
context("Test projects")

# See repository 'rSFSW2_tools' for a more comprehensive set of test projects
# current directory is assumed to be "rSFSW2/tests/testthat"

dir_tests <- file.path("..", "test_data", "TestPrj4")
dir_ref <- file.path("..", "test_data", "0_ReferenceOutput")

test_that("Test projects structure", {

  temp <- list(
    opt_platform = list(host = "local", no_parallel = FALSE))
    "SFSW2_project_settings.R", SFSW2_prj_meta = temp))

test_that("Test projects", {
  skip_if_not(identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("RSFSW2_ALLTESTS")), "true"))

  # Run test projects
    tp <- try(run_test_projects(dir_tests = dir_tests, dir_prj_tests = ".",
        dir_ref = dir_ref, dir_prev = ".", which_tests_torun = 1,
        delete_output = TRUE, force_delete_output = TRUE, make_new_ref = FALSE,
        write_report_to_disk = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
      , silent = FALSE)

  # Gather information in printable formatting
  info_res <- paste(names(tp[["res"]]), "=", format(tp[["res"]]),
    collapse = " / ")
  info_report <- if (length(tp[["report"]]) > 0) {
      paste0(c("", rep("* ", length(tp[["report"]]) - 1)), tp[["report"]],
        collapse = "\n")
    } else ""
  temp <- Sys.getenv()
  info_env <- paste("Environmental variables:",
    paste(names(temp), "=", shQuote(temp), collapse = " / "))

  # Unit tests: all but first unit test pass if `tp` is `NULL`
  expect_true(!is.null(tp), info = info_res)
  expect_false(inherits(tp, "try-error"))
  expect_true(all(tp[["res"]][, "has_run"]), info = info_res)
  expect_false(any(tp[["res"]][, "has_problems"]), info = info_res)
  expect_null(tp[["report"]], info = info_report)

  # Print environmental variables if any problem occurred
    identical(!is.null(tp), TRUE) &&
    identical(inherits(tp, "try-error"), FALSE) &&
    identical(all(tp[["res"]][, "has_run"]), TRUE) &&
    identical(any(tp[["res"]][, "has_problems"]), FALSE) &&
    info = c(info_res, info_env))
DrylandEcology/rSFSW2 documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 1:27 p.m.