
Defines functions rothermel

Documented in rothermel

#' Rothermel Fire Behavior Modeling System
#' Potential surface and crown fire behavior predicted by Scott and Reinhardt (2001).
#' @param surfFuel a data frame of surface fuel attributes. Variable names
#' are not important but the order is important. The first variable is a character type
#' whereas the rest are numeric
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item the fuel model type, either 'S'tatic or D'ynamic herb load transfer
#'   \item litter load (Mg/ha)
#'   \item 1-hr load (Mg/ha)
#'   \item 10-hr load (Mg/ha)
#'   \item 100-hr load (Mg/ha)
#'   \item herb load (Mg/ha)
#'   \item woody load (Mg/ha)
#'   \item litter SAV (m2/m3)
#'   \item 1-hr SAV (m2/m3)
#'   \item 10-hr SAV (m2/m3)
#'   \item 100-hr SAV (m2/m3)
#'   \item herb SAV (m2/m3)
#'   \item woody SAV (m2/m3)
#'   \item fuel bed depth (cm)
#'   \item moisture of extinction (\%)
#'   \item heat content (J/g)
#'   }
#' @param moisture a numeric-only data frame of surface fuel moistures on a dry-weight basis
#' (\%). Variable names are not important but the following order of surface fuel
#' components is important: litter, 1-hr woody fuels, 10-hr woody fuels, 100-hr woody fuels,
#' live herbaceous, and live woody vegetation (6 values or columns)
#' @param crownFuel a vector or data frame with canopy fuel attributes, in order:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item canopy bulk density (kg/m3)
#'   \item foliar moisture content (\%)
#'   \item canopy base height (m)
#'   \item canopy fuel load (kg/m2)
#'   }
#' @param enviro a numeric-only data frame with environmental attributes, in order:
#'  \enumerate{
#'   \item topographic slope (\%)
#'   \item open windspeed (km/hr)
#'   \item wind direction, from uphill (deg.)
#'   \item wind adjustment factor (0-1)
#'   }
#' @param rosMult a numeric value for multiplying crown fire rate of spread, defaults to 1 (see details)
#' @param cfbForm a character specifying how crown fraction burned is calculated.
#' Options are \code{"sr"}, \code{"w"}, or \code{"f"} (default); see details.
#' @param folMoist either \code{"y"} (default) or \code{"n"}, specifying if foliar moisture effect is calculated (see details)
#' @details This in an R build of the Rothermel fire behavior modelling system (Scott & Reinhardt 2001)
#' which links sub-models of surface fire rate of spread (Rothermel 1972), crown fire initiation
#' (Van Wagner 1977), and Rothermel's (1991) crown fire rate of spread. \cr
#' \code{rosMult} multiples the rate of spread for active or passive crown fires and is recommended
#'  a value of 1.7 when a user desires a maximum crown fire rate of spread (Rothermel 1991). \cr
#' \code{cfbForm} selects the method to estimate crown fraction burned. This selection impacts estimates
#' of passive crown fraction burned, fireline intensity, and heat per unit area. Use "sr" for Scott
#' and Reinhardt (2001), "w" for van Wagner (1993), and "f" for Finney (1998).\cr
#' \code{folMoist}, if invoked with a \code{"y"}, calculates the foliar moisture effect to scale crown
#' fire rate of spread (see Scott & Reinhardt 2001). If \code{"n"}, no foliar moisture effect is determined.
