
# Read in data from Marcott.SM.database.S1.xlsx
# Andrew Dolman <>
# 2016.12.6


sheet.names <- readxl::excel_sheets("data-raw/Marcott.SM.database.S1.xlsx")

# Read in raw proxy data -----------------------------------
proxy.names <- sheet.names[5:length(sheet.names)]

# Named list of all sheets
all.proxies <- lapply(proxy.names, function(x){
                     sheet = x,
                     na = "-")

# Name the proxies with the sheet names, but trim leading trailing whitespace
names(all.proxies) <- trimws(proxy.names, which = "both")

# Function to tidy each proxy sheet
#' @param prox a read-in sheet containing proxy data from "Marcott.SM.database.S1.xlsx"
#' @param return.type return either the proxy part or the carbon dating part
#' @return a data.frame
Tidy.Proxy <- function(prox, return.type=c("proxy", "carbon")){ <- prox[2, 1][[1]]
  nms <- names(prox)
  unts <- prox[1, ]

  #proxy.col <- which(nms == "Published Proxy")
  #proxy.type <- unts[4][[1]]

  nms[] <- ""
  unts[] <- ""

  # paste names and 1st row "units" together
  # trim leading and trailing whitespace
  new.nms <- trimws(paste0(nms, " ", unts), which = "both")

  # Find duplicate colnames and make unique
  # This will also catch NA and ""
    dupes <- as.logical(duplicated(new.nms) +
                        duplicated(new.nms, fromLast = TRUE))
  new.nms[dupes] <- make.names(new.nms[dupes], unique = TRUE)

  # remove "units" row and replace names with new names
  prox <- prox[-1, ]
  names(prox) <- new.nms

  # remove first three cols which contained unique ID
  prox <- prox[, 3:ncol(prox)]

  # make separate data.frames for proxy data and assocated cabon dating data
  # because they have different lengths
  proxy <- dplyr::select_(prox, .dots=quote(1:`Age model error (yr, 1σ)`)) %>% 
     dplyr::mutate(Number =

  carbon <- data.frame(prox[, 9:ncol(prox)],
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                       check.names = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(Number =

  # remove empty rows
  proxy <- proxy[apply(proxy, 1, function(x) sum( != 0, ]
  carbon <- carbon[apply(carbon, 1, function(x) sum( != 0, ]

  result <- switch(match.arg(return.type),
                   proxy = proxy,
                   carbon = carbon)


# Process all proxies -----------------------------

# Rename one of the duplicated "Published Temperature" columns for proxy "GeoB 6518-1 (MBT)" 
excl <- which(proxy.names=="GeoB 6518-1 (MBT)")

all.proxies[[excl]]["Published Temperature"]
names(all.proxies[[excl]][,4]) <- "Published Proxy"

#as.numeric(sapply(all.proxies, function(x)  x[2, 1][1]))

proxies.1 <- plyr::ldply(all.proxies, Tidy.Proxy, return.type = "proxy",
                         .id = "Core.location") %>%
  gather(`Proxy type`, `Proxy value`,
         starts_with("Published Proxy"),
         starts_with("Published Temperature Foram"),
         starts_with("Published Temperature Diatom")) %>%
  filter(complete.cases(`Proxy value`)) %>%
  mutate(`Proxy type` = gsub("Published Proxy ", "", `Proxy type`),
         `Proxy type` = gsub("Published Temperature ", "", `Proxy type`)) %>%
  tbl_df() %>%
  # Next line removes empty columns
  .[, apply(., 2, function(x) sum( != 0] %>%
  # Fix types
  # = TRUE keeps character strings rather than converting to factors
  mutate_each(funs(type.convert(as.character(.), = TRUE))) %>%
  # gather different depth types
  mutate(depth.flag = rowSums(select(., starts_with("Proxy depth")), na.rm = TRUE)==0) %>% 
  gather(`Proxy depth type`, `Proxy depth (cm)`,
         starts_with("Proxy depth")) %>% 
  #filter(`Proxy depth (cm)`) == FALSE) %>% 
  filter(`Proxy depth (cm)`) == FALSE | depth.flag == TRUE)

# Only ever 1 type of depth
# proxies.1 %>% 
#   filter(complete.cases(`Proxy depth (cm)`, `Proxy depth Composite (cm)`))
# proxies.1 %>% 
#   filter(complete.cases(`Proxy depth (cm)`, `Proxy depth Adjusted Depths (cm)`))

## Check only 1 of each age model type
no.age.model.types <- rowSums([, c("Marine09 age (yr BP)",
                                                  "IntCal09 age (yr BP)",
                                                  "SHCal04 age (yr BP)")])==FALSE)
stopifnot(all(no.age.model.types <= 1))

# gather different age model types
# this has to be done separately because there are entries with no Age estimate
# at all that we still want to keep
proxies.2 <- proxies.1 %>%
  gather(`Age type`, `Age (yr BP)`,
       `Marine09 age (yr BP)`, `IntCal09 age (yr BP)`, `SHCal04 age (yr BP)`) %>%
  filter(complete.cases(`Age (yr BP)`)) %>%
  left_join(proxies.1, .) %>%
  select(-`Marine09 age (yr BP)`, -`IntCal09 age (yr BP)`, -`SHCal04 age (yr BP)`)

