
Defines functions aggregate_a_column aggregate_by_key

Documented in aggregate_by_key

#' Automatic data_set aggregation by key
#' Automatic aggregation of a data_set set according to a \code{key}.
#' @param data_set Matrix, data.frame or data.table (with only numeric, integer, factor, logical, character columns)
#' @param key Name of a column of data_set according to which the set should be aggregated (character)
#' @param verbose Should the algorithm talk? (logical, default to TRUE)
#' @param thresh Number of max values for frequencies count (numerical, default to 53)
#' @param ... Optional argument: \code{functions}:  aggregation functions for numeric columns
#' (vector of function names (character), optional, if not set we use: c("mean", "min", "max", "sd"))
#' @details
#' Perform aggregation depending on column type:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item If column is numeric \code{functions} are performed on the column. So 1 numeric column
#'     give length(functions) new columns,
#'   \item If column is character or factor and have less than \code{thresh} different values,
#'     frequency count of values is performed,
#'   \item If column is character or factor with more than \code{thresh} different values, number
#'     of different values for each \code{key} is performed,
#'   \item If column is logical, number of TRUE is computed.
#' }
#'In all cases, if the set as more rows than unique \code{key}, a number of lines will be computed.
#'Be careful using functions argument, given functions should be an aggregation function,
#' meaning that for multiple values it should only return one value.
#' @return A \code{\link{data.table}} with one line per \code{key} elements and multiple  new columns.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get generic dataset from R
#' data("adult")
#' # Aggregate it using aggregate_by_key, in order to extract characteristics for each country
#' adult_aggregated <- aggregate_by_key(adult, key = 'country')
#'# Example with other functions
#' power <- function(x) {sum(x^2)}
#' adult_aggregated <- aggregate_by_key(adult, key = 'country', functions = c("power", "sqrt"))
#'# sqrt is not an aggregation function, so it wasn't used.
#' }
#' # "##NOT RUN:" mean that this example hasn't been run on CRAN since its long. But you can run it!
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
aggregate_by_key <- function(data_set, key, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 53, ...) {
    # Environment
    function_name <- "aggregate_by_key"                                           # For print(s)
    args <- list(...)

    # Sanity check
    data_set <- check_and_return_datatable(data_set)
    is.col(data_set, cols = key, function_name = function_name)
    if (any(! sapply(data_set, class) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "factor", "logical", "character"))) {
        stop(paste0(function_name, ": I can only handle: numeric, integer, factor, logical, character columns.
                  Please provide them in one of those format."))

    # Initialization
    # Make an nice list of functions
    functions <- c("mean", "min", "max", "sd")
    if (! is.null(args[["functions"]])) {
        functions <- args[["functions"]]
    functions <- is.agg_function(functions, function_name)
    name_separator <- build_name_separator(args)

    # Aggregation
    # If there are more lines than unique key: we aggregate
    if (nrow(data_set) != uniqueN(data_set[[key]])) {
        result <- data_set[, .N, by = key]
        setnames(result, "N", "nbr_lines")
        unique_keys <- result[, key, with = FALSE]
        if (verbose) {
            printl(function_name, ": I start to aggregate")
            pb <- init_progress_bar(function_name, names(data_set))
            start_time <- proc.time()
        for (col in names(data_set)[names(data_set) != key]) { # we don't aggregate the key!
            result_tmp <- aggregate_a_column(data_set = data_set[, c(key, col), with = FALSE],
            col = col,
            key = key,
            unique_keys = unique_keys,
            name_separator = name_separator,
            functions = functions,
            thresh = thresh)
            result <- merge(result, result_tmp, by = key, all.x = TRUE)
            if (verbose) {
        if (verbose) {
            printl(function_name, ": ", ncol(result), " columns have been constructed. It took ",
            round((proc.time() - start_time)[[3]], 2), " seconds. ")

    else { # If there is as many unique key as lines, there is nothing to do

#################### aggregateAcolumn ####################################
# Aggregate a column
# Given a data_set set of two columns, this column will aggregate col by key.
# For numeric, a list of functions of aggregation are performed
# For character they are transformed in either a Logical or a table of occurrence
# @param data_set Matrix, data.frame or data.table
# @param col name of the column to aggregate
# @param key name of the key according to which aggregation should be performed
# @param unique_keys Unique keys in set (to avoid recomputing it)
# @param name_separator
# @param functions functions for numeric columns
# @param thresh number of max distinct values for frequencies count
# @
# @export # Before exporting this function should be improved!
#' @import data.table
aggregate_a_column <- function(data_set, col, key, unique_keys, name_separator = ".",
functions, thresh = 53, ...) {
    # Environment
    function_name <- "aggregate_a_column"
    # Sanity check
    data_set <- check_and_return_datatable(data_set)
    is.col(data_set, cols = c(key, col), function_name = function_name)
    if (ncol(data_set) != 2) {
        stop(paste0(function_name, ": data_set should have 2 columns. (This is a private function)."))
    # Initialization
    max_unique_val_per_key <- max(unique(data_set)[, .N, by = key]$N)

    # Computation
    if (max_unique_val_per_key > 1) {
        result_tmp <- copy(unique_keys) # copy because it's a data.table, otherwise it append it
        # Aggregation of numerics
        if (is.numeric(data_set[[col]])) {
            # To-do: if there is a constant nbr of value for each line consider make
            # them columns
            # To-do: if there is a small amount of values: factorize
            code <- "result_tmp = data_set[, .("
            for (fct in functions) {
                code <- paste0(code, paste(fct, col, sep = name_separator), "=", fct, "(get(col)), ")
            if (length(functions) > 0) {
                code <- substr(code, start = 1, stop = nchar(code) - 2)
            code <- paste0(code, "), by = key]")
            try(eval(parse(text = code)))
            if ("sd" %in% functions) {
                # Bug fixing, sd is giving NA if you only have one value while standard deviation is supposed to be 0
                new_col <- paste("sd", col, sep = name_separator)
                set(result_tmp, which(is.na(result_tmp[[new_col]])), new_col, 0)
        # aggregation of character (categorical or non-categorical)
        if (is.character(data_set[[col]]) || is.factor(data_set[[col]])) {
            if (fast_is_there_less_than(data_set[[col]], n_values = thresh)) {
                result_tmp <- dcast.data.table(data_set,
                formula = paste(key, col, sep = "~"),
                fun.aggregate = length,
                value.var = col
                setnames(result_tmp, c(key, paste(col, names(result_tmp)[- 1], sep = name_separator)))
            else {
                result_tmp <- data_set[, uniqueN(col), by = key]
                setnames(result_tmp, c(key, paste("n_unique", col, sep = name_separator)))
        # Aggregation of logical
        if (is.logical(data_set[[col]])) {
            result_tmp <- data_set[, sum(get(col)), by = key]
            setnames(result_tmp, c(key, paste("nbr_true", col, sep = name_separator)))
    if (max_unique_val_per_key == 1) {
        # Only one different value by key: we put the value one time by key.
        result_tmp <- unique(data_set)

    # Wrapp up
ELToulemonde/dataPreparation documentation built on July 19, 2023, 11:45 a.m.