#' @return a list with 6 data frames
#' \item{fireBehavior}{a data frame with fire behavior estimates including fire type, crown fraction
#' burned (\%), rate of spread (m/min), heat per unit area (kJ/m2), fireline intensity (kW/m), flame
#' length (m), direction of max spread (deg), scorch height (m), torching index (km/hr), crowning
#' index (km/hr), surfacing index (km/hr), effective midflame wind (km/hr), flame residence time (min) }
#' \item{detailSurface}{a data frame with some intermediate variables of surface fire behavior
#' including: potential ROS (m/min); no wind, no slope ROS (m/min); slope factor (-); wind factor (-);
#' characteristic dead fuel moisture (\%); characteristic live fuel moisture (\%); characteristic SAV
#' (m2/m3); bulk density (kg/m3); packing ratio (-); relative packing ratio (-); reaction intensity
#' (kW/m2); heat source (kW/m2); heat sink (kJ/m3)}
#' \item{detailCrown}{a data frame with some intermediate variables of crown fire behavior including:
#' potential ROS (m/min); no wind, no slope ROS (m/min); slope factor (-); wind factor (-);
#' characteristic dead fuel moisture (\%); characteristic live fuel moisture (\%); characteristic SAV
#' (m2/m3); bulk density (kg/m3); packing ratio (-); relative packing ratio (-); reaction intensity
#' (kW/m2); heat source (kW/m2); heat sink (kJ/m3)}
#' \item{critInit}{a data frame of critical values for crown fire initiation including: fireline
#' intensity (kW/m), flame length (m), surface ROS (m/min), Canopy base height (m)}
#' \item{critActive}{a data frame of critical values for active crown fire  including: canopy bulk
#' density (kg/m3)", "ROS, crown (R'active) (m/min)}
#' \item{critCess}{a data frame of critical values for cessation of crown fire including: canopy base
#' height (m), O'cessation (km/hr)}
#' @author Justin P Ziegler, \email{justin.ziegler@@colostate.edu}
#' @references
#' Rothermel, R.C. 1972. A mathematical model for predicting fire spread in wildland fuels.
#' \emph{INT-RP-115}. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Forest & Range Experimental Station.\cr
#' Van Wagner, C.E. 1977. Conditions for the start and spread of crown fire. \emph{Canadian Journal of
#' Forest Research} \strong{7}:23–34.\cr
#' Rothermel, R.C., 1991. Predicting behavior and size of crown fires in the northern Rocky Mountains.
#'  \emph{INT-RP-438}. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Research Station.\cr
#' Van Wagner, C.E. 1993. Prediction of crown fire behavior in two stands of jack pine.
#' \emph{Canadian Journal of Forest Research} \strong{23}:442–449.\cr
#' Finney, M.A. 1998. FARSITE: Fire area simulator — model development and evaluation.
#' \emph{RMRS-RP-47}. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. \cr
#' Scott, J.H., Reinhardt, E.D. 2001. Assessing crown fire potential by linking models of surface and
#' crown fire behavior. \emph{RMRS-RP-29}. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station.\cr
