Man pages for EMSL-Computing/fticRanalysis
Analysis and visualization tools for FT-MS data

applyFiltApply an S3 filter object to an ftmsData or CoreMSData S3...
as.compoundDataConvert Data to compoundData Class
as.CoreMSDataCreate CoreMSData Object
as.moduleDataConvert Data to moduleData Class
as.peakDataConvert Data to peakData Class
as.reactionDataConvert Data to reactionData Class
assign_classAssign compound class to each peak/mass
assign_elemental_compositionAssign elemental composition to each peak/mass
assign_mfAssign Molecular Formulae Based on Element Counts
calc_aromaCalculate Aromaticity and Modified Aromaticity Values
calc_dbeCalculate DBE and DBE-O Values
calc_element_ratiosCalculate Elemental Ratios
calc_gibbsCalculate Cox Gibbs Free Energy
calc_kendrickCalculate Kendrick Mass and Defect
calc_noscCalculate Nominal Oxidation State of Carbon (NOSC) Values
classesPlotPlot to look at the percentage of each class in the data
combinePeaksWithSameFormulaCombine rows of an ftmsData object with the same mass formula
comparisonMatrixCreate a matrix of which pairwise comparisons to make
compound_calcsWrapper function to calculate values associated with...
concatCombine multiple distributed data objects of ftmsData
conf_filterCreate conf\_filter object
conf_filter_dtConfidence Filter Data Table
coreMSDataToFtmsDataCoreMSData to ftmsData
densityCognosticsDefault cognostics for density plots in Trelliscope
densityPlotDensity plot of quantitative characteristic of peaks for a...
divideByGroupDivide an ftmsData object by group to form a ddo
divideByGroupComparisonsConstruct a ddo of group comparisons
divideBySampleDivide an ftmsData objecdt by sample to form a ddo
edata_replaceReplace Values Equal to x with y
edata_transformApply a Transformation to the Data
emeta_filterCreate e\_meta filter object
examplePeakDataFTICR Data Object of Class peakData
exampleProcessedPeakDataProcessed FTICR Data Object of Class peakData
filter_workerRemove items that need to be filtered out
formula_filterFormula filter object
ftms12T_edataFTICR Expression Data
ftms12T_emetaFTICR Peak Meta Information
ftms12T_fdataFTICR Sample Feature Data
getAromaColNameGet the name of the aromaticity column
getBS1ColNameGet the name of the peak class column based on boundary set 1
getBS2ColNameGet the name of the peak class column based on boundary set 2
getBS3ColNameGet the name of the peak class column based on boundary set 3
getCarbonColNameGet the name of the carbon column
getCompoundColNameGet the name of the compound column
getDatabaseGet database associated with an ftmsData object
getDataScaleGet data scale
getDBEAIColNameGet the name of the double-bond equivalent AI column
getDBEColNameGet the name of the double-bond equivalent column
getDBEoColNameGet the name of the double-bond equivalent minus oxygen...
getEDataColNameGet the name of the e_data unique identifier column
getElCompColNameGet the name of the elemental composition column
getElementColNameGet the name of the column for the specified element
getExtractionColNameGet the name of the extraction column
getFDataColNameGet the name of the f_data unique identifier column
getGibbsColNameGet the name of the gibbs free energy column
getGroupComparisonSummaryFunctionNamesGroup comparison summary functions
getGroupDFGet group_DF attribute from ftmsData object
getGroupSummaryFunctionNamesGroup summary functions
getHCRatioColNameGet the name of the H:C ratio column
getHydrogenColNameGet the name of the hydrogen column
getInstrumentTypeGet instrument_type attribute from ftmsData object
getIsotopicColNameGet the name of the isotopic column
getKendrickDefectColNameGet the names of the Kendrick defect column
getKendrickMassColNameGet the name of the Kendrick mass column
getMassColNameGet the name of the mass column
getMFColNameGet the name of the e_meta unique identifier column
getMFNameColNameGet the name of the mf name/description column
getModAromaColNameGet the name of the modified aromaticity column
getModuleColNameGet the name of the module column
getModuleNameGet module name
getModuleNodeColNameGet the name of the module column
getNCRatioColNameGet the name of the N:C ratio column
getNitrogenColNameGet the name of the nitrogen column
getNOSCColNameGet the name of the NOSC column
getNPRatioColNameGet the name of the N:P ratio column
getOCRatioColNameGet the name of the O:C ratio column
getOxygenColNameGet the name of the oxygen column
getPCRatioColNameGet the name of the P:C ratio column
getPhosphorusColNameGet the name of the phosphorus column
getPrincipalCoordinatesGet principal coordinates for the samples in an ftmsData...
getRatioColNameGet the name of a ratio column
getReactionColNameGet the name of the reaction column
getSulfurColNameGet the name of the sulfur column
getVanKrevelenCategoryBoundsGet Van Krevelen category bounds for a boundary set
group_designationCreates Data Frame for Group Membership Based on Specified...
