
Defines functions readHBWiWo

Documented in readHBWiWo

#' Read the HB WiWo Corpus
#' Reads the XML-files from the HB WiWo corpus and seperates the text and meta
#' data.
#' @param path Character string with Path where the data files are.
#' @param file Character string with names of the XML files.
#' @param do.meta Logical: Should the algorithm collect meta data?
#' @param do.text Logical: Should the algorithm collect text data?
#' @return \item{meta}{ id source date title abstract dachzeile}
#' \item{text}{ Text} \item{metamult}{ person company industry country author category
#' klassifikation (mehrere moeglich) thema sachgruppe serie}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export readHBWiWo
readHBWiWo <- function(path = getwd(), file = list.files(path = path, pattern = "*.xml$",
                                                         full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE),
                       do.meta = TRUE, do.text = TRUE){
    stopifnot(is.character(file), is.character(path),
              is.logical(do.meta), is.logical(do.text),
              length(path) == 1, length(do.meta) == 1, length(do.text) == 1)
    text <- NULL
    meta <- NULL
    metamult <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(file)){
        cat(paste(file[i]), "\n")
        article <- readLines(con = paste(path,file[i], sep="/"), encoding = "latin1")
        if(grepl("utf(-){0,1}8", ignore.case = TRUE, article[1])){
          article <- readLines(con = paste(path,file[i], sep="/"), encoding = "utf8")
        article <- gsub(pattern = "&quot;", replacement = "\"",article)
        article <- gsub(pattern = "&amp;", replacement = "&",article)
        article <- gsub(pattern = "&apos;", replacement = "\'",article)
        lines <- grep(pattern = "</Dokument>|</Document>", article)
        lines <- cbind(c(1,lines[-length(lines)]),lines)
        article <- apply(lines, 1, function(x)paste(article[x[1]:x[2]], collapse = " "))
        id <- stringr::str_extract(article, "ID=\"(.*?)\"")
        id <- gsub(pattern="ID=|\"", replacement="", x=id)
        abstract <- stringr::str_extract(article, "<Abstract>(.*?)</Abstract>")
        abstract <- removeXML(abstract)

            source <- stringr::str_extract(article, "<Source>(.*?)</Source>|<Quelle>(.*?)</Quelle>")
            source <- removeXML(source)
            date <- stringr::str_extract(article, "<Date>(.*?)</Date>|<Datum>(.*?)</Datum>")
            date <- as.Date(removeXML(date))
            title <- stringr::str_extract(article, "<Title>(.*?)</Title>|<Titel>(.*?)</Titel>|<UB>(.*?)</UB>")
            title <- removeXML(title)
            dachzeile <- stringr::str_extract(article, "<DZ>(.*?)</DZ>")
            dachzeile <- removeXML(dachzeile)

            company <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Company>(.*?)</Company>|<Firma>(.*?)</Firma>")
            names(company) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(company), lengths(company))
            company <- unlist(company)
            names(company) <- tmp
            company <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Company>|</Company>|<Firma>|</Firma>", replacement="", x=company))

            country <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Country>(.*?)</Country>|<Land>(.*?)</Land>")
            names(country) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(country), lengths(country))
            country <- unlist(country)
            names(country) <- tmp
            country <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Country>|</Country>|<Land>|</Land>", replacement="", x=country))

            industry <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Industry>(.*?)</Industry>|<Industrie>(.*?)</Industrie>")
            names(industry) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(industry), lengths(industry))
            industry <- unlist(industry)
            names(industry) <- tmp
            industry <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Industry>|</Industry>|<Industrie>|</Industrie>", replacement="", x=industry))

            author <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Author>(.*?)</Author>|<Autor>(.*?)</Autor>")
            names(author) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(author), lengths(author))
            author <- unlist(author)
            names(author) <- tmp
            author <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Author>|</Author>|<Autor>|</Autor>", replacement="", x=author))

            category <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Category>(.*?)</Category>|<Rubrik>(.*?)</Rubrik>")
            names(category) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(category), lengths(category))
            category <- unlist(category)
            names(category) <- tmp
            category <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Category>|</Category>|<Rubrik>|</Rubrik>", replacement="", x=category))

            klassifikation <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Klassifikation>(.*?)</Klassifikation>")
            names(klassifikation) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(klassifikation), lengths(klassifikation))
            klassifikation <- unlist(klassifikation)
            names(klassifikation) <- tmp
            klassifikation <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Klassifikation>|</Klassifikation>", replacement="", x=klassifikation))

            thema <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Thema>(.*?)</Thema>")
            names(thema) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(thema), lengths(thema))
            thema <- unlist(thema)
            names(thema) <- tmp
            thema <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Thema>|</Thema>", replacement="", x=thema))

            sachgruppe <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Sachgruppe>(.*?)</Sachgruppe>")
            names(sachgruppe) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(sachgruppe), lengths(sachgruppe))
            sachgruppe <- unlist(sachgruppe)
            names(sachgruppe) <- tmp
            sachgruppe <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Sachgruppe>|</Sachgruppe>", replacement="", x=sachgruppe))

            serie <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Serie>(.*?)</Serie>")
            names(serie) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(serie), lengths(serie))
            serie <- unlist(serie)
            names(serie) <- tmp
            serie <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Serie>|</Serie>", replacement="", x=serie))

            person <- stringr::str_extract_all(article, "<Person>(.*?)</Person>")
            names(person) <- id
            tmp <- rep(names(person), lengths(person))
            person <- unlist(person)
            names(person) <- tmp
            person <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Person>|</Person>", replacement="", x=person))

            mData <- data.frame(id, source, date, title, abstract, dachzeile,
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            meta <- rbind(meta, mData)
            metamult$person <- c(metamult$person, person)
            metamult$company <- c(metamult$company, company)
            metamult$industry <- c(metamult$industry, industry)
            metamult$country <- c(metamult$country, country)
            metamult$author <- c(metamult$author, author)
            metamult$category <- c(metamult$category, category)
            metamult$klassifikation <- c(metamult$klassifikation, klassifikation)
            metamult$thema <- c(metamult$thema, thema)
            metamult$sachgruppe <- c(metamult$sachgruppe, sachgruppe)
            metamult$serie <- c(metamult$serie, serie)
            text_new <- stringr::str_extract(article, "<Text>(.*?)</Text>")
            text_new <- trimws(gsub(pattern="<Text>|</Text>", replacement="", x=text_new))
            text_new[is.na(text_new)] <- ""
            abstract[is.na(abstract)] <- ""
            text_new <- trimws(paste(abstract, text_new))
            names(text_new) <- id
            text <- as.list(c(text, text_new))
    res <- list("meta" = meta, "text" = text, "metamult" = metamult)
    class(res) <- "textmeta"
    if (do.text) res <- deleteAndRenameDuplicates(res)
Docma-TU/tmT documentation built on May 5, 2022, 12:45 a.m.