
Base <- R6::R6Class(
    classname = "Base", portable = FALSE,  ## enables <<-
    public = list(
        model_exists = compiler::cmpfun(
            f = function(model) {
                return(!is.null(fit[[model]]));  ## exists(x = model, where = fit)
            }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
        is_none_auto_model = compiler::cmpfun(
            f = function() {
                return(!is.null(fit$Auto_model) && fit$Auto_model == "None");
            }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
        get_summary = compiler::cmpfun(
            f = function(model) {
                if (model == "Auto") {
                    if (fit$Auto_model == "None") {
                    } else {
                } else {
            }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
        print_summary = compiler::cmpfun(
            f = function(smry) {
                if (!is.null(smry)) {
                    ## print(capture.output(print(smry)));
                } else {
                    warning(">> smry == NULL!");
            }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
        get_compact_summary = compiler::cmpfun(
            f = function(fit) {
                tmp <- summary(fit);
                ## tmp$formula <- NULL;
                tmp$residuals <- NULL;
                tmp$call <- NULL;
                tmp$cov.unscaled <- NULL;
                ## tmp$convInfo <- NULL;
                tmp$control <- NULL;
                tmp$parameters <- NULL;
            }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
        ## from Rcpp_functions.cpp
        drv1 = drv1, drv2 = drv2
    );  ## End of Base

    which = "public", name = "load_signal",
    value = compiler::cmpfun(
        f = function(inFile) {
            ## print(">> load_signal called!");
            ## print(sub(pattern = ".*[.]", "", inFile$name));
            switch(sub(pattern = ".*[.]", "", inFile$name),
                   "dat" = {
                       data <<- read.table(file = inFile$datapath, header = TRUE,
                                           col.names = c("x", "y"), sep = " ");
                   "csv" = {
                       data <<- read.csv(file = inFile$datapath, header = TRUE,
                                         col.names = c("x", "y"), sep = ";");
            data <<- data[complete.cases(data), ];
        }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
    overwrite = FALSE);  ## End of Base$load_signal

    which = "public", name = "explore_numerically",
    value = compiler::cmpfun(
        f = function(n = 3, silent = TRUE) {
            if (!is.null(data) && length(num.smry) <= 1) {
                ## length(list()) in R6 private field is 1!!!
                if (!silent)
                    print(">> explore_numerically called!");
                dt <- data$x[2] - data$x[1]; N <- length(data$x);
                ampl <- max(data$y, na.rm = TRUE);
                rat <- list(x = NA, y = abs(ampl / data$y[[1]]));
                if (rat$y <= kYNone) {
                    if (!silent)
                        warning(">> Skipping calculation of derivatives, rat$y <= 3!");
                    num.smry <<- list(rat = rat, t.peak = NA, t.lin = NA, ampl = ampl,
                                      cutoff = NA, drv1 = NA, drv2 = NA);
                } else {
                    ## drv1 <- rep(NA, N);
                    ## ## drv1[1:(N - 1)] <- (1 / dt) * (data$y[2:N] - data$y[1:(N - 1)]);
                    ## drv1[1:(N - 3)] <- (1 / (4 * dt)) * (
                    ##     -data$y[1:(N - 3)] - data$y[2:(N - 2)] + data$y[3:(N - 1)] +
                    ##         data$y[4:N]);
                    drv1 <- drv1(data$y, dt); ## str(drv1);
                    ## <- complete.cases(drv1);
                    cutoff <- 2.25 * median(drv1, na.rm = TRUE); ## print(cutoff);
                    ## ind <- drv1[] == max()]
                    ## t.peak <- data$x[]
                    t.peak <- data$x[drv1 == max(drv1, na.rm = TRUE)];
                    t.peak <- t.peak[complete.cases(t.peak)][1]; ## print(paste0(">> t.peak = ", t.peak));
                    t.lin <- data$x[data$x >= t.peak & (drv1 <= 1.0 * cutoff) == TRUE][1]; ## print(paste0(">> t.lin = ", t.lin));
                    ## drv2 <- rep(NA, N);
                    ## drv2[2:(N - 1)] <- (1 / (dt ^ 2)) * (-2 * data$y[2:(N - 1)] +
                    ##                                          data$y[1:(N - 2)] + data$y[3:N]);
                    ## drv2[1:(N - 4)] <- (1 / (4 * dt ^ 2)) * (
                    ##     data$y[1:(N - 4)] -2 * data$y[3:(N - 2)] + data$y[5:N]);
                    drv2 <- drv2(data$y, dt); ## print(drv2);
                    ## t.lin <- data$x[sum(drv1 >= cutoff, na.rm = TRUE)];
                    rat$x = data$x[N] / t.peak;
                    num.smry <<- list(rat = rat, t.peak = t.peak, t.lin = t.lin,
                                      ampl = ampl, cutoff = cutoff, drv1 = drv1, drv2 = drv2);
                    ## print(num.smry);
            } else {
                ## print(data);
                ## print(num.smry);
                ## print(length(num.smry));
                warning(">> num.smry not changed: data == NULL or num.smry not empty.");
        }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
    overwrite = FALSE);  ## End of Base$explore_numerically

    which = "public", name = "conv_pvals_to_signif_codes",
    value = compiler::cmpfun(
        f = function(pvals) {
            ## Use the symnum function to produce the symbols
                        symnum(c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1, pvals), na = FALSE,
                               cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
                               symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " "), legend = F)
                        ) - 1
                        ), collapse = ""
        }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
    overwrite = FALSE);  ## End of Base$conv_pvals_to_signif_codes

    which = "public", name = "compare_two_models",
    value = compiler::cmpfun(
        f = function(model1, model2, ft1, ft2, silent = TRUE) {
            if (is.null(ft1)) {
                if (!silent) {
                    print(paste0(">> ", model1, " does not exist!"));
                    print(paste0(">> Returning ", model2,
                                   " without comparison!"));
                fit$Auto <<- TRUE; fit$Auto_model <<- model2;
            } else if (is.null(ft2)) {
                if (!silent) {
                    print(paste0(">> ", model2, " does not exist!"));
                    print(paste0(">> Returning ", model1,
                                   " without comparison!"));
                fit$Auto <<- TRUE; fit$Auto_model <<- model1;
            } else {
                if (ft1$smry$sigma <= ft2$smry$sigma) {
                    if (!silent)
                        print(paste0(">> Returning ", model1,
                                     " because of lower sigma!"));
                    fit$Auto <<- TRUE; fit$Auto_model <<- model1;
                    fit[[model2]] <<- NULL;
                } else {
                    if (!silent)
                        print(paste0(">> Returning ", model2,
                                     " because of lower sigma!"));
                    fit$Auto <<- TRUE; fit$Auto_model <<- model2;
                    fit[[model1]] <<- NULL;
            }  ## End of if()
        }, options = kCmpFunOptions),
    overwrite = FALSE);  ## End of Base$compare_two_models
DmitryMarkovich/Thrombin_Analyzer documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:50 p.m.