gtest.standardG-test function
heatmapHeatmap of density of high resolution data
kendrickCognosticsDefault cognostics for Kendrick plots in Trelliscope
kendrickPlotKendrick plot of an ftmsData object
mapCompoundsToModulesMap compound level data to modules in MetaCyc
mapCompoundsToReactionsMap compound level data to reactions in MetaCyc
mapPeaksToCompoundsMap peak FT-MS data to compounds
mass_error_plotGenerates mass-error plot for CoreMS output data
mass_filterFilter Data Based on Mass Range
molecule_filterMolecule filter object
numPeaksPlotPlot to look at the number of peaks per sample
one_factor_changeCreate a list of which pairwise comparisons to make
panelFunctionGeneratorConvenience function to wrap ftmsRanalysis plotting functions...
parse_mfParse Molecular Formulae to Obtain Elemental Counts
parseModuleReactionParse module reaction string
pipePipe operator
plot.confFiltPlot confidence filter object
plot.CoreMSDataPlot Method for CoreMSData Objects
plot.emetaFiltDefault plot method for emetaFilt
plot.formulaFiltPlot formula filter
plotlyHeatmapA wrapper of the plot_ly function to create a heatmap
plot.massFiltPlot mass filter object
plot.moleculeFiltPlot molecule filter data
plot.peakDataPlot method for peakData objects
plotPrincipalCoordinatesPlot principal coordinates of ftmsData samples
read_CoreMS_dataRead in CoreMS output
scatterPlotScatter Plot
setAromaColNameSet the name of the aromaticity column
setBS1ColNameSet the name of the peak class column based on boundary set 1
setBS2ColNameSet the name of the peak class column based on boundary set 2
setBS3ColNameSet the name of the peak class column based on boundary set 3
setCarbonColNameSet the name of the carbon column
setCompoundColNameSet the name of the compound column
setDBEAIColNameSet the name of the double-bond equivalent AI column
setDBEColNameSet the name of the double-bond equivalent column
setDBEoColNameSet the name of the double-bond equivalent minus oxygen...
setDBEValenceDFSet the valence_DF attribute
setEDataColNameSet the name of the e_data unique identifier column
setElCompColNameSet the name of the elemental composition column
setElementColNameSet the name of the column of the specified element
setExtractionColNameSet the name of the extraction column
setFDataColNameSet the name of the f_data unique identifier column
setGibbsColNameSet the name of the gibbs free energy column
setHCRatioColNameSet the name of the H:C ratio column
setHydrogenColNameSet the name of the hydrogen column
setIsotopicColNameSet the name of the isotopic column
setKendrickDefectColNameSet the names of the Kendrick defect column
setKendrickMassColNameSet the name of the Kendrick mass column
setMassColNameSet the name of the mass column
setMFColNameSet the name of the e_meta unique identifier column
setMFNameColNameSet the name of the mf name/description column
setModAromaColNameSet the name of the modified aromaticity column
setModuleColNameSet the name of the module column
setModuleNodeColNameSet the name of the module node column
setNCRatioColNameSet the name of the N:C ratio column
setNitrogenColNameSet the name of the nitrogen column
setNOSCColNameSet the name of the NOSC column
setNPRatioColNameSet the name of the N:P ratio column
setOCRatioColNameSet the name of the O:C ratio column
setOxygenColNameSet the name of the oxygen column
setPCRatioColNameSet the name of the P:C ratio column
setPhosphorusColNameSet the name of the phosphorus column
setRatioColNameSet the name of the specified ratio column
setReactionColNameSet the name of the reaction column
setSulfurColNameSet the name of the sulfur column
subsetSubset an ftmsData object according to sample or group
summarizeGroupComparisonsSummarize group comparisons
summarizeGroupsSummarize samples to group level estimates
summary.emetaFiltSummary method for emetaFilt object
summary.formulaFiltSummary method for formulaFilt object
summary.ftmsDataSummary of an ftmsData object
summary.massFiltSummary method for massFilt object
summary.moleculeFiltSummary method for moleculeFilt object
transformation_countsCalculate and Count Observed Mass Transformations
unique_mf_assignmentUnique Molecular Formula Assignment
uniqueness_gtestDetermine Unique and Common Masses Between Two Groups
uniqueness_nsampsDetermine Unique and Common Masses/Peaks for Two Groups
uniqueness_propDetermine Unique and Common Masses/Peaks for Two Groups
vanKrevelenCognosticsDefault cognostics for Van Krevelen plots in Trelliscope
vanKrevelenPlotVan Krevelen plot of an ftmsData object
vector_replaceReplace x with y for a single vector
vignette_interactivity_between_plotsVignette: Interactivity Between Plotly Plots
EMSL-Computing/fticRanalysis documentation built on Dec. 18, 2024, 9:51 p.m.