#' @examples
#' data(fuelModels, fuelMoisture)
#' #fuelModels['A10',]
#' exampSurfFuel = fuelModels['A10',]
#' #fuelMoisture['D1L1',]
#' exampFuelMoisture = fuelMoisture['D1L1',]
#' exampCrownFuel = data.frame(
#'  CBD = coForest$cbd_kgm3[1],
#'  FMC = 100,
#'  CBH = coForest$cbh_m[1],
#'  CFL = coForest$cfl_kgm2[1]
#' )
#' exampEnviro = data.frame(
#'  slope = 10,
#'  windspeed = 40,
#'  direction = 0,
#'  waf = 0.2
#' )
#' rothermel(exampSurfFuel, exampFuelMoisture, exampCrownFuel, exampEnviro)
#' @export

rothermel <- function(surfFuel, moisture, crownFuel, enviro, rosMult = 1, cfbForm = "f", folMoist = "y") {
  if (is.vector(surfFuel)) {
    surfFuel <- data.frame(t(surfFuel))
  if (is.vector(moisture)) {
    moisture <- data.frame(t(moisture))
  if (is.vector(crownFuel)) {
    crownFuel <- data.frame(t(crownFuel))
  if (is.vector(enviro)) {
    enviro <- data.frame(t(enviro))
  flag <- 0
  if (nrow(surfFuel) == 1) {
    surfFuel <- rbind(surfFuel, surfFuel)
    moisture <- rbind(moisture, moisture)
    crownFuel <- rbind(crownFuel, crownFuel)
    enviro <- rbind(enviro, enviro)
    flag <- 1
  rosMult <- rep(rosMult, nrow(surfFuel))
  cfbForm <- rep(cfbForm, nrow(surfFuel))
  folMoist <- rep(folMoist, nrow(surfFuel))
  w <- cbind(surfFuel[, 2], surfFuel[, 3], surfFuel[, 4], surfFuel[, 5], surfFuel[
  ], surfFuel[, 7]) / 48.82744537
  delta <- surfFuel[, 14] * 0.0328084
  mx.dead <- surfFuel[, 15] / 100
  s <- cbind(surfFuel[, 8], surfFuel[, 9], surfFuel[, 10], surfFuel[, 11], surfFuel[
  ], surfFuel[, 13]) * 0.30480370641
  lt <- ifelse(moisture[, 5] <= 30, 1, ifelse(moisture[, 5] >= 120, 0, 1 - (moisture[
  ] - 30) / 90))
  s[, 2] <- ifelse(surfFuel[, 1] == "D", ((w[, 2] * s[, 2] / 32) * s[, 2] + ((w[
  ] * lt) * s[, 5] / 32) * s[, 5]) / ((w[, 2] * s[, 2] / 32) + ((w[, 5] * lt) *
    s[, 5] / 32)), s[, 2])
  w[, 2] <- ifelse(surfFuel[, 1] == "D", w[, 2] + w[, 5] * lt, w[, 2])
  w[, 5] <- ifelse(surfFuel[, 1] == "D", w[, 5] - w[, 5] * lt, w[, 5])
  givens <- data.frame(
    deg2pi = 180 / pi, beta.pr = 0.01725, C = 0.00222608285654313,
    E = 0.379512434370536, B = 1.43082563247299, bopt = 0.00734785937985982,
    rho = 0.552, f.dead = 0.679760888129804, f.1hr = 0.942211055276382, f.10hr = 0.0342336683417085,
    f.100hr = 0.0235552763819095, f.herb = 1, f.herb = 0.91210514954509, orv = 12.6743596286678,
    h = 8000, ns = 0.417396927909391, wn.dead = 0.130900461997487, wn.live = 0.086894,
    mx.dead = 0.25, wn.1hr = 0.130341, wn.10hr = 0.086894, wn.100hr = 0.217235,
    exp.w.1hr = 0.933326680078202, exp.w.10hr = 0.281941677764465, exp.w.100hr = 0.0100518357446336,
    w.1hr = 0.138, w.10hr = 0.092, w.100hr = 0.23, w.live = 0.092, exp.w1.live = 0.716531310573789,
    exp.w2.live = 0.91210514954509, f.live = 0.320239111870196, bbopt = 2.34762249904803,
    pp = 32, se = 0.01, ns.mineral = 0.174 * 0.01^-0.19, st = 0.0555
  mf.dead.FM10 <- (givens$exp.w.1hr * moisture[, 2] * givens$wn.1hr + givens$exp.w.10hr *
