
Defines functions tri2x tri2y tri_theme xy_theme_old xy_theme Log sigma_trans sigma2_trans standardScatterPlot spaghettiPlot historicalPlot

Documented in historicalPlot tri2x

#' Some Graphics functions
#' Some graphics functions for working with Economic Models.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import mosaic
#' @import scales

#' @export
tri2x <- function(x,y,z) {
    y * 1 + z * 0.5   # + x * 0

#' @export
tri2y <- function(x,y,z) {
  z * 1 # + x * 0 + y * 0

#' @export
tri_theme <- function(base_size=12, base_family = "", base_theme=theme_bw) {
    xy_theme_old(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
      theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
            axis.line = element_blank(),
            axis.text = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks = element_blank(),
            axis.title = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            plot.background = element_blank(),
            strip.background =  element_rect(fill = NA, colour = xy_theme_old()$axis.text$colour)

#' @export
xy_theme_old <- function(base_size=12, base_family = "", base_theme=theme_bw, label_colour="gray50") {
  base_theme(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
    theme(# panel.border = element_blank(),
          # panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          plot.background = element_blank(),
          strip.text = element_text(colour=label_colour, size=.8 * base_size),
          strip.background =  element_rect(fill = NA, colour = NA),
          legend.background = element_rect(fill=NA, colour=NA),
          legend.key= element_rect(fill=NA, colour=NA),
          axis.text = element_text(colour=label_colour, size=.8 * base_size),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(),
          axis.title = element_text(colour=label_colour, size=base_size)

#' @export
xy_theme <- function(base_size=12, base_family = "", base_theme=theme_bw, label_colour="gray50") {
  # See https://github.com/infotroph/ggplot-ticks if we want to mirror ticks on top and right.
  base_theme(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
    theme(# panel.border = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # No grid lines
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # No grid lines
      plot.background = element_blank(),
      strip.text = element_text(colour=label_colour, size=0.8 * base_size),
      strip.background = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = NA),
      legend.title = element_text(colour = label_colour),
      legend.background = element_rect(fill=NA, colour=NA),
      legend.key = element_rect(fill=NA, colour=NA),
      legend.text = element_text(colour=label_colour),
      axis.text = element_text(colour=label_colour, size=0.8 * base_size),
      axis.ticks = element_line(colour=label_colour, size=0.2), # Sets thickness of ticks
      axis.title = element_text(colour=label_colour, size=base_size),
      # Put ticks inside graph and adjust location of axis labels appropriately.
      axis.ticks.length = unit(-0.3*base_size,  "pt"),
      axis.text.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 0.8*base_size, unit = "pt")),
      axis.text.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 0.8*base_size, unit = "pt"), hjust = 1) # Right justify

# #' @export
# triPlot <- function(data, mapping, labels=c("alpha[1]", "alpha[2]", "alpha[3]"),
#                     parse=TRUE, grid_lines=4, aes_string = NULL,
#                     geom=geom_point, ...) {
#   if (!is.null(aes_string))
#     stop( "aes_string has been deprecated.",
#           "Assign the output of aes() to mapping instead.")
#   h <- seq(0, 1, by=1/grid_lines)
#   points <- data.frame( h=h )
#   requiredNames <- c("x", "y", "z")
#   w <- which (! requiredNames %in% names(mapping))
#   if (length(w) > 0)
#     stop("triPlot requires the following aesthetics: ", paste(requiredNames[w], collapse=","))
#   xyz_mapping <-
#     list(
#       x = bquote(tri2x(.(mapping$x), .(mapping$y), .(mapping$z))),
#       y = bquote(tri2y(.(mapping$x), .(mapping$y), .(mapping$z)))
#     )
#   class(xyz_mapping) <- "uneval"
#   mapping["z"] <- NULL
#   mapping <- modifyList(mapping, xyz_mapping)
#     p <-  ggplot(data = data)
#     q <- p +
#     expand_limits( x=c(-.2,1.2), y=c(-.05,1.25) ) +
#     tri_theme() +
#     geom_segment(aes(x=tri2x(h,0,1-h), xend = tri2x(h, 1-h, 0),
#                      y=tri2y(h,0,1-h), yend = tri2y(h, 1-h, 0)),
#                      data=points, color=xy_theme_old()$panel.grid.major$colour) +
#     geom_segment(aes(x=tri2x(0,h,1-h), xend = tri2x(1-h, h, 0),
#                      y=tri2y(0,h,1-h), yend = tri2y(1-h, h, 0)),
#                      data=points, color=xy_theme_old()$panel.grid.major$colour) +
#     geom_segment(aes(x=tri2x(0,1-h,h), xend = tri2x(1-h, 0, h),
#                      y=tri2y(0,1-h,h), yend = tri2y(1-h, 0, h)),
#                      data=points, color=xy_theme_old()$panel.grid.major$colour) +
#     geom_text(aes(label=label, x=x, y=y, hjust=hj, vjust=vj),
#               color=xy_theme_old()$axis.title$colour,
#               size=4,
#               data=data.frame(label=rep(labels, length.out=3),
#                               x=c(.5,-.02,1.02)[c(2, 3, 1)],
#                               y=c(1.02,0,0)[c(2, 3, 1)],
#                               hj = c(.5,1,0)[ c(2, 3, 1)],
#                               vj = c(0,0.5,0.5)[c(2, 3, 1)]
#               ),
#               parse=parse)
#     q + do.call( geom, c(list(mapping=mapping), list(...)) )
# }

#' @export
Log <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(x) ) {
  log(x, ...)

