUE,
                           label.style = "tidy.labels",
                           number.prefix = "",
                           number.suffix = "",
                           open.bottom.string = "Less than ",
                           closed.bottom.string = " and below",
                           open.top.string = "More than ",
                           closed.top.string = " and over",
                           equal.intervals.start = "",
                           equal.intervals.end = "",
                           equal.intervals.increment = "",
                           custom.breaks = "",
                           custom.always.includes.endpoints = FALSE,
                           percents = "",
                           quantile.type = 7,
                           factors.use.labels = TRUE,
                           grouping.mark = ",", 
                           decimals.mark = "."
                           ) { 
    method <- match.arg(method)

    # Protect against empty strings supplied
    # by Displayr UI
    equal.intervals.start <- if(nzchar(equal.intervals.start)) as.numeric(equal.intervals.start) else NA

    equal.intervals.end <- if(nzchar(equal.intervals.end)) as.numeric(equal.intervals.end) else NA

    if (method == "custom" && !nzchar(custom.breaks)) {
        stop("No custom breakpoints have been entered for the custom intervals.")

    if (method == "percentile" && !nzchar(percents)) {
        stop("No percentages have been entered for the percentiles.")

    # Convert factors if user wants to use numbers present in labels
    get.data.as.numeric <- function(x,
                                    factors.use.labels = TRUE,
                                    grouping.mark = ",", 
                                    decimals.mark = "\\." ) {
        # Coerce characters to factors for ease of mapping
        if (is.character(x)) {
            x <- factor(x)
            factors.use.labels <- TRUE

        if (is.factor(x)) {
            if (factors.use.labels) {
                # Scrape numeric information from labels, check
                # the numbers are appropriate, and then map
                # to numeric.
                label.chunks <- lapply(levels(x), 
                          FUN = extractRangeInformationFromLabel, 
                          grouping.mark = grouping.mark, 
                          decimals.mark = decimals.mark)

                # Obtain numeric values from each label and count them
                numbers.from.labels <- lapply(label.chunks, 
                                             FUN = function (x) return(x$numbers))

                number.of.numbers <- vapply(numbers.from.labels, 
                                           FUN = length, 
                                           FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

                if (any(number.of.numbers == 0)) {
                    cant.use.labels <- paste0("\'", levels(x)[number.of.numbers == 0], "\'")
                    cant.use.text <- cant.use.labels[1]
                    if (length(cant.use.labels) > 1) {
                        cant.use.text = paste0(cant.use.text[1:2], collapse = " and ")
                    warning("Some data labels do not contain numbers and will not be combined.",
                            "These labels include ", cant.use.text)

                if (any(number.of.numbers > 1)) {
                    cant.use.labels <- paste0("\'", levels(x)[number.of.numbers > 1], "\'")
                    cant.use.text <- cant.use.labels[1]
                    if (length(cant.use.labels) > 1) {
                        cant.use.text <- paste0(cant.use.text[1:2], collapse = " and ")
                    warning("Some data labels contain more than one numeric value and ",
                        "will be not be combined. These labels include ", cant.use.text,
                        ". If your data labels contain ranges of values, change ",
                        "\'Labels contain\' to \'Ranges of values\'.")

                new.values <- rep(NA, length(x))
                for (j in 1L:length(levels(x))) {
                    lev <- levels(x)[j]
                    if (number.of.numbers[j] == 1) {
                        new.values[x == lev] <- numbers.from.labels[[j]][1]   
                x.raw <- new.values
            } else {
                # Use attribute info from Q/Displayr
                q.levels <- attr(x, "levels")
                q.source.values <- attr(x, "sourcevalues")
                if (!is.null(q.levels) && !is.null(q.source.values)) {
                    if (length(q.levels) < length(q.source.values)) {
                        warning("Some categories in ", attr(x, "label"), 
                            " have been combined and the average value for the combined ",
                            "categories has been used. Consider reverting any combined categories.")
                x.raw <- AsNumeric(x, binary = FALSE)
        } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
            x.raw <- x
        } else {
            stop("Cannot transform data of type ", class(x)[1])

    input.data <- as.data.frame(input.data)
    original.data <- input.data
    classes <- lapply(input.data, FUN = class)
    numerics <- vapply(classes, FUN = function (x) return("numeric" %in% x), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    input.data <- as.data.frame(lapply(input.data, 
                                      FUN = get.data.as.numeric,
                                      factors.use.labels = factors.use.labels,
                                      grouping.mark = grouping.mark, 
                                      decimals.mark = decimals.mark))

    # Obtain the full set of raw values from the inputs
    raw.data <- unlist(input.data)
    raw.data <- raw.data[!is.na(raw.data)]

