
Defines functions model_selection

Documented in model_selection

#' Model selection for key plus adjustment models
#' Run model selection for a given analysis. The returned object is exactly as if the model has been run using \code{\link{ddf}}, so anything that can normally be done with a \code{ddf} object can be done with the return.
#' Model selection is performed via AIC.
#' @param analysis a converted analysis
#' @param debug display the call and name of the model before it is run, print AIC selection details
#' @return fitted \code{\link{ddf}} object
#' @author David L Miller
model_selection <- function(analysis, debug=FALSE){

    cat("Model name:", analysis$name,"\n")
    cat("Call:\n", analysis$call, "\n\n")

  # handle AIC adjustment selection
  # code from Distance

      message("Starting AIC adjustment term selection")

    max.order <- analysis$aic.select

    adjustment <- sub(".*adj\\.series=\"(\\w+)\".*", "\\1", analysis$call)
    key <- sub(".*key=\"(\\w+)\".*", "\\1", analysis$call)

    # this is according to p. 47 of IDS.
      orders <- seq(1, max.order)
      orders <- seq(2, max.order)

    # for Fourier...
    if(key=="unif" & adjustment=="cos"){
      orders <- c(1, orders)

    if(adjustment=="herm" | adjustment=="poly"){
      orders <- 2*orders
      orders <- orders[orders<=2*max.order]

    model_call <- analysis$call

    # storage for models
    models <- list()

    # for fourier model, don't run a no adjustments model
    if(key=="unif" & adjustment=="cos"){
      models[[1]] <- list(criterion=Inf)
      # run a model without adjustments first
      first_call <- sub(", adj\\.order=NULL", "", model_call)
      first_call <- sub(", adj\\.series=\"[a-z]+\"", "", first_call)
      models[[1]] <- eval(parse(text=first_call), envir=analysis$env)

    # now select adjustments
    for(i in seq_along(orders)){
      order <- paste0("c(", paste(orders[1:i], collapse=","),")")
      this_call <- sub("adj\\.order=NULL",
                       paste0("adj.order=", order), model_call)
      models[[i+1]] <- eval(parse(text=this_call), envir=analysis$env)

      # if this models AIC is worse (bigger) than the last
      # return the last model and stop looking.
      # OR if the model failed to converge
      if((models[[i+1]]$criterion >= models[[i]]$criterion) |
        models[[i+1]]<- NULL
      #  # otherwise keep this, best model
      #  last.model <- model

    result <- models[[length(models)]]

    # print the selected model description
      message("\nSelected model:\n  ", model_description(result))


    result <- eval(parse(text=analysis$call), envir=analysis$env)

DistanceDevelopment/readdst documentation built on Sept. 21, 2021, 10:41 p.m.