    moisture[, 3] * givens$wn.10hr + givens$exp.w.100hr * moisture[, 4] * givens$wn.100hr) / as.vector(100 *
    crossprod(c(givens$exp.w.1hr, givens$exp.w.10hr, givens$exp.w.100hr), c(
      givens$wn.10hr, givens$wn.100hr
  w.dead.FM10 <- (givens$w.1hr * givens$exp.w.1hr + givens$w.10hr * givens$exp.w.10hr +
    givens$w.100hr * givens$exp.w.100hr) / (givens$w.live * givens$exp.w1.live)
  fm.dead.FM10 <- (moisture[, 2] * givens$f.1hr + moisture[, 3] * givens$f.10hr +
    moisture[, 4] * givens$f.100hr) / 100
  fm.live.FM10 <- moisture[, 5] * givens$f.herb / 100
  mx.live.FM10 <- apply(cbind(2.9 * as.vector(w.dead.FM10) * (1 - mf.dead.FM10 / as.vector(givens$mx.dead)) -
    0.226), 1, FUN = max)
  m.ratio.FM10 <- fm.dead.FM10 / givens$mx.dead
  live.m.ratio.FM10 <- apply(cbind(fm.live.FM10 / mx.live.FM10, 1), 1, FUN = min)
  qig.FM10 <- 250 + 11.16 * moisture[, 2:5]
  nm.dead.FM10 <- 1 - 2.59 * m.ratio.FM10 + 5.11 * m.ratio.FM10^2 - 3.52 * m.ratio.FM10^3
  nm.live.FM10 <- 1 - 2.59 * live.m.ratio.FM10 + 5.11 * live.m.ratio.FM10^2 - 3.52 *
  fme <- ifelse(folMoist == "n", 1, ((1000 * (1.5 - 0.00275 * crownFuel[, 2])^4) / (460 + 25.9 *
    crownFuel[, 2])) / 0.735907)
  xi.FM10 <- 0.0483170629985716
  ir.fm10 <- givens$orv * givens$h * givens$ns * (nm.dead.FM10 * givens$wn.dead +
    nm.live.FM10 * givens$wn.live)
  e.qig.fm10 <- givens$f.dead * (givens$f.1hr * givens$exp.w.1hr * qig.FM10[, 1] +
    givens$f.10hr * givens$exp.w.10hr * qig.FM10[, 2] + givens$f.100hr * givens$exp.w.100hr *
      qig.FM10[, 3]) + givens$f.live * (givens$f.herb * givens$exp.w2.live * qig.FM10[
  r.active <- 3 / crownFuel[, 1]
  cos.f <- cos(enviro[, 3] / givens$deg2pi)
  sf.fm10 <- 5.275 * givens$beta.pr^-0.3 * (enviro[, 1] / 100)^2
  sin.f <- sin(enviro[, 3] / givens$deg2pi)
  nwns.CI <- ((r.active * 3.281 * givens$rho * e.qig.fm10) / (ir.fm10 * xi.FM10 *
    3.34 * fme * rosMult)) - 1
  cos.CI <- (-2 * cos.f * sf.fm10 + sqrt(max(0,(4 * cos.f^2 * sf.fm10^2) - (4 * (sin.f^2 +
    cos.f^2) * (sf.fm10^2 - nwns.CI^2))))) / (2 * (sin.f^2 + cos.f^2))
  sin.CI <- (-2 * cos.f * sf.fm10 - sqrt(max(0,(4 * cos.f^2 * sf.fm10^2) - (4 * (sin.f^2 +
    cos.f^2) * (sf.fm10^2 - nwns.CI^2))))) / (2 * (cos.f^2 + cos.f^2))
  CI <- ((apply(cbind(cos.CI, sin.CI, 0), 1, max) / (givens$C * (givens$beta.pr / givens$bopt)^-givens$E))^(1 / givens$B)) *
    1.61 / (0.4 * 88)
  a <- w * s
  wn <- w * (1 - givens$st)
  a.live <- apply(cbind(a[, 5] + a[, 6], 10e-10), 1, max)
  a.dead <- apply(cbind(a[, 1] + a[, 2] + a[, 3] + a[, 4], 10e-10), 1, max)
  exp.w <- cbind(exp(-138 / s[, c(1:4)]), exp(-500 / s[, c(5, 6)]), exp(-138 / s[, c(
  f.dead <- a.dead / (a.dead + a.live)
  f <- cbind(a[, c(1:4)] / a.dead, a[, c(5:6)] / a.live)
  qig <- 250 + 11.16 * moisture[, c(1:6)]
  f.live <- a.live / (a.dead + a.live)
  s.tot <- rowSums(s[, 1:4] * f[, 1:4]) * f.dead + rowSums(s[, 5:6] * f[, 5:6]) *
  rhob <- rowSums(w) / delta
  beta.pr <- rhob / givens$pp
  mf.dead <- rowSums(moisture[, 1:4] * f[, 1:4])