#' @export
sigma_trans <- function(base = exp(1)) {
  trans <- function(x) pnorm(log(x, base))
  inv <- function(x) base ^ qnorm( x )

  trans_new(paste0("sigma-", format(base)),
            transform = function(x) {
              # print(match.call())
              pnorm(Log(x, base))
            inverse = function(x) base ^ qnorm( x ),
            breaks=function(x) { return( base^qnorm((seq(0,1, length.out=5) ))) },
            domain = c(0, Inf))

#' @export
sigma2_trans <- function() {
            transform = function(x) sign(x) * pnorm(log(abs(x))),
            inverse =   function(x) sign(x) * exp(qnorm(abs(x))),
            domain = c(0, Inf)

# #' @export
# standardTriPlot <- function(
#   data,
#   mapping = aes(),
#   grid_lines=5,
#   orig_color = "gray70",
#   labels=c("alpha[3]", "alpha[1]", "alpha[2]"),
#   size=1.0,
#   alpha=0.2,
#   facet_formula = country ~ nest )
# {
#   p <- triPlot(subset(data, method!="orig"),
#                mapping = modifyList(aes(x=alpha_1, y=alpha_2, z=alpha_3), mapping),
#                labels=labels,
#                grid_lines=grid_lines,
#                size=size, alpha=alpha ) +
#     geom_point(data=subset(data, method=="orig"),
#                aes(x = tri2x(alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_3),
#                    y = tri2y(alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_3)),
#                color=orig_color, alpha=1, size=4, shape=10)
#   if ( !is.null(facet_formula) ) {
#     if ( length(facet_formula)==2 ) {
#       p <- p + facet_wrap( facet_formula )
#     } else {
#       p <- p + facet_grid( facet_formula )
#     }
#   }
#   return(p)
#   # scale_colour_gradient(expression(lambda), high="navy", low="skyblue")
# }

#' @export
standardScatterPlot <- function(data, mapping=aes(), orig_color="gray70", size=2.0, alpha=0.4,
                                facet_formula = countryAbbrev ~ nest) {
  p <- ggplot( data=subset(data, method != "orig"), mapping )
  p <- p + geom_point(size=size, alpha=alpha)
  # p <- p + geom_hex( bins=60)

  p <- p + geom_point(data=subset(data, method=="orig"),
                      color=orig_color, size=4, shape=10 )
  if ( !is.null(facet_formula) ) {
    if ( length(facet_formula)==2 ) {
      p <- p + facet_wrap( facet_formula )
    } else {
      p <- p + facet_grid( facet_formula )
  if ("color" %in% mapping || "colour" %in% mapping) {
    p <- p + scale_colour_gradient(expression(lambda), high="navy", low="skyblue")
  p + xy_theme()

#' @export
spaghettiPlot <- function(data,
                          variables = union(all.vars(facet_formula), "Year"),
                          geom_actual = geom_line,
                          facet_formula = Country ~ nestStr,
                          level = 1, ...){
  alph = .5 * (1 - level)
  data$alph = alph
  variables <- intersect( variables, names(data) )
  seData <- plyr::ddply( subset(data, resampled), variables, plyr::summarise,
                   n = length(iGDP.hat),
                   lower = quantile(iGDP.hat, alph[1]),
                   upper = quantile(iGDP.hat, 1-alph[1]),
                   center = iGDP.hat[1]
  graph <- ggplot(aes(y=iGDP, x=Year),
                  data=subset(data, !resampled))

  graph <- graph +
    geom_smooth(aes(x=Year, ymin=lower, ymax=upper, y=center),
                col=NA, fill="gray10",
                lty=1, size=.5, stat="identity")

  graph <- graph +
    geom_line( aes(x=Year, y=iGDP),
               data = subset(data, !resampled),
               color="black", size=.4, shape=1, alpha=1.0)

  graph <- graph +
    geom_line(aes(x=Year, y=iGDP.hat),
              data=subset(data, !resampled),
              color="gray90", size=.4, shape=1, alpha=1.0)

  if (!is.null( facet_formula ) ) {
    if (length(facet_formula) == 2) {
      graph <- graph + facet_wrap( facet_formula, scales="free_y" )
    } else {
      graph <- graph + facet_grid( facet_formula, scales="free_y" )
  graph <- graph + xlab("")
  graph <- graph + xy_theme()

#' Create graph of historical data.
#' @param data a data frame containing data to be plotted.
#' @param mapping the argument to the geom_line function.
#' Use for setting, x, y, color, among other things: mapping=aes(x=scale, y=lambda, color=country)
#' @param facet_formula a formula of the form `y ~ x` where `y` is the varible to facet in
#' the y direction
#' and `x` is the variable to facet in the x direction.
#' @param line_types is a vector of linetype identifiers to be applied as the line types for the `group`s.
#' @details This function returns a figure with facets specified by `facet_formula`
#' and various lines specified by `line_formula`.
#' You may have to use the package `reshape2` to "melt" your data to the correct form before passing
#' it to this function.
#' @export
historicalPlot <- function(data, mapping, facet_formula, line_types){
  graph <- ggplot(data, mapping=mapping) +
    geom_line(mapping) +
    facet_grid( facet_formula, scales="free_y" ) +
    scale_linetype_manual(name="", values=line_types) +
EconModels/MacroGrowth documentation built on Dec. 17, 2019, 10:41 p.m.