
Defines functions newsmd

Documented in newsmd

#' @title Creating a NEWS.md file
#' @description
#'  This is a convenience wrapper for \code{news$new()}. If you already have a
#'  \code{NEWS} file you can add it's path to \code{newsmd()}.
#' @details
#'  This functions creates a \code{news} object, which can be saved as the
#'  NEWS.md file with the internal method \code{write()}. One can add versions,
#'  subtitles and bullet points to the \code{news}.
#'  If an existing NEWS.md file is given, the version is extracted with
#'  \code{get_version} and the dev part is bumped up.
#' @param file name of the \code{NEWS} file to load. If not given a new
#'  file \code{NEWS.md} is created.
#' @param text a character scalar containing the initial text.
#' @param version a character with the version in the format
#'  \code{major.minor.patch.dev}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' newsmd()

newsmd <- function(
    file = NULL,
    text = c(paste0(
      "## version ", version),
      "", "---", "",
      "### NEWS.md setup", "",
      "- added NEWS.md creation with [newsmd](https://github.com/Dschaykib/newsmd)", ""),
    version = "") {
  news$new(file = file, text = text, version = version)

#' @title Manipulate the NEWS.md file
#' @description
#'  Manipulate the NEWS.md file.
#' @seealso \link{newsmd}
#' @export
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @docType class
#' @format An R6 class.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a template
#' my_news <- news$new()
#' my_news$add_subtitle("improved things 1")
#' my_news$add_bullet("point 1")
#' my_news$add_bullet("point 2")

news <- R6::R6Class(
  public <- list(
    #' @description
    #' Create a new news object.
    #' @param text vector with context for the news.md file.
    #' @param version current version of the package.
    #' @param file a text file with the current news.md file.
    #'  Use NULL to create new file.
    #' @return A new `news` object.
    initialize = function(
    text = c(
      paste0("## version ", version),
      "", "---", "",
      "### NEWS.md setup", "",
      "- added NEWS.md creation with [newsmd](https://github.com/Dschaykib/newsmd)",
    version = "",
    file = NULL) {

      if (is.null(file)) {
        private$text <- text
        private$version <- version

      } else {
        # check if file exists
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
          stop("given file does not exists")
        # check if it is the default version

        if (version == "") {

          # retrieve version of file
          version <- get_version(file, latest = TRUE)
          input_version <- FALSE
        } else {
          input_version <- TRUE

        if (is.null(version) || length(version) == 0) {
          msg <- paste0(
            "No version found in file - ",
            "consider given an initial version. ",
            "It is set to for now."
          version <- ""
        } else {
          msg <- paste0("Version in file found: ", version)
          # bump dev version
          if (!input_version) {
            version_str <- as.numeric(strsplit(version, "[-\\.]")[[1]])
            # no dev version present; set missing components to 0
            # e.g. from "1.2" to ""
            if (length(version_str) < 4) {
              version_str[4] <- 9000
              version_str[is.na(version_str)] <- 0
            } else {
              version_str[4] <- version_str[4] + 1
            version <- paste0(version_str, collapse = ".")

        prev_text <- readLines(file)
        private$text <- c(text, prev_text)
        private$version <- version

      private$ver_indx <- 8
      private$sub_indx <- 4
      private$bul_indx <- length(text)

    #' @description
    #' Print a news object.
    print = function() {
      cat("NEWS.md: \n \n")
      cat(private$text[1:private$ver_indx], sep = "\n")
    #' @description
    #' Get the news object as a text.
    #' @return The context of the news file.
    get_text = function() {
    #' @description
    #' Write and save a news object.
    #' @param file A path and file to where the news file is saved.
    #' @param reduce_dev A boolean, if TRUE dev version's points are combined
    #'   into the next version
    write = function(file = "NEWS.md", reduce_dev = FALSE) {
      if (reduce_dev) {
        text <- combine_dev(private$text)
      } else {
        text <- private$text
      writeLines(text = text, con = file)
    #' @description
    #' Adds a version line to a news object.
    #' @param x A string with the version number.
    add_version = function(x) {
      private$text <- c(paste("## version", x), "", "---", "", "",
      private$sub_indx <- 4
      private$bul_indx <- 4
      private$ver_indx <- 5
    #' @description
    #' Adds a subtitle line to a news object.
    #' @param x A string with the subtitle.
    add_subtitle = function(x) {
      private$text <- c(
        "", paste("###", x), "", "",
        private$text[(private$sub_indx + 1):length(private$text)])
      private$bul_indx <- private$sub_indx + 3
      private$ver_indx <- private$ver_indx + 4
    #' @description
    #' Adds a bullet points to the last subtitle.
    #' @param x A vector with the bullet points.
    add_bullet = function(x) {
      private$text <- c(
        paste("-", x),
        private$text[(private$bul_indx + 1):length(private$text)])
      private$ver_indx <- private$ver_indx + length(x)
  private = list(
    text = "",
    version = NA,
    sub_indx = NA,
    bul_indx = NA,
    ver_indx = NA
Dschaykib/newsmd documentation built on April 19, 2023, 12:38 p.m.