  nm.dead <- 1 - 2.59 * (mf.dead / mx.dead * 0.01) + 5.11 * (mf.dead / mx.dead * 0.01)^2 -
    3.52 * (mf.dead / mx.dead * 0.01)^3
  Wprime <- rowSums(w[, 1:4] * exp.w[, 1:4]) / apply(cbind(rowSums(w[, 5:6] * exp.w[
  ]), 10e-10), 1, max)
  m.dead <- rowSums(exp.w[, 1:4] * moisture[, 1:4] * wn[, 1:4]) / (100 * rowSums(exp.w[
  ] * wn[, 1:4]))
  mx.live <- apply(cbind((2.9 * Wprime * (1 - m.dead / mx.dead) - 0.226), mx.dead),
    FUN = max
  mf.live <- moisture[, 5] * f[, 5] + moisture[, 6] * f[, 6]
  mf.live <- apply(
    cbind((rowSums(moisture[, 5:6] * f[, 5:6]) / 100) / mx.live, 1),
    1, min
  nm.live <- 1 - 2.59 * mf.live + 5.11 * mf.live^2 - 3.52 * mf.live^3
  eqig <- rowSums(f.dead * (f[, 1:4] * exp.w[, 1:4] * qig[, 1:4])) + rowSums(f.live *
    (f[, 5:6] * exp.w[, 7:8] * qig[, 5:6]))
  sf <- 5.275 * beta.pr^-0.3 * (enviro[, 1] / 100)^2
  xi <- (((192 + 0.2595 * s.tot)^-1) * (exp((0.792 + 0.681 * s.tot^0.5) * (beta.pr +
  c <- (7.47 * exp(-0.133 * s.tot^0.55))
  b <- (0.02526 * s.tot^0.54)
  bopt <- 3.348 * s.tot^-0.8189
  bbopt <- beta.pr / bopt
  e <- (0.715 * exp(-0.000359 * s.tot))
  A <- 133 * s.tot^-0.7913
  gamma.max <- s.tot^1.5 * (495 + 0.0594 * s.tot^1.5)^-1
  orv <- gamma.max * bbopt^A * exp(A * (1 - bbopt))
  # enviro[, 2] = enviro[, 2] / 1.15
  wf <- c * (enviro[, 4] * 62.88257 * enviro[, 2])^b * bbopt^-e
  nwCI <- c * (CI * 88 * enviro[, 4] / 1.61)^b * bbopt^-e
  nwnsCI <- ((nwCI * sin(enviro[, 3] / givens$deg2pi))^2 + ((nwCI * cos.f + sf))^2)^0.5
  res.time <- 384 / s.tot
  ir <- orv * surfFuel[, 16] / 2.32775 * givens$ns.mineral * (nm.dead * rowSums(wn[
  ] * f[, 1:4]) + nm.live * rowSums(wn[, 5:6] * f[, 5:6]))
  FI.init <- (crownFuel[, 3] * (460 + 25.9 * crownFuel[, 2]) * 0.01)^1.5
  hpua <- res.time * ir
  nwnsTI <- apply(cbind(((60 * (FI.init / 3.4591) * rhob * eqig) / (hpua * xi * ir)) -
    1, 0), 1, max)
  wf.ti <- matrix(apply(cbind((4 * cos.f^2 * sf^2) - (4 * (sin.f^2 + cos.f^2) *
    (sf^2 - nwnsTI^2)), 0), 1, max))
  wf.ti <- cbind(wf.ti, matrix(-2 * cos.f * sf + sqrt(wf.ti[, 1])) / (2 * (sin.f^2 +
    cos.f^2)), matrix(-2 * cos.f * sf - sqrt(wf.ti[, 1])) / (2 * (sin.f^2 + cos.f^2)))
  nwns.ROS <- ir * xi / (rhob * eqig * 3.281)
  wsf <- ((wf * sin(enviro[, 3] / givens$deg2pi))^2 + ((wf * cos.f + sf))^2)^0.5
  r.sa <- nwns.ROS * (1 + nwnsCI)
  ros.init <- (FI.init / 3.4591) / hpua * 18.2881
  TI <- ((apply(cbind(wf.ti[, 2], wf.ti[, 3], 0), 1, max) / (c * (beta.pr / bopt)^-e))^(1 / b)) *
    1.61 / (enviro[, 4] * 88)
  r.sa.a <- -log(0.1) / pmax(r.sa - ros.init, 0.00001)
  ros.surf <- nwns.ROS * (1 + wsf)
  cfb.exp <- ifelse(enviro[, 2] > TI, 1 - exp(-r.sa.a * (ros.surf - ros.init)),
  cfb.lin <- ifelse(enviro[, 2] > TI, ifelse(enviro[, 2] > CI, 1, (ros.surf - ros.init) / (r.sa -
    ros.init)), 0)
  cfb.farsite <- ifelse(enviro[, 2] > TI, 1 - exp(-(-log(0.1) / ((r.active - ros.init) *
    0.9) * (ros.surf - ros.init))), 0)
