
# Clear workspace
rm(list = ls())

# Load required packages
library(readxl) # For loading data
library(magrittr) # For data manip
library(data.table) # For data manip
library(socialmixr) # Data
library(eurostat) # Data
library(akima) # For interpolation
library(gridExtra) # For plotting
library(ggplot2) # For plotting
library(lemon) # For shared legend
library(voxel) # For plotGAM

# Load data
## ESEN2 Seroprevalence
esen <- read_csv("S:/HelenJohnson/Herpes Zoster/Force of infection/esen2vzv.csv",
                  col_names = TRUE)

# Create indicator variable for seroprevalence. Code 'EQI' as positive
esen <- esen %>%
  mutate(indic = ifelse(STDRES != "NEG", 1, 0))

## AGE
# Remove ages with + as we are unsure how to include them
esen <- esen[- which(esen$AGE == "60+"), ]

# In the case of age ranges, choose mid-point
esen$AGE <- sapply(strsplit(esen$AGE, split = "-"),
                    function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))
# Assume mid point of year of age
esen <- esen %>% 
  mutate(AGE = AGE + 0.5)

# EU, EEA, and EU candidate countries
countries <- tibble(code = c("AT", "BE", "BG", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK",
                             "EE", "EL", "ES", "FI", "FR", "HR", "HU",
                             "IE", "IS", "IT", "LI", "LT", "LU", "LV",
                             "MT", "NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SE",
                             "SI","SK", "UK", "AL", "ME", "MK", "RS",
                    name = c("Austria", "Belgium", "Bulgaria", "Cyprus", 
                             "Czechia", "Germany", "Denmark", "Estonia",
                             "Greece", "Spain", "Finland", "France", "Croatia",
                             "Hungary", "Ireland", "Iceland", "Italy", 
                             "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", 
                             "Latvia", "Malta", "Netherlands", "Norway", 
                             "Poland", "Portugal", "Romania", "Sweden",
                             "Slovenia", "Slovakia", "United Kingdom", 
                             "Albania", "Montenegro", "North Macedonia",
                             "Serbia", "Turkey"))