    # User may find tidier intervals if they round first
    if (round.input.data) {
        raw.data <- round(raw.data, decimals)
        input.data <- as.data.frame(lapply(input.data, 
                                          FUN = round, 
                                          digits = decimals))

    # Data which are all integers are handled differently later
    all.integers <- all(raw.data %% 1 == 0)
    min.val <- min(raw.data)
    max.val <- max(raw.data)
    uniques <- unique(raw.data)
    n.unique <- length(uniques)


    # Handle each of the allowed methods for forming categories

    if (method == "percentiles") {
        percents <- ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector(percents)
        percents <- as.numeric(percents)
        if (any(is.na(percents))) {
            stop("There is a problem with the entries in the Percentages field. ",
                 "Please enter a single number or a comma-seperated list of numbers.")
        if (length(percents) == 1) {
                percents <- seq(0, 100, by = percents)
        } else {
            percents <- c(0, percents, 100)
            percents <- sort(percents)
        percents <- unique(percents)
        percents <- percents / 100
        qq <- quantile(raw.data, probs = percents,
                      na.rm = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE,
                      type = quantile.type)
        if (anyDuplicated(qq) > 0) {
            warning("Some percentiles are empty in the range you have specified and will not be shown.");
        # Include -Infinity in cuts if the smallest data point is the upper bound
        # of a quantile. Ensures that that data point is the upper value of the first cut
        # rather than being the starting value of the first cut. Only becomes an
        # issue if the cuts are being performed with the closed boundary of each
        # cut being the uppper (or "right") side of the interval. DS-3835.

        if (length(which(qq == min(raw.data, na.rm = TRUE))) > 1 && right)
            qq <- c(-Inf, qq)

        # Remove duplicate cut points
        qq <- qq[!duplicated(qq, fromLast = TRUE)]

        if (label.style == "percentiles") {
            lower.labels <- names(qq)[-length(qq)]
            upper.labels <- names(qq)[-1]

            # Percentiles always start at 0%
            # and end at 100%
            lower.labels[1] <- "0%"
            upper.labels[length(upper.labels)] <- "100%"

            # Paste inequalities into labels depending on whether the closed interval
            # boundary is on the left or the right.
            if (right) {
                lower.labels[-1] <- paste0("> ", lower.labels[-1])
            } else {
                upper.labels[-length(upper.labels)] <- paste0("< ", upper.labels[-length(upper.labels)])

            percentile.labels <- paste0(lower.labels, " to ", upper.labels)
            new.factors <- lapply(input.data, 
                                 FUN = cut, 
                                 breaks = qq, 
                                 right = right, 
                                 include.lowest = TRUE, 
                                 labels = percentile.labels)
        } else {
            new.factors <- lapply(input.data, 
                                 FUN = cut, 
                                 breaks = qq, 
                                 right = right, 
                                 include.lowest = TRUE, 
                                 labels = NULL, 
                                 dig.lab = 4)
            new.labels <- tidyIntervalLabels(levels(new.factors[[1]]),
                                            raw.data = raw.data, 
                                            decimals = label.decimals, 
                                            style = label.style,
                                            integer.data = all.integers,
                                            open.ended = open.ends, 
                                            prefix = number.prefix, 
                                            suffix = number.suffix,
                                            open.bottom.string = open.bottom.string,
                                            closed.bottom.string = closed.bottom.string,
                                            open.top.string = open.top.string,
                                            closed.top.string = closed.top.string,
                                            grouping.mark = grouping.mark, 
                                            decimals.mark = decimals.mark)
            new.factors <- lapply(new.factors, 
                                 FUN = mapvalues, 
                                 from = levels(new.factors[[1]]), 
                                 to = new.labels)
        new.factors <- as.data.frame(new.factors)

    } else {
        if (method == "equal.width") {
            if (nzchar(equal.intervals.increment)) {
                equal.intervals.increment <- as.numeric(equal.intervals.increment)
            } else {
                equal.intervals.increment <- NA
            if (is.na(equal.intervals.start)) {
                equal.intervals.start <- min.val
            if (is.na(equal.intervals.end)) {
                equal.intervals.end <- max.val
            if (min.val < equal.intervals.start) {
                n.lower <- length(which(raw.data < equal.intervals.start))
            if (max.val > equal.intervals.end) {
                n.higher <- length(which(raw.data > equal.intervals.end))
            start <- equal.intervals.start
            end <- equal.intervals.end
            if (nchar(start) == 0) {
                start <- min.val
            } else {
                start <- as.numeric(start)

            if (nchar(end) == 0) {
                end <- max.val
            } else {
                end <- as.numeric(end)
            if (is.na(equal.intervals.increment)) {
                cuts <- seq(start, end, length.out = num.categories + 1)
            } else {
                cuts <- seq(start, end, by = equal.intervals.increment)
                if (cuts[length(cuts)] < end) {
                    cuts <- c(cuts, cuts[length(cuts)] + equal.intervals.increment)
        } else if (method == "custom") {