# Tidy names and create glossary -------------------

tmp.nms.1 <- gsub(" ", ".", names(proxies.2))
tmp.nms <- sapply(strsplit(tmp.nms.1, ".(", fixed = TRUE), function(x) head(x, 1))
proxies.3 <- proxies.2
names(proxies.3) <- tmp.nms

marcott.proxies <- proxies.3 %>%
  rename(Published.temperature = Published.Temperature) %>%
  mutate(ID = paste0(Core.location, " ", Proxy.type)) %>%
  select(Number, ID, Core.location, Proxy.type, Proxy.value, Published.temperature,
         Proxy.depth.type, Proxy.depth, Published.age, everything()) %>% 
  mutate(Proxy.type = forcats::fct_recode(Proxy.type,
                              "Uk'37" = "UK'37")) 


marcott.metadata %>%
  select(Proxy.type, Proxy.type.detail) %>% 

# proxy.glossary <- data.frame( = names(proxies), = names(proxies.2))
# write.csv(proxy.glossary, "data-raw/proxy.glossary.csv", row.names = FALSE)

devtools::use_data(marcott.proxies, overwrite = TRUE)

# Read metadata sheet -------------------------------------
# Skip admonishment to cite original authors on first line
# But of course do cite authors!
metadata.raw <- readxl::read_excel("data-raw/Marcott.SM.database.S1.xlsx",
                                   "METADATA", skip = 1, na = "-")

nrow.metadata <- nrow(metadata.raw)

# Clean up second row which contained units only for elevation
tmp.names <- names(metadata.raw)
tmp.suffixes <- metadata.raw[1,]
tmp.suffixes[] <- ""
names(metadata.raw) <- paste0(tmp.names, tmp.suffixes)

metadata.raw2 <- metadata.raw[-1, ] %>%
  # remove empty columns
  .[, apply(., 2, function(x) sum( != 0] %>%
  # remove empty rows
  .[apply(., 1, function(x) sum( != 0, ] %>%
  # remove final 3 comment rows
  head(., nrow(.)-3)

metadata.raw3 <- metadata.raw2 %>%
    Core.location = `Location / Core`,
    Proxy.type.detail = Proxy,
    Temperature.cali.ref = `Temperature Calibration  / Reference`,
    Lat = `Latitude (°)`,
    Lon = `Longitude (°)`,
    Elevation = `Elevation (m a.s.l.)`,
    Resolution = `Resolution (yr)`,
    Pub.seas.interp = `Published Seasonal Interpretation`

# Correct errors or other idiosyncratic aspects ---------------

# For Core.location == Agassiz & Renland there are 2 Lon, Lat and Elevation
# values because they have averaged 2 cores at very different locations.
# This prevents type numeric.

# Solution: insert averages in place of double location information

metadata.raw3[metadata.raw3$Core.location == "Agassiz & Renland",
              c("Lat", "Lon", "Elevation")] <-
  c(mean(71.3, 81), mean(-26.7, -71), mean(1730, 2350))

# Fix sign of MD01-2378

metadata.raw3[metadata.raw3$Core.location == "MD01-2378",
              c("Lat")] <- -13.1

# Add footnote comments to appropriate rows

extra.comments <- tail(metadata.raw, 3)$`Location / Core`

metadata.raw4 <- metadata.raw3 %>%
  mutate_each(funs(type.convert(as.character(.), = TRUE))) %>%
  mutate(Seasonality.comment = ifelse(
    grepl("**", Pub.seas.interp, fixed = TRUE),
    ifelse(grepl("*", Pub.seas.interp, fixed = TRUE),
           extra.comments[1], ""))) 

marcott.metadata <- marcott.proxies %>% 
  select(Number, Core.location, Proxy.type) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  right_join(., metadata.raw4) 

devtools::use_data(marcott.metadata, overwrite = TRUE)

# Process all carbon dating data ------------------ <- plyr::ldply(all.proxies, Tidy.Proxy, return.type = "carbon",
                      .id = "Core.location") %>%
  tbl_df() %>%
  # Next line remove all columns with no non NA entries
  .[, apply(., 2, function(x) sum( != 0]

devtools::use_data(, overwrite = TRUE)

# 2022.02.08 better processing of radiocarbon data

marcott.14C <- lapply(all.proxies, function(i) {
  nms <- names(i)
  if ("14C depth" %in% nms){
    depth = i$`14C depth`
  } else {
    depth = NA
  if ("14C age" %in% nms){
    age.14C = i$`14C age`
  } else {
    age.14C = NA
  if ("14C error" %in% nms){ = i$`14C error`
  } else { = NA
  if ("ΔR" %in% nms){
    deltaR = i[["ΔR"]]
  } else {
    deltaR = NA
  if ("ΔR error" %in% nms){
    sigmaDeltaR = i[["ΔR error"]]
  } else {
    sigmaDeltaR = NA
  tibble(depth_cm = as.numeric(depth),
         age.14C= as.numeric(age.14C),,
         deltaR = as.numeric(deltaR),
         sigmaDeltaR = as.numeric(sigmaDeltaR)

marcott.14C <- bind_rows(marcott.14C, .id = "Core.location") %>% 
  filter(complete.cases(depth_cm, age.14C)) %>% 
  arrange(Core.location, depth_cm)

usethis::use_data(marcott.14C, overwrite = TRUE)
EarthSystemDiagnostics/climproxyrecords documentation built on Feb. 12, 2022, 8:48 p.m.