  cfb.final <- ifelse(cfbForm == "sr", cfb.lin, ifelse(cfbForm == "w", cfb.exp, cfb.farsite))
  wf.crown <- givens$C * (54.6805 * enviro[, 2] * 0.4)^givens$B * givens$bbopt^-givens$E
  nwns.ROS.crown <- (ir.fm10 * xi.FM10 * rosMult) / (givens$rho * e.qig.fm10 * 3.281) *
    3.34 * fme
  wsf.crown <- ((wf.crown * sin(enviro[, 3] / givens$deg2pi))^2 + ((wf.crown * cos.f +
  ros.crown <- nwns.ROS.crown * (1 + wsf.crown)
  type <- ifelse(cfb.final < 0.9, ifelse(cfb.final < 0.1, ifelse(ros.surf <= ros.init &
    ros.crown > r.active, "conditional", "surface"), "passive"), "active")
  ROS.final <- ifelse(cfbForm == "f" & ros.surf + cfb.final * (ros.crown - ros.surf)
  < r.active, ros.surf, ros.surf + cfb.final * (ros.crown - ros.surf))
  #  ROS.final = ifelse(cfbForm == "sr" | cfbForm == "w", ifelse(type == "active" | type ==
  #     "passive", ros.surf + cfb.final * (ros.crown - ros.surf) * rosMult, ros.surf),
  #    ifelse(type == "active", ros.crown * rosMult, ros.surf))
  hpua.tot <- crownFuel[, 4] * 0.20482 * 18622 * 0.430265
  hpua.final <- hpua + hpua.tot * cfb.final
  FI <- hpua.final * 11.349 * ROS.final / 60
  FL <- (0.0775 * FI^0.46) + cfb.final * ((0.060957 * (FI / 3.459)^(2 / 3)) - (0.0775 *
  u.canopy <- ifelse(wsf <= 0, 0, (((wsf / c)^(1 / -e)) / bbopt)^(1 / (b / -e)) / 88)
  u.eff.crown <- ifelse(wsf.crown == 0, 0, (((wsf.crown / givens$C)^(1 / -givens$E)) / givens$bbopt)^(1 / (givens$B / -givens$E)) / 88)
  u.eff <- (u.eff.crown - u.canopy) * cfb.final + u.canopy
  theta <- ifelse(u.eff <= 0, 0, ifelse(wf * sin(enviro[, 3] / givens$deg2pi) >= 0,
    acos((wf * cos.f + sf) / wsf) * givens$deg2pi, 360 - acos((wf * cos.f + sf) / wsf) *
  ScorchHt <- (63 / (60)) * ((FI / 3.459143)^(7 / 6) / ((FI / 3.459143) + u.canopy^3)^0.5)
  nwnsOI <- ((ros.init * 3.281 * givens$rho * e.qig.fm10) / (ir.fm10 * xi.FM10 * 3.34 *
    fme * rosMult)) - 1
  nwnsOI <- cbind(
    nwnsOI, (-2 * cos.f * sf.fm10 + sqrt((4 * cos.f^2 * sf.fm10^2) -
      (4 * (sin.f^2 + cos.f^2) * (sf.fm10^2 - nwnsOI^2)))) / (2 * (sin.f^2 + cos.f^2)),
    (-2 * cos.f * sf.fm10 - sqrt((4 * cos.f^2 * sf.fm10^2) - (4 * (sin.f^2 +
      cos.f^2) * (sf.fm10^2 - nwnsOI^2)))) / (2 * (sin.f^2 + cos.f^2))
  oi <- ifelse(crownFuel[, 1] > 0, ((apply(
    cbind(nwnsOI[, 2], nwnsOI[, 3], 0), 1,
  ) / (givens$C * (givens$beta.pr / givens$bopt)^-givens$E))^(1 / givens$B)) *
    1.61 / (0.4 * 88), 0)
  oi[is.nan(oi)] <- 0
  SI <- ifelse(crownFuel[, 1] == 0, "NA", ifelse(nwnsOI[, 1] < 0, apply(cbind(
  ), 1, max), apply(cbind(oi, CI), 1, max)))
  Crit_FL <- (0.0775 * FI.init^0.46)
  ROS.final <- ifelse(ROS.final <= 0, 0, ROS.final)
  hpua.final <- ifelse(hpua.final <= 0, 0, hpua.final)
  FI <- ifelse(ROS.final <= 0, 0, FI)
  FL <- ifelse(ROS.final <= 0, 0, FL)
  theta <- ifelse(ROS.final <= 0, 0, theta)
  ScorchHt <- ifelse(ROS.final <= 0, 0, ScorchHt)
  res.time <- ifelse(ROS.final <= 0, 0, res.time)
  fireBehavior <- data.frame(type, round(data.frame(
    cfb.final * 100, ROS.final, hpua.final * 11.35653,