            if (is.character(custom.breaks)) {
                cuts <- as.numeric(ConvertCommaSeparatedStringToVector(custom.breaks))    
            } else {
                cuts <- custom.breaks

            if (any(is.na(cuts))) {
                stop("Some of the break points could not be interpreted as numbers. ",
                    "Please ensure Category Boundaries contains a comma-seperated list of numbers.")
            if (custom.always.includes.endpoints) {
                cuts <- c(min.val, cuts, max.val)
            cuts <- unique(cuts)
            start <- min(cuts)
            end <- max(cuts)

            if (min.val < start) {
                n.lower <- length(which(raw.data < start))
            if (max.val > end) {
                n.higher <- length(which(raw.data > end))
        } else if (method == "tidy.intervals") {

            cuts <- pretty(raw.data, n = num.categories)
            if (length(cuts) != num.categories + 1) {
                warning("Could not find a pretty solution with exactly ", num.categories, 
                    " categories. Pretty solutions break the interval into multiples of ",
                    "2, 5, 10, and some combinations are not guaranteed. Consider changing ",
                    "the \'Target number of categories\' option.")

        } else {
            stop("Method ", method, " is not recognized. Use one of: tidy.intervals, equal.width, percentiles, or custom.")
        new.factors <- as.data.frame(lapply(input.data,
                                           FUN = cut,
                                           breaks = cuts,
                                           right = right,
                                           include.lowest = TRUE,
                                           labels = NULL,
                                           dig.lab = 4))
        new.labels <- tidyIntervalLabels(levels(new.factors[[1]]),
                                            raw.data = raw.data,
                                            decimals = label.decimals,
                                            style = label.style,
                                            integer.data = all.integers,
                                            open.ended = open.ends,
                                            prefix = number.prefix,
                                            suffix = number.suffix,
                                            open.bottom.string = open.bottom.string,
                                            closed.bottom.string = closed.bottom.string,
                                            open.top.string = open.top.string,
                                            closed.top.string = closed.top.string,
                                            grouping.mark = grouping.mark,
                                            decimals.mark = decimals.mark)
        new.factors <- as.data.frame(lapply(new.factors,
                                           FUN = mapvalues,
                                           from = levels(new.factors[[1]]),
                                           to = new.labels))

    # Fill in missing values for non-numeric labels when input data is
    # factor/character
    if (any(!numerics)) {
        for (j in 1L:ncol(original.data)) {
            if (!is.numeric(original.data[, j])) {
                missings <- is.na(new.factors[, j])
                level.list <- levels(new.factors[, j])
                if (is.factor(original.data[, j])) {
                    level.list <- c(level.list, as.character(levels(droplevels(original.data[missings, j]))))
                } else {
                    level.list <- c(level.list, unique(as.character(original.data[missings, j])))
                levels(new.factors[, j]) <- level.list
                new.factors[missings, j] <- as.character(original.data[missings, j])


    colnames(new.factors) <- colnames(original.data)

# Loop through a given set of interval labels
# produced by the cut() function,
# of the form [x , y], (x, y], [x,y), (x,y)
# extract the numbers and create new labels
# based on requested style.
tidyIntervalLabels <- function(labels,
                               decimals = NULL,
                               style = "tidy.labels",
                               integer.data = FALSE,
                               prefix = "",
                               suffix = "",
                               open.ended = FALSE,
                               open.bottom.string = "Less than ",
                               closed.bottom.string = " and below",
                               open.top.string = "More than ",
                               closed.top.string = " and over",
                               grouping.mark = ",",
                               decimals.mark = "."
                               ) {
    new.labels <- labels
    for (k in 1:length(labels)) {
        is.first <- k == 1
        is.last <- k == length(labels)
        previous.val <- NULL
        next.val <- NULL
        if(!is.first) {
            previous.val <- getValuesInInterval(labels[k-1])[2]
        if(!is.last) {
            next.val <-  getValuesInInterval(labels[k+1])[1]

        new.labels[k] <- tidyIntervalLabel(labels[k],
                                          raw.data = raw.data,
                                          decimals = decimals,
                                          style = style,
                                          integer.data = integer.data,
                                          prefix = prefix,
                                          suffix = suffix,
                                          open.ended = open.ended,
                                          first.label = is.first,
                                          last.label = is.last,
                                          open.bottom.string = open.bottom.string,
                                          closed.bottom.string = closed.bottom.string,
                                          open.top.string = open.top.string,
                                          closed.top.string = closed.top.string,
                                          previous.val = previous.val,
                                          next.val = next.val,
                                          grouping.mark = grouping.mark,
                                          decimals.mark = decimals.mark)

