#' Fit parameterized linear models
#' The optimal model is fit in a case where aside from some parameters, the model is linear.
#' Numerical optimization is used over these parameters with [`stats::lm()()`] fitting the rest.
#' @param formula a formula describing the model
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param params a named vector of the parameters to be fit by numerical optimation outside of [`stats::lm()()`].
#' @param optimize a logical indicating whether `params` should be plugged in or used as the seed
#' for the numerical optimization
#' @param .ocall used for recursive calling
#' @param ... additional arguments, currently ignored.
#' @return On object of class `c("plm", "lm")` which is an enhanced `"lm"` object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if( require(EconData) & require(dplyr) ) {
#' plm( log(iGDP) - log(iK) ~ iYear,
#' data=Calvin %>% filter(Country=="US"))
#' plm( log(iGDP) - delta * iK - (1-delta) * iL ~ iYear,
#' data=Calvin %>% filter(Country=="US"),
#' params=c(delta=0.4),
#' optimize=FALSE )
#' plm( log(iGDP) - delta * iK - (1-delta) * iL ~ iYear, data=Calvin %>% filter(Country=="US"),
#' params=c(delta=0.4),
#' optimize=TRUE )
#' plm( log(iGDP) - delta * iK - (1-delta) * iL ~ iYear, data=Calvin %>% filter(Country=="US"),
#' params=c(delta=0.4), method=c("nlm", "spg"),
#' optimize=TRUE )
#' foo <- plm( log(iGDP / delta*(delta_1*iK + (1-delta_1)*iL) + (1-delta)*iQp) ~ iYear,
#' data=Calvin %>% filter(Country=="US"),
#' params=c(delta=0.5, delta_1=0.5))
#' foo
#' class(foo)
#' }
plm <- function( formula, data=parent.frame(), params=c(), optimize=TRUE, .ocall=NULL, method="nlm", ..., debug=FALSE ) {
if(is.null(.ocall)) .ocall <- match.call()
orig_params <- params
used_params_names <- intersect( names(params), all.vars(formula))
unused_params_names <- setdiff( names(params), all.vars(formula))
used_params <- params[used_params_names]
unused_params <- params[unused_params_names]
# print(list(used = used_params, unused=unused_params))
# if no params, just plain old lm with an extra class wrapper
if (length(used_params) < 1) {
res <- lm(formula, data=data)
class(res) <- c("plm", class(res))
res$call <- .ocall
res$converged <- TRUE
res$coefficients <- c(coef(res), unused_params)
# if we get here, we have params to deal with
pnames <- names(used_params)
plist <- as.list(used_params)
if (! optimize) {
np <- length(params)
if (debug) print(paste(params, collapse=", "))
res <- tryCatch({
f <- do.call(substitute, list(formula, plist))
res <- eval(substitute(lm(f, data=data), list(f=f, data=data)))
res$coefficients <- c(coef(res), params)
class(res) <- c("plm", class(res))
res$call <- .ocall
}, error=function(e) {warning(e); NULL}
} else { # find optimal params
start.model <- plm(formula=formula, data=data, params=used_params, optimize=FALSE)
f <- function(p, nr = nrow(model.frame(start.model))) {
names(p) <- pnames
mod <- tryCatch(
plm(formula=formula, data=data, params=p, optimize=FALSE),
error = function(e) {
if(is.null(mod) || nrow(model.frame(mod)) < nr) {
res <- 0.001 * .Machine$double.xmax
} else {
res <- sum(resid(mod)^2)
if (length(res) != 1L || !is.numeric(res) || !is.finite(res)) {
res <- 0.1 * .Machine$double.xmax
# print(coef(mod))
# cat("\n")
opt_out <- optimx::optimx(par = params, fn = f, method = method, ... )
best_opt <- which.min(opt_out$value)
npar <- attr(opt_out[best_opt], "npar")
opt_params <- unlist(opt_out[best_opt, seq_len(npar), drop=FALSE])
if (debug) print(opt_params)
# return model fit with optimal params
if (opt_out$convcode[best_opt] == 0) {
res <- plm(formula=formula, data=data, params=opt_params, optimize=FALSE, .ocall=.ocall)
res$converged <- TRUE
} else {
res <- plm(formula=formula, data=data, params=orig_params, optimize=FALSE, .ocall=.ocall)
res$converged <- FALSE
# don't think we need this since the unused_params will be among orig_params or opt_params
# res$coefficients <- c(coef(res), unused_params)
res$optimization <- opt_out
res$start <- orig_params
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