
Defines functions obtain

Documented in obtain

#' Obtain spatial datasets
#' Extract information from various spatial (raster) dataseries both from local
#' and online resources.
#' @param data [\code{list(.)}]\cr algorithm in which the operators to load
#'   spatial datasets are specified. Each \code{operator} is a list iteself and
#'   includes the operator name and its arguments as sub-elements; see Examples.
#' @param mask [\code{geom} | \code{Spatial*} | \code{sf}]\cr spatial object.
#'   The extent of vertices that are part of the same feature is used to subset
#'   the spatial information.
#' @details \code{obtain} expects a root directory in which an individual
#'   directory for each dataset dwells, where in turn all the files of this
#'   particular dataset are located. \code{rasterTools} provides a list of paths
#'   \code{getOption("rtPaths")}, which contains the directories and urls of the
#'   local and online resources. In case the dataset files are not available
#'   locally and if a url is available, an attempt to download the files is
#'   undertaken. That means typically you do not have to use the dataset
#'   specific \code{download*} functions manually, they are documented
#'   nevertheless for those who are interested. In case an error occurs, it
#'   might be necessary to specify new paths in \code{rtPaths} (see
#'   \code{\link{setPaths}}).
#'   Recently supported datasets are \itemize{ \item Global: \itemize{ \item
#'   \code{\link{oGFC}}: Global Forest Change \item \code{\link{oMODIS}}: MODIS
#'   products \item \code{\link{oWCLIM}}: Worldclim \item \code{\link{oESALC}}:
#'   ESA CCI land-cover } \item European: \itemize{ \item \code{\link{oCLC}}:
#'   Corine Land Cover \item \code{\link{oEMMA}}: Mammal occurence in the
#'   \emph{Atlas of European Mammals} \item \code{\link{oEFTA}}: Tree presence
#'   and habitat suitability in the \emph{European Atlas of Forest Tree Species}
#'   } }
#' @return A list of objects that is organised according to the stratification
#'   in \code{data}. The first hierarchical level of the list contains all the
#'   spatial units/masks. The second level contains an entry for each dataset
#'   and its temporal extent. The third level contains the resulting output.
#'   Mostly this would be an extracted raster according to what has been
#'   specified in the arguments, but for some operators the output is a
#'   \code{data.frame} or \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(magrittr)
#' # specify the datasets for which you want to get data
#' myDatasets <- list(list(operator = "oGFC", years = c(2005:2007)),
#'                    list(operator = "oMODIS", product = "mod17a3", period = 2006,
#'                         layer = 2))
#' # grab the data
#' myData <- obtain(data = myDatasets, mask = rtGeoms$locations)
#' }
#' @importFrom stats cutree dist hclust runif setNames
#' @importFrom geometr getTable getSubset
#' @export

obtain <- function(data = NULL, mask = NULL){

  # check arguments
  assertList(x = data, types = "list", min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
  assertNames(x = names(data[[1]]), must.include = "operator")
  theMasks <- mask
  out <- list()

  # test whether the specified operators do exists
  funs <- unlist(lapply(
    seq_along(data), function(j){
      operator <- data[[j]]$operator
        operator <- operator
      } else{
        warning(paste0("operator '", operator, "' was ignored, because it does not exist."))
        operator <- FALSE
  if(any(funs == FALSE)){
    data <- data[-which(funs == FALSE)]
    funs <- funs[-which(funs == FALSE)]

  # put together a list of datasets, paths, functions and arguments
  datasets <- lapply(
    seq_along(data), function(j){
      if(data[[j]][[1]] == "oMODIS"){
      } else{
        tolower(substr(data[[j]][[1]], 2, nchar(data[[j]][[1]])))

  args <- lapply(
    seq_along(data), function(j)

  # go through the defined operators and carry out a do.call for each of them
  # with the respective arguments
  attr <- getTable(x = theMasks, slot = "feat")
  for(i in seq_along(attr$fid)){
    subset <- attr$fid %in% i
    tempMask <- getSubset(x = theMasks, subset, slot = "feat")

    message(paste0("--> I am extracting information for mask ", i, ":\n"))
    temp_out <- lapply(
      seq_along(funs), function(j){
        tempOut <- do.call(what = funs[j],
                           args = c(args[[j]], mask = list(tempMask)))

    temp_out <- setNames(temp_out, datasets)
    out <- c(out, list(temp_out))

  out <- setNames(out, paste0("mask_", seq_along(theMasks@attr$fid)))
EhrmannS/rasterTools documentation built on Sept. 4, 2019, 10:34 a.m.