# Extract upper and lower values from interval labels
# produced by the cut() function (see above).
getValuesInInterval <- function(label) {
    bounds <- strsplit(label, ",")[[1]]
    bounds <- as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\)|\\[|\\]", "", bounds))

# Tidy an individual interval label accorsing to the 
# desired style, taking into account whether the
# label is first or last in the sequence, and which
# values directly precede or follow this label.
tidyIntervalLabel <- function(label,
                              decimals = 2,
                              style = "tidy.labels",
                              integer.data = FALSE,
                              prefix = "",
                              suffix = "",
                              open.ended = FALSE,
                              first.label = FALSE,
                              last.label = FALSE,
                              open.bottom.string = "Less than ",
                              closed.bottom.string = " and below",
                              open.top.string = "More than ",
                              closed.top.string = " and over",
                              grouping.mark = ",",
                              decimals.mark = ".",
                              previous.val = NULL,
                              next.val = NULL) {

    raw.data <- sort(raw.data)

    # Determine upper and lower boundary of interval
    bounds <- strsplit(label, ",")[[1]]
    lower <- bounds[1]
    lower.num <- as.numeric(gsub("(", "", gsub("[", "", lower, fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE))
    upper <- bounds[2]
    upper.num <- as.numeric(gsub("]", "", gsub(")", "", upper, fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE))

    # Determine whether boundar intervals are open or closed
    upper.is.open <- grepl(")", upper, fixed = TRUE)
    lower.is.open <- grepl("(", lower, fixed = TRUE)

    # Tidy up data values when using
    # "tidy.labels" option including
    # special handling for integer data
    # and identifying next largest / next smallest
    # value in data for open intervals
    if (style == "tidy.labels") {
        if (lower.is.open) {
            if (integer.data) {
                lower.num <- floor(lower.num) + 1
                lower.is.open <- FALSE
            } else {
                if (last.label && open.ended) {
                    lower.num <- previous.val
                } else {
                    lower.num <- min(raw.data[raw.data > lower.num])
        if (upper.is.open) {
            if (integer.data) {
                upper.num <- floor(upper.num) - 1
                upper.is.open <- FALSE
            } else {
                if (first.label && open.ended) {
                    upper.num <- next.val
                } else {
                    upper.num <- max(raw.data[raw.data < upper.num])

    # Format desired number of decimal places
    lower.num <- formatC(lower.num, digits = decimals,
                         format = "f", big.mark = grouping.mark,
                         decimal.mark = decimals.mark)
    upper.num <- formatC(upper.num, digits = decimals,
                         format = "f", big.mark = grouping.mark, 
                         decimal.mark = decimals.mark)

    # Add prefix and suffix
    lower.string <- paste0(prefix, lower.num, suffix)
    upper.string <- paste0(prefix, upper.num, suffix)

    # Paste values as labels based on desired style
    if (style == "tidy.labels") {
        if (upper.num == lower.num) {
            new.label <- upper.string
        } else if (first.label && open.ended) {
            new.label <- ifelse(upper.is.open, 
                        paste0(open.bottom.string, upper.string), 
                        paste0(upper.string, closed.bottom.string))
        } else if (last.label && open.ended) {
            new.label <- ifelse(lower.is.open, 
                               paste0(open.top.string, lower.string), 
                               paste0(lower.string, closed.top.string))
        } else {
            new.label <- paste0(lower.string, " to ", upper.string)
    } else if (style == "inequality.notation") {
        # Only add inequality signs when boundary is open
        # except for first and last label if user wants
        # open-ended labels
        lower.ineq <- ifelse(lower.is.open, "> ", "")
        upper.ineq <- ifelse(upper.is.open, "< ", "")
        if (first.label && open.ended) {
            upper.ineq <- ifelse(upper.is.open, "< ", "<=")
            new.label <- paste0(upper.ineq, upper.string)
        } else if (last.label && open.ended) {
            lower.ineq <- ifelse(lower.is.open, "> ", ">=")
            new.label <- paste0(lower.ineq, lower.string)
        } else {
            new.label <- ifelse(upper.num == lower.num,
                               paste0(lower.ineq, lower.string, " to ", upper.ineq, upper.string))
    } else if (style == "interval.notation") {
        lower.symbol <- ifelse(lower.is.open, "(", "[")
        upper.symbol <- ifelse(upper.is.open, ")", "]")
        new.label <- ifelse(upper.num == lower.num,
                           paste0("[", lower.string, "]"),
                           paste0(lower.symbol, lower.string, "," ,
                           upper.string, upper.symbol))
    } else {
        stop("Label style ", style, "not recognized. Use one of: tidy.labels, inequality.notation, interval.notation")


Displayr/flipTransformations documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 12:47 a.m.