    FI, FL, theta, ScorchHt / 3.28084, TI, CI, SI, u.eff * 1.61, res.time
  ), 2))
  names(fireBehavior) <- c(
    "Type of Fire", "Crown Fraction Burned [%]", "Rate of Spread [m/min]",
    "Heat per Unit Area [kJ/m2]", "Fireline Intensity [kW/m]", "Flame Length [m]",
    "Direction of max spread [deg]", "Scorch height [m]", "Torching Index [m/min]",
    "Crowning Index [km/hr]", "Surfacing Index [km/hr]", "Effective Midflame Wind [km/hr]",
    "Flame Residence Time [min]"
  detailSurface <- data.frame(
    ros.surf, nwns.ROS, sf, wf, mf.dead, mf.live * 100,
    s.tot * 3.28084, rhob * 16.0184634, beta.pr, bbopt, ir * 0.189146667, ir *
      xi * (wsf + 1) * 0.189146667, rhob * eqig * 37.2589
  names(detailSurface) <- c(
    "Potential ROS [m/min]", "No wind, no slope ROS [m/min]",
    "Slope factor [0-1]", "Wind factor [0-1]", "Characteristic dead fuel moisture [%]",
    "Characteristic live fuel moisture [%]", "Characteristic SAV [m2/m3]", "Bulk density [kg/m3]",
    "Packing ratio [-]", "Relative packing ratio [-]", "Reaction intensity [kW/m2]",
    "Heat source [kW/m2]", "Heat sink [kJ/m3]"
  detailCrown <- data.frame(
    ros.crown, nwns.ROS.crown, sf.fm10, wf.crown,
    fm.dead.FM10 * 100, live.m.ratio.FM10 * 100, 5788.491, givens$rho * 16.0184634, givens$beta.pr,
    givens$bbopt, ir.fm10 * 0.189146667, ir.fm10 * xi.FM10 * (1 + wsf.crown) * 0.189146667,
    givens$rho * e.qig.fm10 * 37.2589
  names(detailCrown) <- c(
    "Potential ROS [m/min]", "No wind, no slope ROS [m/min]",
    "Slope factor [0-1]", "Wind factor [0-1]", "Characteristic dead fuel moisture [%]",
    "Characteristic live fuel moisture [%]", "Characteristic SAV [m2/m3]", "Bulk density [kg/m3]",
    "Packing ratio [-]", "Relative packing ratio [-]", "Reaction intensity [kW/m2]",
    "Heat source [kW/m2]", "Heat sink [kJ/m3]"
  critInit <- data.frame(FI.init, 0.0775 * FI.init^0.46, ros.init, (100 *
    (11.349 * ros.surf * hpua / 60)^(2 / 3)) / (460 + 25.9 * crownFuel[, 2]))
  names(critInit) <- c(
    "Fireline Intensity [kW/m]", "Flame length (m)", "Surface ROS [m/min]",
    "Canopy base height [m]"
  critActive <- data.frame(3 / ros.crown, r.active)
  names(critActive) <- c("Canopy bulk density [kg/m3]", "ROS, crown (R'active) [m/min]")
  critCess <- data.frame((100 * (11.349 * ros.crown * hpua / 60)^(2 / 3)) / (460 +
    25.9 * crownFuel[, 2]), oi)
  names(critCess) <- c("Canopy base height [m]", "O'cessation [km/hr]")
  if (flag == 1) {
    fireBehavior <- fireBehavior[1, ]
    detailSurface <- detailSurface[1, ]
    detailCrown <- detailCrown[1, ]
    critInit <- critInit[1, ]
    critActive <- critActive[1, ]
    critCess <- critCess[1, ]
  output <- list(
    fireBehavior = fireBehavior, detailSurface = round(detailSurface, 2),
    detailCrown = round(detailCrown, 2), critInit = round(critInit, 2),
    critActive = round(critActive, 2), critCess = round(critCess, 2)

EcoFire/firebehavioR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:01 p.m.