# Get and assign the data needed -----------------------------------------------
get_data <- function(code){
  if(!(code %in% countries$code)){stop("Invalid value")}
  # Clear previous values
  remove(seroData, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  remove(contact_w, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  remove(demfit, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  remove(popSize, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # Population data
  pop <- get_eurostat(id = "demo_pjan") %>% # Population size
    filter(geo == code) %>% # Country of interest
    filter(sex == "T") %>% # Total population (males & females)
    filter(!(age %in% c("TOTAL", "UNK", "Y_OPEN"))) %>% # Include only population values by age
    filter(time == "2003-01-01") # Determined from date ESEN2 gathered
  # Mortality data
  mort <- get_eurostat(id = "demo_magec") %>% # Number of deaths
    filter(geo == code) %>% # Country of interest
    filter(sex == "T") %>%   # Total number of deaths (males & females)
    filter(!(age %in% c("TOTAL", "UNK", "Y_OPEN"))) %>% # Include only deaths by age
    filter(time == "2003-01-01") # Determined from date ESEN2 gathered
  # Re-order population data by age
  popAge <- droplevels(pop$age) # Drop unused levels
  levels(popAge)[length(levels(popAge))] <- "0.5" # Relabel Y_LT1 as 0.5
  popAge <- as.numeric(gsub("[A-z]", "", popAge)) # Replace letters (here Y) with nothing
  # and convert to numeric
  # Population sizes by age
  popSize <- pop %>% 
    mutate(popAge = popAge) %>%
    arrange(popAge) %>% 
    mutate(age = factor(age, age)) %>%
  popSize <- unlist(popSize)
  # Re-order mortality data by age
  mortAge <- droplevels(mort$age) # Drop unused levels
  levels(mortAge)[length(levels(mortAge))] <- "0.5" # Relabel Y_LT1 as 0.5
  mortAge <- as.numeric(gsub("[A-z]", "", mortAge)) # Replace letters with nothing
  # and convert to numeric
  # Number of deaths by age
  nDeaths <- mort %>% 
    mutate(mortAge = mortAge) %>%
    arrange(mortAge) %>% 
    mutate(age = factor(age, age)) %>%
  nDeaths <- unlist(nDeaths)
  len <- min(length(popSize), length(nDeaths))
  nDeaths <- nDeaths[c(1 : len)] # Ensure same dimensions for later calculation
  popSize <- popSize[c(1 : len)] # Ensure same dimensions for later calculation
  popAge <- sort(popAge) # Sort population age such that it is ascending
  mortAge <- sort(mortAge) # Sort mortality age such that it is ascending
  mortAge <- mortAge[c(1 : len)]
  # Fit mortality model
  ## Mortality rates (offset by population size) are estimated through a Poisson GAM
  ## with a log link
  demfit <- mgcv::gam(nDeaths ~ s(mortAge), 
                      offset = log(popSize),
                      family = "poisson", link = "log")
  # Country name from code included in list of POLYMOD countries
  if(countries$name[which(countries$code %in% code)] %in%
    # Obtain contact matrix from POLYMOD 
    cont <- contact_matrix(polymod,
                           countries = countries$name[which(countries$code %in% code)],
                           # Contacts lasting more than 15 minutes
                           filter = ("phys_contact" > 3),
                           quiet = TRUE)$matrix
    # quiet = TRUE supresses message about citing POLYMOD package
    # Select seroprevalence data
    if(code == "UK"){ # UK is coded differently in this data set
      seroData <- esen %>% 
        filter(COUNTRY == code)
    } else {
      seroData <- esen %>% 
        filter(COUNTRY == countries$name[which(countries$code %in% code)])
    # Weight contact intensities by population sizes to obtain contact rates
    pop_weights <- data.frame(age = popAge, size = popSize)[1 : dim(cont)[1], ]
    weigh <- function(x){
      cont[x, ] / pop_weights[x, 2]
      # Person doing the contacting is weighted
    tmp <- lapply(1 : dim(cont)[1], weigh)
    contact_w <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
    dimnames(contact_w) <- dimnames(cont)
  if(code == "RS"){
    # Create Serbia seroprevalence data based on Table 1 from Medić et al 2018
    # Epidemiol Infect 146, 1593–1601
    # https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268818001619
    zeros <- c(25, 235, 135, 64, 42, 12, 12, 7, 8, 6, 2)
    ones <- c(75, 165, 378, 448, 533, 188, 188, 193, 192, 194, 198)
    indic <- c(rep(0, sum(zeros)), rep(1, sum(ones)))
    age_vals <- c("0", "1–4", "5–9", "10–14", "15–19", "20–24", "25–29",
                  "30–34", "35–39", "40–49", "50–59")
    age_vals <- c(0, (1 + 4) / 2, (5 + 9) / 2, (10 + 14) / 2, (15 + 19) / 2, 
                  (20 + 24) / 2, (25 + 29) / 2, (30 + 34) / 2, (35 + 39) / 2,
                  (40 + 49) / 2, (50 + 59) / 2)
    serb <- data.frame(COUNTRY = rep("Serbia", length(indic)),
                       AGE = c(rep(age_vals, zeros),
                               rep(age_vals, ones)),
    ## Replace age values as age 0 causes error in the model
    age_rpl <- data.frame(AGE = c(0, seq(from = 1, to = 20, by = 1)),
                          to = c((1 + 0.5)/2, seq(from = 1.5, to = 20.5, by = 1)))
    seroData <- serb[age_rpl, on = c("AGE"), AGE := to]
    # Load contact matrix
    load("S:/HelenJohnson/Herpes Zoster/Data/prem.Rda")
    # Weight contact intensities by population sizes to obtain contact rates
    weigh <- function(x, dat, mat){
      AGE <- droplevels(dat$age)
      levels(AGE)[length(levels(AGE))] <- "0.5"
      AGE <- gsub("[A-z]", "", AGE)
      AGE <- as.numeric(AGE)
      # Ensure both follow same age pattern
      AGE <- sort(AGE, index.return = TRUE)$`x`
      dat <- dat[sort(AGE, index.return = TRUE)$ix, ]$values
      return(mat[x, ] / dat[x])
    # Use same weighting when combining as Fumanelli et al.
    mat <- 0.3 * prem$RS$home + 0.18 * prem$RS$school +
      0.19 * prem$RS$work + 0.33 * prem$RS$other
    tmp <- lapply(1 : dim(mat)[1],
                                    dat = pop,
                                    mat = mat)})
    RS <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, tmp))
    dimnames(RS)[[1]] <- dimnames(RS)[[2]]
    #contact_w <- RS
    # Interpolate contact matrix
    tmp <- RS
    tmp <- melt(tmp)
    tmp %>% mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) -> tmp # Turn characters into factors
    # Remove age ranges with +
    tmp <- tmp[- which(tmp$Var1 == "75+"), ]
    tmp <- tmp[- which(tmp$Var2 == "75+"), ]
    # Take mid range value of age
    tmp$Var1 <- sapply(strsplit(tmp$Var1, split = "-"),
                       function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))
    tmp$Var2 <- sapply(strsplit(tmp$Var2, split = "-"),
                       function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))
    contact_w <- interp(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$value,
                        nx = 74, ny = 74)$z
    colnames(contact_w) <- rownames(contact_w) <- seq(0, 73, 1)
  if(code == "SI"){
    # Create Slovenia data based on Figure 1 from Soca et al 2010
    # BMC Public Health 10:360
    # https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-10-360
    tmp <- read_excel("S:/HelenJohnson/Herpes Zoster/Force of infection/old/slovenia_seroprev.xlsx")
    # Convert columns to numeric
    tmp[, c(2, 3, 4)] %<>% lapply(function(x) as.numeric(x))
    tmp <- na.omit(tmp) # Remove excess rows added due to additional calculations
    # further down in the sheet
    # Calculate how many zeros and ones based on seropositivy rate
    tmp <- tmp %>% 
      mutate(ones = round(n * mid / 100),
             zeros = n - ones)
    # Create sero data set
    age_vals <- c(rep(tmp$age, tmp$zeros), rep(tmp$age, tmp$ones))
    indic <- c(rep(rep(0, length(tmp$age)), tmp$zeros), 
               rep(rep(1, length(tmp$age)), tmp$ones))
    seroData <- data.frame(COUNTRY = rep("Slovenia", length(indic)),
                       AGE = age_vals,
    # Contact matrix - same function used as that for Serbia
    weigh <- function(x, dat, mat){
      AGE <- droplevels(dat$age)
      levels(AGE)[length(levels(AGE))] <- "0.5"
      AGE <- gsub("[A-z]", "", AGE)
      AGE <- as.numeric(AGE)
      AGE <- sort(AGE, index.return = TRUE)$`x`
      dat <- dat[sort(AGE, index.return = TRUE)$ix, ]$values
      return(mat[x, ] / dat[x])
    load("S:/HelenJohnson/Herpes Zoster/Data/fumanelli.Rda")
    mat <- fumanelli$SI$total
    tmp <- lapply(1 : dim(mat)[1],
                                    dat = pop,
                                    mat = mat)})
    SI <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, tmp))
    dimnames(SI)[[1]] <- dimnames(SI)[[2]]
    contact_w <- SI
  if(code %in% c("IE", "SK")){
    seroData <- esen %>% 
      filter(COUNTRY == countries$name[which(countries$code %in% code)])
    # Contact matrix - same function used as that for Serbia
    weigh <- function(x, dat, mat){
      AGE <- droplevels(dat$age)
      levels(AGE)[length(levels(AGE))] <- "0.5"
      AGE <- gsub("[A-z]", "", AGE)
      AGE <- as.numeric(AGE)
      AGE <- sort(AGE, index.return = TRUE)$`x`
      dat <- dat[sort(AGE, index.return = TRUE)$ix, ]$values
      return(mat[x, ] / dat[x])
    load("S:/HelenJohnson/Herpes Zoster/Data/fumanelli.Rda")
    if(code == "IE"){
      mat <- fumanelli$IE$total
    } else {
      mat <- fumanelli$SK$total
    tmp <- lapply(1 : dim(mat)[1],
                                    dat = pop,
                                    mat = mat)})
    aa <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, tmp))
    dimnames(aa)[[1]] <- dimnames(aa)[[2]]
    contact_w <- aa
  contact_w[is.na(contact_w)] <- 0 # Replace missings with zeros
  seroData <- seroData[!is.na(seroData$indic) & !is.na(seroData$AGE), ] # remove serology results where no indication or age specified
  seroData <- seroData[order(seroData$AGE), ] # order serology results by age
  if(dim(pop)[1] == 0)
    warning("Population data for year 2003 not available from Eurostat database demo_pjan")
  if(dim(mort)[1] == 0)
    warning("Mortality data for year 2003 not available from Eurostat database demo_magec")
  # Save objects
  assign("seroData", seroData, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign("contact_w", contact_w, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign("demfit", demfit, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign("popSize", popSize, envir = .GlobalEnv)

# Countries for which we have seroprevalence data
use <- c(countries$code[countries$name %in% 
                          unique(esen$COUNTRY)], "UK", "RS", "SI")
EU-ECDC/HerpesZosterModel documentation built on July 7, 2019, 2:58 a.m.